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Translation of
Sefer Telz (Lita); matsevet zikaron le-kehila kedosha
Editors: Yitzhak Alperovitz, Tel Aviv, Telz Society
Published in Israel, 1984
Project Coordinator
With editorial assistance of Philip S. Shapiro
The corresponding Lithuanian translation of the Sefer Telz (Lita) yizkor book appears here TELŠIAI. Atminties knyga, 2022
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Telsiai
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Introduction | Dr. Dov Levin | 8 |
Word From the Organization and the Editors | 10 | |
A Monument to the Telshe Community | Yitzchak Alperovitz | 12 |
A map of Telshe | ||
Chapter One | ||
The History of Jewish Telshe | ||
Telshe | 17 | |
Telshe | 19 | |
Telshe | 20 | |
The History of the Jewish Settlement in Telshe | Shmuel Natanovitz | 21 |
Bygone Times [Y] | Berl Cohen | 34 |
Telshe [Y] | Rabbi Efraim Oshry | 51 |
Telshe [Y] | 54 | |
Chapter Two | ||
The Telshe Yeshiva - its Rabbis and its Institutions | ||
The Telshe Yeshiva | Shmuel Natanovitz | 57 |
The Development of the Yeshiva | Rav Avraham Shoshana | 66 |
The Telshe Activities | 90 | |
My Years of Study at the Telshe Yeshiva | Rav Prof. S Asaf | 94 |
Shreds of memories from Telshe | Shimon Kushnier | 104 |
The Rav R'Avraham Yitzchak Bloch | 112 | |
The Telsher Yeshiva [Y] | Rav Eliyahu Meir Bloch ztl | 124 |
The 5th Year in the Telshe Yeshiva [Y] | N. M. Averbuch | 130 |
The Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Bloch, Ztzl [Y] | 133 | |
The Great Scholar of Education [Y] | Moshe Yehuda Gleicher | 135 |
The Agudist [Y] | Rabbi Meir Pantel | 138 |
Hundreds of Years in the Telshe Yeshiva [Y] | 143 | |
Chapter Three | ||
Personalities and Figures | ||
An Exemplary Educator | Avraham Ron | 159 |
A Man of Faith and Science: Dr. Rafael Halevi Etzion | Rivke Nave | 163 |
A. Harzfeld - A Look at Bygone Days | Eliezer Gordon | 164 |
The Blechman Family | Dr. Malka Israeli (from the Blechman family) | 172 |
Yosl Ba'al Shem (the Miracle Worker) | Chasia Gring-Goldberg | 178 |
The Rav Yehuda Lieber Hirshovitz | A.Z. Hirshovitz | 179 |
They Were Four Brothers | Levi Shalit | 181 |
The Ravad Family | YisraelYa'akov ben Yerachmiel Ravad | 183 |
[The] Korczak of the Telshe Ghetto | Chasiah Gring-Goldberg | 185 |
My Family, The Singer[s] of Telshe | Rachel Singer-Taitz | 188 |
The Family of Rabbi Zelig and Eliahu Katz- Akerman in Telshe | Leah Ariel (Katz) | 191 |
My Family in Telshe | Yosef Eliaz (Levin) | 193 |
Itche the Blacksmith | Chasia Gring-Goldberg | 194 |
My Family in Telshe [Y] | Tuvia Ba'al-Shem | 195 |
The Rovner [Y] | Chasye Gring-Goldberg | 198 |
Chapter Four | ||
Memories | ||
Way of Life, Memories and Public Life | Dr. Malka Israeli (née Blechman) | 203 |
A monument to Telshe, My City | Shoshana Holzberg (Shochat) | 206 |
Memories of a High-School Student from a Small Town | Rivke Nave (née Katz, from Gorzd) | 213 |
In My Dream | Ada Goldreich-Blechman | 217 |
My Little Town of Telshe [Y] | Avraham Barkai (Berkman) | 218 |
Sabbath Nights in our Home | Shoshana Holzberg (Jaffe) | 221 |
The First Martyrs of the Town (19141918) | Zev Noy (Noyik) | 224 |
My Family | Esther Gvorin-Ritov | 226 |
Memories from my Childhood in Telshe | Tzila Weinstein | 228 |
Sketches for Telshe That Was and no Longer Exists | Malka Klein Sirot | 231 |
Youth Memories are Delicate Like Spring Butterflies | Walpert Gershon | 232 |
Shabbat at Dusk | Eliyahu Rudnitski | 233 |
First Impressions from My Visit in Telshe in 1927 | Helen KaplanHiller | 235 |
Telshe Rosh Chodesh Shevat 5682 (1922) | Yerachmiel Ravad | 237 |
My Visit in Telshe After the Holocaust | Shmuel Elyashiv | 239 |
In the Days of the Soviets | Lea Silberman-Varias | 240 |
At the Outbreak of the War | Eliyahu Rodnizki | 241 |
The First Aliya from Telshe | Shmuel Auerbuch | 243 |
My Home in the Village | Shmuel Natanovitz | 246 |
My Teachers and My Friends in Telshe | Tuvia Ba'al Shem | 253 |
Telshe our Town | Bat-Sheva Sasson (Ben-Gouri) | 259 |
A Wedding in Telshe | Tuvia Ba'al Shem | 261 |
My home in Telshe | Bat-Sheva Schwartz | 263 |
The Image of Telshe | Shifra Tatz (Abramovitz) | 266 |
Telshe | Bat-Sheva Sasson (Ben-Gouri) | 268 |
The Fight Against the Nazis | Klotz Hillel Ben-Moshe | 269 |
The Training Kibbutz of Hechalutz in Telshe | Yechezkl Fleischer | 272 |
Hashomer Hatza'ir in Telshe | Chana Leibovitz-Brodman | 275 |
The Parties in Our Town | Zev Noy (Noyik) | 277 |
The Beitar Movement in Telshe | Meir Yoselevitz | 278 |
Telshe That Is No More | Tuvia Ba'al Shem | 280 |
Telshe, We Remember You Forever! | Tzvi Brik | 283 |
The Schiff Family | Reizl Schochat (Schiff) | 286 |
Yizkor for the Telshe Community | Tuvia Ba'al Shem | 289 |
Memories from Telshe [Y] | Sara Feier Shlomovitz | 291 |
In Telshe Girls Are Sent to Gymnasium HighSchool and Boys to the Yeshiva [Y] | 293 | |
Episodes From Bygone Times [Y] | Pera Levinson-Soifer | 294 |
The Deportation to Siberia [Y] | Grisha Wolpert zl | 296 |
A Chapter of Memories [Y] | Zalman Levi | 298 |
Telshe As It Once Was [Y] | Yaakov Zlotnik | 301 |
Telz [Y] | Tsvi Brik | 302 |
Yizkor [Y] | Tzvi Brik | 303 |
In the Beit Hachinuch School in Telshe [Y] | Nechemia Endlin zl | 303 |
Figures in Telshe That Are Kept in Our Memory [Y] | Reizl Schochat (Schiff) | 307 |
An Eternal Monument [Y] | Tzvi Brik | 314 |
Chapter Five | ||
The Holocaust | ||
Our Town is Burning | Mordechai Gebirtig | 320 |
Telshe | 321 | |
The Last Journey of the Telshe Martyrs | Chaia Bloch-Osband | 326 |
From Holocaust to Revival | Mina Girsh | 330 |
The Days of the Holocaust | Yocheved Holler (Varias) | 338 |
From the Diary of Sara Elitzur-Ritov | 346 | |
A Diary from a Lithuania Ghetto | Hanny née Bloch | 350 |
The Ghetto That Rescued Me | Sarah Klas-Abelsky | 353 |
A Poem | Sarah Elitzur-Ritov | 354 |
It is good that I have been afflicted, that I might learn Your Laws - (Psalms 119:71) | Bat Ami | 355 |
Contempt to You, Nations! | Sara Elitzur-Ritov | 362 |
Telshe During the Holocaust | Rachel (Rashela) Singer Teitz | 363 |
Wanderings and Struggle Against the Nazis | Moshe Rosenbaum | 367 |
Years of Suffering in the Face of Death | Bat-Sheva Schwartz | 369 |
Memories from the Days of the Holocaust | Mina Kirsht (Yudelevitz) zl | 379 |
Stories from the Holocaust | Shraga (Feibush) Kushnir | 385 |
Dear God [Y] | Tzvi Brik | 388 |
Remember [Y] | Tzvi Brik | 388 |
The Ruin of Telshe | 389 | |
In Hiding [Y] | Chaia Klein | 390 |
Memories from Fateful Times [Y] | Sara Zeyenz (Shogam) | 392 |
Pain, Suffering and Rescue [Y] | Sara Shevel | 393 |
Echo (a poem) [Y] | Tzvi Brik | 398 |
Poems [Y] | Sara Elitzur-Ritov | 399 |
The Destruction of Telshe [Y] | Miriam Kleiner (Bloch) | 400 |
The Tragic Fate of the Telshe Jews [Y] | 408 | |
Memories from the Ghetto and the Forest [Y] | Masha Endlin | 414 |
The Fate of the Telshe Jews [Y] | S. Kagan | 420 |
Years of Pain and Suffering [Y] | Rachel Fulda, Chana Jack | 423 |
Tragic Reminiscences from the Era of Ruin [Y] | Chaim-Leib (Arie) Shavel | 440 |
Yitzchak (Iza) Bloch's Last Words [Y] | 447 | |
Telshe and the Holocaust [Y] | Ya'akov Rabinovitz | 448 |
A Bundle of Memories from Telshe [Y] | Lipman Schiff | 461 |
Years of Suffering Before the Holocaust [Y] | Tzvi Brik | 464 |
Telshe Jews who fell in the wars for the liberty of the nation and homeland | 471 | |
Yizkor | 474 | |
Telshe Jews who passed away after World War Two | 480 | |
List of Telshe Jews who fought in the Lithuanian Division of the Red Army | 481 | |
List of Telshe Jews who fell in battle in the war against the Nazis | 481 | |
Memorials | 482 |
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