[Page 65]
Front row: Yossel Shichverger, Buma Yotzis, Yossel Birshtein, Israel (Izrail) Yanovitz, Eliezer Seleshtzin. Second row: Arieh (Leib) Mer, Shmuel Mer, Hayim Vaikman, Shuka Yivtzir. Third row: Eli Turban, Aaron Mer, Hertzel Heisiner, Leib Froimchuk, Eliezer (Leizer) Yotzis, Moshe Broitman, Mordechai (Motel) Faierman. Fourth row: Yaakov Skaldman (Shomroni), Hershel Matievitz, Yitzel Hissonski, Velvel Harkover, Hershel Feinboim. Last row: the teacher Nachman Polishuck (Palti) |
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