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Pictures and Memorials (cont.)



Lefkowicz, Fiszel, born in 1875; his wife, Ester-Małka, born in 1879; their son Abraham, born in 1914 – all murdered in the ghetto

Lefkowicz, Lemel – murdered at age 62; his wife, Perla – murdered at age 60; their children: Lajzer, age 29; Ruchel, age 19 – all murdered

David Lefkowicz


In Sacred Memory

Lenga, Szulem – died in 1917 at age 32
Lenga, Henie – murdered in 1942 at age 51
Fogel, Abraham – murdered in 1942 at age 62
Fogel, Hudes – murdered in 1942 at age 53

K. Lenga
(Toronto, Canada)


In Memory of My Beloved Parents

Lustig, Alter and Ruchel-Liba;
my sisters and brothers-in-law:
Horn, Gecel and Rywka;
Flamholc, Fiszel and Ester;
Lustig, Anszel, Szaja, and Wolf

Bela Szyf-Lustig
(Melbourne, Australia)
  Lamed [L]


Lachman, Reb Herszel

died 12 Nisan 1949 in Tel-Aviv

Lachman, Chaja-Sura

died 13 Heshvan 1915 in Brzezin

Lachman Brothers
(Miami, Florida)

In Sacred Memory

Jakubowicz, Chaim-Dawid – deported from Paris with his children: Chana, Szmul, Josef, and Abraham
Łêczycki, Mojsze and Chana – deported from France
Pinczewska, Perla-Laja – deported from Brzezin with her children
Amzel, Mojsze; with four children – deported from Brzezin
Kirszbaum, Dawid; with his wife and son – deported from Brzezin
Kirszbaum, Sara; her husband (husband's name unknown); and children – deported from Brzezin

You will be engraved in my heart forever.

Mme. Jakubowicz
(Paris, France)


[Page 261]


Lerer, Szulem ben Izrael-Icek and his wife, Frajdel – died in Brzezin


Lerer, Symcha ben Szulem
murdered in the Łódź ghetto
Lerer, Szprynca (Gan)
his wife
murdered in the Łódź ghetto

Lerer, Jakub-Hersz
murdered in the Łódź ghetto
at age 26; with his wife, Hinda;
and their child, Szulem
Lerer, Jeszaja-Awigdor
murdered in the Łódź ghetto
at age 20
Lerer, Mania
died in 1929
at age 21
Lerer, Izrael-Icek
ben Symcha;

and his wife, Laja;
murdered in the Łódź ghetto
with their little son, Mojsze

Richter (Lerer), Cypa, and her children: Chaim, Izraelik, Aszer, Mania, and Nachman – murdered in the Łódź ghetto

Kon, Szlama ben Jeszaja-Awigdor, age 56; and his children: Jechiel, Jochwed, Necha, and Małka – murdered in Koluszki

Kon, Pinchasl; and his wife, Frajdel – murdered in the Łódź ghetto; their son, Hersz-Lajb – murdered in Bergen-Belsen at age 32

Małka Lerer-Singer
(Montreal, Canada)
  Lerer, Chaim-Wolf ben Mojsze – murdered in Poznań at age 17

Lerer, Abraham ben Symcha – murdered in Auschwitz at age 15

Lerer, Aron ben Szlama; and his wife, Krajndl (Fuks), age 52; and their four children: Chaiml, Mania, Izraelik, and Wolf – murdered in the Łódź ghetto


Sara Lerer-Szajbowicz
(New York)


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