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Maps of the town of Căpreşti from the Yizkor book

The maps labeled with translations submitted by volunteers were edited and annotated by Valentin Lupu


This image from the back flyleaves of the Căpreşti Yizkor book is a blueprint of the community house of the Kehila.


On the left is the elevation and on the right is the interior of the lower floor. It is mostly in Yiddish with few Hebrew words.

According to the document, the “People's House” was “founded and built through the initiative of Dr. Y. Kaplivotski.” The architectural drawing was a gift to Dr. Y. Kaplivotski from Herzl Geissiner, a student in the 3rd course of the Kishinev Building Institute.

You can see the location of the Kehila house in the image below, the front flyleaves of the Yizkor book, which is a map of the town. No.19 on this map is described in the legend as “the foundations of the Kehila house.” English translations appear in red type below:



  1. The “Hasidic” synagogue
  2. The German Synagogue [Daytsche in Yiddish]
  3. The Big synagogue
  4. Kaiserman's oil press
  5. Elkis-Pekelman's oil press
  6. Graberman theater
  7. Town Hall
  8. Elementary school
  9. Abramovitz's Kiosk
  10. Turban's pharmacy
  11. Fidlelman's pharmacy
  12. Vrazov's theater
  13. Alms house
  14. Bernstein's oil press
  15. Bernstein's flour mill
  16. Mikveh (ritual bath house)
  17. The rabbi's house
  18. The ritual slaughter house
  19. Foundations for the “house of the people” [Kehila]
  20. Tax paying office
  21. Library
  22. The bank [“the” in the original]
  23. Police headquarters
  24. Post Office
  25. Shaarei Zion synagogue (Zion's Gates Synagogue)
  26. Tehilim-Kleizl synagogue
  27. Flour mill – Ibtser and Co. [Avitcher's?]
  28. The Raut River
  29. The cattle market
  30. Oil tanks [oil in the sense of fuel, not like in “oil press”]
  31. “Di Talike” – Yiddish for “The Slut.”
  32. Cemetery
  33. Water wells.

Translators' Comments:

The larger letters at the bottom say:

“Plan of the town Capresht.
Draughtsmanship by: Kaiserman and Pri-Paz.”

Notes on the name Pri-Paz from a translator:

“Pri-Paz may have been a descendant of Faynboim, which means “Fine Tree.” In Hebrew that would keep the family name's first letter (P and F are the same character in Hebrew).”

The arrow to the right says Prodonsht
The name on the house above the arrow is P/F. Galitsky
The name on the house below the arrow is Sh. Galitsky

Naye Gass means “New Street”


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 31 Mar 2012 by LA