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Standing: Niuka Mer, Maniah Pichman, Bozka Ganichovitz, Zainvel Zaikoner Seated: Ethel Rabinovitz, Josef Bernshtein, Rayah Hochman, Moshe Hochman, Yoel Mer |
Seated: Rachel Shimshovitz, Dunia Zilberman, Yehezkiel Eliscof, Haim Leib Harsonski, Roza Volman, Avraham Zilberman Standing: Liova Mittelman, Nachman Margulis, Dr. Barshak, Issachar Biberman, Yaakov Volman, Mina Yivtcher, Itzik Yanovitz, Shmuel Leiberfarb, Israel Rosenfeld, Dr. Niuka Fidelman, Baruch-Moshe Katz, bank accountant |
Standing: Shimon Magaziner, Yona Groizin, Leib Zaikoner, Piny Zaslavski, Nechama Heisiner, Aaron Bolshtein Seated: Moshe Heisiner, Kritzman, Chaia Heisiner and children Zeev and Tamar |
Pioneers from Capresti: Ozer Brownshtein, Eliezer Lerner, Israel Garnkin, Haim Veikman, David and Liuba Volman |
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