Dubossary Memorial Book
(Dubasari, Moldova)

47°07' / 29°10'

Translation of
Dubossary; Sefer Zikaron

Edited by: Y. Rubin

Published in Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1965



Project Coordinator

Sarah Faerman


This is a translation from: Dubossary; Sefer Zikaron; Dubossary Memorial Book, ed. Y Rubin, Tel-Aviv,
Association of Former Residents of Dubossary in America, Argentina and Israel, 1965 (H,Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Dubossary

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Dubossary.html

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Yizkor Book


  Article Author(s) Page
H Preface editors: M. Bick, B. Bassin, D. L. Granovsky, Y. Kantor 7
Y Preface editors: M. Bick, B. Bassin, D. L. Granovsky, Y. Kantor 8
H Dubossary (general overview) A. Timor 11
Y Dubossary (general overview) A.Timor 16
H Our community Dubossary D. L. Granovsky 21
Y Our community Dubossar D. L. Granovsky 33
H What there once was… Y. Dunayevsky z”l 52
Y What there once was… Y. Dunayevsky z”l 54
H Memories of the past Baruch Bassin 58
Y Memories of the past Baruch Bassin 65
H “Reaction” in Russia and Blood Libel in Dubossar Y. Visoky (Ram) z”l 74
Y “Reaction” in Russia and Blood Libel in Dubossar Y. Visoky (Ram) z”l 74
H Additional details of the Blood Libel L. Rubin 77
Y Additional Facts about the Blood Libel in Dubossar L.Rubin 78
H My Dubossary years A. Y. Golani z”l 79
Y My Dubossary years A. Y. Golani (Yagolnitzer) z”l 82
H One Sabbath in Yagorlik A.Y. Golani z”l 85
Y One Sabbath in Yagarlik A. Y. Golani z”l 87
Y Images and Memories from my Town Dubossary Moshe Feldman z”l 90
Y A Yizkor light for my town Dubossary

Bernardo Gurevitch z”l

H Self-defense in Dubossary Yeshayahu Kan-Tor 98
Y Self-defense in Dubossary Yeshayahu Kan-Tor (Kantor) 110
H Characters of the Dubossary Self Defense Baruch Bassin 127
Y Characters of the Dubossary Self Defense Baruch Bassin 128
H The First Jewish Commune in Russia Moishe Faerman z”l 129
Y The First Jewish Commune in Russia Moishe Faerman 131
H Memoriew of my town Dubossary L. Rubin 135

Memories of my town Dubossary 

Leon Rubin 140
H Dubossary in 1920-1922 Yeshayahu Kan-Tor 146
Y Dubossary in 1920-1922 Yeshayahu Kantor 156
H The Dubossary Organization in America Harry Scheer 172
Y Dubossary Landsleit Association in America Harry Scheer 177
H Former residents of Dubossary in Argentina L. Rubin 183
Y Former residents of Dubossary in Argentina L. Rubin 186
Y Am appeal by Dubossary Jews to their Landsleit in Argentina Bernardo Gurevitch 192
  Episodes from my young years in Dubossary Louis Tchernik 193
  Way of Life – Folklore and Legends
H In the place where the penitents stand Yechiel Reznik z”l 204
Y The Penitent Yechiel Reznik z”l 208
H The beginnings of the Jewish Theater in Dubossary   215
Y The beginnings of the Jewish Theater in Dubossary Isaac Horvitz 220
H Reb Itzik Sharagrodsky - the Dubossary Klezmer Harry Scher 226
Y Reb Itzik Shargaradsky – the Dubossary Klezmer Harry Scher 228
H The Insight of a Torah Scholar Yechiel Reznik, z”l 231
Y The Gabay [sexton] of the Makarover rabbi Nachum Peck 233
Y My Town Dubossary Anna Scher 236
Y Laybe's Cross Chaim Greenberg 239
  Under Soviet Rule, and the Holocaust
H Ele Ezkera [I remember] D. L. Granovsky 242
Y Yitgadal Veyitkadash (A Poem) Moshe Ben Yakov Feldman z”l 243
Y I shall forever remember D. L. Granovsky 248
H Dubossry under the Soviets rule and in the Holocaust Arkady Timor 250
Y Dubossary under the Soviets rule and in the Holocaust Arkady Timor 265
H On your ruins, Dubossary (poem) D. L. Granovsky, music – Moshe Bick 286
H Memorial Projects   288
Y Memorial Projects   292
H The Great Scholar and Rabbi Yerucham son of Rabbi Shabtai Hacohen Shabtai Kardonsky 298
H Rabbi Yehoshua Issachar Abel z”l D. L. Granovsky 299
H Rabbi Yehoshua Issachar Abel z”l Yosef Ram 301
Y Rabbi Yehoshua Issachar Abel z”l D. L. Granovsky 302
Y Rabbi Yehoshua Issachar Abel z”l Yosef Visoky (Ram) 305
H A. Y. Golani (Yagolnitzer) z”l Yeshayahu Kantor 306
Y A. Y. Golani (Yagolnitzer) z”l Yeshayahu Kantor 307
H Moshe Feldman z”l Baruch Bassin 310
H Moshe Feldman z”l D. L. Granovsky 311
Y Moshe Feldman z”l D. L. Granovsky 312
Y Moshe Feldman z”l Baruch Bassin 313
H Yosef Ram (Visoky) z”l D. L. Granovsky 316

Yosef Ram (Visoky) z”l

D. L. Granovsky 317
H Our great teacher Gad Layb Rakov Fruma Granovsky and Lea Reznik 319
Y Our great teacher Gad Layb Rakov z”l Fruma Granovsky 320
Y Nachum Matenka z”l Moshe Bick 321
H Yechiel Tselnik z”l Baruch Bassin 324
H Yechiel Tselnik z”l Yosef Ram (Visoky) z”l 325
Y Yechiel Tselnik z”l Baruch Bassin 326
Y Yechiel Tselnik z”l Y. Dunayevsky z”l 327
H Pinchas and Leah Bassin z”l Yosef Ram (Visoky) z”l 327
Y Pinchas and Leah Bassin z”l Yosef Ram (Visoky) z”l 328
H Yosef Ben Ami z”l Chana Ben Ami 329
H Michael Steinberg z”l Y. Kantor 330
H Moishe Faerman z”l D. L. Granovsky 331
Y Moishe Faerman z”l D. L. Granovsky 333
Y Moishe Faerman z”l Noah Wittman 335
H Baruch Spivak z”l   337
H Miriam Ben Ami Y. Kantor 338
  Jewish Doctors in Dubossar
H Dr. Krasnovitz Y. Dunayevsky 339
H Dr. Altman Y. Dunayevsky 339
Y Dr. Krasnovitz Y. Dunayevsky 340
Y Dr. Altman Y. Dunayevsky 340
H Hershl Zionist Yosef Visoky (Ram) 341
Y Hershl Zionist Yosef Visoky (Ram) 342
H Zelig the Dyer Y. Dunyevski z”l 343
Y Zelig the Dyer Y. Dunyevsky z”l 344
H David Pochis z”l Y. Kantor 345
H Yitzchak Pochis z”l (with poem)   347
Y Tzvi Hersh Tulchinsky D. L. Granovsky 348
H Tzvi Hersh Tulchinsky D. L. Granovsky 349
H Mendl Zeltzer z”l Y. Kantor 349
Y Mendl Zeltzer z”l Y. Kantor 350
Y Kalman Levenstein   351
  In Their Eternal Memory
  Photos and Lists of Deceased and Murdered   353
  Murdered by the Nazis   368
  Poem: “I Shall Cry Out No Longer” D. L. Granovsky 377
  Picture index    

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Sarah Faerman
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