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Pictures and Memorials (cont.)


  Ayin [E]


of my dearest ones

Efroimowicz (Szotland), Rywka
murdered in Auschwitz at age 52

Efroimowicz, Chaim-Majer – died in Brzezin in 1922 at age 36; had heter-hoyroe [credentials to be a rabbi] and was a Gerer Hasid

4 daughters and a grandchild of the Hasidic family of Chaim-Majer and Rywka Efroimowicz

Efroimowicz, Braun; Ruchel and her little daughters: Szyfrele, Esterl, and Marieml – murdered in Auschwitz at age 26

Efroimowicz, Ester – murdered in Brzezin at age 21

Efroimowicz, Blimele – murdered at age 20

Efroimowicz-Horn, Mindel – murdered in Auschwitz with her husband, Mojsze (Fiszel Horn's son), and their little daughter, Ester

Dora Markus-Efroimowicz
To the eternal memory of

Maks Nusbaum

Shirley Segal


To the sacred memory of Newman, Ester bas Majer – died in New York 17 March 1957 at age 66

Newman, Isidor – died in New York


In sacred memory of our parents

Najman, Syna and Rywa (Kashe-makhers)

Mr. and Mrs. L. Rotter
(Toronto, Canada)


  Samekh [S]


In Eternal Memory

Fajga Skurnik
born in 1878 – died in
New York in 1957
Izrael Dawid Skurnik
born in 1878 – died
in 1924


In Sacred Memory

Sobowinsky, David-Lajb – died in New York
23 Kislev 1939
Sobowinsky, Fajga-Brucha – died in New York
9 Kislev 1939
Frankensztajn, Wolf – died in Brzezin
5 Shevat at age 49
Frankensztajn, Rywka – died in Brzezin
5 Elul at age 36

Sol Sobowinsky


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In Eternal Memory

of my unforgettable
beloved husband
Frank, Abraham ben Szmul
died in New York
6 October 1959

Mrs. Minnie Frank


In Eternal Memory

Fiszer, Abraham-Ber, born in 1850 – murdered in the ghetto;
his wife, Frajdl, born in 1852 – died in 1911


In Eternal Memory

Fiszel, Chaim-Israel
(Chaml Blacharz) born in 1874
murdered in Brzezin


In Eternal Memory

Kraushorn, Mojsze-Jehuda and his wife,
Laja – murdered

Fiszel Kraushorn
(Rio de Janiero, Brazil)

Eksztajn, Fiszel (yortsayt: 19 Heshvan); his wife, Zlata (yortsayt: 21 Tevet);
and their daughter, Rajzel Lefkowicz, who was murdered
with her husband, Dawid, and their children

Rhoda Eksztajn-Czernik


  Fay [F]


In Eternal Memory

Eliezer-Zev ben Icek Fogel
died 22 April (13 Nisan) 1948 at age 51


In Sacred Memory

Dwojra Fogel – murdered together with her four children: Josele, age 12; Hersz-Wolf, age 9; Szaja, age 6, Icek, age 3
Fogel, Icek, born in 1845 – died in 1933
Fogel, Brucha, born in 1864 – died in 1927

Abramcze Fogel (Toronto, Canada)


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