Rubiezewicze, Derevna and Surroundings


53°41' / 26°52'

Translation of
Sefer Rubizhevitsh, Derevne ve-ha-seviva

Edited by: D. Shtokfish

Published in Tel Aviv, 1968



Project Coordinator

Ronald M. Miller


This is a translation from: Sefer Rubishevitsh, Derevne ve-ha-seviva (Rubiezewicze, Derevna and surroundings),
ed. D. Shtokfish, Tel Aviv, 1968 (442 pages, H / Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Rubiezewicze

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Translated by Ronald M. Miller

Preface   3
Forward   5
Section 1 – The Village Up Until September 1939
Sketch of "Street Map of Rubezhevichi"   9
History of Rubezhevichi Simon Osherowitz 11
A Walk through the Town Ariah Port 17
Our Town over the Past Century (Selections from "Hamlitz" and "Hatzfira")   55
From Rubezhevichi's Position S. Osherowitz 61
The 1906 Pogrom in Rubezhevichi Eliyahu (Lotta) Segalowitz 81
The Blood Libel Mendel Drokt z"l 84
The 1917 Pogrom Eliyahu Segalowitz 85
The Establishment of the Baitar Party in the Village Jochabed Brasinski (Deinofsky) 86
The Children of Yaacov (Religious School) Bitia Brill (Gurion) 88
Illegal Entry into the Land of Israel Libba Einreich (Fishkin) 89
Maloritsky Baska Deinofsky-Shapiro 91
Section 2 – From Our Stories
Children of Rubezhevichi Meir Aronovsky 97
Mr. Laita Eisenbod S. A. 105
In Memory of Rabbi Edelman's z"l Family Jochabed Deinofsky-Brasinski 107
In Memory of the Goan Rabbi Eliezer Edelman z"l Hersh Zvi Edelman 108
Mr Shepsel the Doctor Simon 109
Mr Chaim Lieb Osherowitz the Elder Simon Osherowitz 110
Yaacov Katzowitz Ephriam Zucker 111
Sheina Feiga Katzowitz Ahavah Zucker 112
Memories of Mr Yaacov Meir Gorodski z"l P. L. 113
To the Memory of Itzka (Yitzhak) Kantorowitz R. 115
In Memory of Yitzhak Plotnick Ariah Port 118
Hope in the Image of Schmuel Leib Bunimovich Moshe Bunimovich 120
Feitl Zak Moshe Zak 121
In Memory of My Brother Reuven Ariah Port, Schlomo Slonim,
N. Mosel
Destruction of the Bereaved Family Gishka Poliez 124
Our Family Rochel Rabovsky (Borisevich) 126
Avi's House Biti Gurion-Brill 127
In Memory of My Parents and My Brother Jochabed Brasinski 129
In Memory of My Parents, Brother and Sisters Teivel Silverman Brosky 130
Instead of a monument Doba Shapiro-Ben Ariah 131
History of One Family Meir Chaim Aronovsky 133
One Left From a Large Family Devorah Backman Fishkind 141
The Sorrowful Ways of Peya Shimonowitz Gurion Moshe and Eliezer Gurion 142
In Defense of the Birthland
Moshe Rosenharz Shalom Shapiro 145
Section 3 – The Surrounding Villages of Wolma, Derevna and Gran
Derevna and Rubezhevichi Schraga Ben-Dovid (Davidowitz) 149
My Town Derevna Miriam-Mary Aronovsky 152
My Village Derevna Rabbi Yitzhak Zvi Shimonowitz 156
My Village Derevna Meir Aronovsky 158
Only Burnt Houses Found in Derevna Dodka Kossover 161
Decline of Jewish Wolma Moshe Shimonowitz 163
Memoirs From Gran and Surrounding Areas Ariah Abramowitz 165
Jewish Families in Gran Zina Horowitz Braun 171
Section 4 – The Holocaust and Conflict 
The Specific Dates the Holocaust Affected Rubezhevichi and the Surrounding Villages   175
From the Diary of Sarah Fishkin   176
From the Diary of Sarah Fishkin   181
From the Diary of Reuven Port z"l   231
The Last days of the Ghetto Moshe Zlokovsky 235
The Destruction of Jews from Rubezhevichi and Surrounding Areas Gishka Poliez 249
The End of the Jewish Existance in Rubezhevichi Moshe Gurion 253
In a Forest and in a Field Yerachmiel Segalowitz 263
Letters from the Days of Siege Manacha Levine 269
One Sad Day Ahavah (Libba) Zucker 271
In the Nazi Death Camps Yaacov Fishkin 275
Farmers Helped Us Yitzhak Borkowitz 284
Tragic Tales from the Occupied Years Eliezer Gurion 286
How We Were Saved Eliyahu Segalowitz 300
The Children's War in Rubezhevichi Yitzhak Kossover 306
Our Successful Escape Rochel Bilkin Sender 307
In the Ghetto and in the Forests Pinie Horowitz-Leichtenstein 309
I Was a Prisoner of War Simeon Segalowitz 311
From the Ruins of Rubezheviche to the Storming of Berlin Benjamin Rachelson 316
I Collected Ammunition Simon Schuster 319
The Going Under of a Jewish Neighborhood Seika Osherowitz z"l 324
Living Through Hell Feiga Kosel-Segalowitz 334
Tomorrow, After the War Moshe Zak 335
We Remained in the Village Yaacov Hargin 337
Three Terrible Paths Nachman Berman 341
We Set up an Uprising Yechiel Segalowitz 350
Out of the Ghetto to be with the Partisans Dr. Fishel Horowitz 357
The Stories of Our Partisians   363
The Children of Rubezhevichi and Surrounding Villages that Fell Victim while Fighting the Nazi's   366
Section 5 – Memoirs 
People of Rubezhevichi Who Died in the Holocaust   373
People of Derevna and Gran Who Died in the Holocaust   383
Survivors who Died Later   387
Children of Rubezhevichi who are in Israel and Worldwide   419
Rubezhevichi Townspeople in Israel and Worldwide   421
List of Photographs, Pictures, Sketches and Drawings

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Contact person for this translation Ronald M. Miller
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 20 Jun 2012 by JH

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