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[Page 264]

Pictures and Memorials (cont.)


  Nun [N]



Nowak, Matel bas Jakub

murdered at age 49

Nowak, Zalman

murdered in the Łódź ghetto
in 1942 at age 54

Nowak, Naftali ben Zalman – murdered at age 32

Nowak, Chaim-Nuchem ben Zalman
murdered at age 25with his wife, Rajzel (Szydłowska)
  Nowak, Chana bas Zalman
murdered at age 28 with her two children:
Lajele, age 9; and Josele, age 6

Arcie ben Zalman
murdered at age 30
Henry ben Abraham-Lajb

died in Arizona
at age 51
Chaja bas Icek-Luzer (Bimka)

murdered in Auschwitz at age 40
Abraham-Lajb ben Berl

murdered in the Łódź
ghetto at age 53


Pluśnik, Hudes
(bas Abraham-Lajb Igielski)
murdered in Bergen-Belsen at age 29;
with her husband, Zalman; and their
infant son, Szajele, only a few months old
Najman, Surecia
(bas Abraham-Lajb Igielski)
murdered at age 33 with
her husband, Abraham;
and their little daughter, Chawcia

Igielski, Dan-Aszer ben Abraham-Lajb, age 31; his wife, Topcia (Klajnman), and their 3-year-old Chawciele – all murdered by the Nazi assassins


[Page 265]

In Eternal Memory of

Najman, Jecheskiel
Najman, Brucha,
born in 1870 died in 1940

Harry, Machel, Wolf, and Charlie Newman
(Los Angeles, California)


In Eternal Memory

Nowak, Bajla-Chana bas Reb Motel – died
31 March 1953 in New York

Ab. Nowak and children


In Eternal Memory of My
Dear Parents

Szymon and Ita-Małka Nowak
my brothers: Szmul-Dawid and Mordechai
my sister and brother-in-law: Perla-Ruchel and Icek Goldberg; and their son, Wowe
my nephew and niece: Hersz and Fajgele Nowak

Laja and Szlama Tajfel
(Lakewood, New Jersey)


In Memory of

My father, Najman, Jojne
My mother, Rajzel
My brother-in-law, M. Pilichowski; and my sister, Bela; and their two children
Najman, Polia; and her husband and two children
Najman, Izraelik; and his wife and two children
Rozen, Abraham and Fela; and their child

Najman, Fiszel (England)


In Eternal Memory of Our Parents

Aron and Rywka (Bursztajn) Najman
Our brothers: Mordechai, Pinkus, Izrael, Aszer, and Chaim

Chana Lange, Mollie Frolich, Sally Weinrib, and Masza Kowalska
Isaac Kowalski and family


bas Bajla-Perla

murdered in the Łódź ghetto
at age 62

Najman, Hendel;
and her daughter, Perla (Percia)

A. Dytman


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