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[Page 272]

Pictures and Memorials (cont.)


  Pey [P]


In Eternal Memory

Pawe, Szlama-Jakub ben Abraham, age 59; and his wife,
Ester-Gitel (from the Joab family), age 56 – murdered

Josef Pawe


In Eternal Memory
Fryde, Kajla-Ita
born in 1877
murdered in 1942
Fryde, Aszer
born in 1877
murdered in 1942

their daughter – born in 1917
murdered in 1942


In Eternal Memory

Fajngold, Reb Berl (uncle), once a rabbi in Brzezin; and his wife, Ester (from the Lipski family);
my cousins: Herszel and Abraham Fajnkind – murdered in the Łódź ghetto

N. Lipski (Antwerp, Belgium)


In Sacred Memory

Frankensztajn, Szlama-Judel, died in November 1948 at age 56

Mrs. Bess Goodman


In Eternal Memory

Frankensztajn, Dan-Josef (father) – died
Frankensztajn, Sura-Hinda (mother) – murdered

Balcia Frankensztajn-Grodzińska


In Eternal Memory

Fox, Sam (Syna Tauba's) – died 8 December 1949
in New York at age 67

Gussie Fox and children


[Page 273]

In Sacred Memory

Piotrkowski, Perec and Rechel, lived 1852–1915
Jecheskiel-Dawid and Jachet Wolman – murdered with their five children by the Nazi assassins

S. Zigman (Los Angeles, California)


In Eternal Memory

Piotrkowski, Pinchas-Hersz (father), age 52
my mother, Ruchel – both murdered in 1942
my sister, Cywia – murdered in 1944 at age 32

B. Piotrkowski (Toronto, Canada)


  Tsadik [Ts]


In Eternal Memory

Cuker, Gitel
born in 1918 – murdered
in Warsaw in 1939
Cuker, Cywia-Necha
born in 1898 – murdered
in the Warsaw ghetto

Cuker, Sura
born in 1928 – died in the Warsaw ghetto
(the child, Mendele, was a grandchild
of Welwel Żydek, born 1939 – murdered)

In Eternal Memory

his wife
born in 1876
murdered in 1942

born in 1871
murdered in 1942

Poliwoda, Abraham-Elije
born in 1897 – murdered in 1942
his wife, Zelda-Ruchel
murdered in 1942

their daughter
born in 1917
murdered in 1942

Dawid Poliwoda (Israel)


In Sacred Memory

Poznański, Majer – died in Głowno 5 Nisan 1916 at age 67
Poznańska, Gela – died in Głowno on 17 Kislev 1929 at age 87

Phillip Pozner (New York)


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