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[Page 280]

Obituaries (cont.)


For Eternal Memory


  Our Dear Parents

Khana Leah Frieder
Died in New York
5 Tevet, 5718 - 1958
Died in New York
Sivan 5702 - 1943
and R' Itzl Radziminsky
Died in Wyszkow
14 Elul, 5695 - 1935

  The unforgettable sister and brother with their families

Zechariah Radziminsky   Malka, Simon Jagoda and their children
Rojza Radziminsky
Wife of Zechariah
  The sons of Zechariah Radziminsky


We remember their young cutoff lives with sorrow and pain and in constant mourning for their tragic destruction by the Nazi murderers.

For perpetuity:
Velvel, Rokhel Radziminsky and family,, New York

Honor their Holy Memory!


[Page 281]


For Eternal Memory

We are expressing our deepest sorrow on the great loss of 6 million Jewish martyrs, in the time of World War II
We remember a great pain the loss of our own:

Our dear father: Leibl Apfelboim z”l

Our brother-in-law Abraham Schnitzer z”l
Died in Plonsker Ghetto

Our dear mother: Tova Apfelboim
Died before the war.
Her grave was destroyed by the Nazis.

Our sister Liptshe Schnitzer, with her 19-year-old son Mordekhai z”l
Died in the gas chambers in Auschwitz.

Beltshe Najman. Died in Russia from sorrow
and great pain, her eldest daughter, Khana, 13 years old.
Lost after a bombardment by the Nazis, on the way to Russia.

Our brother. Shlomo Apfelboim with his wife and 2 children,
their fate unknown.


Perpetuated by their children, sisters, and brother
Miriam, Avraham and Khanna Apfelboim

United States


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To Remember

With great pain in my heart, we remember here, among the six million holy ones
that have fallen from the Nazi murderous hands, also our own holy ones:

Dear Mother: Rivkah-Rokhel Raikhman

Dear Sister: Itke with her daughters: Paye, Rojze and grandchildren
Died on Yom Kippur 1942, in Wengrow

The sons of brother Avraham-Moshe Raikhman:
Yaakov-Mayer and Mordekhai Raikhman
Died in the mass slaughter in Wyszkow, September 1939
At that time also fell our cousin Khaim-Shepsl Golansky.

We remember also our cousins, the brothers:
Their Memory Is Eternal!, who died of hunger in their wanderings; and nephew Khatzkel Broder, who died in the first bombardment in Wyszkow.

The sister of Rivka-Rokhel Raikhman:
Khana-Fayge Tzembal
Died in her own house, after the first bombardment of Wyszkow.

And Dear Mother Mindl, also a sister of Rivkah-Rokhel.
Her grave was destroyed. The same thing happened to her dear brother Aharon Raikhman.

We remember here, in memory, our dear fathers.

Aharon Raikhman and Shimshon Aronek

Their Memory Is Eternal!


In Constant Mourning for the Raikhman and Aronek Families Yitzkhak and Itkele Raikhman
Brooklyn, NY


[Page 283]


The active, respected Landsleit in New York, the brothers:

Benny Tzimmerman and wife, Yankl Tzimmerman and wife, Moshe Tzimmerman and wife

The sisters: Tillie (Taube) Tshernin, Anna Fine and her husband

Express their sorrow on the Great Jewish Holocaust in the Second World War and attach great honor, to remember forever, the shining names of:

Their Mother:   Their Father:

Etel Tzimmerman,
rest in peace
Died in New York

Always devoted herself to giving charity to the needy.

R' Mordekhai-Alter Tzimmerman,
rest in peace
Died in New York

First secretary for the Wyszkower Society in New York until his death.

Brother: Yaakov Tzimmerman
  Tillie's husband and brother-in-law:
Louie (Leybel) Tshernin,
rest in peace 1947, held the office of the vice-president and other honored positions of Wyszkower Society.
Son of Tillie and Louie Tshernin

At the age of 23, he fell as a heroic fighter in the American Army, on the slaying fields of Holland in 1945.



Honor Their Memory!

Delivered by:
Benny and Rose Tzimmerman and Family, New York


[Page 284]


For Remembrance

My dear father

R' Simkha Bunem b”r Yisroel Grosbard, z”l

A respected community activist, founder of Gerer Shtiebl (Prayer house) Number 2

Died in Wyszkow on Tisha b'Av 5699 (May 7, 1939)


For my dear husband

R' Moshe Shmuel b”r Dov Beryl Rajmi z”l

Died in Detroit on the 16 November 1957 – 22 Kheshvan 5718

In perpetuity
Roiza Rajmi, Detroit



For Remembrance

Pinye Feinzaig z”l

Helped build the Building Club

Always behaved in a quiet manner, with open hand and a gentle heart.

In Perpetuity:
Khanna Feinzaig, New York

His wife, who represents his good manners and traditions.


For Remembrance

Our Dear Parents

Pinkhas and Gitl Steinberg z”l

In Perpetuity:
Son: Saul Steinberg and Family, New York

[Page 285]

For Eternal Memory

Our dear father

Moshe Hutnitski, z”l

In Perpetuity:
Molly Mirsky, Texas
Khava Khefoy,
Rivkah Rubin, Tulsa
Leah Burak,
Rachel Sherman


In great sorrow we remember

Abe Parower, z”l

He died at the age of 61 years, 19th February 1962

In his honor

In Perpetuity:
Molly and Max Parower and family, New York



In Remembrance for our dear ones

Husband and father, children and brothers


Shmuel Jedwab
Yaakov Jedwab
Avraham Jedwab



Died in Vilna Ghetto

In perpetuity
Bejla Jedwab, Texas
Khana Levitt, Texas
Feige Temkin, Monterrey, Mexico


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To Remember Forever

In memory of our families and friends, who died during the destruction of Wyszkow,
as well as those whose graves are scattered throughout the world.

We mourn for the great destruction of all the cities and towns – and our hometown of Wyszkow.

We mourn for all the Jews who died in the last war.

Wyszkower Union in Los Angeles, California

Y. Ayan Yitzkhak Markus
Leah Asman Hersh-Ber Muszkat
Yechiel Brzoza A. Mann
Khaim Biyalis Segal
Itche Brzoza Rivkah Palasz
Broder Moshe Pakht
Helen Braun Moshe Farbstein
Berenstein W. Neuberger
M. Holtzman D. Kohen
Yitzkhak Wisotzky Khaya Klugman
Shlomo Warshawsky Kayitz
B. Wiener Perl Kipper
A. D. Teff Avraham Rotblat
Yitzkhak Teff M. Szlenger
Khana Levkowitz Yotan Sarah (Wengrow)


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To Remember Forever

To all those here who participated in our aide work for our Wyszkower,
for Israeli and local institutions, who are no longer here with us.

Yisroel Asman

Hersh Sokol

Mordekhai (Motl) Dan

Yudel Yablanka (Bunem-Leib teacher's son)

Bluma Najmark

Her daughter Esthers Ayin

Shmuel Pesakh and Miriam Gurman

Avraham Fishel and Feige Neuman

Rivkah Teff

Tziviah Biyales

Moshe and wife Friedman and their two daughters

Ende (the butcher) Goldberg

Sifra Wisotzky

Yaakov Shiger

David Polarz

Yechiel Brzoza


Wyszkower Union in Los Angeles


[Page 288]


We, the two remaining children from our large family, will never forget:

Our father Mendl Skarlat
Who died of hunger in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Our dear mother Golde Skarlat

Our sister Brakha Kaluski with her family:

Rokhel Jonisz with her family
Itche Najman with his children
With his family
Rafel with his family
Itche – The intelligent, social doer

They all died sanctifying G-d's Name as a result of Nazi murderers somewhere in Poland.

We also remember our sister Khana. Who was taken from us so young.

Honor her memory!

Pese Kayitz (Skarlat) and family
Malkah Marcus (Skarlat) and family

Los Angeles




Sixteen years since the Nazis have cut off your beautiful, honest life. You taught us, your children, to love other people, love our people and actively help build and preserve our culture. We will never forget you and never forgive the murderers, who have killed six million of our people.

Honor your names.

Yaakov ben Shmuel Mordekhai Markuschamer

We want also to remember forever our mother Khava bas Yisroel Gershon with love and tribute. You also have given your life and service to our people. You were not only a good and faithful mother to us, but also to other children, who came to learn in our Shtetl. You provided them with food and board like a mother.

Honor Your Memory!

And we certainly will not forget Feigele, our sweet sister, who devoted her young life to our people. You helped organize the poor people in our community. You taught them how to fight for a better and more beautiful world. You also, in Mexico, had more energy to sustain the struggle, and up to the last few minutes of your life, you held on to your position. Your name will always be remembered with love and respect. – Feigele Jagoda (Marcuschamer), who died on August 17, 1946.

Children, Brothers and Sister –
Hersh-Mendl, Avramel,Yitzkhak, Shmuel-Mordekhai,
Gittl, Moshe, Khaim-Leib and Rivke'le


[Page 289]


In Remembrance

Rivka Taff

In everlasting memory of our beloved mother

Lynn Blanche Julia
A.D. Taff

Los Angeles




In Remembrance

Moshe and Khaya Peshe Hain [Ayon]

(The teacher)

In memory of our beloved father and mother

Moses and Bessie Hain

May the memories of your life inspire us to carry on
the ideals and principles which you have taught your children

Joseph, Florence, Carolyn, Michael
Los Angeles – New York – Montrea


[Page 290]

For Remembrance

My father David Bzoza – died in Wyszkow
My mother Khana – died in America
My sister Bajle Serok – died with her husband and child

By the bloody hand of Hitler's Murderers

A pity for those who are lost and not here with us.

Yitzkhak Bzoza and family
Los Angeles, California

In Memory

Of our beloved father and mother

Max and Bluma Najmark
And in Memory of our Beloved Sister
Esther N. Hain

Ruth N. Stein and Family
Los Angeles, California


In Remembrance

Of my dear parents

Avraham-Hersh (watchmaker)
znd Hele-Miriam Broder
Sister, Khaya-Tovah
Brothers Shmuel-Yitzkhak, Zekhariah,
Henokh-Mayer, his wife, two daughters

Hele, Sarah and son Avraham-Hersh
And brother Khaim-Yaakov Margulies
His wife, children, and grandchildren
and the entire family

Ephraim Broder and son
Los Angeles, California



In Memory

Our father, mother sister brother and children

Binyamin Khaim Taff, Jospa
Lotshe, Ruchtshe and their children

Avraham Yelin, Malke
Saratshe, David and their children

Itshe and Bajlitshe Taff (Yelin)
And their son

Los Angeles, California



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