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Obituaries (cont.)


To Remember Forever

Founders of the Wyszkow veterans' organizations and members
of its administration who were gathered with their people

Khaim Noson Wengrow, Israel
Rachel Zmir, The Bzoza Home, Israel
Yaakov-David Pshetitsky, Israel
Shaika Pustulsky, Israel
Shmuel Brama, Israel
Berish Safirshtein, Israel
Velvl Rotbard, Argentina

For many years they spent their time working in the desert and helping the people of our city

May their memory be bound up in the eternal life of our nation

The Wyszkow Foundation in Israel


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For these we cry: And avenge them with disgust, to join the mourners of the world
Yekhezkel [Ezekiel] 28


Our mother
Esther Mindl
rest in peace,
died in Warsaw,
16 Shevat 5694
The gravestone cemetery
Gensha Street
in Warsaw
R' Khaim Henokh Shtelung z”l
died Warsaw Ghetto
12 Kislev 5701


Our brother
Joseph Shtelung z”l
Our brother Moshe his wife Esther and children
Mendl and Yitzkhak'el Shtelung


His wife and two sons
murdered in Jadow Ghetto
Our sister
Brakh'tza Krimkowitz
died in the First Aktion
in Warsaw
His brother-in-law
Shlomo Krimkowitz
Died in the liquidation
of the Warsaw Ghetto

To Commemorate:
Yaakov Shtelung and Family – Buenos Aires
Aryeh Shtelung and Family – Buenos Aires
Menakhem Shtelung and Family – Tel Aviv


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To Remember for Eternity  
  Our Dear Father

Our Dear Sisters:

Henya and her 2 children
Avraham and Khava

Who died in the Shoah in France

Dobkeh and husband Binyamin daughter
Rivkah Rokhel'e Epshtein

His brother-in-law: Sholom Epshtein z”l

May they rest in peace!

The Immortalizers:
Moshe Epshtein, New York
Mendl Epshtein,New York
Beile, Brazil
Malkah Kaluski, Israel
Mitah Daigi, Israel
Esther, Paris


R' Yitzkhak Epshtein z”l
Of the city's dignitaries and leaders,
community leader until the end of his days



Gravestone for Jahrzeit,
Hoshanna Rabah 1961

To Remember

Our Dear Son, Father, Husband and Brother

Yehoshua B'Harab z”l

We will always mourn for you, our dearest, who suddenly died in his 39th year of his life, in Buenos Aires.

Your holy memory will always be etched in our broken hearts.

Your good deeds to your parents, wife and family will never be forgotten.

To Immortalize –
Parents: Yitzkhak and Feige B'Harab – Israel
Wife: Rokhel B'Harab – Buenos Aires
Children: Shlomo and Mordekhai B'Harab – Buenos Aires
Sister: Rivkah Sheinman (B'Harab) – Buenos Aires

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In eternal memory

My husband and our father

R' Yaakov Dovid Pshetitsky z”l

Died January 15, 1956

A dear person, devoted his heart and soul to his family and the needy in the community. Loved and respected by all.

Founder of the Gemilot Khesed Fund in Wyszkow and in Israel. One of the founders of the Wyszkow Organization and the fund manager until his last day.


May his memory be blessed!

In Commemoration:
His wife: Sheindl Pshetitsky
His Daughters: Dvorah Melowanchik, Hadassa Kaspi, Khava Yekhieli, Khaniah Nagal, Tziporah Holtzman, Rokhel Pshetitsky, Zahava Dudenshtein, Mashe Horowitz
Sons: Yisroel and Joseph Pshetitsky




My Dear Sisters

Feiga Najmark z”l

Esther Najmark z”l


To Remember Forever

My Dear Parents


R' Pesakh Najmark z”l
Gisha-Rokhel Najmark
née Koplowitz


May their memory be bound up in the life of the nation.

To Commemorate:
Khaya Kol (Najmark)
Kibbutz Yifat, Israel

[Page 307]


For Eternal Memory


Our Aunt
Kayle Najmark
Our Dear Parents
R' Yoseph-Mayer and Malka Grapa

Our Dear Sisters:
Brakha and Kayl'tshe

Our Unforgettable Uncle
R' Barukh Sokol z”l

In Memory:
Shmuel Grapa, Mexico
Sholom Grapa, Montevideo
Yehuda Grapa, Mexico
Khana Druynski, Mexico




To Remember for Eternity

Our Dear Father R' Dov Berish HaKohen Wilenski z”l

A Torah scholar, modest in his ways, one who loved people,
from the Khasidim of the Rav of Alexander

Our Dear Mother, Mrs. Bailah Wilenski, nee Grapa

A righteous woman, engaged in business with people for help and guidance,
with faith in the community

Our Dear Brother R' Menakhem Mendl Wilenski z”l


Our Dear Sister

Itkah Wilenski z”l

Educated in the tradition of our fathers

Died at the hands of the Nazis in Wengrow 1943

Their memory be bound up in the bond of the nation's life


To Commemorate:
Avraham Wilner Tel-Aviv
HaRav Yekhiel Wilenski Tel-Aviv
Yerakhmiel Wilenski Tel-Aviv


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To Remember Eternally, Our Dear Parents and Sisters


Ral'tzah Hiller
Rokhel Hiller, rest in peace
R' Khaim Khaikl Hiller z”l
To Commemorate:
Tovah Kryshtal
Malka Wilner
Sarah Kaplan
Leah Rajtzik

We dedicate this page to commemorate them with deep admiration.

We will forever remember our brave mother, a woman of valor.

Our father, the most righteous man of men.

Our blessed and talented sister.

Our sister Khana with her son




To Remember Forever

Our Dear Parents Zalman and Esther-Brakha Holztman z”l (died Sept. 26, 1937 in Wyszkow)

Our Dear Uncle Tzvi Holtzman, his wife and 3 sons

Died in the Holocaust years

To Commemorate:
Binah Holtzman-Rukhman, Tel Aviv
Yaakov Holtzman, Canada
Leib Holtzman and Hinda Shapira, Argentina
Tzipora Krauze, Canada


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Eternal memory

Our dear uncle and his family
Our dear brother and his family
Our dear father
Our dear grandfather

Reb Yekhiel Olshker, z”l;
his wife and six children;
died in the Nazi Shoah


Reb Yaakov Olshker z”l,
his wife Liba and six children, died in the Nazi Shoah
Reb Moshe-Aaron Olshker, z”l,
Gabbai [sexton] in the Khevra Kadisha [Burial Society] and in the Khevra Mishnayos [Mishna Study Society]; died on 11 Tishrei, 5681
Reb Yitzkhak-Yosef Olshker, z”l,
who died 25 Tammuz 5685
To Commemorate:
Yehudah Ilan (Olshker) and Family, Israel
Shmuel Olshker and Family, Buenos Aires
Borukh Olshker and Family, Montevideo
Fishl Olshker and Family, Brooklyn, New York
Shmuel Burovitz and Family, New York
Betzalel Burovitz and Family, New York




To Remember Forever

Our Dear Uncle
Our Dear Parents

Shmuel-Yaakov Wainberg z”l
Immigrated to Israel 1909
One of the founders of Givat Shaul, Jerusalem, and create future generations of builders of the country.
Shaindel Wainberg z”l
Died 20 Tamuz 5743
Shlomo Wainberg z”l
Immigrated to Israel in 1921
Died 14 Adar 5689 (1929)
Brought to eternal rest on the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem
To Commemorate:
Sorah Segal and Family, Malka Tzekhori and Family,
Khana Shachne and Family, Tovah Rabah and Family,
Laya Lipowsky and Family
Their sons, daughters, nephews and nieces, and grandchildren
Of Reb Shmuel-Yaakov Wainberg z”l


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In Eternal Memory

Our Dear, Unforgettable Parents, Brothers and Sisters – The holy martyrs


His Wife
R' Yitzchak Mondre

Henokh Mondre
Yidl Mondre
To Commemorate:
Avigdor Mondre, Israel
Hershl Mondre, Detroit
Esther Sporta, Israel
Malka Zilberberg, Argentina



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