Tiszowic book
(Tyszowce, Poland)

50°37' / 23°42'

Translation of
Pinkas Tishovits

Editor: Y. Zipper

Published in Tel Aviv 1970



Project Coordinator

Moses Milstein


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Pinkas Tishovits (Tiszowic book),
Editor: Y. Zipper, Association of Former Residents of Tiszowic in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1970 (H,Y 324 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Tyszowce

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Tyszowce.html

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5 In Memory of the Shtetl, Tishevits  
7 Map and Explanation of Map P. Landau
10 Tishevits–Rise and Fall of a Jewish Settlement in Poland Dovid Stockfish
17 Supplementary Material Regarding Tyszowce Y. Z.
21 Tishevits–Rise and Fall of a Jewish Settlement in Poland [H] Dovid Stockfish
26 The Year 1920 in Tishevits M. Dornfeld, z”l
32 Tishevits, as it was Yehoshua Shtengel
39 Tishevits—My Shteteleh Hersh Ben Mair and Breine Zwillich
46 My Shteteleh Tishevits Ruth Sherer (Rita Felz)
50 The Tyszowcer Messiah the son of Joseph Reb Avraham Stern of blessed memory
58 My Rabbi, Yankeleh Moteleh's Yechiel Stern
65 Shloime Hersh Spodek's (Papier ) Cheder Berl Singer
68 The Market Chanah Beech (Zwillich)
70 What I Remember HaRav Abraham Moishe Brenner, AH
73 My Grandfather Chaimtche Chazzan Hersh Ben Meir and Breine Zwillich
77 The Trisk-Kuzmir Shtibl Tuvieh
80 Reciter of Psalms Sholom Stern
82 In Elul Days Sholem Stern
84 Memories of WWI Shmuel Knobl
86 Paiseh (Pesach) Sherer, a”h Ruth Sherer
88 In Memory of the Painter Adolphe Milich a Native of Tyszowce [H] Pinchas Landau
89 The First Trade Union Strike Shmuel Knobl
92 The Artisans' Gemiles Chasodim Bank in Tishevits Hershl Diamant
101 Remember Them Favorably Dr. Israel Stern
106 The Left Wing Poalei Zion Party Moshe Sachar
110 The Betar Movement in Tishevits Moshe Zimri (Singer)
113 Memories of Days Gone By [H] Dov Spiz
117 The Hebrew School in Tyszowce [H] S. Hechtman
120 Pages of a Diary Shifra Krishtalke
134 Saved From a Pogrom by a Miracle Pinchas Landau
136 The Burned Post Pinchas Landau
141 Ten Synagogue Jews Write a Sefer Torah Yakov Zwillich
143 Carried out the Bequest Sender Gelber
144 The Corpse Calls Him to an Accounting Berl Singer
145 In Memory of Distinguished Personalities from Tyszowce [H] Pinchas Landau
146 In Memory of my father R' Shlomo Landau Segel [H] Pinchas Landau
150 In memory of my uncle and father-in-law, R' Pinchas Netta Ginzburg, z”l [H] Pinchas Landau
154 Rabbi Avraham Stern of blessed memory, the Shochet and Rabbinical Teacher from Tyszowce Shalom Krishtalka
161 Gitl the Shoichetke M. Fisher
170 Memories and Reflections on the Town [H] Zvi Zwilich
173 The Purim Ball that did not Happen Menya Goldman (Borg)
176 A Charming Town [H] Michael Drori (Finger)
178 The Funeral of the Young Yosl Sachar Moshe
179 The Tishevits Klezmers Moshe
181 Yakov Szpiz z”l [H] Dov Spiz
182 Rucheleh Vakerman z”l Pesheh Sachar
183 Rajfer Zvi, Arye Klenberg z”l, Yosef Sarar z”l [H]  
In the Days of Horror
186 Tears Sholom Stern
187 Woe is Me Sholom Stern
188 Watchman, What of the Night? Ish Ya'ir
190 These I Shall Remember Avi Goel
191 Destruction of Tishevits Berish Finger
208 Zvi Naor (Finger) [H]  
214 The Labor Camp in Tishevits Dr. Binyamin Orenstein
219 The Labor Camp in 1940 Ringelblum Archive
236 Minutes of Eye Witness Testimony Yakov Zuker
238 A day of horror in Tuczapy Forest [H] Tzvi Naor
241 From the First Days of the War Moishe Ashpiz
249 Toba Kornblit, z”l Mindl Kornblit (Dum)
250 The Valley of Slaughter [H] Efraim Kuperstein
252 Memories of our Experiences in the Time of the Second World War Shosheh and Hersh Englstein
256 Episode Engraved in my Memory Esther Bluzer-Kizel
258 Chaya Halfman z”l [H]  
259 Shaya (Yeshiyahu) Shtengel Sholem Krishtalke
263 Memories [H] Tova Mendelowic (Pump)
265 A Visit to Tishevits After the War Berl Eidelsberg
269 Where is the City? Sholom Stern
273 I Returned to My Destroyed Home Yakov Zipper
283 The Last Markets Henne Stern-Marder
284 Brother Ish Yair
285 The Bearer of News Ish Yair
286 We are Asking Ish Yair
287 Remember What Amalek Did to You…Do not Forget! Dr. Israel Stern
296 Open For Me Sholom Stern
In Memory of the Martyrs
298 Memorial Tablet on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem  
299 List of Martyrs from Tishevits  
309 Supplement to List of Martyrs  
310 Pictures from Memorial Services in Honor of the Tishevits Martyrs  
315 Minutes from the Founding Meeting of the “Association of Former Residents of Tyszowce in Israel” [H]  
315 Minutes from the first memorial [H]  
317 Activities of the Tishevits Committee in Israel Moshe Sachar
320 Members of the Committee of Tishevits in Israel  
321 Afterword The editors


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Contact person for this translation Moses Milstein
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 21 Nov 2023 by LA