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[Page 276]

Pictures and Memorials (cont.)



In Eternal Memory

Kornblum, Sura, Gołda, Herszel, Josef, and Szyja
Ikka, Mojsze-Zyndel, Sura, Mania, and Chana

Morris Kornblum (Australia)




In Eternal Memory

Kejzman, Eliasz – murdered in 1943; Kejzman, Dina – murdered in 1943; children of Eliasz Kejzman and his wife, Szyfra Kejzman:
and Rajza – murdered in 1943 with their two sons

Jurkiewicz, Dawid and Ester-Małka (Mania) – murdered with their three children
Bajzer, Abraham and Hendel-Ruchel (Cela) – murdered with their son
Kejzman, Szymon-Josef and Regina – murdered with their daughter
Młynarzewski, Abraham and Perla-Rywka (Polja) – murdered with their child

Mr. and Mrs. A. Young (Toronto, Canada)




In Eternal Memory

Kejzman, Abraham-Mordechai, age 58; Masza, his wife, age 55 – murdered in Auschwitz
Kejzman, Herszel and Perla, both age 36 – murdered with their two children
Kowalski, Sura and Mojsze, both age 25 – murdered with their two children
Kejzman, Szaja – murdered in Brzeziny in 1942 at age 19
Kejzman, Sura – murdered in Auschwitz in 1942 at age 27 with her three children: Becalel, age 6; Chana, age 4; and Rywka, age 8 months

Mojsze Kazman (Toronto, Canada)


In Eternal Memory of My Sister

Cywia (Celia) Cooper
died 22 July 1961 in New York
at age 62


In Sacred Memory of My Parents:

Kornblum, Josef-Aszer and Pesa

Chemia Kornblum
Los Angeles, California


In Eternal Memory

Kalisz, Mojsze-Lajb (Mojsze Moc) – murdered in 1945 at age 48
Kalisz, Rajzel-Laja – murdered in 1944 at age 42

Chajele Kalisz-Fogel
(Toronto, Canada)


In Eternal Memory

Kalmus, Chaim-Lajb, age 63; his wife, Sura-Ester, age 62 – murdered in Auschwitz with a grandchild

Abraham Kalmus (Israel)


[Page 277]


In Eternal Memory

Rozenblum, Reb Lajb (Lajb Lekhernajer)
died 2 Iyar 1943 in New York at age 78


In Eternal Memory

Rozenberg, Michał, son of Elije and Dwojra (the Elijeta) – died in Los Angeles


In Sacred Memory

Buchner, Mojsze
born in 1911
murdered in Auschwitz
in 1944
Rubin, Dawid
born in 1911
murdered in Poznań
in 1942


   Resh [R]



In Eternal Memory

Mojsze ben Nisen

murdered in the Łódź ghetto at age 65



died in 1929
at age 69
ben Szymon-Josef

died in 1921
at age 60


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