Kapresht, Our Village;
Memorial Book for the
Jewish Community of Kapresht, Bessarabia
(Căpreşti, Moldova)

47°45' / 28°28'

Translation of
Kapresht ayaratenu - undzer shtetele Kapresht;
sefer zikaron le-kehila yehudit bje-Bessarabia

Edited by: M. Rishpy, Av. B. Yanowitz

Published in Haifa 1980



Emerita Project Coordinator Patricia Klindienst


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.


This is a translation from: Kapresht ayaratenu - undzer shtetele Kapresht; sefer zikaron le-kehila yehudit bje-Bessarabia,
Kapresht, our village; memorial book for the Jewish community of Kapresht, Bessarabia,
ed: M. Rishpy, Av. B. Yanowitz, Haifa, Kapresht Society in Israel, 1980 (496 H,Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Capresti

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Map of the town (from the flyleaves)
Foreword 10
A Town that exists no more
A Shtetl [Y] Mordechai Goldenberg 17
How Căpreşti was Founded Dr. Nachum Fidelman 18
How Căpreşti was Developed [Y] Dr. N. Fidelman 19
The History of Căpreşti Att. Baruch Yanowitz 21
The Răut [Y] Arie Koparov 27
The occupations of the Jews of Căpreşti Att. Baruch Yanowitz 30
A quick glimpse on our town Căpreşti Israel Reshef (Feierman) 32
When I remember my town Căpreşti Arye Koparov 35
The Loan-and-Savings Fund in Căpreşti Att. Baruch Yanowitz 37
The savings-funds in Bessarabia [Y] “The Co-operative Word” 39
What's New in the Country? [Y] A. U. (“Unzer Zeit”) 40
The Căpreşti “General Assembly” (H u m o r e s q u e) [Y] Ozer Bronstein 41
Dos Cooperative Vort [The Cooperative word] (a poem, lyrics & music) [Y] Herzel Geissiner 43
Going home [Y] Eliezer Heissinger 45
In the “Joint” Committee [Y] * * * 46
A letter from Kishinev [Y] Yosifon 46
Our street “The New Street” Shifra Schneider (Borman) 47
Teachers and Students
The way we studied in Căpreşti [Y] Dr. Nachum Fidelman 51
(I have learned) from all my teachers… Mordechai Rishpi (Feierman) 67
To the image of the teacher Nachman Polischuk (N. Palti) Z. Igeret 70
In the Heder by the Melamed of Little Children [Y] Boria Yanowitz 71
My teachers in Căpreşti Leah Kolker (Faliks) 74
A Gymnasium [High–School] for sale Leib Kuperstein 74
Exiles to a place of study Mordechai Rishpi (Feierman) 75
The Social and Cultural Life
Synagogues in Căpreşti [Y] Dr. Nyoka Fidelman 81
The lively cultural life in Căpreşti Att. Baruch Yanowitz 85
Drama groups in Căpreşti Zev Skaldman 88
The balegule [cart driver] (a folk song) [Y] Simcha Schwartz 91
A Bathhouse in Căpreşti [Y] Dr. Nachum Fidelman 92
A Reading–Hall in Căpreşti [Y] A. U. (“Unzer Zeit”) 96
The Public Library “Tarbut M. Rishpy – B. Yanowitz 97
“Let us build a Bet Ha'am!” M. Rishpi (Feierman) 98
Rabbis and Gute-Yiden [“Good Jews”] [Y] Dr. N. Fidelman 101
The Căpreşti Community Dr. Nachum Fidelman 101
Parties, Youth Movements, “Hechalutz”
The “Pirhei–Zion” [Flowers of Zion] Association in Căpreşti Yakov Shomroni (Skeldman) 109
Regulations of the Pirhei–Zion Organization in Căpreşti The Association Committee 111
Tze'irei Zion in Căpreşti Marish – Byanov 112
The Hehalutz in Căpreşti Dov (Boya) Tabatchnik 114
A visit at the Pioneers' Cell Chaim Schurer 116
Hamitzpe Mordechai Rishpy (Feierman) 116
Gordonia and Hashomer Hatza'ir Mordechai Rishpy 117
We are Building our Country [Y] Mordechai Goldenberg 118
Gordonia in Căpreşti Zerubavel Seker (Sklyar) 122
An invitation to the Jubilee festivities “Gordonia” Căpreşti 126
The Hashomer Hatza'ir in Căpreşti Ethel Efrat (Rabinowitz) 127
Po'alei Zion”, “Freiheit”, “Dror Mordechai Rishpi 128
The Conference of the Dror group [Y] Amnon Sklyar 134
An attempt to organize a Maccabi group Leib Kuperstein 135
Non-Zionist youth in town Aharon Puterman 136
The activity for the benefit of Keren Kayemet (JNF) Mendel Davidsohn 138
Donors for JNF (Jewish National Fund) The Central Office 140
How we tricked the police Yehuda Klavier 142
People Active in the Community Life
The Rabbis Kaplivetzki z”l David Rachmani (Derbandiner) 145
Dr. Yochanan Kaplivetzki–Kafil Dr. Nyuke Fidelman 147
R'Aharon SHU”V David Rachmani (Derbandiner) 150
A Man of Many Deeds Pinchas Galitzki 151
He Believed in God and Loved His Creatures Zerubavel Seker (Sklyar) 152
R'Aharon – a Man of Charity Mordechai Rishpi (Feuerman) 154
Gmilus Chesed (Free Loan Society) in Capreşti [Y] A. Y. (“Unzer Zeit”) 156
The personality of Eliezer Heissiner Arie Koparov 157
Shmuel Leiberfarb, active in the community Beile and Devora 158
Yosef (Yosl) Sklyar Marish-Bianov 161
The “pair” Shimon-Yankel Marish-Bianov 162
Chaim-Leib Chermon (Charsonski) Avraham (Buma) Yutzis 163
Dr. Nachum Fidelman z”l Mordechai Rishpi 164
Personalities and Types
Caprester types [Y] Dr. Nyoke Fidelman 167
The Carriage-Conductor [Y] Aryeh Koprov 179
David and Avraham Silberman Marish-Byanov 182
Melech Hoichman Marish-Byanov 182
Mordechai-Leib Yanowitz Marish-Byanov 183
Moshe and Malka Elkis Baruch Yanowitz 183
Hershel Pekelman Ozer Bronstein 184
The Ibtcher family Marish-Byanov 186
Avrahm'l Bronstein Marish-Byanov 187
The Răut is the cruelest of all Avraham (Buma) Yutzis 188
From Our Home
Like an uprooted tree Ida Weinshelbaum (Peck) 191
The home of Eliezer and Rivka Heissiner Tova Filon (Heissiner) 194
The man who was one of the pillars of society Zerubavel Seker (Sklyar) 194
Our mother Chana “the Beinushke's” Mordechai Rishpi (Feierman) 198
In the family circle Dora Tur-Kaspa (Froimtchik) 200
R'Aharon Liebestag Yitzhak Liebestag 202
Small talks of a scholar Yitzhak Liebestag 204
Bits of memories from our home Israel Reshef (Feierman) 205
A family like ours Immanuel Pri-Paz 207
Grandfather in the kvutza Imanuel Pri-Paz 210
Our home Sheindle Mer 212
This is the story of Baruch… Marish-Bianov 213
Our father Moshe Yanowitz Etti Anker (Yanowitz) 217
The young genius Michael'e Kleiman z"l Shmuel Potik 218
In need and in poverty Ozer Bronstein 219
Trifles Ozer Bronstein 223
From Times of Long Ago
I shall remember them Yissachar (Shunya) Bronstein 227
Căpreşti as I knew it Hersch Peckelman 232
Moshe Heissiner remembers the old days Baruch Yanowitz 234
Yitzhak Chitron tells the stories Bella Lavie (Liebestag) 235
Memories from Căpreşti Meir Hersh Leiderman 236
Periods in life Arie Efroni (Zeikoner) 238
With Arie at the Hechalutz Mordechai Rishpi 240
Sketchings of a Căpreşti woman Bella Lavie (Liebestag) 241
A conversation with Ita Galitzki Bella Lavie (Liebestag) 246
Memories Yitzhak Liebestag 247
There is nothing new under the sun Lea Kolker (Faliks) 249
Radio and prayers Mordechai Rishpi 250
Authors and Artists
Mordechai Goldenberg Dr. Shlomo Bikel 253
The figure of Mordechai Goldenberg z”l Zev Igeret 256
A small collection of poems Mordechai Goldenberg 258
Herz Rivkin-Heissiner [Y] Yakov Yakir 263
Songs and Poems [Y] Herz Rivkin 272
Zvi (Hershl) Tzelman Marish-Byanov 284
Poems [Y & H] Zvi Tzelman 285
Guidelines to the personality of Dr. Sose'le Kleiman Shmuel Potik 287
Poems [Y] Dr. Sofia (Sossel) Kleiman 289
Dr. Moshe Sambation Marish-Byanov 291
Zerubavel Seker (Slkyar) Marish-Byanov 292
Humor and Folklore in Căpreşti
How can we recognize a Căpreşti person? 297
The Capreshti Language (two monologues) [Y] 298
For every affliction there is a remedy [Y] Ozer Bronstein 302
Tales from Căpreşti [Y] Ozer Bronstein 305
In the youth movement [Y] Ozer Bronstein 308
From Yiddish to German in Căpreşti Ozer Bronstein
Our little town Căpreşti (a poem) [Y] Arie Koparov 310
The live newspaper [Y] Heissiner, Yutzis, Matyewitch 315
A tragi-comical epic poem [Y] Motl Feierman 327
Purim presents (1933) From a humoristic newspaper 330
“The Goat-Land Trumpet” (a humoristic newspaper) Mordechai Rishpi (Feierman) 332
To take and “to take away” Ozer Bronstein 333
Sayings and proverbs [Y] Baruch (Boria) Yanowitz 334
A list of Yiddish folk songs Mordechai Rishpi 342
Under the Soviet Rule
In the far and cold Siberia [Y] Dr. Nyoke Fidelman 347
Orphaned and wandering [Y] Sara Zunis (Schor) 356
Four years of suffering in the Kolkhoz Dr. Asia Zaslawski (Dickerman) 359
Pages from the story of wandering Bella Lavie (Liebestag) 361
The partisan Eliyahu Kubinski Arie Koparov 362
Capresht in 1979 [Y] Yisroel Flieman 363
During the Holocaust and Following it
On the Bessarabia dirt roads (a poem) [Y] Shalom Sudit 367
From the Transnistria hell Chana Puterman (Weiner) 368
A bloody escape Simcha Tchorni, Sonia 371
Feinboim (Bronstein) 372
Chaia Friedman (Bolstein) 373
Masia Fidelman 374
In the storm Ida Weinschelbaum (Peck) 374
My orphaned shtetl [Y] Sara Zunis (Schor) 377
Exile and wandering Chanan Puterman 378
Several visits in the destroyed Căpreşti Zvi Leiderman, Arie Mehr 381
Aharon Schechtman 383
Back to the Valley of Tears Dora Tur-Kaspa (Froimstock) 384
The Holocaust victims brought to a Jewish burial Moshe Moscowitz 385
The last wish of R'Israel Goldenberg Zerubavel Seker (Sklyar) 389
The fate of a family Frieda Duchovni (Yanowitz) 390
Former Căpreşti Residents in America
Words of thanks to the donors in America 392
The Broitman family [Y] M. Rishpi, B. Yanowitz 394
Biographical guidelines of the Siegelboim family [Y] Berl Broitman 400
Velvel and Sorka Siegelbaum [Y] Baruch (Boris) Yanovitch – Mordechai Rishpi (Feierman) 402
Yitzchok and Miriam Siegelbaum [Y] Boris Yanovitch – Mordechai Rishpi 403
From the memories of aunt Bertha Itzkowitz Israel and Tzipora Reshef 404
Căpreşti Jews going to America [Y] Baruch Yanowitz 407
Harry Sheylpen [Y] Efraim Auerbach 409
The prayer: “How to get old as a wise man…” Jean Arnold 415
A speech that was not spoken [Y] Boris (Berl) Broitman 417
Memorial Pages
Yizkor 422
On the grave of Nachum Yanowitz Baruch Yanowitz 424
My thoughts Baruch Yanowitz 426
The humanity of our soldiers Baruch Yanowitz 428
In memory of family members 430
List of the victims, the Căpreşti martyrs 475
A Page of Memorial 480
The Organization of Former Residents of Căpreşti in Israel
Overview [Y] Zev Skladman 483
The first Congress of the Organization 485
The activity of the Organization M. Rishpi, B. Yanowitz 486
A yearly assembly [Y] Mordechai Rishpi 488
Reactions and answers The Editors 489
A letter to the editor Na'aman Pri-Paz 492
List of donors to the Kapresht Book 493
Words of thanks The Editors 496
List of Pictures


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