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[Page 504]

The Ciechanow Landsmanschaft in Detroit (cont.)

Meeting of landsleit Ciechanow Jewish survivors of the lagers upon their arrival in Detroit
Meeting of landsleit
Ciechanow Jewish survivors of the lagers
upon their arrival in Detroit

Picture Index


[Page 505]

 Reception for Moishe Porakh during his visit in Detroit
Reception for Moishe Porakh during his visit in Detroit

Picture Index

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Landsleit [compatriots] of Detroit
Landsleit [compatriots] of Detroit

Picture Index

We want to mention here some of our people who devoted much time and effort for the landsmanshaft organization: Yisroel and Vita Bornstein; Liber and Tzerka Burman; Yuzek and Frau Glass, who did so much, including the most difficult work, to raise money, raised funds themselves and packed parcels.

After the khurban, when Jewish Ciechanow no longer existed, and after some of our members died, the work ceased. We might have stopped existing, just as did many similar organizations in America, had it not been for the arrival in Detroit of a group of young refugees with Binyamin Apel and Laibl Mandrl at the head.

They started to awaken anew the old and tired members, who worked very hard to draw the newcomers in and help them adjust. We must mention: Dovid Silver (Avreml Baron's son), Ostriak, Yosl Pshibalovsky, Groskind, Avreml and Nakhum Altus, their nephew Yisroel Altus, Gitl Schwartz (Moishe Zemiker's daughter), George Vina. When Isaac Kesler returned from his visit to Israel, we started to work with renewed energy for the institutions that our landsleit established in Israel: Free Loan, Martyrs' Forest and the Yizkor Book.

[Page 507]

We also dreamed about forming a central Ciechanow organization. The New York organization had a wonderful group that included: Yisroel, Moishe and Zelig Krasne; the Malinas, two Klein brothers, Voveh and Yidl Burnshtein. A small group was active in Chicago. In Montreal there is also a small but good group.

But in spite of all efforts, there was no success in establishing such a central committee in America. Each group conducts its own activities: memorial services and banquets are arranged. Perhaps because of the Yizkor Book, the contact will once more be established amongst the Ciechanow landsleit who still have much to do in order to memorialize their betrayed Kehillah.

Let us not forget that we also in the small shtetl have, by our way of life, contributed something to the wider world.

The Ciechanow Farein In Detroit

Moishe Leser - President

Victor Kesler - Secretary

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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