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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)


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Translated by Sara Mages

Edited by Yocheved Klausner

The fourth intermediate day of Passover 5696 April 12, 1936
My beloved daughter Freida!

How are you my daughter? Very soon the holiday will end, how was your Passover? Thank G-d we are all healthy. The children, Moshe and Lea, are getting ready for their journey immediately after the holiday, may they travel safely. Yesterday, on the Sabbath, we received your letter, the one that you wrote on April first. It arrived quickly, all together 11 days. Moshe and Lea really waited for your letter.

We received the 25 dollars, G-d give you good health and thousands of rewards.
We also received a postcard from aunt Bat-Sheva. She writes that she received a letter and 10 Dollars from you. She is healthy. She was invited to spend the Passover with Gershon. I'm hurrying to finish my letter, it is holiday eve and it is really late.
Be healthy and happy.

Your father.

Warm regards to aunt and uncle, may all of you be healthy and happy


Shalom Shulamit!

In two more days Passover will be over. I really did not realize how fast the days of the holiday have passed. The weather was always bad and we were forced to stay at home.
An autumn rain is coming down today. Moshe Cohen came to visit Eta today. He asked about you and how you settled in the golden land. When I sat down to write this letter I thought of writing a lot, but at the end all the good wise ideas disappeared, and I will not be able to fill the paper.

Be safe and healthy, yours Pessie

Greetings to aunt and uncle.


My beloved Freida,

I'm almost glad that very soon the holiday will be over and I will be able to return to Kovna. It is difficult to be in Dotnuva, it is very sad here. There is nothing to do. I don't have to tell you how Dotnuva looks. You probably remember well the big swamps. There is nothing new at home. Everyone is healthy. Pessiele wants to leave town but I don't see that there are any chances right now. I really feel pity for her. She does not have any friends that she can spend the time with. Today a visitor came to Kagan, Zundel's brother, and of course there was a lot of noise. Eta cleaned the house and organized it very well, but she forgot to comb her hair. She walked around looking untidy. I don't think that there is any news. Perale is a beautiful cheerful child, she talks a lot about everything and we spend a good time with her.

I'm waiting for a letter from you in Kovna.

Lots of greetings and blessings,

Greetings from mother and Moshe, they don't have the time to write you this time.


Shalom dear Freida,

I really don't now what to write, I want to write a lot, but I have little time left to write. Mother heated the oven, I want to bake a cake and Pessie is already beating the egg whites. Who knows if it will work, I think that for a guest it will be good enough. If I mentioned a guest, it reminds me that last year Moshe Cohen was here during the last two days of the holiday. All of us celebrated together, you taught us a song in Hebrew and it was really joyous. Nevertheless, we should be happy that you are not here with us.

It is very hot in Dotnuva, so muddy and gloomy. It seems that spring arrives early in America, from what you are writing it is summer already. I am waiting for the summer, maybe it will be happier.

I'm in a great hurry because it is almost time to light the candles. The house is ready. All of us washed the floors earlier. Lea is sitting by the sewing machine repairing everything that she needs to take with her. She looks very good. She says that it is very gloomy here and she is waiting for the holiday to end.

Aize Kahan brought Nawshnikes' radio to his house, so we are going over to listen to it.
It is necessary to be very quiet and only then it is possible to hear. G-d forbid, if you move a chair you can't hear anything.

Be healthy and strong,
Yours Miriam

Warm regards to uncle and aunt


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