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[Page 270]

Pictures and Memorials (cont.)


In Eternal Memory

my mother Marjem bas Josef – murdered in 1939
my father Abraham Fuks – murdered in 1945

Max Fox (Miami)


In Eternal Memory

Szmul-Jeszaja and Dwojra Flamholc
Szlama-Hersz Rudnicki

Flamholc, Jakub,
Rudnicki, Henie


In Eternal Memory

Fuks, Abraham-Judel and his wife Mindel (Watemakher, also known as Kolewizner with the short finger) – died in Brzezin at age 57

Fuks, Mendel – died in Brzezin at age 56

Fuks, Syna – deported and killed in France at age 58

Fuks, Szmul – died in Paris at age 50, long-time president of the Brzeziner Society in France

Fuks, Rafał – murdered in Dachau at age 56

Fuks, Wolf – deported and killed in France at age 37

Mojsze and Aron Fuks
In Eternal Memory of My Husband

Flajszer, Phillip

Active for many years in the Brzeziner Society and held various positions. Died in New York.

Mrs. Flajszer


Frohman, Dwojre-Małka
murdered at age 66
Herszel Fuks


Frohman, Szymszon
murdered in the ghetto
at age 33
Frohman, Fiszel
murdered in a camp
at age 39


[Page 271]

In Sacred Memory of My Parents and Family Who Were Murdered During the Great Tragedy

Pilater, Emanuel ben Chaim – died in the Łódź ghetto at age 55; Perla bas Cwi-Mendel – murdered in a camp at age 25*

their children:
Matel-Fajga – murdered at age 35
Towa – 29
Becalel – 25
Ajdel – 26
Ester – 22
Abraham – 21
Henoch – 20
Mariem – 17
Chaim – 31

Nowak, Cwi-Jehuda ben Szmul Dawid – murdered at age 8; Nowak, Gela-Fajga bas Szmul-Dawid – murdered at age 6
Szwarc, Jecheskiel ben Mojsze – murdered at age 35
Gerszeniak, Mojsze – murdered at age 27
Pilater, Rywka bas Abraham – murdered at age 30;
Pilater, Hinda bas Hersz – murdered at age 28; Pilater, Gołda bas Jakub-Szlama – murdered at age 21

Rywka (Rymer) Pilater
(Dayton, Ohio)

*Age probably meant to be 55. For more information about the Pilater Family, as well as about many other families formerly in the Łódź ghetto, see “Łódź Ghetto Database” at http://www.jewishgen.org/databases/Poland/LodzGhetto.html

In Sacred Memory

Fuks, Icek-Icze – died in 1919 at age 34
my mother, Rywka – murdered in 1941 at age 54
my brother, Maks – murdered in 1942 at age 31
my sister, Chana – died in 1938 at age 22

Fox, G. (Toronto, Canada)


In Eternal Memory of Our Dearest Whom We Will Carry in Our Hearts Forever

Fryde, Abraham (father) – died in Brzezin at age 58; Fryde, Małka (mother) – died in Paris at age 71; Fryde, Natan (brother) – deported from Paris in 1942 at age 49 with his wife, Pauline, age 42; their son, Jonah-Jean, age 14; and their daughter, Dora, age 10

Perla-Laja (sister) – deported in 1942 at age 47 together with her husband, Mordechai Hamel, age 49; and their daughters: Fani, age 19; Rosette, age 15; Marguerite, age 13; and their little son, Henri, age 11

Fryde, Herszel (brother) – deported in 1942 from Paris at age 45 together with his wife, Chana-Anna, age 42; their daughter, Klara, age 17; and their little son, Abraham-Albert, age 12

Fryde, Szmul (brother) – deported to Pithiviers, near Paris, at age 35

Mojsze, Icek, Daniel, and Bajrech Fryde
(Paris, France)


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