Table of Contents

List of Photographs, Pictures, Sketches and Drawings

Translated by Ronald M. Miller

9 Street map of Rubezhevichi
10 Map of Rubezhevichi and surrounding towns
13 Fields outside of Rubizhevichi
23 The Ivenetz Street bridge across the River Sula
27 The Marketplace of Rubezhevichi in 1917
34 The Bet Ha-Midrash (Religious School) drawn by N. Berman from the memory of A. Port
38 The Hebrew Kindergarten (1933)
45 Group of Children (approx 50) taken 1933
49 The Sula River in 1924
54 The Rubezhevichi Jewish Cemetery
62 The Eisenbod Family on their Wagon
76 Group of approx 25 men from Rubezhevichi and Ivenetz - 1929
77 Jewish forced labor area during the Polish Regime in 1924
87 Borisevich and Segalowitz Families - 1931
88 Class Picture of "Bet Yaacov" School - 1934
89 Photo of 25 men, women and children -1933
90 Photo of 12 women - 1932
92 Photo of 25 men, women and children -1925
93 Top Photo of 33 men, women and children
93 Bottom Photo of 28 men, women and children
94 Top School picture - 1934
94 Bottom Photo of 20 men, women and children -1934
105 Laita Eisenbod
106 Photo of 16 men, women and children - 1934
108 Photo of the children of Rabbi Slavin Edelman, Shaol 10 and Boruch 11
110 Chaim Lieb Osherowitz
111 Yaacov Katzowitz
113 Yaacov Meir Gorodski
114 School picture - 1924
115 Itzka (Yitzhak) Kantorovitch
118 Yitzhak Plotnick
119 Rifka Borisevich, Hinda Shapiro, and Frumka daughter of Hazan Plotnick
120 Shmuel Leib Bunimovich
121 Feitl Zak
122 Reuven Port
124 Yitzhak Gurion
126 Noah Borisevich
130 Chaim Zev Silverman
131 Yeshayahu Shapiro and his children
132 Photo of 16 men, women, and children- 1936
134 Left Mordechai Aronovsky
134 Right Meir Aronovsky and his wife Eidl
145 Top Moshe Rosenhouse
145 Bottom Sholom Shapiro
149 Selig Davidovitch, Bracha and Mosher Levitsanski-1933
159 Abraham Levine
167 Fivel son of Eliezer Cantor
168 Left Hannah daughter of Moshe Yonah Segalowitz
168 Right Chaim Mosher son of Yehudah Lieb Abramowitz
171 Left Shalomah Horowitz
171 Right Schlmo Horowitz
172 Yaacov Gorowitz from Gran
173 Cemetery Monument honoring those who perished from Rubezhevichi, Nalibok, Derevna and Volma from 1941 to 1945
174 Photo of Koidonov Street on the way to the Cemetery
176 Sarah Fishkin
200 Photo of 50 students
232 Photo of 30 students-1936
236 Photo of 6 friends
256 Photo of 7 children
269 Menuhah Levine
284 Yitzhak Berkowitz
299 Photo of Eight families at a holiday-1946
316 Benjamin Rachelson and Michel Zevilowitz in Berlin
331 Photo of four men building a house-1923
334 Photo of six adults on a farm-1936
355 Photo of those preparing to go to Israel
357 Horowitz Family
367 UL Sarah-Malka Bunimovich
367 UR Shmuel-Leib Bunimovich
367 LL Isar Backman
367 LR Beila Bunimovich
368 UL Gittel Gurion
368 UR Yaacov Gorowitz
368 LL Joseph Funt
368 LR Moshe Funt
369 UL Mordechai Kashchevich
369 UC Reuven Zack
369 UR Yonah Fishkin
369 LL Freidl Shimonovitch
369 LR Leib Slobodkin
388 Top Sarah, Golda, Chaim-Leizer, Noah, and Ester-Riezel Borisevich (L-R)
388 LL Tzvia and Ester Borisevich and Chaim son of Ester Reizel
388 LC Rivka Borisevich
388 LR Leah Borisevich
389 UL Teivela Berman
389 UC Chaya Berman
389 UR Hillel Berman
390 Arie Leib son of Eliezier Gurion and Rochel daughter of Shmuel
391 Left Feiya Shimonovitch
391 Right Yoel Shimonovitch
392 Top Chaya Gurion nee Vinikovski
392 Bottom Beila and Betzalel Rosensky, Masha and Gittel Gurion
393 UL Sarah-Etel Garmiza
393 UC Mordechai Garmiza
393 UR Henya Garmiza
393 LL Monument for Nechama and Zalman Daynovsky
393 LR Riva Daynovsky
394 UL Hannah Gorodiski
394 UR Yaacov-Meir Gorodiski
394 Bottom Israel Kutsevich
395 UL Hassia Zack
395 UR Feitel Zack
395 CL Joseph Zack
395 CC Gabriel Zack
395 CR Reuven Zack
395 Bottom Zelig Davidovitch
396 Top Aaron Helprin with his six children
396 LL Yaacov Gurion
396 LC Nachum Polansky
396 LR Tzipa Polansky
397 UL Sarah-Leah Schmidt nee Lungin
397UC Chaim Schmidt
397 UR Hadassah Lungin
397 Bottom Moshe and Yaacov Schmidt
398 UL Abraham Segalowitz
398 UR Hannah-Libba and Leib Segalowitz
398 LL Shmuel (Mulie) Bilkin
398 LC Chaya Bilkin
398 LR Joseph Bilkin
399 UL Sarah Fishkin
399 UR Rivka Henya and Gershon Fishkin
399 Center Shoshke Fishkin
399 LL Yentala and David Fishkin
399 LR Isaainka Fishkin
401 UL Sarah Bilkin
401 UR Eliezer Bilkin
401 LL Hindla Gurion
401 LR Itzka Gurion
402 UL Ester and Eliezer Plotnik
402 UR Yaacov Plotnik
402 Center Bilinka Plotnik
402 LL Feigel Plotnik
402 LC Batia Plotnik
402 LR Rivka Nechamatchik-Plotnik
403 UL Shabbatai Fishkin
403 UC Eliyahu Backman
403 UR Chaim Garmiza
403 Center Mordechai Moshe Backman
403 Bottom Sonya Grier
404 UL Sheina-Feiga Kashchevich
404 UR Yaacov Kashchevich
404 LL Aaron Zucker
404 LC Mordechai Kashchevich
404 LR Riechel Kashchevich
405 UL Hannah Koren
405 UR Abraham Koren
405 LL Israel-Fivel Kossover
405 LR Grunia Kossover
406 UL Rivka Kantorovitch
406 UR Zeev Kantorovitch
406 Bottom Sarah Kantorovitch
407 UL Ceila Kantorovitch
407 UR Itzhak (Itzka) Kantorovitch
407 Bottom Hannah Rosenhouse Kantorovitch, Sonya and Genia Kantorovitch
408 Top Hashe-Golde and Eli-Yoel Shimonovitch and their family
408 Bottom Abraham Shimanov
409 UL Tziporah Pesia Shimonovitch
409 UR Rabbi Dov-Meir Shimonovitch
409 Bottom Frieda Shimonovitch
410 UL Mordechai-Nachman Aronovsky
410 UR Rabbi Meir son of Yechiel-Dov and Eidl daughter of Nachman Mirkin
410 LL Fruma-Sara Poliez and Ester Brownstein
410 LR Chaim-Zeidel Aronovsky
412 UL Feiga-Henia Machtai daughter of Shimon Mordkowitz
412 UR Reuvan son of Joseph Machtai
412 LL Dov Rabinowitz
412 LC Ester-Chaya Rabinowitz
412 LR Leah Rabinowitz and Dov Lipshitz
413 UL Menuhahle Levine
413 UR Rabbi Moshe and Tzvia Levine
413 Bottom Nachman and Bluma Rabinowitz
414 UL Michl Osherowitz
414 UC Rochel Osherowitz
414 UR Moshe-Joseph Osherowitz
414 LL Chaim-Leib Osherowitz
414 LR Arie Tzipin
415 UL Meir, Gittel, Sonya, and Zack Osherowitz
415 UR Lazar Osherowitz
415 LL Yeshayahu (Shayka) Osherowitz
415 LR Beila Osherowitz
416 UL Leibel Segalowitz and his wife Hinda Shapiro
416 UR Zalman and Rochel Pikus, Teivel Asher
416 LL Chaim Rak
416 LR Reizel Kossover daughter of Eleizer Mozdonowitz
417 UL Sisters of Joseph Gurion
417 UR Mendel Drokt
417 LL Rivka Gurion
417 LR Reuvan Asher
418 UL Israel Avenchik
418 UR Moshe son of Mordachai Kossover and his wife
418 LL Shulamis Reichlin
418 LR Michlah Rubinstein

Table of Contents

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Updated 22 Feb 2004 by LA