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Pictures and Memorials (cont.)




Rozenblum, Jonah
died in New York
28 Shevat 1961 at age 75

Rozenblum, Irving
died in New York at age 47

Rozenblum, Lajzer ben Chaim-Jona – died in Brzezin at about age 20
Rozenblum, Chaja – died in Brzezin in 1898
Rozenblum, Herszel ben Chaim-Jona – murdered in a camp
Rozenblum, Dwojra – murdered with her three children: Chaja, Symcha, and Chaim-Rafał


Izzy (Icek) Rozenblum
died 1 Elul (13 August 1961)

An active leader in the Brzeziner Book Committee and, for many years, in business matters in the Workmen's Circle. With his passionate interest in Jewish cultural organizations, with his dedication, he pursued a productive and intellectual Jewish life in America.

Rozenblum, Trajna
bas Lajzer Chaim-Jona, with her husband and children – murdered in the Warsaw ghetto

Rozenblum, Szymon – murdered with his wife and children
Rozenblum, Małka – murdered with her sons

Anna Rozenblum, children and grandchildren


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Rozenberg, Fajwel – born in 1884, died October 1954 in New York

Rozenberg, Zelda – born in 1883, died August 1930 in New York

Rozenberg, Eliasz-Chaim – died in Brzezin in 1934

Rozenberg, Dwojra – died in Brzezin in 1936

Fogel, Cwi-Hersz – died in Brzezin in 1920

Fogel, Bajla (Ajgele) – died in Brzezin in 1924

Abraham Rozenberg (New York)


In Eternal Memory

Rozen (Szwarc), Rywka
murdered in Łódź at age 52

Rozen, Luzer-Mendel ben Majer – died in Łódź at age 52
Rozen, Ester – murdered in Brzezin at age 30
Rozen, Itka – murdered in Lemberg [Lwów/Lviv] at age 27
Rozen, Małka – murdered in Bergen-Belsen at age 24
Rozen, Majer – died in Brzezin
Rozen, Cypa (the Gerer rebbe's daughter) – died
Rozen, Jeszaja – murdered with his entire family
Rozen, Fajga – murdered
Rozen, Sura-Laja – murdered
Szwarc (Bernholc), Necha – murdered
Szwarc, Mojsze – murdered
Ringort-Rozen, Chana – murdered with her husband and three children

Gołda Kersztajn
Dwojra Lipko



In Eternal Memory

Rozenblat, Jeszaja (father), age 39; Chawa (mother), age 39 – both murdered in 1942
Rozenblat, Benjamin (brother), age 10 – murdered in 1944

M. Rozenblat (Toronto, Canada)


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