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[Page 286]

Pictures and Memorials (cont.)




Herszenberg, Benjamin – died in February 1922

Herszenberg, Sara – died in November 1937

Krawiecki, Szymon – died in 1899

Krawiecka, Chana-Chaja – died in 1927

Leah and Melech Hirsch (New York)



Wołkowski, Abraham and Motel

Maks Wolkoff


Our Brother-In-Law

Lichtensztajn, Chaim – interned in Paris and deported 26 June 1942 to Auschwitz
His mother became paralyzed because of her grief.

Marie and Icek Hersz Benkel
(Paris, France)



Benkel, Fiszel (father) 1880 to 1935 – died

Benkel, Marjem (mother) 1883 to 1936 – died

Benkel, Małka Frymeta (sister) 1914 to 1942 – murdered

Benkel, Ester-Laja (sister) 1925 to 1942 – murdered

Benkel, Mojsze-Eliasz (brother) 1928 to 1942 – murdered

Benkel, Frajdel (sister) 1932 to 1942 – murdered

We will remember you forever!

Jakub Hersz Benkel and family
(Toronto, Canada)



Gross, Abraham – died in New York at age 69

Gross, Rywka – died in New York at age 67

Emanuel Gross (New York)


[Page 287]



In Sacred Memory of Our Parents, Sister, and Brother

Fajn, Jakub-Szlama (Herszel Litwak's grandson)

Fajn, Tauba-Laja

Fajn, Szymon-Josef and his family

Fajn, Majer-Wolf and his family

Fajn, Cyna-Ruchel

We will always carry you in our hearts!


In Eternal Memory

Zylberberg, Szulem – murdered at age 55

Zylberberg, Cywka (Milsztajn) – murdered at age 53

their children: Abraham-Michal, age 28;

Mordechai, age 25; Gitele, age 19 – all murdered


In Eternal Memory of

Chaskiel and Brucha Najman – lived from 1870 to 1940

Machel, Wolf, and Charlie Newman
(Los Angeles, California)


In Eternal Memory

Sieradzki, Berysz – died in 1937

Sieradzka, Frajdel – deported from Brzezin in May 1942

Wolf Sieradzki (New York)


[Page 288]



In Sacred Memory of the Landslayt and Members of
the Brzeziner Society in Chicago Who Have Died


Abramowicz, B.
Adler, J.
Apelbaum, J.
Belkin, Harry
Braun, H.
Breitberg, M.
Brockstein, Ab.
Bruski, M.
Cohen, Joe
Cytron, Sam
Ehrlich, Bro.
Eizner, Louis
Fajnberg, M.
Feder, M.
Finkelstein, M.
Flam, Harry
Freund, Nathan
Friedman, H.
Friedman, J.
Friedman, Max
Greenbaum, Louis
Heft, Solomon
Holtz, Sam
Jacobson, J.
Jacobson, Max
Kabak M.
Kesler, A.
Korenstein, F.
Kron, Izydor
Lazarus, Jacob
Levitz, Nathan
Lewin, J
Luchen, N.
Melnick, Harry
Metz, Joe
Newman, Charles
Novak, Hyman
Rakowski, Sam
Selzer, Sam
Simon, Harry
Simon, Julius
Solomon, Ab.
Solway, H.
Stein, Jacob
Stein, S.
Szypman, N.
Tobias, F.
Wajnberg, D.
Walter, Willie
Weisdorf, H.
Wishni, Jack
Zandberg, David

Blat, Helen
Feder, Emma
Flam, Ida
Freund, Minnie
Galper, Gussi
Kesler, S.
Kron, Gussie
Luster, Esther
Metz, Anna
Sokolow, Esther
Solomon, Tillie
Stein, Esther
Weiner, Sara


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