48°07' / 07°28'
Translation of
Grussenheim: Communauté Juive Disparue
Edited by Joseph Bloch and Salomon Picard
Published by Les Amis du Cimetière Israélite
De Grussenheim, 1960
Project Coordinator
Permission graciously granted by Mme. Lyse SCHWARZFUCHS,
This is a translation from Grussenheim: Communauté Juive Disparue (Grussenheim: Vanished Jewish Community)
Joseph Bloch and Salomon Picard, Published by Les Amis du Cimetière Israélite
De Grussenheim, 1960
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
I. | Beginning and growth of the community |
II. | Trades |
III. | The Synagogues |
IV. | The Cantors |
V. | The Rabbis |
VI. | The School and the Teachers |
VII. | The Presidents |
VIII. | 'Hévrôth |
IX. | The Cemetery |
X. | Notes |
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