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Front row (Seated on the ground): Etheleh Goldenberg, Sarah Barshak, Hindah Yotzis, Daniah Yotzis-Gershtein, Tzipeh Yotzis, Leah Skaldman Second row: Sonia Feinboim, Elke Lerner, Beilah Leiberfarb, Hadassah Goldenberg, Mordechai Goldenberg, Forer's spouse, Freida Kleinman, Zelda Varzov-Fidelman Third row: Moshe Lerner, Shmuel Leiberfarb, Yoel Mer, Yasha Shlain, Leizer Heisiner, Yankel Goldenberg, Shimon Yotzis, Yaakov Volman, Baruch Yotzis, Reuven Forer, Zeev Skaldman, Dr. Niuka Fidelman, Dr. Barshak Fourth row: Israel (Izrail) Yanovitz, Hershel Feinboim, Josef Birshtein, Buma Yotzis, Itzik Feinboim, Berl Broitman, David Darbendiber-Rachmani, Immanuel Pri-Paz |
Standing: Poika Yotzis, Amnon Skliar, Immanuel Pripas Seated: Machale Kleinman, Yitah Ackerman, Shlomo Saltzberg |
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