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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)


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Translated by Sara Mages

Edited by Yocheved Klausner

Dotnuva 25.IV.36
Hello dear Freida!

Yesterday we received your long letter from the intermediate days [of Passover]. I was very happy that you wrote me separately. If there were secrets in the letter I wouldn't have given it to anyone to read. Since there weren't any hidden words in my letter I read it and translated it to everyone a number of times. I will give your regards to Ethel Abilowski. On Wednesday we received the two packages that you sent us. Father and I went to the post office to bring them. Sweat covered my body because it was not easy to carry them home. Miriam was waiting at home with a pair of scissors, ready to start working immediately. Mother, as you know, went to the garden to keep an eye on the gentile woman, who takes care of the potatoes that we will have to collect soon, and was not interested in all the beautiful things. But, when I started to try on the dresses one after the other, mother scolded me that I shouldn't go crazy and destroy their shape. Tomorrow I will send Leah a few things from the package, like the suit and a light dress. As you know, it is difficult for Leah to find a dress. She doesn't want silk only wool.

Father and I were in Kovna last week. I saw Doctor Sklotowski. He told me that I have a little rheumatism and it is possible to cure it. He gave me ointment, drops to drink, and ordered me to rest for a month. Meaning not to walk a lot, not to work hard, and come back to see him in a month. In general, the doctor told me that it is not a serious illness and over time the pain on the side will pass. We received a postcard from Yedeya, our uncle is feeling pretty good. Write them a letter. I thought that you already wrote them a letter after you left Lita. Right now Miriam is sitting and fixing a shirt for Moshe, we will mail it to him tomorrow. I'm in a hurry to go and iron. I washed many things today. I am sending Leah the brown suit .


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and another dress and maybe some more…

You must have read in the newspapers about the riots in Tel-Aviv. Many victims fell and a lot of innocent blood was spilled. But all of this will not keep us away from there; this country, whose fields are saturated with the pure blood of our brothers, is a lot more precious to us. For this we need to thank the sly police who lead the Arab mob in such a way… There weren't many victims, 20 from our brothers (there were a lot more Arab victims, but it doesn't concern us). Right now peace is being felt in the whole country.

Be well and safe, yours Pessie

Thank you for the packages. We gave the robe to Eta, it will be very good for her.


My beloved sister, brother-in-law and my daughter Freida,

We received your letter impatiently. We did not receive a letter from you for almost two weeks. Thank God that you are well. Last week we received 2 letters from Reizale. She wanted to reassure us concerning the current situation in Eretz-Yisrael. Unfortunately we are very worried, and thinking how can we help? May God bring good to everyone.

We received your two packages on 23 April, they arrived very quickly. We also didn't pay very much, 6 Lit for both of them. The bag is still intact. I think that everything arrived fine, both packages arrived on the same day.

My loving sister, it was a big effort for you to pack, you deserve a thank you for that. Now everyone has something to wear. I found one garment that had the sign of a tragedy [maybe “ripping” a sign of someone's death - translator]. So my darlings, write the truth, when did it happen, the heart is telling me that something happened to our brother Heshil, what can be done, it is impossible to change the world. Write me a little about our family members, how are they.

My beloved daughter Freidale, I look forward to your letters. I hope that you already got used to life in America. I'm very happy that you are staying with your aunt, may God let us hear good news from you. Be healthy. Your sister, sister-in-law, and your mother who is wishing you well. Nechama

We received a letter from Bat-Sheva, she wrote us that she received your letter and $10.


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