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[Page 514]

Ciechanowers in Paris and Surroundings (cont.)

Activities of the Ciechanow Landsmanshaft in Paris in the light of announcements in the local press

The following announcements that were published in the Parisian Jewish newspapers reflect the activities of the Parisian landsmanshaftn.

Society of Ciechanow Landsleit

Because of the situation that has recently arisen on account of the steady influx of our surviving-refugee landsleit, it has been decided to form a society in Paris, “Friends of Ciechanow And Its Surroundings,” where all landsleit will be able to feel at home and will be able to benefit from direction and mutual help. At the last general meeting that took place September 28, in the presence of all Ciechanowers and the surrounding area, such as: Mlawa, Proshnitz, Makow, Schegova and Plonsk. After a friendly exchange of ideas the following were elected as a committee: President - Yosl Mlotzker; vice-president - Henekh Perlmutter; secretary -- Laibl Rosenblum; treasurer -- Yitzhak Kleinetz; auditors: Moishe Weinstock, Madame Faige Asherman, and Traister. All those interested in joining our Society can call for information to friend Mlotzker, 14 rue Martel, evenings from 8 to 10.

October 3, 1946

Attention, Ciechanowers!

In order to express our rage at the renewal of racism, particularly the pogroms on Jews in Iraq, and in order to express our desire for peace, we invite all Ciechanowers to participate in a protest meeting today, Monday, in “Mityalita.”


President Of Ciechanow Landsleit 23.11.49

[Page 515]

The Society “Friends of Ciechanow and Surroundings and Yiddish Mutual Aid

Bernard Coopershmid

This past Sunday we, “Friends of Ciechanow And surroundings,” and “Yiddish Mutual Aid” met in the Jewish cemetery Bania, where a monument was erected on the grave of the young hero, Bernard Coopershmid who, at the age of 20, was shot to death by the Germans on May 25, 1944 in the deportation from Ordesh.

A large crowd responded to both announcements.

First, friend Zilberman spoke as president of the Society “Yiddish Mutual Aid.” He was followed by M. Mlotzker, president of the “Society of Ciechanowers and Surroundings.” He reminded us of the cause for which the young Bernard had given his life, and called upon those assembled to unite against the new dangers that hang over us.

Finally friend Yitzhak Kleinitz spoke, making a strong appeal, saying that one of the ways of honoring the memory of young Bernard is to provide for the surviving children of deported and murdered Jews.

On the spot there was collected, in the name of both societies, 8,280 francs for the summer camps of the Central Children's Commission.

May 6, 1951

[Page 516]

Ciechanow And Its Surroundings

Every year in the month of November we recall the destruction of our five thousand families by the Hitler-barbarians. The previous residents as well as new arrivals will come united to this day of curses for all murderers and enemies of the Jewish people.

In order to honor our destroyed ones, we appeal to all landsleit to come Shabbat, November 8, 9 p.m. to the Lankry Hall for a memorial evening. Our only surviving witness, Jack Kleinitz, will speak of the martyrdom of our dear ones of Ciechanow and surroundings.

Khazan Solomon will make the Azkarah

Nobody should be absent.

November 5, 1952

for the Committee:

President Mlotzker

Society of Friends of Ciechanow

The society “Friends of Ciechanow And Surroundings” appeals to all landsleit and friends to come Sunday, November 2, 3 p.m., to the Meri in Drancy in order to honor the tenth yahrzeit of the young hero, fallen partisan, Simon Bronstein.

Honor his memory!

[Page 517]

All Landsleit of Ciechanow And Surroundings

We are meeting this Shabbat, June 12, 9 p.m., in the local of 8 rue Montage for

A Banquet

in honor of the departure of our landsman Dovid Shmid to Israel to fight in the ranks of the Haganah for the victory of the State of Israel and for the existence of our people.

The Committee


A Festive Gathering of Ciechanowers and the surroundings

In connection with the election in Paris of the well-known Israeli artist, Yehoshua Grosbard, who spent the youthful years in Ciechanow, and remained dearly beloved by all, we have the pleasure of announcing that we are having a festive gathering with him tomorrow, October 15, 9 p.m. in the “Eden” salon, 36 Bonne Nouvelle Blvd. We invite all our friends. A representative of the “Farband of Jewish Organizations” will be present. Refreshments will be served.

We ask everyone to be punctual

for the Committee

President Mlotzker


We have given the announcements in the style that they were published. For the last three announcements there is no date of their appearance.

(editor's note)

[Page 518]

Banquet of Ciechanow landsleit in Paris
Reception for Binyamin Apel in Detroit
Reception for Binyamin Apel in Detroit

Picture Index

[Page 519]

A celebration of Ciechanowers and surroundings

Picture Index


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