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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)



Translated by Sara Mages

Sunday, Vayechi, 10 Tevet, 5699 Dotnuva 1st Jan 39

Our beloved and faithful Freida and Avraham!

We received your letter. We thought quite differently about the money that you write how to send us. We want you to put the money in a secure bank, probably in a government bank. We don't mean for the interest, only that the fund will be safe. You ask us about our debts, our greatest debt is the debt that we owe our Miriam… After all, we must do something for her in any way possible.

When we were “very poor,” we couldn't start to think about it, but now, we'll look for ways, and God will help us to succeed. What's your opinion about this matter, if we get a Yeshiva student who would be worthy to teach, will he be able to settle down in America? Of course, the easiest thing for us is to take her back to us to Dotnuva, but she doesn't want to do it at all, and maybe she's right, the future isn't glowing in Lita … at the moment it's still quiet, “relaxed,” but we already feel a little something, so in the meantime we haven't decided for sure how it would be, and then, we'll be able to do what we want…

And how does a person know how to decide that this is the best way, especially at this time, when the whole world is covered with such dark clouds. Who knows…

But still my dear, there's no need to lose hope. So, be well my children and don't worry.

Your father

Freidale, you didn't write us in this letter about your job, how things are going in your job? Thank God, we are all healthy.

So far we haven't received any information from Shoshanna about the documents that you sent her, she doesn't mention anything about it. Please let us know if she wrote you about it.


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