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Holocaust Survivors who died later

The left column ["No"] refers to the approximate order that the name could be found in this section of the Yizkor Book (pages 387-418)

No  Last Name First Name Comments Page
168 ARONOVSKY   return Chaim-Zeidel Died in New York 410
164 ARONOVSKY Eidl Daughter of Nachman Mirkin, Wife of Meir 410
163 ARONOVSKY Meir (Rabbi) Son of Yechiel Dov 410
167 ARONOVSKY Mordechai-Nachman   410
165 ARONOVSKY Yechiel Dov Father of Meir 410
214 ASHER Reuven Son of Teibel 417
205 ASHER Teivel   416
218 AVENCHIK Israel   418
39 AVILEVICH Baruch Son of Itka and Itzhak 389
37 AVILEVICH Itka Berman   389
38 AVILEVICH Itzhak Husband of Itka 389
123 BACKMAN Eliyahu   403
125 BACKMAN Mordechai Moshe   403
13 BERKOWITZ Eliezer Died in Magdiel 387
33 BERMAN   return Chaya Wife of Hillel-Died 1942 in Novogrodok-nee Goldberg 389
36 BERMAN Chaya Sister of Hillel – Elka's Daughter 389
35 BERMAN Elka Mother of Hillel 389
32 BERMAN Hillel Husband of Chaya-Died 1930 in Otebotzk 389
204 BERMAN Keila Sister of Gruna 415
42 BERMAN Leib (Male)   389
34 BERMAN Teivela Daughter of Hillel and Chaya- Died in1942 389
170 BERNSTEIN Ester Died in Minsk Ghetto 1942 410
100 BILKIN Chaya   398
111 BILKIN Eliezer   401
99 BILKIN Joseph   398
112 BILKIN Sarah Wife of Eliezer 401
101 BILKIN Shmuel (Mulie)   398
102 BILKIN Shoshke   398
24 BORISEVICH Chaim Son of Ester-Riezel 388
25 BORISEVICH Chaim-Leizer   388
23 BORISEVICH Ester Daughter of Ester-Riezel 388
26 BORISEVICH Ester-Riezel   388
28 BORISEVICH Golda   388
30 BORISEVICH Leah   388
27 BORISEVICH Noah   388
31 BORISEVICH Rivka   388
29 BORISEVICH Sarah   388
160 BORISEVICH Sonya   409
22 BORISEVICH Tzvia Daughter of Ester-Riezel 388
56 CANTOR   return Fivel From Gran-Died in Novogrodok Ghetto 389
173 COHEN Devorah Daughter of Reuven Machtei, Wife of Shlomo Cohen 412
81 DAVIDOVITCH   return Zelig From Derevna 395
71 DAYNOVSKY Nechama Died in Poland 393
70 DAYNOVSKY Riva Died in Israel 393
7 DAYNOVSKY Rivka Died in Hadera 387
72 DAYNOVSKY Zalman Died in Poland 393
213 DROKT Mendel   417
107 FISHKIN   return David   399
103 FISHKIN Gershon   399
109 FISHKIN Isaainka Age 4 399
104 FISHKIN Rivka Henya Wife of Gershon 399
105 FISHKIN Sarah   399
16 FISHKIN Shabbatai Died in Kiryat Motzkin 387
124 FISHKIN Shabbatai   403
106 FISHKIN Shoshke   399
108 FISHKIN Yentala Daughter of David 399
122 GARMIZA   return Chaim   403
68 GARMIZA Henya Wife of Mordechai HaLevi – Died 1942 393
67 GARMIZA Mordechai Died in 1942 393
69 GARMIZA Sarah-Etel Died in 1942 393
9 GORODISKI Hannah Wife of Yaacov-Meir – Died in Jerusalem 387
74 GORODISKI Hannah Wife of Yaacov-Meir – Died 1961 394
8 GORODISKI Yaacov-Meir Died in Jerusalem 387
73 GORODISKI Yaacov-Meir Died in 1959 394
6 GORVICH Etel Daughter of Israel and Leah 387
41 GORVICH Hassia Shlomo's Wife – Died In Rubezhevichi Ghetto 389
4 GORVICH Israel-Isar   387
5 GORVICH Leah Wife of Israel – Died in Israel 387
46 GORVICH Meir Died in Novogrodok Ghetto 389
40 GORVICH Shlomo   389
45 GORVICH Shulamis Died in Novogrodok Ghetto 389
43 GORVICH Yaacov   389
126 GRIER Chaim   403
127 GRIER Eidla   403
130 GRIER Henya   403
131 GRIER Mordechai Moshe   403
132 GRIER Sonya   403
57 GURION Ariah Leib Died in 1939-Son of Eliezer 390
59 GURION Breina Sister of Ariah Leib-Died 1942 390
12 GURION Chaya Died in Ramat Gan 387
62 GURION Chaya Maiden name Vinikovski-Died in Israel Jan 20, 1961 392
64 GURION Gittel Daughter of Chaya – Born 1922 Died in Holocaust 392
114 GURION Hindla   401
113 GURION Itzka   401
63 GURION Masha Daughter of Chaya – Born 1933 Died in Holocaust 392
215 GURION Rivka   417
58 GURION Rochel Wife of Ariah-Died 1942-Daughter of Schmuel 390
212 GURION Sisters of Joseph Known as Josel from Kirosner 417
85 GURION Yaacov   396
82 HELPRIN   return Aaron   396
162 KALPANOSKI   return Hassia   409
146 KANTOROVITCH Ceilia Wife of Itzhak- Died in New York 1963 407
145 KANTOROVITCH Itzhak (Itzka) Died in New York in Sep 13, 1964 407
143 KANTOROVITCH Rivka   406
144 KANTOROVITCH Sarah   406
142 KANTOROVITCH Zeev   406
175 KAPLAN Miriam-Mina Daughter Of Yehudit and Tzvi-Hirsh 412
174 KAPLAN Yehudit Daughter of Reuven Machtei, Wife of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh HaCohain 412
136 KASHCHEVICH Mordechai Son of Sheina Feiga 404
135 KASHCHEVICH Riechel Daughter of Sheina Fiega 404
134 KASHCHEVICH Sheina-Feiga Wife of Yaacov 404
14 KASHCHEVICH Yaacov Died in Tel Aviv 387
133 KASHCHEVICH Yaacov Died in 1957 in Tel Aviv 404
54 KIVOVICH Beila   389
51 KIVOVICH Gedalia Died in Barok 389
53 KIVOVICH Gittel   389
55 KIVOVICH Hannah   389
44 KIVOVICH Jekuthiel   389
50 KIVOVICH Joseph Died in Dvortz Ghetto 389
52 KIVOVICH Mirl   389
47 KIVOVICH Niota Died in Novogrodok Ghetto 389
48 KIVOVICH Pessia Died in Novogrodok Ghetto 389
49 KIVOVICH Sonya Died in Dvortz Ghetto 389
19 KOREN Abraham Died in Bat Yam 387
138 KOREN Abraham   405
20 KOREN Hannah Wife of Abraham – Died in Bat-Yam 387
139 KOREN Hannah Wife of Abraham 405
140 KOSSOVER Grunia Mother and Wife 405
141 KOSSOVER Israel-Fivel Brother of Grunia 405
15 KOSSOVER Leib Died in Nazereth 387
216 KOSSOVER Moshe Son of Mordachai 418
217 KOSSOVER Mrs. Wife of Moshe 418
210 KOSSOVER Reizel Daughter of Eliezer Mozdonovitz 416
75 KUTSEVICH Israel Died in 1942 394
183 LEVIN    return Menuhahle Died in 1942 413
181 LEVIN Moshe (Rabbi) Died in 1932 413
182 LEVIN Tzvia Wife of Moshe-Died in Warsaw 1941 413
176 LIPSHITZ Dov   412
177 LIPSHITZ Leah Wife of Dov, Maiden name Rabinowitz 412
86 LUNGIN Hadassah   397
172 MACHTEI   return Feiga-Henia Wife of Reuven-Died in New York, Daug. Shimon Mordkowitz 412
171 MACHTEI Reuven Died in New York, changed to Marcus, Son of Joseph 412
166 MIRKIN Nachman Father of Edel 410
118 NECHAMATCHIK-PLOTNIK return Rivka   402
197 OSHEROWITZ    return Beila Died in Germany in 1948 415
191 OSHEROWITZ Chaim-Leib Died In Rubezhevichi 1934 414
196 OSHEROWITZ Gittel Wife Of Meir-Died In Baranovichi Ghetto 1942 415
194 OSHEROWITZ Lazar Died in Ukraine in 1918 415
195 OSHEROWITZ Meir Died in Baranovichi Ghetto in 1942 415
192 OSHEROWITZ Michl Died In Rubezhevichi In 1915, female 414
2 OSHEROWITZ Moshe-Joseph Died in Ramat-Gan 387
189 OSHEROWITZ Moshe-Joseph Died in Dec 19, 1947 in Israel 414
3 OSHEROWITZ Rochel Wife of Moshe – Died in Ramat Gat 387
190 OSHEROWITZ Rochel Died in 1941 414
198 OSHEROWITZ Yeshayahu (Shayka) Died in Israel in 1968 415
21 OSHEROWITZ Yeshayahu (Shayka)(Rabbi) Died in Bnei Brak 387
207 PIKUS   return Rochel Wife of Zalman 416
206 PIKUS Zalman   416
119 PLOTNIK Batia   402
121 PLOTNIK Beila   402
116 PLOTNIK Eliezer   402
117 PLOTNIK Ester   402
120 PLOTNIK Feigel Female 402
115 PLOTNIK Itzhak   402
84 POLANSKY Nachum   396
83 POLANSKY Tzipa   396
169 POLIEZ Fruma-Sara Died In Rubezhevichi Ghetto 1942 410
110 POLIEZ Yaacov Son of Nachum 400
92 PORT Dov   397
90 PORT Hannah   397
89 PORT Henya   397
17 PORT Reuven Died in Ramat-Gan 387
93 PORT Reuven   397
91 PORT Shmuel   397
188 RABINOWITZ    return Bluma   413
178 RABINOWITZ Chaim-Mattathais   412
180 RABINOWITZ Dovid Died in 1942 412
179 RABINOWITZ Ester-Chaya Died in 1942 412
187 RABINOWITZ Nachman   413
185 RABINOWITZ (?) Mirl Aunt of Tziporah and Bracha 413
186 RABINOWITZ (?) Sheindel Aunt of Tziporah and Bracha 413
184 RABINOWITZ (?) Tziporah Sister of Bluma 413
211 RAK Chaim   416
220 REICHLIN Shulamis   418
149 ROSENHOUSE Genia   407
148 ROSENHOUSE Sonya   407
66 ROSENSKY Beila Wife of Betzalel, Daughter of Chaya Gurion 392
65 ROSENSKY Betzalel From Baranovichi 392
219 RUBINSTEIN Michlah   418
87 SCHMIDT    return Chaim   397
94 SCHMIDT Moshe   397
88 SCHMIDT Sarah-Leah Maiden name Lungin 397
95 SCHMIDT Yaacov   397
97 SEGALOWITZ Abraham   398
96 SEGALOWITZ Hannah-Libba   398
209 SEGALOWITZ Hinda Wife of Leibel, Maiden name Shapiro 416
208 SEGALOWITZ Leibel   416
98 SEGALOWITZ Mima Wife of Abraham, Maiden Name Bilkin 398
11 SEGALOWITZ Moshe   387
10 SEGALOWITZ Sarah Daughter of Moshe Segalowitz – Died in Haifa 387
1 SHAPIRO Shalom (Rabbi) Died in Holon 387
152 SHIMANOV Abraham   408
157 SHIMONOVITCH Chaya   409
153 SHIMONOVITCH Dov-Meir (Rabbi)   409
150 SHIMONOVITCH Eli-Yoel   408
61 SHIMONOVITCH Feiya Wife of Yoel- Died in America 1963 391
155 SHIMONOVITCH Frieda   409
151 SHIMONOVITCH Hashe-Golde Wife of Eli-Yoel 408
158 SHIMONOVITCH Isaiah (Rabbi) Died in New York 409
161 SHIMONOVITCH Melach   409
159 SHIMONOVITCH Moshe Died in Tel Aviv 409
156 SHIMONOVITCH Shemaiah   409
154 SHIMONOVITCH Tziporah Pesia Wife of Dov-Meir 409
60 SHIMONOVITCH Yoel Died in 1933 391
128 SHUSTER Leibe (Male) Husband of Rivka 403
129 SHUSTER Rivka   403
193 TZIPIN    return Arie Died In Rubezhevichi 1932 414
202 TZIPIN Eliezer Son of Gruna 415
199 TZIPIN Gedalia (Rabbi) From Kamen 415
200 TZIPIN Gruna Wife of Gedalia 415
203 TZIPIN Manasseh Son of Gruna 415
201 TZIPIN Raska Daughter of Gruna 415
76 ZACK    return Feitel Died in 1941, male 395
79 ZACK Gabriel   395
77 ZACK Hassia Fietel's Wife – Died In Rubezhevichi Ghetto 395
80 ZACK Joseph   395
78 ZACK Reuven   395
18 ZEVILOWITZ Michael Died In Kiryat Bialistok 387
137 ZUCKER Aaron Infant 404


[Page 419]

Children of Rubezhevichi who are in Israel and Worldwide

Translated by Marcia Weiser

Translation coordinated by Jonah Kaplan

This section was written in Hebrew. The translation is identical to the section on pages 421-422 which was written in Yiddish. Pictures and caption translations appear with pages 421-422.

[Page 421]

Rubezhevichi Townspeople in Israel and Worldwide

Translated by Marcia Weiser

Translation coordinated by Jonah Kaplan

With awe and compassion - as the prayer leader before the Holy Ark, wrapped in the talis so do we close our memorial book, the monument to remember the many generational Jewish community in Rubezhevichi environment, which includes -a finished chapter from an ebullient Jewish life that existed and is gone. All that remains are memories recorded in the book - a product of responsibility and hard work of the remaining cluster of Rubezhevichi in the Jewish State and in the countries of the Jewish dispersal - to remember our hometown Jews, the honest and hard working people, who lived their unique Jewish life, founded and built institutions, organizations and brotherhoods-like building their own little state. Even under the years of Soviet oppression, our sons remained true to the Zionist ideal, dreamt and aspired to come to the Land of Israel.

Far from the big centers, along the town's border line, many of them managed to emigrate to the Land of Israel.

Until the outbreak of the Second World War, there were 20 Rubezhevichi families living in the Land of Israel - the first pioneers and emigrants. All the townspeople helped one another all together handling the questions enabling the future emigrants to feel close to the Land of Israel.

The awful war played havoc with all plans. The Jews who remained in Rubezhevichi joined in the tragic fate of the murdered Jewish people of Europe. The cluster of Rubezhevichi in the land, did not yet know of the fearful destruction, suddenly feeling orphaned and unlucky. No one thought, that maybe he did too little, to make possible the immigration here of the family, before the conflagration of the Second World War. But who could have imagined such an annihilation of an entire people?

From Rubezhevichi, Derevna, Gran and Wolma, there survived a cluster of Jews, the few survivors, that the majority of them after the deluge came to the established Jewish State and settled in different parts of the country. Today, there are in the State of Israel 70 Rubezhevichi families and 10 from Derevna, and a few - from Gran and Khateveh. In the first few years after the State was founded, the relationship was weak, but with time it became stronger and tighter. Lately the group meets at family simchas (Bar-Mitzvah, Bat-Mitzvah, Wedding), and not to mention in the same breath, at a funeral. However, once a year all the landsleid meet at the memorial service, which is commemorated on the anniversary of the destruction of the Rubezhevichi ghetto.( 23rd Sivan 1942) [date according to Hebrew calendar].

An opportunity to partner with our contacts, collaboratively active and dedicated work gave us the ability to publish our memorial book. Many meetings, consultations and visits happened, to collect the necessary material for the book. Also at the annual memorial service there was much talk about the memorial monument for the Jewish Rubezhevicher.

Unfortunately our children do not come to the memorial service. Maybe this memorial book will be the bridge that will bind our younger generation to their elders and the old home.

Thanks for all the hard work that went into this book, which also caused closer bonds between the Rubezhevichi and Derevna landsleid in Israel. It also succeeded in interesting our brethren in America, Canada, Argentina and South Africa in our holy work - those who resided there a long time and those who immigrated after the war. We hope, that in the future we will maintain a lively contact between the landsleid in Israel and those in the Diaspora.

rub422.jpg - The outgoing organization of Rubezhevichi
The outgoing organization of Rubezhevichi
Seated from right to left: Eliezer Gurion, Gishka Poliez, Aryeh Port;
Standing right to left: Aryeh Horgin, Meir Aronovsky, Shimon Osherowitz, Yerachmiel Segalowitz, Moshe Shimonowitz


With another satisfaction we remember with pride the names of some of our sons of the city from our elders generation, who lived through the tragic war years and came here - after so much suffering and pain that they themselves experienced and witnessed what the German assassins perpetrated in Rubezhevichi and the environs. Their pictures which are here, are an expression of honor for these individuals, who symbolize the glory of the Jewish community in Rubezhevichi.

rub423a.jpg - Reb Moshe Gurion
rub423b.jpg - Reb Eliyah and Esther Segalowitz
Reb Moshe Gurion, survived with two daughters.
Lives in Ramat Gan. We wish him long life and a
good old age as recompense for his suffering.
Reb Eliyah and Esther Segalowitz who live in Acco
with their children and grandchildren
- may they live for 120 years!
rub423c.jpg - Reb Dovid (Dodke) Kossover
Reb Aharon Brody from Derevna, lives in Jerusalem.
Only survivor of a large family.
We wish him long life and a lucky old age.
Reb Dovid (Dodke) Kossover survived with one daughter
from a second marriage, lives in Natanya.
We wish him long life and a lot of nachas [magnified joy].


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