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[Page 282]

Pictures and Memorials (cont.)



of my annihilated family

Szulzinger, Chaim-Baruch
born 1888, murdered 7 Iyar 1943

Szulzinger, Dawid-Hersz (the tall shoykhet)
Szulzinger, Bajla, Aszer, and Ala
Szulzinger, Szlama (shoykhet) and Małka
Szulzinger, Symcha, Abraham-Icek, Resza, and Dina
Kejzman, Aron, Rajza, Aszer, and Natan

Nathan Schulsinger
(Brooklyn, New York)


In Eternal Memory

Szyldwach, Ruchel
(daughter of Dawid and Jehudit Miler)
born in 1898
murdered in Auschwitz
Szyldwach, Tanchem
born in 1898
murdered in Auschwitz


In Eternal Memory
of our never-forgotten parents, sister, and brothers

Szajbowicz, Lajbel ben Gecel and Rywele bas Jankiel; their children: Basia, age 12; Gecel age 9; Josele age 6 – all were murdered

Roza Hoffman, Hessa Kapelusz
Gucia Bekermus


  Shin [Sh]



of our most beloved and dearest, who were murdered by the Nazi assassins (may their names be erased). May these words be a gravestone for their saintly souls.

May Their Souls Be Bound Up in Eternal Life


our mother
age 59 – murdered
Uri ben Josef-Baruch

our father
died 21 March 1936
at age 54
yortsayt 27 Adar


our sister
age 20 – murdered
our brother
age 22 – murdered

Josef, Monisz, Mendel, and Gabriel


[Page 283]



Szotland, Dawid-Lajb
died September 1932
Szotland, Laja
died 26 February 1943

Gela Manhajm
Sister of Dawid-Lajb Szotland


In Eternal Memory

A. Z. Szotland



Szajnberg, Nechemia
born in 1910
murdered in Auschwitz
Szajnberg, Josef
born in Brzezin in 1884
died in Israel in 1955

Szajnberg, Rywka
born in 1912 – murdered with her two children in Brzezin in the first selection



Gomuliński, Mojsze
born 1886 – murdered

Gomuliński, Lajbel – born 1886
Gomulińska, Cywia – born 1886
both murdered in the ghetto

Cypora and Mojsze Har-Jaffe (Szajnberg)


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