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Pictures and Memorials (cont.)



of my parents

Szwarc, Dawid
died in Brzezin in 1905
at age 86


Szwarc, Bina-Laja
died in New York in 1955
at age 97

my murdered brothers:
Mojsze and Aron; and my sister, Frajda

Szwarc, Szlama
(New York)



Szwarc, Bluma
born 1902
Szwarc, Majer
born 1902

their children:

born in 1936
born in 1934
all murdered by Hitler's assassins

In Eternal MemoryStal, Mojsze-Josef – died in 1918 at age 37; his wife, Brajna, age 62; and their son, Abraham, age 35 – murdered in Auschwitz in 1942Burakowski, Icek and Chajka, both age 40 – murdered in Auschwitz with their sons:
Mojsze, age 14; and Szlama, age 8

Stal Family (Toronto)


In Eternal MemoryStal, Jechiel, age 45; his wife, Brajna, age 42; and their son, Mojsze-Dawid, age 19 – all murdered in Auschwitz

H. Stal (Toronto, Canada)


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Działoszyńska (Fuks), Małka – murdered in Koluszki at age 32

Fuks, Izak – murdered in Koluszki at age 11

Fuks, Max – murdered in Koluszki at age 32

Moskowicz, Izak – murdered in Koluszki at age 30

We will never forget you!

Ludwig Dzialoszynski (Toronto, Canada)
Hanka Aronow (Melbourne, Australia)


In Eternal Memory

Ikka, Jechiel-Majer – died Tel-Aviv 14 Sivan 1954 at age 64

Ikka, Hudesa – died in Tel-Aviv 4 Shevat 1950 at age 50

Ikka, Leon-Lajbuś ben Mojsze Zyndel – died 25 December 1953 at age 42 in Nancy, France

Ikka, Mojsze Zyndel – murdered in Poland with his wife, Sura; and daughters: Chana and Mania

Ikka, Wolf; with his wife, Matel; and their son, Jeszaja

Zev Ikka (New York)


In Eternal Memory

Aronów, Abraham – died in the Łódź ghetto at age 44

Aronów, Ester Blima – died August 1944 at age 47

Zimnawoda, Róża – murdered in 1942 with her 7-year-old little daughter, Karolina, during the deportation from Brzezin to Łódź

Aronów, Sala – murdered in Majdanek

Badower, Gołda – murdered in the Tomaszów ghetto at age 70

Benet, Motel, age 46; his wife, Chaja; and their child, Abraham, age 9 – all murdered in the Łódź ghetto

Majerholc, Jeszaja, age 43; his wife, Bluma, age 39 – murdered in the Łódź ghetto

Działoszyńska, Fajga – murdered in Koluszki at age 58

Działoszyński, Kopel – murdered in Koluszki at age 35

Moszkowicz, Sara – murdered in Koluszki at age 30


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