Dubossary memorial book Picture Index
[See the enlarged pictures by clicking on the thumbnails]
Died in Dubossar
Caption |
Page |
Picture |
Henya Goldiner |
360 |
Yochanan Goldiner |
360 |
Benjamin Itzkovitch (submitted by his son Moshe and wife Rosa in Argentina) |
360 |
Shimon Zhenin |
360 |
Raphael Zeltzer |
360 |
Efraim Ish Horvitz Halevi (submitted by wife Shayndl and children) |
360 |
Chaim Levine |
360 |
Masya Litmonovitch |
360 |
Layb Litmonovitch |
360 |
Shaul and Tzipora Spivak |
361 |
Reb David Lifshin and wife
361 |
Rachel Fainshil |
361 |
Dena Filler
361 |
Yitzchak Spivak |
361 |
Baruch Kipnis |
361 |
Sossy Kipnis
361 |
Yerachmiel Fastalov |
361 |
Perl Tzelnik |
362 |
Tatl Tzelnik |
362 |
Israel Tzelnik |
362 |
Hersh Layb Kotchok |
362 |
Isser Tzelnik |
362 |
Yosef Kotchok (Yosl Moshkovitzer, grandfather of Mrs. Granovsky) |
362 |
Tzipora Spivak |
362 |
Akiva and Golda Tzelnik |
362 |
Sarah Soicherman-Chochomovitch (died in Israel)
362 |
Rabbi Shmuel Pinchas Rabinovitch and wife |
363 |
Hershl and Ettl Shafer |
363 |
Noah and Batya Steinberg |
363 |
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Dubossary, Moldova
Yizkor Book Project
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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 18 May 2014 by OR