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Dubossary memorial book – Picture Index

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Murdered by the Nazis

Caption Page Picture
Azriel Granovsky 364
Shlomo and Tzila Granovsky 364
Malka Granovsky 364
Sarah Spitnik 364
Israel and Sarah Volovsky from Yagorlik 364
Hershl Levin 364
Chana Lifshin and children Chava and Emanuel 364
Nachman Laizer Lifshin 364
Rivka Teitelboim Katz (Nahum Teitelboim's daughter) 365
Sarah Katz (Pinyeh and Rivka Teitelboim's daughter) 365
Pinyeh Katz 365
Aharon Teitelboim 365
Anna Beck (neé Teitelboim) 365
Nachum Teitelboim (the baker) 365
Chaya Sarah Polyak ( Nachum Teitelboim's granddaughter) 365
Levi Feinshil 366
Hershl Postalov's three children 366
Hershl Postalov 366
Ida Katzavman 366
Esther Hinda Katzavman and Jenny Berlin 366
Baruch Katzavman 366
Avraham Dunayevsky (shot by the Soviets for Zionist activity). 366
Rivka Kantor-Srulevitch, husband Betzalel and children 366
Pesach Kipnis 366
Mordecai and Bella Shargaradsky 367
Etl Kipnis and Ita Yanover (killed) 367
Abba Shafer and wife 367
Pesach and Fenna Levine (Levy), son Chaim and grandchildren. 367
Raizel Pilchikov, Dena Gurevitch, Bracha Pilchikov, Chana Imam (killed), Esther Kipnis (standing) survived 367

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