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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)


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Translated by Sara Mages

Edited by Yocheved Klausner

  16 April 1936
Hello my darling Freidale!

We received your letter yesterday. I went to the post office to get it myself. How great was my happiness when Banewich gave me the long envelope. I recognized your handwriting immediately. I came home and read the letter aloud several times. Mother was pleased that you eat lamb's meat. She decided that from now on we will also buy lamb's meat from R'Hillel.

Last week we had a guest, Shoshanna Fried. She is a very pleasant beautiful young woman. We got so used to each other that I didn't want to let her go home. She came to Dotnuva for Jacobson's wedding that took place on Purim. We went to the wedding together and we had a good time. My dress came out good and I looked human.

How are you? Are there any swamps where you live? Here the swamps are so big that it is difficult to describe them, you already know them. When we cross the street our legs get stuck in the swamp and it is difficult to pull them out, and when we wear big galoshes, there is no other choice than to leave them in the swamp and bless and thank God that the body remained intact.

We received a letter from Leah. She is working and healthy. I can't write you her address because they left their apartment after the Neman River flooded. They moved again to “Gesher”, but “Gesher” isn't located in the old place, it was moved to another apartment. It is possible that she'll come home for Passover. Moshe will also come.

Did you receive a letter from Shoshanna?

Good by, Pessie.

Greetings to uncle and aunt from the one mentioned above.


  16 April 1936
My beloved loyal daughter Freida!

How are you? Thank God all of us are healthy. I just came from the post office. Lea called to tell us that she is well. The flood in Kovna is over, she will be walking to her job tomorrow and we shouldn't worry about her. It is possible that she'll come home for Passover, she does not know yet. Write us if you received a letter and pictures from Reizale. She wrote us that she sent you her picture. David brought us Matza from Keiden. May God only give us good health. We are already getting ready for Passover. We don't have any news.

Be healthy and happy.

Your father

Warm regards to aunt and uncle, we wish you good health and all the best.


My beloved sister, brother-in-law, and my daughter Freida,

We thank you for writing us in detail, letters bring us a lot of happiness.
May God allow us to only hear good news from you. This week Zundel received a letter from his aunt. She wrote that you came to visit her and she really enjoyed her guests. Freida, she says that you don't look “Green”. She is blessing you and wishes you good luck. She sent them a 25 dollar check. Zundel and Eta thank you for visiting their brother and aunt. It is nice to read her good wise letter, unfortunately she writes that she's in bad shape.

My beloved Freidale, you always worry about me and you want to release me from Dotnuva's gray life, we already got used to that. We don't have any vegetables here, not even apples. It is too expensive to bring them from another location, so we must wait for the summer. Write me what kind of vegetables you use and how you cook them. This letter will reach you close to Passover, I wish you a happy healthy Passover. Write us about everything.

This week we received a letter from Zelda, she visited Reizale on the Saturday before Purim. She is sending greetings from her. This week we are waiting to receive a letter from Reizale, she will write about her visit with Zelda.

My beloved sister, I am very happy that you are so successful, that you cook fast and good. May God allow us to be healthy and hear good news from all of you. I received a letter from our sister Bat-Sheva, she is asking about you.

Be well, is wishing you your sister, sister-in-law and your loyal mother,



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