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The Wyszkower Aid Society in New York that is already
functioning for 70 years, mourns the passing of

Reb Mordekhai Czekhanow, of blessed memory,
(Born 1891, died November 21, 1960)

One of the most prominent members in the last 45 years,
praiseworthy, devoted activist for Wyszkower relief.

In sorrow for the great loss

V. Radziminsky – President
J. Zajdenberg – Vice-president


A Word on His Grave

A righteous man goes before you –
Took his final steps on this earth.
Scores of years with Mordekhai. How fortunate that
It was destined for us to be together.

Mordekhai was our teacher –
We had to understand him,
That it is not more beautiful in human life
Than to love others, not just yourself.

His heart bled for human suffering
His heart trembled for Jewish pain;
Still, his smile never wanted to leave him,
He felt: that the Jewish nation will not die out.

Mordekhai had a heart and a desire
That for another person's pain and need
Not only to help with his feelings
But also to share his piece of bread.

We honor and give respect to his name –
Mordekhai the warm person and fiery Jew
To the wreath of flowers I add
My own flower, my Jewish song …

Tch. Apelboim


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My deepest sorrow for the great loss of thousands of Wyszkower landsleit, holy martyrs, who were murdered by Nazi hands and are no longer here with us.

On their unknown graves – my hot tears.

Honor their memory!

Morris Topel, New York

President of the Wyszkower Society, New York, who has held office for over ten years. Renowned among all the landsleit, even outside of New York, as an energetic social activist. For years, chairman of the Relief Committee. After World War One, sent over tens of thousands of dollars to Wyszkow to ease the needs and to support many institutions.


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In Eternal Memory

Our beloved and unforgettable husband and father

Avrohom Mordekhai (Max) Czekhanow, of blessed memory

(born in Wyszkow 1891 – died in New York, November 21, 1960)

Greatly supported community projects; participated for many years in the activities in the Wyszkower Societies in New York; was secretary of the Wyszkower United Relief; raised his family in his spirit, putting forward his traditions and also perpetuating his name through planting trees in the Keren Kayemet forests in Israel.

With pain and honor, we will always remember his name.

Also, all those who knew him and worked with him, will not forget his devotion for the nation and for our landsleit.


His wife: Molly Czekhanow, New York
The children: Benny Czekhanow and Manya Goldman, New York
Sister-in-law: Faige Jakubowycz and children, Israel


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In Eternal Memory

Mr. Yakov Zilberstajn Hakohen, of blessed memory

One of the most devoted activists in the Wyszkower Society, and in general for Wyszkower landsleit. There was no task too difficult for him. Neither rain nor snow stopped him from his mission. He held many positions, was president of the Society, chairman of the Relief Committee, treasurer, and more. He was always encouraging others. He himself had a generous hand and urged others to give.

Twelve years ago, the Zilberstajn family and all other Wyszkower landsleit lost their beloved and honored Yakov Zilberstajn. He is greatly missed by the Wyszkower landsleit and it is difficult to find someone who can take his position, who, with such energy and success, could conduct his work for the Wyszkower landsleit.

Yakov Zilberstajn, may he rest in peace, will not be forgotten.

His work in community projects is chaired by his wife Molly and the children, who are in sadness all these years, for their dear father and beloved husband. They also loyally take part [in addressing] all Wyszkower problems. They also contributed $100 towards the Yizkor Book.

Honor his memory!

The Wyszkower Society, New York;
Wife Molly Zilberstajn and children


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United Wyszkower Aid Committee for Israel

We, Wyszkower landsleit in New York, gathered together on November 29, 1959, for a memorial gathering, organized by the United Wyszkower Aid Society for Israel – to remember the 20th yahrtag [date of death] of the mass murder in our home town of Wyszkow, committed by the Nazi murderers in the Second World War –

Express our pain for the thousands of murdered holy martyrs, our landsleit, and our very own dear ones.

We shout out our pain for the millions of holy martyrs of our nation, destroyed by the Nazis only because they were children of the Jewish People.

And we take upon us the obligation to help the surviving landsleit in Israel, who need help.

At the same time, we acknowledge our landsleit in Israel for their initiative and great efforts in publishing the Yizkor Book, that will be held sacred.

And we will make great attempts to fulfill the slogan: The Wyszkower Yizkor Book in every Wyszkower home.

Chairman of the meeting:
Morris Topel

Secretary of the United Wyszkower Committee:
Charles (Khano) Apelboim


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The holy memory of our husband and father

Charles (Yekhezkel) Parower z”l

He was a distinguished leader of the Landsmannshaft, had great merit for Wyszkower countrymen, and held important office: finance-secretary of Wyszkower Relief. For many years was president and secretary of the Wyszkower Society. Recently --- finance secretary of Relief and protocol secretary of the Society.

We are also here expressing our sorrow on the great loss of the Jewish People and the destruction of thousands of Wyszkower compatriots in World War II

Honor their holy memory

To perpetuate with honor

Molly, Abe and Max Parower and Families


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For Eternal Memory
of our dear Parents

Chaya Tova Parower z”l
Died January 10, 1959
  David Parower z”l
Died June 17, 1957

Both were active and respected in the Wyszkower Compatriots' organization in New York.

Glory and honor to their memory!

Their dear children are eternalizing –
Son: Abraham Parower, wife and children
Daughters: Beila Maizer, Rojza Denker,
Yetta Telinger and Families




For Eternal Memory

For the Millions of Jewish Martyrs who died in World War II
And the holy names of the deceased and perished family [members]

My Husband: Charles (Bezalel) Frost – Died March 1, 1952 in New York
Parents: R' Nisan and Rojza Lis, O”H Their graves destroyed in Wyszkow
Brothers: Abraham Lis and his wife, Feyga Raizal – died in Russia
Their young daughter Chaja Sarah Lis – died in Warsaw
Aaron Yaakov Lis and wife Pesha with their 4 children – Died in Russia

Honor Their Memory!

For eternity: Chava Frost, New York
Active Leaders in the Wyszkower Organizations in New York


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For Eternal Memory

Max Holland z”l

For many years, he was of the most devoted activists for the Society. Thanks to him, the projects of the Society had great success and enabled it to send thousands of dollars of aid for needy Wyszkower countrymen.

His death is a great loss for his family and for all countrymen.

His social work is currently being conducted by his wife—Feyge Holland – may she have many years. She continuously helped her husband in his noble activity. She was his “helpmate.”

In perpetuity:
Feyge Holland and Family, New York

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Eternal Honor to my dear Parents

R' Shmuel Mayer and Khaya Brakha Wideletz z”l

Prominent communal leaders, exemplary people.

The light of their traditional spirit and philanthropy will always shine for us.

With great honor for them:
Daughter, Molly Leibowitz and family, New York



For Eternal Memory

My mother: Itka
My grandmother: Rivkah Rokhel
My sisters: Paya and Rojne, with their husbands and children
Who died as a result of the Nazis in 1942

For Eternity:
Yankel Aronek and wife, Bronx, New York


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For Remembrance for our dear mother and wife

Paje Rokhel Toffel

Her Soul is in Eden
Died in New York, 1946

For many years she was connected with Wyszkower Relief work: Founder and first president of “Wyszkower Ladies Auxiliary” of the Society of Psalms of the People of Wyszkow, New York. Continued the presidential office to her last day.

Her death is a loss for Wyszkower countrymen and for her entire family.

We are here expressing our sadness over the death
Of millions of martyrs of the Jewish People, and for the thousands
Of Wyszkower who died.

Honor their memory!

In perpetuity:

Her husband: Morris Toffel, New York
Samuel and wife Gertrude Toffel
Mayer and wife Charlotte Toffel

Sarah and husband Dr. Joseph Weisbrodt
Basha and husband Louis Gutman
Miriam and husband Ted Robinson


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For Eternal Memory
Our Dear Parents

R' Shmuel-Mayer Wideletz z”l   Khaya-Brakha Wideletz z”l


Of the important workers and leaders of the Wyszkower Organization in New York:
Known for their sincerity and extensive assistance for the many needy:
Beloved and respected in the widest circles.

Their sons:
Yaakov Wideletz and Family, New York
Binyamin Wideletz and Family, New York
Wideletz Family, New York

Glory and honor to their memory!



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