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[Page 262]

Pictures and Memorials (cont.)


In Eternal Memory
of my children

born in 1935
born in 1932
born in 1928

killed by the Nazi assassins

Morton Nowak
Los Angeles, California


In Eternal Memory

Miler, Majer – shot with 300 other Brzeziner Jews in the forest near Gałkówek
Miler, Chanka, his little daughter – murdered
15 May 1942 at age 2 years and 4 months
Tuszyński, Urcie, Mojsze-Izrael, and Szlama-Szymon – died in the Łódź ghetto
Tuszyńska, Chaja – died as a child
Tuszyńska-Topolewicz, Hendel – died
Tuszyński, Josef – died in 1939

Adopted parents:

Topolewicz, Chana – murdered in 1944
Topolewicz, Abraham – died in 1942

Fela Tuszyńska
(Melbourne, Australia)


In Sacred Memory

Moszkowicz, Sara, and family
(see: Aronów, A.)
Majerholc, Fajga
(see: Aronów, A.)

  Mem [M]


born in Brzezin in
1895, died in
the Łódź ghetto in
1942 or 1943
born in Brzezin in 1896
deported from Brzezin when the ghetto was liquidated in 1942, and from that time on,
any sign of him was lost


In Eternal Memory

Mandel, Icze-Ber
born 1889
their daughter
born in 1912
his wife
born in 1892

all murdered by the Nazi villains


[Page 263]


Milsztajn, Cywia
his wife
died in Paris in 1934
at age 69

Milsztajn, Izrael, age36
his wife, Małka, age 36
and their children:
Henri, age 11; Jacques, age 8
all murdered in France


Aufrychter, Szymon, 33; his wife, Rywcia, 33;
and their three children: Cyna, Chajele,
and Herszel – all murdered in France
Chaim ben Abraham

died in Brzezin
in 1917
at age 54

Fuks, Aron-Icek (Tauba's)
died in Paris in 1935 at age 62;
his wife, Jachet (Milsztajn)
murdered at age 65

Milsztajn, Josef ben Chaim
died in Paris in 1954
at age 62

Zylberberg, Szulem, age 55; his wife, Cywka (Milsztajn), age53; their children:
Abraham-Michal, age 28; Mordechai, age 25; Gitele, age 19 – all murdered


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