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Pictures and Illustrations (cont.)

474 Survivors who returned
475 Survivors who returned gather gravestones that were scattered in Ciechanow streets
476 Survivors gather the bones of the victims
477 To a Jewish burial in the Ciechanow cemetery
478 Exhumation and burial of the tormented Sarah Altus
The coffin in the cemetery
The new grave
480 The monument for the Jews of Ciechanow who perished in the Shoah
488 Members of first society from Ciechanow in Israel to help survivors
489 Members of first society from Ciechanow in Israel to help survivors
In “Yaar Kdoshim”
Ceremony of planting trees in memory of the destroyed Ciechanow Kehillah
Binyamin Apel from Detroit and Tenenbaum from Paris
Tenenbaum greets Binyamin Apel and his wife
497 Presidium during a memorial service
498 Assembled ones in the hall
499-500 A memorial service for Ciechanow martyrs in 1961
503 Ciechanowers in Detroit - Executive committee and Committee members
Meeting of landsleit
Ciechanow Jewish survivors of the lagers upon their arrival in Detroit
505 Reception for Moishe Porakh during his visit in Detroit
511 Ciechanowers in Paris say farewell to their landsman, F. Tanenbaum, upon his departure for Israel
513 A monument for the Ciechanower Jews who perished, erected in the Parisian “Brother Grave” by their surviving landsleit
518 Reception for Binyamin Apel in Detroit
519 A celebration of Ciechanowers and surroundings
521 Ciechanow landsmanshaft organization in Montreal
524 The editorial committee of the Yizkor Book of the Ciechanow Jewish Kehillah
525 Moishe Leser
525 Binyamin Apel

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 12 July 2003 by LA