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Pictures and Memorials (cont.)



In Eternal Memory

Rozner, Josef ben Aba-Hersz – died in Brzezin at age 86
Rozner, Tyle bas Rafał (teacher's daughter) – died in 1918 in Brzezin at age 65

B. Rozner


In Sacred Memory of Our Annihilated Family

All murdered by the Nazi Killers

Rubin, Mojsze and Szprynca (parents)

Fogel, Krajndel; and her husband, Fulka; with their children

Łęczyńcka, Mindel; and her husband, Chaim-Symcha; with their son

Aronowicz, Welwel, and family

Aronowicz, Abraham, and family

Aronowicz, Mojsze, and family

We will remember you forever.

Aronowicz Family
(Paris, France)



Rozenberg, Mojsze-Icek
died 18 November 1960 at age 74

and grandparents:
Menachem Mendel and Mindel Rozenberg


In Eternal Memory of My Parents

Rozenberg, Chanina ben Kalman and Ruchel;
my sisters: Ester; Sura; and Chana with her husband

M. Rozenberg (Melbourne, Australia)


In Sacred Memory

Rozenblat, Izzy – for many years a dedicated leader among the Brzeziner landslayt – died in 1951

Wife and Child


[Page 281]


For my dearest


Rozenberg, Josef
ben Reb Kalman
murdered at age 54

Rozenberg, Mariem – murdered in the Łódź ghetto at age 21

Rozenberg, Henie – murdered in Auschwitz at age 19

Rozenberg, Laja – died in Brzezin in 1939 at age 10



(Anszel Bronowicer's granddaughter)

Rozenberg, Josef – died 24 July 1942 in the the Łódź ghetto at age 54

Rozenberg, Chana – murdered in the Łódź ghetto at age 47

Rozenberg, Pawa – murdered in the Łódź ghetto at age 24

Regina Rozenberg-Jablonka
(Detroit, Michigan)


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