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[Page 311]


To Remember Forever

My Dear Daughter and Sister
My Husband and Dear Father

Sorah Jakubowitz z”l
Perished in Ludmir by the hands of the Nazis, may they be blotted out. Student at Lvov University, she promised great things. We mourn the terrible loss of her life.
R' Yitzkhak-Mayer Jakubowitz z”l
To Commemorate:
His Wife and Mother: Faige Jakubowitz, Israel
Daughters & Sisters: Binah Tabak and family, Israel
Khana Sokolar and family, Israel
Rokhel Sokolar and family, Israel
Son and Brother: Pinkhas Jakubowitz and family, Israel




To Remember Forever

My Sister & husband
My Dear Husband
My Dear Father

Bajla-Faiga & Yaakov Pshemerover z”l
and sons Shaul and Yisroel
R' Khaim-Dovid Goldwasser z”l
Died 21 Adar, 5680 (1920)
R' Shmuel Eliyahu Orenstein z”l
Died 27 Iyar, 1956
K'Far Khasidim
One of the founders of K'Far Khasidim
Our sisters: Leah Czerwonagura, husband David, & children Esther, Menakhem and Yisroel
Malka Shemberg, husband Yosef-Leib and daughter Fruma
My brother-in-law: Simkha Orenstein, his wife and 4 children
To Commemorate:
Pesia Orenstein, Israel
Yisroel Goldwasser, New York


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To Remember Forever

The Shokhet and Certifier Malkhiel Brukhanski,
and the children of the family

To Commemorate:
Eliyahu Brukhanski, Israel


To Remember Forever


Our Brother
Yisroel-Mayer Ostry
Memorial Day:
Hoshana Rabah 5718
Our Father
Moshe-Zelig Ostry
Gabbai of the study group “Path of the Just,” Member of the Board of Gemilas Khesed [“Acts of Loving Kindness”], walked modestly and Loved all people.

Our Dear Mother Khava z”l – Died Hoshana Rabah 5718

To Commemorate:
Faivel Ostry, Petakh-Tikva
Hintzia, Tel-Aviv
Gitl, Petakh-Tikva



To Remember Our Dear Parents:
Khaya and Dovid Shredni
  To Remember Our Dear Grandparents:
Yehuda-Yosef and Mindl Maltchik

Yehuda-Joseph Maltchik, z”l
Khaya Shredni,
our uncle
Shmuel Maltchik
Dovid Shredni z”l

To Commemorate:
Eliyahu Shredni
Yaakov Shredni
Hinda Shredni
, Israel


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To Remember Forever

Our Dear Brother, his Wife and Children   Our Dear Parents

Dovid and Leah Czerwonagura
Children: Esther, Mindl and Yisroel
Died in Warsaw Ghetto
Golde Czerwonagura,
She and her daughter immigrated to Israel and lived there for 8 years
Berish Czerwonagura
died in our city Arkhangelsk,
Ger Khasid, a modest man who had lived all his life in Torah and prayers, and in teaching his children. His wife was his support managed the business and cared for the family's livelihood.

May their memories be blessed!

To Commemorate:
Shayndl Rotbard, Israel
Mindl Czerwonagura, Belgium
Yoel Czerwonagura, London
Eli Czerwonagura, Belgium
Khashka Segal, Montevideo



To Remember Forever

Our Dear Parents

R' Yehoshua son of R' Yitzkhak-Hirsh Wenger z”l
His wife, the most righteous Rivkah z”l
daughter of the Rav of Sterdyn, he was of Alexander Khasidim.

A scholar and a public servant, Shokhet of Wyszkow.

Our Dear Sisters:

Beltshe, Sarah-Malka

And our brothers:

Moshe, and Zekhariah

Beltshe Wenger z”l

Died in Shoah

To Commemorate:
Tziporah and Usher Wenger, Givat Brenner, Israel
Mordekhai Wenger, Montevideo


To Remember Forever

Our Dear Father and Dear Sisters

R' Yitzkhak Hirsch Rotbard
And children Itah-Baila, Rivkah and Gitl

Died in the Shoah in Wyszkow,1939

He was an Alexander Khasid, he led prayers beautifully and devoted most of his time to Torah and prayer. Despite his suffering in supporting the family, he did not lose the liveliness of his face.

To Commemorate:
Mordekhai Rotbard and family, Israel
Yisroel Rotbard and family, Israel
Tziporah Stern and family, Israel

[Page 314]


In Eternal Memory


Parents: Avraham-Joseph and Khaya-Feige
Sister: Doba Itke
Leibish Pshetitsky
  To eternalize:

his wife, Henye Pshetitsky

Pinye Kryshtal
And son Avremele
Tova Kryshtal nee Yoskowitz
In Memory:
Sons: Moshe Yoskowitz
Mendl Yoskowitz
Khaim Yoskowitz
Itche Yoskowitz

Daughters: Heniye Pshetitsky
Laytshe Yoskowitz


[Page 315]

To Remember Forever

Popowsky Dvorah   Popowsky Gitl
Kronenberg Zelig
Killed by the hands
of the Nazis in Warsaw
  Popowsky Gishe

To Commemorate:
Kronenberg Nakhum and Yaffa


To Remember Forever


Yisroel-Yitzkhak Perle
A devoted public activist, loved all people. Member of the City Council.
Fraide Perle
A noble soul, with a good heart and sensitivity. She always yearned for Zion and helped her grandchildren immigrate to Israel

With admiration and respect for their memory

Sarah Ben-Shakhar, Israel
Perle Moshe and his family, Mexico
Brontche Kizl and family, Israel
Etshtein Rivkah and Moshe, Israel


To Remember Forever

nee Kronenberg
  Yaakov-Yitzkhak Bronshtein  

To Commemorate:
Yehoshua Bronshtein, New York
Rakhel Brama, Tel-Aviv


To Remember Forever

R' Avraham-Yitzkhak son of R' Shmuel Frider z”l
His wife Brokha daughter of R' Velvl, Rest in Peace

To Commemorate:
Daughter and son-in-law,
Birgenson Mendl and Khava, Haifa

[Page 316]


To Remember Forever

  My Dear Parents:
R' Yekhiel Avraham and Leah Shultz z”l
My brothers: Menakhem, Dovid and Yaakov
My sisters: Tzivia and Perla
My Uncles: Khaim Shultz and his wife Hindl and children
Hershl and his wife Yokheved and children
Grandmother: Itte Shultz

Yokheved Shultz
nee Dzienkewitz
Dzienkewitz Yisroel
His wife Mala
and their daughter Khana'le



son of Khaim Shultz
Bertche Dzienkewitz

To Commemorate:
Pinkhas Yekhieli (Shultz), Tel-Aviv


[Page 317]


To Remember Forever

Our Dear Ones who died and were killed by the hands of the Nazis

Our Father and Our Teacher and Master Rabbi Khenokh Henekh Kurnet z”l who died in the prime of his life


Rokhel Srebrnik
Our Sister:
Khana Maizlitz
Our mother, righteous woman
Mrs. Miriam Kurnet, z”l



Our brother:
Yehoshua'le Kurnet z”l
Tziporah (Feiga) z”l

The mourners:
Esther and Moshe Kurnet and their family
Kiryat Borokhov




To Remember Forever


Khaim-Leib Jagoda
Fishl Shemberg
Our Brother and cousin
Avraham Jagode
Our Dear Parents
Moshe-Yaakov and Alte-Khinke Jagode

To Remember:
Jagode Mordekhai, Hadera (Israel)


[Page 318]


A monument and a memorial candle

Our Dear Sister and Brother   Our Dear Parents

Rakhela and Tzvi (Hershl) Nadel z”l
Khaya-Nekha and R' Yehuda-Aryeh (Leibish) Nadel z”l

Our Sister Sorah z”l
Our Young Brother
Moshe'le Nadel
Our Dear Sister
Friedah Nadel
Our Dear Brother
Dovid Nadel z”l

Our hearts are mourning for our dear parents, sisters and brothers; all who were consumed so horribly by the hands of the murderers of the Jewish people.

Our Father – Our teacher and father R' Yehuda Arye Leibish son of R' Khaim Moshe Nadel, z”l , dear man of many qualities and virtues, exemplary kindness.

Our Mother -- Righteous Khaya-Nekha daughter of R' Yehoshua-Avrohom z”l. The kindness and dearness were without bounds for the family.

Our Sister – Sarah z”l and her dear family so loving, we will not forget them, especially her closeness and kindness.

Our Brother – Tsvi (Hershl), z”l, Dear and delicate oil, devoted to the family.

Our Sister – Fraide z”l Dear and lovely.

Our Brother – The young Moshele z”l, dear and innocent. We have seen so little of his growth.

Their memory will not be erased from us forever.

May their souls be bound up in the bond of everlasting life.

Those who mourn bitterly:
Yitzkhak Nadel and family
Leah Goldshtein and family
Yaakov Nadel and family
In Israel


[Page 319]

To Remember Forever

Our Parents: Elkah Rozah and Moshe Binyamin Ostry
Our Sister
Ahuva Ostry

To Commemorate:
Their sons: Shraga, Yitzkhak
Their daughters: Rokhel, Sarah,
Esther, Pninah
State of Israel



To Remember Forever

Our Dear Parents:
R' Mordekhai-Mendl and Rivah Olenberg,
Lights of Israel

Our Brothers: Aharon and Yisroel
Our Sisters: Krusah, Naomi, Khaya, Pesia, Mnukha,
Malka, Miriam and husband Simkha Burshtin

Their memory be bound forever with the martyrs of our nation. May G-d Avenge their blood

To Commemorate:
Velvl Olenberg – Haifa
Yitzkhak Olenberg – New York


To Remember Forever Our Dear Ones

Our Father: Mendl Friedman z”l
Our Brother Velvl his wife Khaya and their children,
may they rest in Eden

To Commemorate:
His wife: Pesha
Children: Yakov Friedman – Israel
Shlomo, Shayndl and Mikhla – in the Land of Israel


To Remember Forever

Our Dear Parents: Yaakov and Dvorah Farbshtein z”l
Our Brother Yisroel

To Commemorate:
Their sons: Moshe Farbshtein – Los Angeles
Simkha and Mordekhai Farbshtein – Haifa
Their daughters:
Tzifah Olenberg, Khaya Ostry – Israel


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