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[Page 291]

Obituaries (cont.)


In Memory

of our Beloved

Husband and Father

Joseph David Palarz



In Memory

For my dear parents

Gedalia and Libe Rokhman

Sister Tobe,
Her husband Avraham-Yitzkhak Olenberg
And their children

Sister Khaya-Sarah

In memory

Her husband Goldsmith and children

Rivkah Palarz and children Los Angeles



In memory

For my dear parents

Khaim-Mordekhai and Gite-Yokheved Igolowitz

Sister Rivkah-Rokhel
her husband Naphtali Watenberg
and their chidren
sister Miriam,
her husband Shmuel-Pesakh Gurman
and sister Tzviah Bajles

Ethel Neuberger and family
Los Angeles


In Memory

For my dear parents

Yehuda and Ende (Ende the butcher)

Grandmother Rajzl Goldberg

And the entire family

Khana Lefkowitz
Los Angeles

[Page 292]


In Memory

For my dear parents

Yaakov Zelig and Feige Rothblatt
(the answers)

My brother Mordekhai, Jonathan, Simkha Bunem
Uncle Mordekhai-Yudl (the takazh?), Aunt Khana
And the entire family

Avrahm Yitzkhak and family Rothblatt
Los Angeles



In memory

For my dear parents

Hersh-Leib and Khaya-Rivkah Holtzman

Brothers Eliezer Bunem, Shmuelke

Mordekhai Holtzman and family
Los Angeles


For my dear parents

Joseph and Gisha Pakht
Brother Shlomo and Sarah Gisha
Sister Frumet
Her husband Mordekhai-Joseph Apelboim
And their son
The entire family and friend

Moshe Pakht and family
Los Angeles

[Page 293]

In Memory

For my dear parents

Yitzkhak-Hersh and Rotze Bialostocky
(Moshe Leib cereal maker's son)
Sister Rivkah and brother Pinkhas

Her husband Feivl Zilbershtein and children
Yokheved, her husband Eliezer and their children
Sister Khana, brother David
And the whole family

Khaim Bialis, Los Angeles


In Memory

For our dear parents
Simkha and Sarah Mushkatenblit
Our sister
Rojze her husband Khaninah
Their daughters Rokhel and Gitl Goldshtein
Our brother Aharon-Mayer
Who did not want to leave the old parents when their lives were at the end.
He had to carry them because they could not go anymore ... He died in Warsaw Ghetto.

Our brother Yaakov (Yontshe)
Who died in the first World War

My dear children Moshe and Leah
Our entire family, relatives and friends

Hersh-Ber Mushkat, Los Angeles
Rivkah Kat, New York


For our dear parents

Henokh and Malkah Bzoza
Our sister Rochel, her husband Zemir,
Their son Yitzkhak
Who gave his life for Israel

Yekhiel Bzoza, Los Angeles
Saratshe, Havana


To Remember Forever

Siphra Wisotsky

Died 28 MarKheshvan 5708, after a serious, short illness

Y. Wisotsky and sons
Los Angeles


In Memory

For Tzviah Bialis

Los Angeles


In Memory

For our dear parent
Yosroel-Yitzkhak and Sarah Westinyetsky
Sister Ziske, Esther and their families
Brother Feivl-Aharon and family

Shlomo and Rivkah Warshawski
Los Angeles


In Memory

For my dear parents Nakhum and Bajle
Sister Khava and family
Brother Khaim-Natan Wengrow
Brother Simkha-Yaakov

Khaitshe Neuman (Wengrow)
Los Angeles


For my dear parents

Moshe and Pearl Holand
Brother Velvl, Sister Khana-Rojze
Her Itsche, Grandmother Khaya-Sara
Aunt Malkah Goldberg
Grandfather Yitzkhak-Aizik, Grandmother Esther Rozner
And the entire family

Khava-Faje Klugmani
Los Angeles


In Memory

For my dear parents
Moshe and Ite Ornshtein
Brother Simkha and his family

Pearl Ornshtein
Los Angeles


In Memory

My dear parents Mendl and Ete Asman
My Sister Khava, her husband Khaim Kremer and children
And my brother Yisroel Asman

Leah Asman
Los Angeles

[Page 294]

Sender Wengel and wife Dora

In memory:
His mother Elke
His brother Avraham wife and children


Yidl Rajzik

To Perpetuate:
Aunt Esther Brojtman
Aunt Khava Brojtman and children


Shimon Olemberg

For Remembrance:
His children, D'vorah, Yehudis
His brother Binyamin and family
Sisters, Khaya, Feige, brother-in-law and children


Velvel Nowogrodski and wife

To Perpetuate:
Yekhiel-Mayer Domb and wife Golde, son Mendl
Grandmother Bashe Domb
Grandfather Binyamin Domb
Toviah Nowogroski with his wife Khaya-Peshe


Leib Shtchigel and wife Shtchigel

In memory:
Father Mayer-Yitzkhak Shtchigel
Mother Dobe Shtchigel
Brother Mikhel Shtchigel
Sisters Gitl, Rokhl
Their father Yitzkak-Aryeh Brok
Mother Yospe Brok
Brothers Moshe-Leib Brok


Mordekhai Yismakh and wife Peshe

Her father Bunem Borshtein
Mother Malkah-Tova
Sister Bluma-Bajltshe
His father Joseph Yismakh
Sister Leah
Uncle Avraham Popowsky


Yisroel-Moshe Cembal and wife Rokhl

In Memory:
Her father Elter Jelishewski from Radzymin
And his brothers, sisters and family


Shmuel Rajtshik

His sister Rivkh and husband Yitkhak Babin
with their son Yaakov


Simkhah Paskowitz and wife

In memory:
The Pshetitsky family –
Moshe, Mayer, Leibish
Yekhezkiel and wife Shayntshe and children
Hendiel Pshetitsky (Rozenberg)
Shayve (Rotenberg)
Shlomo Rotenberg
And children Yisroel, Tzirl, Zisl and Hindl

His Memory:
His father Avraham-Yitzkhak Garfinkel
And wife Miriam-Rivkah, daughter Skarah-Blima
Father Henekh Piekasz and child Moshe'le
Aunt Tziporah and her children Nemeh, Rokhl Leah


Khamah and Avraham Bernshtein

Her brother Leibesh Pshetitski
Brother Yekhezkiel, wife and children
Sister Hendl Pshetitski-Rozenberg
Sister Shaive
Brother-in-law Shlomo Rotenberg and their children
Hadas, Tzirl, Yisroel, Zisl, Hendl

He perpetuates his brothers, brothers-in-law and children
All who died as martyrs
Also, Yitzkak Aizik and Moshe Binem Berenshtein
Their wives and children


Moshe Kwiatek

In Memory:
His father Yitzkhak from Kamenczik
And Grandfather Khano from Wyszkow


Yekutiel Altmark and his wife Sarah

For Remembrance:
Her father Yaakov Kershenowitz
Mother Golde-Rivkah with their 3 children

[Page 295]

Borukh Yismakh

To remember the Holy Deceased:
Father Avraham
Mother Gittl
Brothers Shlomo, Velvl, Yossl
Aunts, Nephews, Cousins and Relatives


Nakhum Greenberg and Family

In Memory:
Father Yekl Greenberg
Brother Borukh
And their families


Leibl Lipowitzky

In Memory:
Father Joseph, Mother Sarah-Rivkah
Brothers Berl, Avraham-Tzalke, Yisroel-Yitzhak
Sisters Enye Gittl, Khaya, Blume, Feige


Yekutiel Almark

In Memory:
His brother Avraham-Hersh and family
Sister Rivkah and family


Yitzkhak Zlatagwjazda and wife Nehmi

In Memory:
Her father David Wilenskfi
Her mother Khaya-Bajlw


Zisl K. Burshtein and family

In memory of her husband
Avraham-Leib Burshtein, Rest in Peace
Died on the 14th Iyar 1944 Buenos Aires


Yaakov Mesing

In Memory:
Rachel Pelner
Manye Pelner
Zelman Pelner

Died in Wyszkow


Yizkhak Najman and family

In memory:
Mother Khava
Sisters Rojze Garnek
Khaya Najman
Died in Warsaw Ghetto


Yaakov and Shlomo Zilberman
And their families

In Memory:
Mother Malkah-Perl Zilberman
Brother Aizik Zilberman
Sister Khaya-Sarah Zilberman
Sister-in-Law Bajle and her children


Lean Nowogrodski
And sister Bina Nowogrodski-Rozner

In Memory:
Mother Nekhamah
Sisters Yehudis
Brother Motl and family


Yisroel Brajtman

In Memory:
Brother David, his wife and child


Avraham Bromberg

In Memory:
Brother-in-Law Joseph Binduski
Sister-in-Law Rachel Binduski


Yisroel Tenenboim and wife Bajlthse

In Memory:
His mother Ite
Brother Yidl
Her mother Frajde
Sister Yospe


Shmuel Rajczik, wife Khana and children

In Memory:
Her father Yisroel Prager
Her brothers Simkha Prager and family
Mendl Prage

[Page 296]

Rivkah and Peshe Kolo
from somewhere near Wyszkow

In Memory:
Mother Dvorah Kolo
Brothers Reuven
Sisters Gitl
Aidl and families


Fishl Koplowitz and family

In Memory:
Father Joseph-Aryeh
Mother Khaya Rojze
Brother David and his family
Sisters Esther-Khana

Died in the war in Poland


Mirl Mondry

In Memory:
Father Yiytzkhak Mondry
Mother Khaya


Khana Goldfaber

In Memory:
Father Avraham-Yitzkhak Karvat
Brother-In-Law Yisroel Poplowitz and children


Barukh Autnitzki

In Memory:
Mother Freide
Brothers Shlomo, Mendl, David
Sister Golde
Gershon Zarembski
And children


Sholom Solomon

In Memory:
Mother Khava
Sister Mashe-Rachel
Brother Shlomo
Brother-In-Law Avraham Jagoda
And children


Joseph Popowski and Family

In Memory of their family
Father Mendl
Mother Khava
Sister Feige, her husband and schildren
Brother Moshe-Avraham and his family
Brother Velvl


Leibl Lisowitzki and family

In Memory:
Father Yoseph
Mother Sarah-Rivkah
Brothers Berl, Tzalke and Yisroel-David
Sister Khaya-Blume


Nakhmn Walman

In Memory:
Father Shepsl
Mother-in-Law Rachel
Brother Leibl and family


Yekl Waksman

In Memory:
Sister Feige-Yente


The Brothers Mayer-Leib, Sender and
Simkhah Holtzman and families

In Memory:
Father Yaakov Holtzman
Sister Blime, Brother-in-Law Yisroel Shult
Sister Esther Holtzman


Elter Koplowitz and family

In Memory:
Father Berish
Mother Khava
Sister Hinde
Sister Brakha

[Page 297]

Velvl and Hendl Rotbard

In Memory:
Her brothers Hersh-Joseph Sokol
Moshe Sokol
Avraham Sokol
His uncle Khaim Bloom
Aunts Neche
Fraide Nowominski
And their families

Yitzhak and Motl Gruszka and families

In Memory:
Father Yehoshue-Dov
Mother Khaya
Brother Tuviah


Yaakov and Aryeh and Sztelung and families

In Memory:
Father Khaim Henokh
Mother Esther Mindl
Khaya Nekhamah Rozenberg
Brakha Dvorah Krimkewitz
Brother Avraham-Moshe Sztelung
Brother Joseph Sztelung
Brother-in-Law Yekhiel-Mayer Rozenberg
Brother-in-Law Shlomo Krimkewitz
Sister-in-Law, Esther
Sister-in-Law, the wife of Joseph Sztelung

And their children, who died sanctifying God's Name
And their memory will remain in our hearts


Yitzkhak Bharav

In Memory
Mother Sarah Bharav
Brothers Joseph, Moshe, Hershl, and Yisroel
Sisters, Gitl , husband Khaim Leib (Shokhet and Inspector)
And their families


Mordekhai Njedjewitzki and wife

In Memory:
Brothers-in-Law, Yaakov Holtzman
Velvl Altmark
Hershl Rujshe
And their families


Yisroel Sokol

In memory:
His brothers Avraham
Moshe Sokol
And their families


Moshe Postolski and family

In memory of his nephew
Mordekhai-Mendl Postolski


Asher Mitlsbakh and wife Frajde Koplowitz

In Memory:
Their brother-in-law, Barukh Dobres
Her mother Khava, father Berish
Her sister Hinde-Brakha
And their families


Joseph Nowominski and family

In Memory:
Brother, Yaakov-Aryeh
Sister Nekhe, Brother-in-Law, Khaim Bloom
Sister Fraide and daughter Yospe
Sister Miriam. Husband and children


Tzviah Steinman-Ausekhewitz

In Memory:
Father Yaakov-Aryeh Steinman
Mother Khava-Zlate
Sister Bajle and her husband Rav Avraham
Tzitrin, z”l and children
Brother Moshe, his sister Khaya-Sarah
His sister, Yente-Khudes
And their families


Motl Wengel and wife, Gitl Postolski-Wengel

In Memory:
His mother Elke Wengel
Brother Avraham and family
Her father
Hersh Postolski
Mother Liptshe-Golde
Sister Leah, Miriam, Yente and Esther

[Page 298]

Mordekhai Tandetchazh
and wife Esther-Ite Sokol-Tandetchazh

In Memory:
Her father Avraham Sokol
Brother Mayer-Aharon
Sister-in-law Rokhel
His father Shmuel-Eliezer Tandetchazh
Mother Mindl


Shmuel Pshetitzki and sister Perl

In Memory:
Father Tuviah Pshetitski
Mother Khaitshe
Brothers Yaakov, Feivl, Mendel
Sister Rivkah


Shia and David Grinberg
in Uruguay

In Memory:
Mother Mnukah-Dvorah
Father Shmuel-Yitzhak Grinberg
Brothers Hersh-Pinkhas, Avraham-Mayer,
Yaakov and Aba Grinberg
And their families


Shaye Gruszka and Family

Father Mordekhai-Mendl
Mother Khava-Feige
Brothers Avraham, Yekhiel
Sisters Sarah, Etke (died in Treblinka)


Yaakov Palukh

In memory:
Father Yisroel-David
Brother Yidel and family
Sister Zlate and family


Gitl Kristal

Father Mordekhai-Mendl
Mother Khava-Feige
Brothers Avraham, Yekhiel
Sisters Sarah, Etke (died in Treblinke)


Avraham and Ette Zgrizek

In memory:
Brother Avraham-Binem Burshtein and children
Cousin Blime Burshtein and children


Etke Rotbard-Schwartzman

In Memory:
Her father Yidel Rotbard
Died in Buenos Aires in the year 1958


Motln Jolkower-Burshtein

In memory:
Brother-in-law Ephraim Jolowitz and children


Aizik Rubin

In Memory:
His grandmother Libe-Rojze Rubin


Avrahm Bluszka

In memory:
Velvl Bluszka
Died in Russia in 1942


Esther-Rokhel Nowigrod-Bszoiniak

In Memory:
Grandfather Yitzkhak Nowigrod
Grandmother Breine


Aharon Cembal and children

In memory:
Father-in-law Shimon Jakobowitz
Sister-in-law Rivkah
Brother-in-law Mendl
Sister-in-law Leah


Hersh Cymerman and wife

In Memory:
Malkah Cymerman
Itke Cymerman
Hersh-Leib Cofer
Yidl Cymerman

[Page 299]

Gedaliah Bengelsdrorf
From Province Cordoba, Argentina

In Memory:
Father Moshe
Died in Wyszkow in the war


Joseph Pjetshelenietz

In Memory:
Father Mordekhai-Yidl
Mother Leah
Sister Esther


Avraham Rubin and family

In Memory:
Mother Liba
Sister Rivkah
Nephew Aizik Rubin


Khaim Zilbershtein and Family

In Memory:
Father Moshe Zilbershtein
Sister Yekl Mentel
Sister-in-law Tova Dan


Nasan Ostry and family

In Memory:
Father David-Tzvi Ostry
Mother Sarah
Brother Moshe-Joseph
Sister Feige
Sister Malka
Sister Khaya-Neche
Sister Libe-Rivke


Hinde Holand-Prager
Shlomo Prager and children

In Memory:
Father Shmuel-Leib Holand
Mother Khava
Sister Dvorah-Rachel
Sisters Rojze, Rachel, Sarah,Toviah, Khana
Their father Yisroel Pragee
Bother Simkha, wife Rachel
Brother Mendl


Feige Weis-Autnitski

In Memory:
Mother Freide Autnitski
Sister, Golde


Yitzkhak (Itshe) Sokol and wife

In Memory
Her father Reuven Kleinman
Her Mother Malka
Sisters and brothers
Rachel, Yaakov-Shlomo, Kreindl, Sarahle, Feigele


Yaakov Monkita

In Memory:
Nasan Monkita
Rivkah Popowski


Hinde Shapira

In Memory:
Father Zelman Holtzman


Shmerl Maltshik and wife Hinde

In Memory:
Father Hershel Holtzman
Mother Khaya-Rivkah
Brothers Moshe
And their families

[Page 300]

In Memory
My Dear Parents

r' Barukh and Esther Brisk
Husband Binyamin

Mother-in-law's parents:
Aizik-Mayer and Yokheved Krishtal

Bashke Krishtal


In Memory
My Dear Parents

r' Wolf-Mayer and Peshe-Rachel Wenger
Wife Sheine
Sister Beile-Gitl

Hershl Joseph Wenger


In Memory

My Dear Mother Dvorah
Grandfather Avraham-Moshe
Brother Motl

Mnukah Cohen


In Memory

My Dear Parents
r' Zelik and Libe-Sarah Zilberman
Sister and son: Esther and Isaac

Gedalialh Zilberman


In Memory

My Dear Step-Father and Mother
Sholom and Braine Zenderland

Brothers and sisters:
Yisroel, Moshe, Khaim, Khava, Sarah,
Jehuditl and Malka

Avraham Gliksberg


In Memory

Our Dear Parents
r' Mordekhai and Khana Daitcher
Father Mendl Mitzenmakher
Brother Yenkl
Sisters Tzipe and Perl

Esther Daitcher
Yitzkhak Mitzenmakher


In Memory

My Dear Parents
r' Yehuda and Khaya-Sarah Niestempower
Sisters and brother:
Bashe, Dvorah, Rachel, Sheindl, and Moshe

Shmuel Niestempower


In Memory

My Dear Parents
r' Avraham and Esther-Hinde Rybner
Brother Hersh Yenkl

Rachel Rybner-Luzer


In Memory

My Dear Wife
Esther Sarah Lemberg

Shimon Hersh Rostkier


In Memory

My Dear Parents
r' Aba and Esther-Hinde Altmark
Brothers Shimon and Yenkl
Sister Rojze

Joseph Altmark


In Memory

My Dear Parents
Berish and Golde Czerwonagora
Avigdor Segal

Our sister, brother, brother-in-law
And their children:
Rajzl, Malka, Khava, Segal
David, Leitshe Czerwonagora
And children Esther, Yisroel and Mendl

Khoshka and Zindl Segal


In Memory

My Dear Parents
Joseph-Mayer and Malka Grapa

Our brother and sisters:
Shlomo, Brakha and Kayle

Shalom Grapa

[Page 301]

In Memory

My Dear Parents
R' Khaim-Shmuel and Tojze Shiker

Brother and Sister:
Yaakov, Motl and grandchildren
Khaya, Rivkah, Esther and Rachel

Moshe Shiker


In Memory

My Dear Parents
R' Moshe-Hersh and Freida-Sarah Fieler
R' Hershl and Tzwia-Gitl Blum

Brothers and Sister:
Shimon, Mordekhai, Rivkah-Khaya, Zitl'

Shlomo Fieler


In Memory

My Dear Parents
R' Shmuel-Yitzkhak and Dvorah
Brothers: Aba, Khatzkl, Avraham-Mayer
Hersh Pinkhas and Yaakov

Shaul Grinberg


In Memory

My Dear Parents
R' Khaim-Shepsl and Ita Galonsky' Brothers and sister:
Berl, Khenokh, Yenkl and Sarah'

Shimon Galonsky


In Memory

My Dear Parents
Bunem and Shifra Oldak

Brothers and Sister:
Mendl, Motl, and Tzwia

Yaakov Oldak


In Memory

My Dear Parents
R' Mordekhai and Khavh Daitcher

Sister and Brother-in-law:
Tzife and Lajzer Friedmakher
Khana and husband

Hersh Daitcher


In Memory

My Dear Parents
G'dalia and Feige Bronshtein
Sister Mekhshe

Bunem Bronshtein


In Memory

My Dear Parents
R' Abe and Esther-Hinde Zeltman
Brother Yenkl and sister Khaya-Feige

Khaya Altmark (Zeltman)


In Memory

My Dear Parents
Yehoshua and Rivka Wenger

Sister and Brothers:
Beltshe, Sarah-Malka, Moshe and Zecariah

Mordkhai-Joseph Wenger


In Memory

My Dear Parents
R' Yitzkhak –Joseph and Malka Olsheker
Brother Yaakov and family

Barukh Olsheker


In Memory

My Dear Parents
R' Feivl and Yute Shran

Brother Melekh, his wife and child

Simkhe-Bunem Shran


In Memory

My Dear Parents
R' Khatzkl and Etel Romianek

Brother, wife and child:
Avraham, Nekhamah and Velvl Romianek
Sister Zelde, Simkhah Jakobowitz
And children

Wolf Romianek

[Page 302]

In Memory

My Dear Father
R' Zalmen Radziminsky

Yidl Radziminsky


In Memory

My Dear Wife
Roshke Bronshtein

G'dalia Rombinsky


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