Vanished Jewish Community

(Grussenheim, France)

48°07' / 07°28'

Translation of
Grussenheim: Communauté Juive Disparue

Edited by Joseph Bloch and Salomon Picard

Published by “Les Amis du Cimetière Israélite
De Grussenheim”, 1960



Project Coordinator

Laurent Kassel


Laurent Kassel
Rosanne Leeson
Sophie Blachet
Marla Deutsch
Evelyne Haendel
Pierre Hahn
Ernest Kallmann
Aline Lambert
Michel Levy
Renee Payne
Omer Vanvoorden
Terry Zakine-Cerf


Permission graciously granted by Mme. Lyse SCHWARZFUCHS,
the granddaughter of one of the authors, Rabbi Joseph BLOCH z”l

This is a translation from Grussenheim: Communauté Juive Disparue (Grussenheim: Vanished Jewish Community)
Joseph Bloch and Salomon Picard, Published by “Les Amis du Cimetière Israélite De Grussenheim”, 1960

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I. Beginning and growth of the community
II. Trades
III. The Synagogues
IV. The Cantors
V. The Rabbis
VI. The School and the Teachers
VII. The Presidents
VIII. 'Hévrôth
IX. The Cemetery
X. Notes


1. Extract of the 1784 Census
2. Indications on the age of the people listed in the 1784 Census and their relatives
3. The first entries in civil records (1793)
4. Statements of the Jews of Grussenheim for the adoption of fixed names and forenames
5. Genealogical tables of the Jewish families of Grussenheim
6. Memories of the life in my village

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Contact person for this translation Laurent Kassel
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 26 Jun 2009 by LA