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5. Genealogical tables of the Jewish families of Grussenheim [1]

These Tables are published, to make easier for interested families their possible researches on their origins. For the establishment of these Tables we used the Census of 1784, civil records, Statements of adoption of names of 1808, census of 1836, 1841, 1851 and 1866 and for later period used information of our relatives and friends older than us.

For more clarity we have refrained from giving dates and limited ourselves in principle to main filiations. We express our sincere gratitude to the Managers and to the Services of the Departmental Archives of the Haut-Rhin and the Library of the City of Colmar which granted us access to documents and made easier the researches. (S. P.)

Abbréviations: (27) = see number 27 of Census of 1784 and at the table p. 26 under 27, m. = married

We put an asterisk in front of family heads.


Bickert David 26/1784, descendance not tracked.
Bickert Feyl 18/1784, mother of Paul Sultzer (18).
Bickart Hintel 18/1784 = Hintel Meyer, daughter of Meyer Bickart, married Paul Sultzer (18) see 124/1808.
Bickart Käntel 158/1808 married Meyer Sultzer (18).
Bickert, Bigard, Pickart:
* Abraham (Census 1836) married Marie Woog, see Woog (25). SALOMON (Bern). - SIMON (SCHMAYA) 1st wife Rébecca Cahn descendance: Marie (Mammel) married Gabriel Hemerdinger see 46 / 1808; Louise Léa married Léon Marx, Biesheim; Flore, Paris; 2nd wife Rachel-Régine Weil, descendance.: Rosalie married Jax, Neufbrisach; Elise, married Dreyfuss, Thann; Abraham, Mulhouse; Jeanne married Albert Lévy, Durrmenach, Belfort; Reine married Kochmann, Sarrebourg; Leopold (Bern). Bickart, Picquard, Picard:
* Emanuel Bickart (Census 1836): servant at his uncle's Hirsch Geismar, see Picard.



In 1784, 3 brothers are counted: Judas (23), Jischen (24) and Salomon (24); but there was another 4th brother Michel (Oscher) and sister Blumelen. Their parents were: Libmann (Eliézer) Bloch, born cicrca (1720) and Beyerle Wahl (of Reguisheim).

* Judas (23) 15/1808, married Jüttel Hillenfinger 16/1808.
   Children, among others:

  1. Libmann 42/1808, married Reisel Weil 63/1808, see Weil, and 2nd wife Sara Haas of Rixheim with many descendants.
  2. Minkel or Mindel 137/1808, married Marx Hildenfinger, see Hildenfinger 159/1808.

* Jischen (24) married Jüttel = Judith Geismar 183 to 188/1808.
   Children, among others:
  1. Vasi 185/1808 = Feissel = Gervais, married Helen Jacque = Helen Bloch of Altdorf im Breisgau, Baden, residing in Bischheim am Hohen Steg.
       Children, among others:
    1. Judith, married Elie Hemedinger, see Hemedinger Joseph.
    2. Libmann = Leopold, married Rosalie Greilsammer (of Biesheim).
      Descendance: ABRAHAM (married Bernheim, Bienne). - HENRI = Herschi married Pauline Hecker, of Ensisheim: Children, among others: Clement (Zurich); Léon (Roanne); Henri (Basel); Arthur (Paris); Jeanne (Seligmann, Zurich). - ISAAC (married Adèle Hecker of Ensisheim; Switzerland) without descendance.
  2. Isaac, married Judith Wormser 12/1808, descendance not tracked.
* Salomon (24), married Feggel Netter 139 to 146/1808.
   Children, among others:
  1. Libmann (Leïb), married Marie Bloch of Wintzenheim.
       Children, among others:
    1. Sussmann, married Babette = Bess Greilsammer of Biesheim. Descendant among others:
      ABRAHAM, married his cousin Caroline Bloch daughter of Nathan: children: Palmyre, Nathan, Marthe, Léon, Blanche, SOPHIE, married her cousin Leopold son of Nathan, Colmar: children: Nathan and Palmyr. - FANNY. - PAULINE. - MATHILDE, all in Paris. - LEOPOLD (Colmar).
    2. Nathan married Feggel Blum, of Ensisheim: Descendance:
      FRANÇOISE married Bollack, Wintzenheim; CAROLINE married her cousin Abraham, see under A.: BABETTE married Dupont, Strasbourg. - MARX, Colmar. - LEOPOLD married his cousin Sophie, see under A.
    3. Gustave = Getsch married Feggele Geismar, Colmar, see Geismar, 2nd wife Pauline, of Hattstatt (14)
    4. Jacques = Koppel married Madeleine Herrmann, Obernai with descendance others: Léon, cantor in Cernay and Valff children: Adrien.
    5. and F. Marie and Gertrude, Paris.

  2. Isaac 141/1808 married Mammel Reisselen from Mutzig (Rosalie Baumann) with descendance.

  3. Joseph 143/1808 1st wife Gertrud Gugenheim of Cernay;
       Children, among others:
    1. Salomon = Sussmann 1st wife Esther Adèle Geismar, see Geismar (27):
      descendance: JOSEPH married Alphonsine Geismar (14); children: Maurice, Julien, Sylvain. - JEANNE married Alphonse Dreyfuss, Sélestat, children: Hermance, Fernand, Marthe, Sylvain, Marcel. – MARIE married Léon Kahn, Insming-Sarrebourg with descendance. – 2nd wife Françoise Bickert from Herrlisheim, Haut-Rhin, see Geismar (27), son: Léon, Grenoble.
    2. Meyer = Marem m. Caroline Elkan of Foussemagne, (Héricourt-Colmar),
      Descendance : One son emigrated to America.
    3. Gabriel = Getsch 1st wife Keile Bickart, of Horbourg, in Horbourg,
      Descendance in America. — 2nd wife Julie Lévy of Scherwiller,
      Descendance in Paris : Irma, Charles, Gustave.

    2nd wife of Joseph (3.) : Marie, daughter of Fohlen Bickart of Horbourg ;
       Children among others:

    1. Léopold = Libmännle m. Henriette Lévy, See Woog,
      Descendance : VALERIE m. Alexandre Bloch, cantor, Grussenheim,
         Children : Julien, Marthe, Blanche
      JOSEPH m. Berthe Debré, Rabbi, Haguenau, Children : Elie, Andrée, Angèle MATHIAS m. Clémence Wolff, Children : Erwin, Gilbert, Germaine, Andrée REINE m. Simon Hirsch, Trimbach-Vichy, Children: Marcel, Camille, Léon, Alice. LEON
      BERTHE m. Maurice Blum, Strasbourg, Children: Alice, Edmond MYRIA m. Jonas Kahn, Mommenheim-Brumath, Children: Robert BLANCHE.
    1. Marie = Madel m.. Samuel Hildenfinger. See Hildenfinger.

* Oscher = Michel, Not counted in 1784, m. Belle Lévi of Reguisheim, descendance not tracked.
* Beylé m. Alexandre Kahn in Muttersholz.



1784 Fromet Widow of Feissel Geismar (27).
1808 No Dreyfuss.
1866 David Dreyfuss of Osthouse m. Mendel Wormser (9) Children: MARIE m. Abraham Bicard, Biesheim, with descendants
ELISE m. Elie Heimendinger (22) with descendants
ROSALIE m. Samuel Rosenstiel, Colmar, without descendants
Arriving later from Riedwihr:
Meyer m. Louise Weil, son of Salomon b. Chaïm and Jeanne Weil Children: Léopold and Léon, Colmar
Berthe m. Salomon Katz, Colmar
And his brother:
Jacques (Jeïss) 1st wife Reine Levisson; 2nd wife Pauline Alexandre, with descendants
Meyer, son of Abraham and of Caroline Loeb,
Children: From a first marriage: CHARLES, Colmar, m. Berthe Abraham
Children: Maurice, Arthur, Marcel, Gaston, Alice,Marthe, Lucie
From a second marriage: CAROLINE m. Benusch, Strasbourg.
Jacob (Koppel) Without descendants.



* 10/1784 Salomon m.. Rachel Hirsch,
   Children among others: Simon m. Mammel Feissel = Marie Anne Geismar (27), descendance not tracked.

* 11/1784 Marx m. Claire Dreyfus
   Children among others :

  1. Joseph m. Fradel Lefi 98 to 105/1808
       Children among others
    1. Ellen m. Bernard David previously Meyer Lehmann of Wettolsheim.
    2. Nathan m.. Rachel Levi of Thiengen, Baden, Germany
    3. Régine m. Lazare Blum of Itterswiller.
    4. Marx m. Feggel Geismar, of Bergheim,
      Descendants among others: HENRIETTE (Hendel) m. Isaac Geismar (15) descendance see under Geismar (15) ;
      JOSEPH (Jessel) m. Jeannette Bloch of Diebolsheim, descendants in America: Marx, David, Salomon, Charles
      JACQUES (Jokev) without descendants
    5. Jödel m. Totere Levi of Uffholz.
  2. Reichel m. Meyer Kahn, see Kahn.

* 12/1784 Nathan, son of Marx Geismar and Esterle Franck,
m. Jüttel Kahn, see Kahn ; In 1808 he declared wards named Woog, who were his nephews and niece ; He married a second time to Röfftge Bähr. 17/1808.

* 13/1784 Salomon 2/1808 m. Vogel Levy 6/1808.

* 14/1784 Sussmann, 1st wife Vogel Jacob and 2nd wife Sara Kahn 64/1808.
Children among others :

  1. Jacques (Jegel) 110/1808 m. Hindel Hildenfinger 117/1808, see Hildenfinger ; remarried in 1816 to Madelen Weil.
    Children among others:
    1. Jödele m. Joseph Geismar of Turckheim.
    2. Fromet m. Leib Woog, see Woog.
    3. Simon 114/1808 m. Sara Weil of Bergheim, descendants  among others: HENRIETTE m. Leimele Weil, Muttersholtz.
      MOISE (Mosche-Jegel) m. Sophie (Zirle) Weil, of Bergheim, Children: Simon ; Marie m. Jonas Sulzer, Grussenheim ; Lucien m. Henriette Geismar, daughter of Marem, Interlaken ; Edmond m. Hélène Roos, Interlaken ; Henriette m. Salomon Geismar, son of Marem, Lausanne ; Jonas m. Suzanne Weill, Thoune ; Léon m. Lily Rein, Thoune ; Anna m. Victor Bollag, Zurich.
      FLORE (Feggele) m. Gustave (Getsch) Bloch, see Bloch (24).
      SALOMON = Süssmännle, Nancy.
      (Marem) m. Esther Bloch, of Yverdon (Switzerland), Children : Ferdinand m. Berthe Kahn, Strasbourg ; Ernestine, m. Eugène Netter, Lausanne ; Salomon m. Henriette Geismar daughter of Mosche-Jegel, Lausanne ; Henriette m. Lucien Geismar, son of Mosche-Jegel, Interlaken ; Berthe m. René Lang, Montreux.
    4. Marx m.. Henriette Geismar of Dornach Descendants: Heymann (Henri, Mosche-Hayim) m. Esther Isaac, of Biesheim; Children : ALPHONSINE m. Joseph Bloch (24) 3. MATHIAS : Descendants : Armande, Blanche Marcel
  2. Leib 1st wife Beïle Weil of Mutzig; 2nd wife Judith Bloch. Descendance not tracked.
  3. Salomon (Salomon Geismar the Younger) m. Fromet Woog 79 and 80/1808 see Woog.

* 15/1784 Abraham m. Feïl Goschel = Feggele daughter of Koschel = Foegele Weil 67/1808

Children among others:
  1. Goschel m.. Vögel Netter of Bergheim in 1808, remarried to Jeannette Braunschweig; Descendance not tracked.
  2. Simon m. Rachel Wolff 170 and 171/1808 ;
    Descendants among others:
    1. Abraham m. Marie Netter, see Netter, no descendants.
    2. Caspar (Koschel) m. Julie (Jentele) Wormser.
      Children among others: FANNY (Feyele) m. Joseph Lévy of Biesheim, Zurich. Children : Salomon (Zurich) ; Armand m. Julie Geismar daughter of Salomon (Zurich) with descendants ; Rosalie m. Joseph Geismar son of Salomon : daughter , Aline (m. Lucien Kahn, Colmar) ; Eugène ; Lucien ; EMANUEL (Menny);
      ABRAHAM (Mulhouse).
    3. Isaac (Eisik) m. Hendel (Henriette) Geismar (11) Very large descendance, among others: SALOMON m. Florette Simon, with descendants : Léon, Alfred, Reine, Suzanne, Jeanne.
  3. Jüttele m. Benjamin Lévy of Bergheim.
  4. Isaac m. Vogel Bloch 172 and 173/1808.

* 27/1784 Widow of Feissel Geismar = Fromet Dreyfus.

Children among others.
  1. Simon, m. Leye Bloch 69/1808.
    Children among others:
    1. Jödele 70/1808, m. Leïme Bickert of Horbourg. See Picard.
    2. Hirsch 71/1808, m. Caroline = Keïle Katz of Horbourg, without desc.
    3. Fromet 72/1808, m. Seligmann Wormser (9).
    4. Dina 73/1808, m. Joseph Wormser (7) 1, C.
    5. Marium 74/1808, m. Jacques Kahn of Wintzenheim.
  2. Salomon 30/1808, m. Keïle Hildenfinger, See Hildenfinger.
    Children among others:
    1. Marx 32/1808 m. Eve = Keïle Bickert of Horbourg
      Children among others: Salomon, m. Nannette Simon of Muttersholz:
      Descendants among others: ALINE (Léon Lévy, Biesheim): children : Henri, Salomon, Fernande; MAURICE (m. Emilie Samuel of Weiterswiller) Children: Germaine, Salomon, Marguerite, Lucie, Hélène, Ervin:
      JEANNE (Emile Picard), Children: Salomon, Léon, Maurice, Valentine;
      JOSEPH (m. Rosalie Lévy of Zurich), Child: Aline;
      JULIE (Armand Lévy, Zurich), Children: Salomon, Jacques, Léon, Suzy;
      ROSE (Elie Loeb, Basel) Children.: Louise, Lucie, Julien, Germaine, Andrée;
      Fromet, m. Leime Bickert, Herrlisheim (Haut-Rhin); Descendance: SARA (David Dreyfuss, St Dié) Children: Maurice, Suzanne, Yvonne;
      FRANÇOISE (Sussmann Bloch see Bloch) (24) 3, A.;
      FOHLE (Lyon);
      SCHLOME (Turckheim);
      JEANNETTE (Benjamin Sée, Liestal) Children: Florence, Marie, Jacques, Sophie.
      Adèle, m. Sussmann Bloch see Bloch (24) 3, A.
      Reichel, (Dreyfuss, Raon l'Etape), Child .: David Dreyfuss, St Dié, married his cousin, Sara.
      Fradel (Blum, Bergheim), Children: Jeannette, Sophie.
    2. Renkelen = Jeanet, m. Jacques Guntzburger in Muttersholtz.
    3. Vasi = Feiss, m. Sara Sée of Bergheim, descendance not tracked (Probably he is the Vasi who moved to Dambach; his son Marx had a son (Félix) named after his grandfather, a daughter Sara named after her grandmother, a son (Salomon) named after his great-grandfather who was married to Keïle Hildenfinger. (30, 1808). M. Ginsburger in Souvenir et Science N ° 3, p. 13 probably made an error in making our Vasi, who is the forefather of the General Gideon Geismar, a descendant of Salomon Geismar whose wife was named Rachel Hirsch and who appears in 1784 under No 10) (J. Bl.)



Counted in the 1851 census:

Joseph m. Adèle Wormser.

Children among others: SAMUEL, with descendance; Henriette m. Max Katz, Colmar;
Lucie m. Isidore Katz, Colmar;
Justin m. Berthe Samuel, with descendance



In 1784 four families:

* 20/1784 Joseph (Jeïssle son of David), m. Vögele Wormser (Ascendants not found)
his nephews Aron (21) and Marx (22), a widow Keïle Hemendinger (28) with her sons Paul and Lelser (Ascendants not found). Later coming from Stotzheim: Heimerdinger Isaac, and from Gerstheim: Hemedinger Joseph.

* 21/1784 Aron Hemendinger (Aron son of Zvi), m. Nanet Franck.
Among children:

  1. Hirzel, m. Sara Weil of Bergheim 94/1808
    children among others:
    1. Salomon (Wendmeller), m. Henriette Lévy Descendance: ARON (Paris); FELIX (Paris); ISAAC (Paris); RAPHAEL (Colmar); SARA, m. Abraham Heimendinger (Colmar) (22), 1, NANETTE (Pfastatt).
    2. Aron, m. Adèle (Elke) Wormser). Descendance :
      SALOMON m. Henriette Samuel, Children:
      Sophie (Simon Lévy, Strasbourg); Emma (Alphonse Wahl, Mulhouse); Arthur (MD., Strasbourg); Emile (Grussenheim); Sylvain, m. Marguerite Netter (Haguenau); Henry (Lille); Léon.
      SARA (Bollack, Wintzenheim);
      FEISSEL-HIRSCH (Vitry);
      GÜTTEL Julie (Eppstein, Grussenheim).
    3. Meyer (Schwarzmeyer), m. Adèle Wormser. Descendance:
      MERLEN (Hildenfinger, Epernay);
      SERLE (Bicard, Paris);
      JACQUES = Jegel (Grussenheim);
      DELPHINE (Kleinberg, Paris);
      PAULINE (Guthmann, Geneva);
      ABRAHAM (Frum-Herzl, Grussenheim);
      FLORINE (Guthmann, Geneva);
      JULIE (Munerod, Paris);
      MELANIE (Paris).
  2. Meyer 95/1808 m. Dina Bloch.
    Children among others:
    1. Aron (Rindsweg) m. Rachel Lévy, Descendants in America.
    2. Adèle.

* 22/1784 Marx m. Reffgen Krombach 55/1808.
Among children:

  1. Hirzel, 1st wife Brändel Meyer, of Düttlenheim; 2nd wife Leye Weil, of Soultz.
    Among children:
    1. Isaac-Eisik m. Esther Kreilsheim, of Rheinbischofsheim.
      Among descendants: LEOPOLD (LEÏB), m Dina Lévy of Biesheim. Children: Aline (David Lévy, Paris);
      Lucie (Jules Meyer, Colmar);
      Eve (Alexandre Weil, Hirsingue)
      Henriette (Edmund Weiller, Paris);
      Lucien (m. Berthe Bloch, Colmar);
      FANNY (Marmoutier);
      MARX = Motschel (m.Florine, Colmar) Among children:
      Louis and Henri, Colmar;
      JACQUES = Jôkel, (Colmar); Children Adèle (Hirsch, Colmar),
      Théo (Colmar);
      Léa (Wintzenheim).
    2. Marx = Motchel 1st wife. Sara Weil: Among descendants: DELPHINE (Biesheim);
      LOUISE (Simon Kahn, Soultz);
      ELIE - Elje-Haïm (Colmar);
      BENJAMIN - (Colmar).
      2nd wife. Rachel(?)
      Children: LEOPOLDINE (Benusch, Strasbourg);
      MARX (Moutiers).
    3. Raphaël = Fohlele, m. Julie (Yettel) Levy of Soultzmatt: Among descendants:
      MARX = Motschel:
      Children: Mélanie (Colmar);
      Pauline (Sylvain Lévy, Colmar);
      Fernand (Colmar).
      ABRAHAM = Fromele, m. Sara Heimendinger, Colmar. Children: Fernand, Henri, Nathan, Alphonse, Lucie, Jeanne (Germain Weill), Sylvain, all in Colmar; LEA (David Lévy, Ribeauvillé).
      Children: Rosa (Albert Lévy, Wissembourg);
      Clémence (Sadrowsky, Paris);
      Lucien (Ribeauvillé); see also under Woog.

  2. Meyer 1st wife Esther Lévy of Biesheim; 2nd wife Fromet Hirsch.
    Among children had:
    1. Henri(Herzi) m. Sara Weil: Among children: MOTSCHEL (Biesheim)
      RIVKA (Valff)
      ELIE (Elise-Ellele Dreyfuss, Grussenheim)
      LEOPOLD (Villé)
      LAZARE = Laase (Cernay)
    2. Marx = Motschi m. Nanette Schnerb ; Among descendants: MELANIE (Pont- à - Mousson);
      MEYER-HIRSCH (Ribeauvillé),
      Children: Maurice (Strasbourg),
      Robert (Munster);
      ROSETTE (Grussenheim).
    3. Lazare = Laase (Jedehof) m. Mendel Baumann. Descendants among others: MARIE= Mammel (Bloch, Guebwiller, whose son David was shot in 1914 by the Germans);
      ERNEST (Biesheim);
      ROSETTE (Isaac Wormser, Baccarat);
      MEYER (Baccarat);
      MARX (Fellering);
      FRADEL (Alexandre, Grussenheim).

* HEMERDINGER ISAAC of Stotzheim 46/1808 m. in 1804 Scheinel Braunschweig of Uffholz; he is the son of Getschel H. and Hanna Levi; his sister Beyerle was already married in Grussenheim to Joseph Kahn.

Children among others: calling themselves Hemedinger and Hemmendinger:
  1. Wolf 48/1808 m. Henriette Bloch of Issenheim,
    Children among others:
    1. Isaac-Jische, Marckolsheim, m. Rosalie Levy. Descendants: DAVID, Kaysersberg;
      LUCIEN, Mulhouse;
      CHARLES, America;
      LEON, Marckolsheim.
    2. Pauline-Bliem m. Bloch, Ingersheim. Descendants among others: Camille Bloch, Wintzenheim.
    3. Isaac-Etzig, with descendants in America.
    4. Gerson m. Güttel Meyer, Strasbourg, without descendants, See Mayer.
    5. Gabriel m. Marie Bigard daughter of Simon, see Bickart. Descendants among others: LUCIEN, Mondorf;
      EDMOND, Basel;
      ROSALIE (Dreyfuss), Basel.

* HEMEDINGER JOSEPH, of Gerstheim, son of Isaac, m. Barbe Kahn, of Zellwiller.

Children among others: Elie (Gockerelje) m. Julie (Yettele) Bloch see Jischen Bloch (24). Descendants among others: PAULINE, Brumath;
FANNY, Brumath;
ISAAC-Jische, Strasbourg;
m. Isaac Lévy, Grussenheim, see Lévy.



In 1784 - Jüttel Hildenfinger m. Judas Bloch (23); their daughter Minckel m. Marx Hildenfinger, see below.
In 1808 –
  1. Marx Hildenfinger, 159/1808 (son of Leïb Hildenfinger and Reichel Weill from Voegtlingshoffen) m. Minckel Bloch above;
    Children among others:
    1. Leib = Léopold m. Marie Geismar, with descendants:
    2. Lippman m. Barbe = Buna Wormser 167/1808 (7); Descendants: LEOPOLD m. Rehle Blum of Ensisheim, Children:
      Marx and Abraham in America;
      Juliettte m.Jules Dreyfuss, Colmar;
      Meyer, Grussenheim;
      Aron, Colmar;
      Basile m. Sylvain Weill, Haguenau
      SAMUEL m. Marie (Madel) Bloch daughter of Joseph (24) Children: Joseph m. Kaethe Steiner, Colmar;
      Mélanie m. Moïse Bloch, Strasbourg;
      Jules m. Irma Steiner, Colmar;
      Edouard, Grussenheim;
      Myria m. Alfred Lévy, Soultz;
      León, Colmar;
      Marcel, Strasbourg.
      JUDAS, Besançon.
    3. ISAAC m. Jeannette Kahn, with descendants
  2. Keyle Hildenfinger m. Salomon Geismar (27).
  3. Hindel Hildenfinger m. Jegel Geismar (14)
The descendants of Leïb Hildenfinger were very numerous in Grussenheim and are easy to determine.



* 1784 - The head of the community (PARNES) Meyer Kahn (1) m. Reichel Geismar, daughter of Marx Geismar (11). Children among others:
  1. Jüttel m. Nathan Geismar (12).
  2. Röllen m. Abraham Wormser (5), see also Woog.
  3. Nathan m. Nennel Salomon: according to M. Ginsburger (Bulletin libre 1934, N ° 8) a grandson, Nephthalie, would have died in Scherwiller on 6 Jun 1865.
1808 - Joseph Kahn m. Beyer = Babette Hemendinger, daughter of Götschel H. and Hanna Lévy of Stotzheim, descendance not tracked. 147/1808.
1836 - Jacques Cahn from Wintzenheim m. Marie Geismar daughter of Simon (27). Descendance not tracked.



No male Lefi either in 1784 or in 1808.
1811 - Nathan Lévy see Schöngrün.
1841 - Lévy Samuel m. Schwob Hélène (Hendele) who came from Riedwihr. Descendants emigrated.
1841 - Lévy Lippmann (of Westhouse) m. Ellele Woog (25), 3, A. Descendance see Woog.
1866 - Lévy Isidore (Etzig) m. Caroline Wormser (Gleck) daughter of Meyer (4) Children among others: Seligmann-Hersch (Colmar),
Salomon (Metz),
Gertrud (Güttel)(Reguisheim),
Jéttel (Hirsch, Mackenheim),
Moïse (Barr).
1866 - Lévy Mark (of Thillot) m. Pauline Piquard Child: Isaac (Jische) m. Elise Hemedinger see H. Joseph. Descendants : Myrtil (Yverdon), Jules, Fernand.


MAYER, MEYER (came from Riedwihr)

Counted in census in 1851: Mayer Elie son of. Jische m. Rachel Dockes Children among others: Judas (Jüdel), Colmar (with descendants)
Güttel m. Gerson Hemerdinger, daughter o. Wolf 48/1808 without descendance.
Isaac (Willer Haut-Rhin)
Counted in census in 1866: Meyer Samson Seligmann, m. Nanette Heymendinger (Kanendel); A daughter Rose in Muttersholtz Counted in census in 1866: Meyer Theodore, m. Pauline Reiss.



In the Census of the Jews of Bergheim of 1784:
* Joseph Netter, m. Güttel Haguenauer, declares his sons Baer, Isaac, Borach.
His son Bär was counted in Grussenheim 1836, m. Rosalie Dreyfus. Children among others:
  1. Baruch, m. Judith (Yettel) Geismar; descendants:
    1. JOSEPH m. Ernestine Lévy, see. Woog,
      Paul (Rosa Hecht, Strasbourg);
      Jeanne (Gathalie Rebstock, Strasbourg);
      Anna (Lambert Wolff, Mulhouse);
      Florence (Camille Dreyfuss, Benfeld);
      Lucie (Mulhouse);
      Céline (Kirsch, Strasbourg),
      Marguerite (Sylvain Heimendinger son of Salomon (21), Haguenau).
    2. ABRAHAM (Vezelise and Toul), with descendants.
    3. BERNARD (Grussenheim), unmarried.
    4. SIMON (Vezelise and Paris), without descendants.
    5. FANNY = Fayele (Léon Marx, Mulhouse), with descendants
  2. Marie m. Abraham Geismar (15), without descendants



* Emanuel Picard (Libmann), Mohel, born in Horbourg, son of Lehmann (Léopold) Bickart (Horbourg 35/1808) and of Judith Geismar daughter of Simon (27), grandson of Liebmann Bickert (Horbourg 7/1784) = Liebmann Bickart (Horbourg 32/1808) and of Blümel Wahl = Salomée Wahl (Horbourg 33/1808)
m. Florette Woog (Feggele) see Woog (25).
Pauline, m. Dreyfuss, of Hattstatt, Colmar, without descendants.
Emile, m. Jeanne Geismar daughter of Salomon Geismar (27) and Nannette Simon, of Muttersholtz,
Salomon (Colmar);
Léon (m. Jeanne Bertrand, Lyon);
Maurice (m. Lily Becker, Lyon);
Valentine (m. George Singer, Strasbourg).



* Nathan Lévi, m. Madelen Hemendinger was called Schœngrun after 1811. He was member of the Consistoire Israëlite of the Haut-Rhin in 1841 (see Note 19, p. 26). Children among others:
  1. Charles-Jacques, m. Françoise-Marie Samuel, of Niederhagenthal.
    Descendants among others:
    1. Jules, m. Irma Sée, of Bergheim.
      Children among others:
      CHARLES, Lille;
      MARIE m. Meyer, Toulouse;
      ANNA m. Meyer, Toulouse;
    2. Gustave, m. Régine Weil, of Muttersholtz.
      Children among others:
      CHARLES (Notary).



Originally from Riedwihr, sons of Léopold (Lemmlé-Hersch) Schwed and Rosalie Lévy, grandsons of Samuel Schwed, great-grandsons of Leimele Schwed and his wife Gutel (Family # 2 in the 1784 Census of Riedwihr).
  1. Henri, m. Nathalie Weil.
    Rose (Judas, Sélestat);
    Estelle (Moïse Weill, Barr);
    Fernande (Gustave Braun, Offendorf);
    Albert (Colmar).
  2. Samuel, m. Juliette Ullmo.
    León (Lausanne);
    Reine (Samson Schick, Colmar);
    Robert (Lausanne);



Isaac, caretaker of the cemetery (Kafren), came from Riedwihr, m. Pauline Lévy (Brendel) (a large part of their descendance is in America); he is the brother of Hélène (Hendelé), see under Lévy.



* 17/1784 - Marx, m. Rachel Seligmann = Rachel Hagenauer, daughter of Seligmann Hagenauer, of Muttersholtz, and Güttel Meyer;
Children among others:
  1. Meyer 153/1808, m. Käntel Bickart 158/1808. Descendance not tracked.
  2. Aron 19/1808, m. Bessel Sultzer = Bessel Heymann of Durmenach. Descendance not tracked.
  3. Heymann, m. Sara Risseren, of Sulzburg im Breisgau.
      Children among others:
    1. Reinelé, m. Issac Weil, of Westhouse.
    2. Paul, m. Minette Wormser.
      Descendants among others:
      Heymann = Chaim, m. Marie Stirn,
      Child: Julie (Chaje-Jendele).

* 18/1784 - Paul (Paulus), son of Feyl Bickert, m. Hintel Meyer = Hintel Bickert
124/1808 daughter of David Bickert and Sara Isaac. See Bickert;

Children among others:
  1. Scheinele 178/1808, m. Isaac Wormser (7);
  2. Vögele 128/1808, m. Jüdel Lévy, of Biesheim;
  3. Blümele 125/1808, m. Hermann Dreyfus;
  4. Leiser 127/1808, m. Marium Weil, of Westhouse;
    Children among others:
    Paul = Raphael, m. Julie (Jendele) Wormser;
    Caroline (Lippmann, Horbourg);
    Feiss (America)
    Gustave (Colmar).
  5. Etzig 126/1808 m. Elizabeth Wormser;
    Children among others:
    1. Jacques m. Feggel (Philippine) Wixler, without descendance.
    2. Théodore m. Caroline Wormser descendance in America and Reguisheim.
    3. Leopold (Leïbi), m. Elise Baumann, Marckolsheim.
      Descendants: Paul, Emma, Nannette, Rachel.
    4. Elias m. Reizle Lang; Descendants: Alphonse; Reine; Rachel.
    5. Marx (Motschel) m. Rosalie Bacharach;
      Children among others: JONAS m. Marie Geismar, see Geismar (14) C.
      Descendants: Renée, Céline, Marcel, Andrée; Henriette. ACHILLE, Horbourg.
      Children: Max, Lucien, Hélène, André; EDOUARD, Strasbourg, with descendants;
      ALFRED, Children: Jean and Huguette.
    6. Faye m. Wormser, Descendance not tracked.
* 19/1784 -Lazare, brother of Paul (18) m. Zipper Goschel 181/1808. Descendance not tracked.



* 10/1784 - Weil Seligmann m. Esther Kahn.
Children among others:
  1. Hirzel
  2. Reysel m. Libmann Bloch (23).
Leopold m. Pauline Lévy (Esel-Leïb) who came from Riedwihr. Children among others:
Minette and Rachel (Paris)
Florette (Hallel, Niedernai).



* 25/1784 David Woog, probably from Bouschwiller (Haut-Rhin) from the Leyser Woog family (1784 Census Bouschwiller 9/1784) or the family of Leopold Woog (ib. 17/1784) , judging by the first names of their sons, which are repeated in the future family of David Woog.
m. Elle Wormser, daughter of Abraham Wormser (25) and Regine-Rölle Kahn, grand-daughter of Meyer Kahn and Reichel Geismar see Kahn (1). Children, among others:
  1. Seligmann 118/1808, m. Reissel Maus 121/1808, descendance not tracked
  2. Marx 96/1808, m. Eva Katz (future branch of Marckolsheim).
    Children, among others:
    David, m. Gertrud Bernheim, with desc.
    MARC m. Berthe Bernheim, child: Salomon (m. Borach, Marckolsheim)
    JULES (COLMAR) with descendance;.
    MARIE (Joseph Lévy, Marckolsheim);
    JOSEPH (m. Hanna Schwab), descendance not tracked
    2 daughters, m. Guntzburger, AltBreisach.
  3. Leïb 192/1808 m. Fromet Geismar 113/1808 (14) 1, B. children among others.:
    1. Ellele m. Lippman Lévy of Westhouse (Grussenheim).
      Descendance .;
      MATHIAS, m. Julie Lazarus (Colmar);
      Children : Clementine (Arthur Brille, Dieuze); Emma (Léon Levy, Colmar); Henriette (Guillaume-Gaston Feinstein, Paris); Myria (Wolff, Muttersholtz); Sara (Goldring, Paris); HENRIETTE m. Leopold Bloch see Bloch (24), 3, D.;
      MARIE (Myrtil Berr, of Raon l'Etape, Colmar), without descendance .;
      ROSE (Jonas Dreyfuss, of Westhouse, Benfeld), Child: Lucien (m. Marthe Weil, Strasbourg,
      ERNESTINE (Joseph Netter, Grussenheim) see Netter;
      DAVID (1st wife: Léa Heimendinger) (2), Ribeauvillé; Children: Rosa, Clemence, Lucien. –
      2nd wife: Pauline Bloch of Krautergersheim. Children: Alice (Paul Fohlen,
      Strasbourg); Julien (Lyon)
      GUSTAVE (m. Lina Lévy, Wingersheim).Children: Alice, m.. Joseph Lévy, Sarrebourg),
      Céline (Roger Lanzenberg, Strasbourg); JACQUES (m. Pauline Berr, of Raon l'Etape, Child: Blanche (m. Louis Blum, Mulhouse).
    2. Feggele = Florette, m. Emanuel Picard, Grussenheim, see Picard.
    3. David, m. Caroline Marx of Ribeauvillé, Grussenheim, without descendance.
    4. Hindel,m. Weill, Scherwiller, without descendance.
  4. Marium 191/1808 m. Abraham Bickart, see Bickert
  5. Fromet 80/1808 m. Salomon Geismar the younger 78/1808.



* 2/1784 Baruch m.Hanna Levy, descendance not found.

* 3/1784 Nathan m. Bliemele Bloch

    Children, among others:
  1. Marx 23/1808 1st wife Märle Weil; 2nd wife Sara Well
    Descendance among others:
    1. Seligmann Moses 25/1808 m. Sara Wormser of Wintzenheim,
      Children among others: LAZARE (OSCHER) 1st Wife Eve Wormser, 2nd wife Pauline (Brändel) descendance: Seligmann, m. Rosalie Schwartz of Wintzenheim, with descendance (in America); Abraham (Armand) Haguenau. NATHAN m. Mariem Wormser (9), descendance in Besançon,
    2. Baruch 26/1808 m. Rosine Weil of Biesheim descendance not tracked
    3. Wolf 27/1808 m. Rosalie Baumann of Mutzig, descendance not tracked
  2. Wolf 10/1808 m. Reizle Levl. Descendance among others:
    1. Bliemele 11/1808 see birth certificate, p....
    2. Jödelein 12/1808 m. Isaac Bloch (24), 2.
    3. Nathan 10/1808 m. Eva Katz. Descendance: Wolf, America; Gabriel,
      major in the light cavalry; Benjamin (Baruch) m. Güttel Wormser, Paris. (6).
  3. David 1st wife Sara Levi, 2nd wife Sara Braunschwig of Soultz, descendance not found.

* 4/1784 Salomon m. Glück Isaac.

    Children among others:
  1. Isaac 75/1808 m. Régine Wormser of Altbreisach.
  2. Hirtz 81/1808 m. Fromet Dinner.
  3. Meyer 97/1808, daughter: Glück m. Isaac (Etzig) Lévy), see. Lévy

* 5/1784 Abraham m. Rölle Kahn, see. Kahn and Woog;
Children, among others. Elle m. David Woog (25)

* 6/1784 Seligmann, m. Jentel Abraham.

Child, among others:
Vasi (Feiss) m. Güttel Blamet 84/1808
Descendance among others:
Hirzl m. Hirschel Güttel de Wolfisheim
1841 m.. Julie Mosbacher: descendance among others
FELIX (FEISS) m. Pauline Segal, descendance among others Jacques (Avenches);
Caroline (Güttel) m. Benjamin (Baruch) Wormser) (3);
Abraham, m. Victoire Lévy, children:
Henry, Alice, Fernand, Blanche, Julien, Constant, Clemence.
SALOMON (Seligmännle) m. Jeannette Jaudel: children among others:
Henri (Strasbourg); Achille (Hayange); Fernand (Morat); Pauline (Gerson Ullmann,
Durmenach); Julie (Ste Marie aux Mines).

* 7/1784, Samuel, son of Chaïm W. and Reiss Geismar, m. Brendel Bloch 122/1808

    Children among others:
  1. Isaac 165/1808 m. Scheinel (Jeannette) Sulzer 178/1808
      Children among others:
    1. Samuel m. Caroline Sée
      Descendance among others: KOSCHEL with descendance immigrated to America; LEOPOLD (LEIB), Colmar m. his cousin Feggele see B.; children Edouard, Camille, René, Jeanne, Florence, Céline; ISAAC (Etzigle), Baccarat; RAPHAEL, Colmar, descendance: Julien, Germaine (Lieber), Strasbourg.
    2. Paul (Fuhlé) m. Josephine Lévy
      Descendance among others: ABRAHAM 1st wife Mathilde Franck, 2nd wife Clemence Blum, with descendance: Fernande, Anna; SAMUEL (Paris), children: Edmond, Jeanne; FEGGELE, m. her cousin Leopold, see under A.
    3. Moyse-Joseph m. Dina Geismar (27) 1, D.
      Descendance among others: SIMON (Schemme) 1st wife Béatrice Dreyfuss, 2nd wife Fanny Weil, children:
      Moïse m. Rebecca Bollag, descendance: Berthe, Salomon, Edouard
      Meyer (Ribeauvillé), child. Mrs Duchmann.
      Jules, cantor (Colmar), with descendance
      LOUISE, m. Israel Wormser (Saverne)
      MOISE (Itterswiller)
      HENRIETTE (Paris).
    4. Nathan, m. Minette Blum of Dambach: son SAMUEL, m. Mathilde Franck, descendance:
      Blanche, Oscar, Laure, Marthe.
    5. Buna, m. Lippmann Hildenfinger, see Hlldenfinger.
  2. Heymann m. Mendel Dreyfus, of Dambach, son: Samuel = Gaseschmüle.
  3. Vasi 123/1808.
  4. Beyle, married to Moyses Salomon of Westhouse in 1793, see marriage certificate p.28
 * 5.   Feyle 109/1808, m Heymann Wormser 108/1808 (8).
8/1808 Jegel, brother of Samuel (7), married first Beyle Levy, then Mährle Kahn of Muttersholtz. His third marriage was with Pfauere Kahn 134/1808, see 1784 Census under 23 .
Children among others
  1. Heymann 108/1808 m. Voegele Wormser, descendance not tracked ;
  2. Alexandre (Senderle) Rindsweg, m. Reichel Hildenfinger of Hattstatt, descendance not tracked.

* 9/1784 Jacque (Jacob) 49/1808 brother of Samuel (7) and Jegel (8). m. Marie-Anne Weyl 66/1808

Child among others:
Seligmann 54/1898 m. Fromet Geismar 72/1808, see Geismar (27) descendants among others :
  1. Marie (Marjemle) m. Nathan Wormser (3) 1, A .
  2. Mendel m. David Dreyfus of Osthouse, see Dreyfus .


6. Memories of the life in my village

As long as the community was numerous and flourishing, religion was an integral part of the Jewish life of the village. All followed the religious laws and traditions. Without ostentation, each one led his own life in the same manner as the previous generations had been doing forever. Everything seemed natural; nothing was artificial. But with the decrease in the population, technical progress and materialistic spirit of our time, the religious sentiment weakened in our area, as it did elsewhere.

In our youth, Shabbat, observed by everyone without exception, was the crowning moment of the week, the day when everything in the narrow and low houses was transformed as soon as they were illuminated by the splendor of the sabbath lights.As in the poetry of Heine, the inhabitants themselves changed along with their clothing, their entire being. The services were attended by everyone, the singing of the cantor was the object of criticism by the faithful. The “Lernen” in the 3 Chevroth, each one done at a different hour, was listened to attentively by all the members.

The visits to the inns, however, -especially at Schlomes' -, also had their place; in a deafening noise, they played dominoes; card games were excluded for religious reasons. Fights among the young at times followed this less offensive amusement, brawls that looked a little like the “catch” that is so popular in our days. We remember an anecdote about this, transmitted from generation to generation in Zellwiller, village of the celebrated Môschele-Zellwiller. After the obligatory nap of the afternoon of Shabbat in summertime, an ordinary Jew rapidly opened the shutters of his little house exclaming: “Schlagt mer schun?” (Has the fighting started yet?)

Next to these physical exercises from foreign influences, true Jewish charity was neither forgotten nor neglected: Entire families of poor passersbys found lodging and food with our families, who received them like old friends. And it was not unusual that 20 or so individuals spent Shabbat in our village, put up in the “barn of Lase” (ins Lasés Scheier) and increased the number of congregants in our “schul” .
On the eve of Passover, the schoolboys would collect wood to light the “Hômetzfeier” in the courtyard of the Jewry (Jeddehof). There the Hômetz that had been searched for on the day before would be burned, and the iron saucepans brought by the housewives would be heated to glow, so as to make them proper for Passover usage (yonteftig). That was an innocent and free entertainment. If Passover eve happened to be a Shabbat, it was not offensive to have “dinner in the courtyard “. On such Friday evening a dozen families would dish out their meal in the open in the “ Jeddehof “, and each would know the neighbors' fare, which by the way did not differ much from his own.

On tinchehov (9 Ab), everyone sat on the floor, and the same privileged ones recited the same “Kinoth”, year after year, on a traditional and invariable tune. A traditional, deep-rooted abuse was also to throw “glouterons” (Kletten) [thistles] - which in this season grew in the synagogue courtyard - on the neighbor who never failed to counter similarly. After the service that lasted until midday, the boys went down to the mill brook (Mihlbach) to kill time fishing, generally at no avail.

It was a must to walk all together to the “Taschlischbach” after the Rôche-Hachânâ “Min ' hâ” service, but it provided much pleasure and solace.

It was not considered a sin to burglarize other peoples' Soukka on Sim ' hath-Thora. Those liking that sport found plenty of opportunities to practice in the “ Jeddehof “ where at least a half a dozen of these huts has been erected without luxury nor taste, but with all the more love.

Let us not keep secret the art of “Schormé” (soothe a pain by pronouncing a charm); Daïlé, the daughter of a former 'Hazzan practiced it and so drew some income on top of her small trade of soap and candles. While writing these lines, I seem to smell the scent of these goods which she stored in her single small room. She had a competitor in her trade: Kleker-Etzig whose customers were in Jebsheim and who obtained his goods in Sélestat (15 kilometers away). He would get there every Tuesday on foot or benefiting from a cart met on his way. He told you with obvious satisfaction that he had already booked several orders for matchboxes.

Indeed life was simple, the people demanding little, but perhaps they were happier than those of the present generation with their refined taste and complicated needs.

(J. Bl.)

Please find below some sobriquets and nicknames used in Grussenheim (part of which have been cited above):

According to their occupation or trade you had: Fésch-Büne, a woman selling fish and Fésch-Lippmann, her husband; Conscrits-Haendler the man supplying substitutes for military service; Eise-Frumele a hardware dealer; Gase-Schmule a goat trader; Gold-Douved traded in of gold; Mohl-Lippmann a Môhel; Schouf-Meyerlé a sheep trader; according to their physical appearance there were: Alt-Froumél an old man; Grauss-Froumel a big man; Buckel-Etzig a hunchback; Krumm-Fuhle a lame man; Langschueh had large feet; Rot-Salme a redhead; Schwarz-Meyer was dark-haired; Garte-eisik owned a large garden; Herre-Fuhle was pretentious; s'Hersche Lippmann worked for Hirsch Geismar; Keriche-Motschel was living near the church; the Meyers from Riedwihr were called Mükker: Mükker-Elje and Katze-Mükker (who mimicked cats meowing); Chineser-Leïwelé (had participated in the campaign of China) (1857-1860). We have no explanation for: Gogger-Elje, Goldscheisserlé, Mummele-Eisik, Renner (maybe salesman), Wendmeller.

1.Necessary research to establish these tables was done exclusively by Mr Salomon Picard. (J. Bl.) Return

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