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The teacher Leib Gourman - passed away on 6/15/1940 - Soroca. His spouse Milchah, exterminated in Barshad Camp, Transnistria, 1941. His son, Dr. Meir Gourman, internist in Haifa. His son, Dr. Yitzhak Gourman, history and French teacher in Soroca. Born in Capresti, 1913. |
Passed away on December 4th, 1972. Esther, his spouse, passed on December 18th, 1978. Of blessed memory |
The teacher Leib Froimchuk. Exterminated in Barshad Camp, Transnistria in 1941, together with his spouse Sarah (nee Erlichman) and his son Noam, 6 year-old. Of blessed memory |
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