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Pictures and Memorials (cont.)



The Fuks family, from right to left:

Lipman Fuks, murdered by the Germans; Icze Fuks, murdered in Russia by the Denikin bandits;
mother, Molly Fuks, died in Brzezin at almost 90 years of age;
Ester Winter, died; Lajbuś Fuks, died in Chemnitz, Germany, in 1926

Pola Fuks Herszel Fuks


[Page 269]


my murdered wife, Tola, and my two daughters: Marja and Irena

Fuks, Hersz ben Mojsze-Chaim
(was a teacher in Brzezin and Łódź)
murdered in Auschwitz at age 42 with his wife, Helen, age 38;
and their little daughter, Laja, age 5


The gravestone of Mojsze-Chaim ben Szymon Fuks (Jehuda Fuks' father) in the Brzezin cemetery

Standing from left to right: Jehuda; his murdered wife, Tauba; mother, Krajndel; sister, Masza-Chaja; and brother, Hersz

Krajndel bas Jecheskiel

died in New York at age 76

Mojsze-Chaim ben Szymon

died in Brzezin at age 33

Josef-Mendel ben Mojsze-Chaim
killed at age 21 during the
Russian-Polish War

Fuks, Tauba bas Mordechai
a teacher
(Julius Fox's murdered wife)

murdered in Auschwitz at the age of 45 with her two children: Maryla, age 17; and Irena, age 16


Pilichowski, Natalia – murdered in Auschwitz with her children: Sławek, age 20; Ryś [Ryszard], age 18
Tenenbaum, Mietek, age 44; Tenenbaum, Ruth, age 48; Tenenbaum, Henry, age 15 – murdered in Auschwitz
Krasowski, Dr. Władysław, age 50; his wife, Nata, age 48; their little daughter, Alina, age 6 – murdered in Auschwitz

Ester and Jehuda Fox
(New York)
  Fuks, Josef-Mendel ben Mojsze-Chaim – murdered while a soldier at the front at age 21
Nisenhaus, Ruwen ben Michał – died in Paris at age 65
Nisenhaus, Kuna – murdered in Auschwitz at age 60
Nisenhaus, Michał ben Ruwen – murdered in Auschwitz at age 45
Pilichowski, Stach [Stanisław] – murdered in the Łódź ghetto at age 50


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