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[Page 274]

Pictures and Memorials (cont.)



of our murdered brothers

Urka and Abraham-Josef Kalisz




In Memory
of Our Beloved Parents

Mojsze and Chaja Kalisz
died 5 June 1933




In Memory

of our dear brother

Leon Kalisz

who died in America

  Kof [K]


In Sacred Memory

died in the Brzezin ghetto
in 1940 at age 69

died in April 1935 at age 71


In Sacred Memory
Kaczka, Marjem-Hinda

with her three children:
Dawid-Mendel, age 15; Surele, age 13;
Fiszele, age 11
all murdered by the Nazi assassins



[Page 275]


In Sacred Memory of the Kujawski Family

Mojsze (brother) – murdered in 1941 in the Brzezin ghetto at age 21

Edzia Frohman (sister) and her husband, Szulem

Rywka (sister) – murdered in the Łódź ghetto in 1941 at age 37

Perla-Pola (sister) – murdered in the Brzezin ghetto at age 23

Bronia (sister) – murdered

Brucha (sister) – murdered in the Brzezin ghetto at age 26

Kujawski, Eliasz-Eli (father) – died in the Brzezin ghetto at age 60

Kujawska, Jochwed (mother) – died in the Brzezin ghetto at age 49

Sura-Ita (grandmother) Piotrkowska (Peters)

Kujawski, Anszel (brother) – murdered in Camp Drancy near Paris in 1942 at age 35

Kujawski, Szlama (brother) – murdered in the Brzezin ghetto in 1941 at age 32

Bernard Kujawski (Paris)


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