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[Page 258]

Pictures and Memorials (cont.)


of our parents


In sacred remembrance of our sister and brother and their families who were killed by the German villains

Tuszyńska-Szwajcer, Rywkele, murdered at age 50
Szwajcer, Berysz – died in the Łódź ghetto; his child died in 1928 at age 9
Tuszyński, Zajnwel – shot by the Nazis at age 46; his wife, Dora and two children: Fredzia and Izy were murdered in Majdanek
Tuszyński, Szymon – died in 1932 at age 33
Tuszyński, Tewel – murdered in Auschwitz
at age 43
Tuszyński, Hersz – murdered at the age of 37

Helen, Pola, and Welwel Tuszyński


In sacred memory of our parents

Tuszyński, Melech, age 50; and Frajda, age 42;
Chaim Fiszel, age 23; and Regina, age 12

Tuszyński, Jechiel Majer, and his wife and children
Tuszyński, Abraham, and his wife and children

Mr. and Mrs. S. Rotholc
(Toronto, Canada)
  Tes [T]


of our parents

Sura-Ita Tuszyńska Szymszon Tuszyński


Berg, Fajga, wife of Chaim-Icek Berg

Mr. and Mrs. Max Tyson
(Brooklyn, New York)


Chaja Sulkowicz


Herszel Tuszyński


[Page 259]

In Sacred Memory

Loomanitz, Ester-Fajga

Loomanitz, Ester-Fajga

Buki, Aron-Ber – murdered
Buki, Bajla-Bina (Loomanitz) – murdered

Moniek and Josef Buki – both disappeared in Russia


In Sacred Memory

Hinda bas Abraham-Nachum
(his wife)
born in 1868
died in Brzezin
in 1935
Lichtreger, Icek
born in 1863 in
Kishinev, murdered in
Brzezin ghetto

In Sacred Memory

my father, Eli-Nisen Tuszyński – died in Brzezin
in 1931
my mother, Rywka-Laja – died in Brzezin in 1926

Syna Tuszyński
(Rio de Janiero, Brazil)


  Lamed [L]


In Sacred Memory

Lachowski, Abraham
(adopted name–Milsztajn)
age 41
and his wife, Chajka, age 41
murdered in France


In Sacred Memory

Małka Ruchel Laska, age 65 – died 31st May 1961


In Sacred Memory

his wife, Chana-Laja Łęczycki, Mordechai
born in 1883

murdered by the Nazis in the ghetto


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