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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)


Edited by Yocheved Klausner

August 23, 1938 New York, Bronx

Our new Address is:

355 East 187th St.
Bronx NY

Dear Shoshanna and Lea,

How are you?

I hope that you both are in good health. I see that the situation in Eretz Israel is not very stable.

My dear Shoshanna, Some days ago I got a letter from Lea. I did not get anything from you, why? Lea said that you traveled to Tel Aviv for a few days. What is the reason that you went there? Is it not dangerous to travel from place to place? Are you working and do you have enough to live on. Tell us what is going on please and we will send you money if you need it.

And now for another matter. I got letters from home and it is our understanding as well that you have to come to America. We talked with our uncle and with our relative Yosef Fishel and they will help us bring you here. We went several times to HIAS and we got all the information from them. We will submit three affidavits to bring you here and I hope it will make things better for you. We will do one affidavit, the uncle will do the second affidavit and Yosef Fishel will do the third. You will be with us, nothing to worry about. What do you think about Lea? Maybe she will agree to come too? Talk with her and we will see what will be the outcome. We can do the same affidavits for both of you. I think that the papers will be ready on September 15 to be sent to you. Maybe we should wait for your response before we ask for the papers. Please respond immediately.

I hope that you are well. Please write about everything.

By the way, we got a new apartment, beautiful and spacious for all of us to live. In your next letter please write how old are you. Our address is:

Mr. & Mrs. A. Danzig
355 East 187th St.
Apt. H22g
Bronx, NY.

Write everything in detailed and long letters

Yours with love,
Freida and Abraham

Note: Addition from Abe

My Dear Shoshanna and Lea,

It will be the best if you could write as quick as possible. This time the papers will be ready in a short time, but we will not send them to you until we get a letter from you. So, please write immediately. Let us know your correct age and names in the way it is on your passport. Did you meet my friend Zalman Cohen?

I will write more some other time.


Translated by Hana and Danny on a visit of Maya and Danny in Hana home. Oct 2009.


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