the former

Aberdare Jewish Community

Rhondda-Cynon-Taf, South Wales




Press Reports relating to the Aberdare Jewish Congregation, Wales
1865 to 1919
Compiled by Harold Pollins

(Link to Years 1920 to 1968)


Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1865, page 1

Board of Deputies Holy Land Relief Fund. Contribution from Abraham Freedman, Aberdare.


Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1865, page 2

Holy Land Relief Fund. Contribution from I. Cohen, Aberdare.


Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1868, page 8

Contribution from Abm Freedman to fund for distressed widow of Middlesbrough.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 April 1869, page 12

Board of Deputies fund for Jews of Russia and Poland. Merthyr Tydfil list includes Lazarus Caselberg (see entry for 28 August 1874).


Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1874, page 326

Appeal for new Merthyr synagogue. Committee includes A. Freedman, Canon Street, Aberdare, on Executive Committee and in list of contributors.


Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1874, page 341

Contribution to appeal for new Merthyr synagogue: L. Caselberg, Aberdare.


Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1874, page 410

Contribution to Merthyr synagogue. Solomon Abrahams, Aberdare.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1877, page 3

Donation to Merthyr Hebrew Congregation appeal for new synagogue. David Hart, London House,  Aberdare. In memory of departed sister.


Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1877, page 2

Merthyr synagogue appeal. Contributions from John Cohen, Aberdare, and I.D. Hart. Aberdare. Chairman of committee is David Hart, 11 Canon St, Aberdare


Jewish Chronicle, 13 August 1880, page 10

‘At a meeting of the Aberdare School Board on the 5th,  the School Management Committee recommended that two of the monitors (Harriett and Rosetta Hart) should not be received upon the school staff until they had been examined by the Government Inspector‘.

In a discussion, ‘it appears that they had not attended the usual examination as it occurred upon the Jewish Sabbath – they being Jewesses- “a strong opinion,” the South Wales Daily News says, “was expressed by the Chairman and other members that if the Jews could not conform to the same regulations of the School Board as the Gentiles, they should not seek appointments as teachers’.

South Wales Daily News - quotation:

‘We regret that such an intolerant spirit as was there exhibited should have found expression in the Principality of Wales, and especially in such a stronghold of genuine Welsh Liberalism as Aberdare’.

The paper had no objection to teachers not being recognised until examined by an Inspector. But it objected to the intolerant remarks of Mr R .H. Rhys, Chairman of Aberdare School Board who said ‘if the Jews could not conform to the same regulations of the School Board as the Gentiles they should not seek appointments as teachers’.

Paper says: ‘If Jews or Jewesses must submit to an examination under one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools, an arrangement must be made which will not interfere with their Sabbath day observances’.


Jewish Chronicle, 20 August 1880, page 4

‘School Boards and Jewish Teachers’

Goes over same ground and refers to South Wales Daily News that the intolerance of Mr Rhys ‘is proverbial wherever his name is known’


Jewish Chronicle, 27 August 1880, page 5

Letter from Albert B. Harris, Russell Square, London

The Education Department does not recognise monitors as pupil-teachers until they have passed an examination held by HM Inspectors of Schools. The Department has always arranged to met the requirements of the time of exams. Some Jewish teachers sit annually the Certificate Examination and the language paper is generally set for the Sabbath. Jewish teachers are always allowed to attend and work their papers on Saturday night. HM Inspector attends especially.

Moreover, a young lady, Julia M. Hart, is engaged as a pupil teacher in the Aberdare School Board. She was unable in 1879 to attend the exam because of the Sabbath. A special exam took place and she passed. This year the general pupil teachers’ exam was on Saturday 31 July. Again she was examined on a different day.

The fact that the School Board allowed one Jewish monitor to be examined out of the ordinary causes him to think the report in the South Wales Daily News was somewhat overdrawn. The fault does not rest with HM Inspectors but with the chairman of the School Board, the reason being a mystery.


Jewish Chronicle, 27 August 1880, page  7

Mr Serjeant Simon MP has written to Mr Mundella, Vice-President of the Council asking if exams by government Inspectors could be held on days which would not be objectionable to candidates on religious grounds. Mundella replied that exams were held on Saturdays because school teachers were not teaching on those days. But if the Education Department was informed beforehand special arrangements could be made.

Meeting of Aberdare School Board on 19th. Chairman, R. H. Rhys,  ‘denied that any man living had a higher respect and esteem for the Jews than he had, as he felt that they ought to be treated as fairly and generously as any other members of the community’. But he maintained that they should attend to their duties on the days on which the schools were open [the Misses Hart had absented themselves on Jewish religious occasions]’


Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1881, page 8

Board of Deputies meeting. The solicitor and secretary had submitted a complaint received on the circumstances in which 3 Jewish young ladies were dismissed as monitors by the Aberdare School Board. Facts of the case were  reported in the Jewish Chronicle some months ago. Resolved to communicate with the President of the Council on Education.


Jewish Chronicle, 17 June 1881, page 13

The Vice-President of the Council reported that he had been in communication with the Aberdare School Board and had done all in his power to facilitate the examination of the Misses Hart.


Jewish Chronicle, 18 November 1881, page 11

The Vice-Principal of the Council now reports that ‘nothing further could be done by the Education Department as between  the teachers and the managers of the Aberdare School Board’.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1889, page 11

Mr David Hart of Seymour Street lent his house and had rooms fitted up for the purpose of a synagogue throughout the entire festivities. A numerous attendance. Messrs M. Jacobs, S. Goldstone, and W. Fine (the latter acting also as Baal Tokeah) officiated. Mr M. Jacobs and Mr J. Fine acted respectively as secretary and treasurer.


Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1892, page 18

Services were conducted during Tabernacles by Mr Samuel Goldstone and Mr B. Harris at the Synagogue Chambers 19(sic) Seymour street.

Chatan Torah was Samuel Goldstone, Chathan Bereshit Harry Jacobs

Members were entertained on Thursday evening and  Friday last by Mr Morris Jacobs President, Mr Solomon Goldstone, Treasurer, and Harry Jacobs.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1892, page 16

Annual general meeting held on Sunday last at the Synagogue Chambers for purpose of electing President and Treasurer for ensuing year. The balance sheet was approved, the financial position being satisfactory. Mr Morris Jacobs re-elected President, David Saul, Treasurer. Committee of D. Hart, S. L. Goldstone, H. Jacobs


Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1892, page 19

‘Mr. Lewis Lazarus, Hon. Secretary of the Aberdare Congregation, informs us that Mr. B. Mendelson and Mr. J. Fine still hold the posts of President and Treasurer respectively of the congregation. The announcement of any other appointments to these offices, is, therefore, inaccurate’.


Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1893, page 1

Engagement. Jennie, daughter of Mr & Mrs Marks Joseph, 21 Cardiff Street, Aberdare, to Phillip, son of Mr & Mrs Abraham Joseph, 85 Thomas Street, Merthyr.


Jewish Chronicle, 25 May 1894, page 10

Chief Rabbi’s pastoral tour.

He visited Aberdare. ‘He proceeded at once to the residence of Mr. David Hart, where the Jews in the district meet on Sabbath for worship’. [sc 19a Seymour Street] He was met by Mr Morris Jacobs, President of the congregation and a large number of resident Jews. He examined the children.


Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1894, page 20

Death on 12 July of David Hart at his residence, 19a Seymour St., of David Hart, formerly of Merthyr Tydfil.


Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1894, page 1

Engagement. Frances Constance, fifth daughter of Mr & Mrs A. Freedman, Hammersmith, late Swansea, and William, second son of Mr & Mrs George Jacobs, 137 Cardiff Road, Aberaman, Aberdare.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 January 1895, page 1

Died on 31 December, Marks Joseph of St George’s Bristol, formerly of Aberdare, aged 58.


Jewish Year Book, 1896

President Morris Jacobs, 14 Cardiff Street. Shochet Hirsch Taffer


Jewish Chronicle, 31 December 1896, page 24

Annual general meeting. Balance sheet satisfactory. Elected: President, Mr Morris Jacobs, Treasurer, Mr S. L. Goldstein (sic: sc Goldstone).


Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1898, page 23

Penygraig. Services were conducted by Rev Mr Lipman assisted by S. Goldstein (sic) of Aberdare.


Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1899, page 1


Bessie, youngest daughter of Mr G. Abraham of Forest Gate to Mr Nathan Freed of Aberdare.


Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1900, page 20

Tredegar. Services of New Year and Day of Atonement were conducted by the Rev S.N. Lewis assisted by Mr B. Harris of Aberdare.

[And in subsequent years Harris acted in this role at Tredegar with different ministers].


Jewish Chronicle, 30 November 1900, page 1

Engagement. Nellie, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs I. Fine of Aberdare to Isaac, eldest son of Mrs A. Barnet and late Harris Barnett, of Abercynon, Glamorgan.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1901, page 2

Annual general meeting. Elected: President, Mr Max Silverman, Treasurer, Jacob Fine, Committee: Messrs S.L. Goldstone, L. Levin and S. Z. Rubins (sic S.C. Robins).


Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1901, page 2

‘WANTED at Aberdare (South Wales) Congregation, as SHOCHET, Reader and Teacher inclusive (able to translate English preferred) by July 1st. Wages £52 per annum. Apply Max Silverman, President, 11 Griffiths (sic sc Griffith)-street, Aberdare’.


Jewish Chronicle, 14 June 1901, page 3

‘We beg to announce that the advertisement for a Shochet for the Aberdare Hebrew Congregation was unauthorised, and nobody need apply.

President: B. Hann

Treasurer: S. Rubins (sic sc Robins)

Shochet: S. Bloch


Jewish Chronicle, 16 August 1901, page 1

Engagement. Rose second daughter of Mr & Mrs L. Lipman, 7 Worcester Place, Swansea (late Chazan and Shochet of Aberdare) to Simon Chinn of Aberaman and Aberdare.


Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1901, page 23

‘Services in the place of worship of the Aberaman and Aberdare Hebrew Congregation were conducted by the Rev. S. Bloch assisted by Messrs. Similove (sic sc Shimilove), B. Hann, Corbe, S. Robins, and I. Robins’.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1901, page 30

Annual general meeting. Rev B. Ginsburg elected Shochet to the Aberdare Congregation and Mr Henry Cohen Secretary, pro tem.


Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1902, page 34

Reference to the Aberdare Zionist Society,. Membership 35 founded 1900.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1902, page 27

The local Zionist society held a general meeting. Elected B. Kann (sic sc Hann) (Aberaman), President; Treasurer, L. Bloch.


Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1902, page 28

At a meeting of the Aberdare and Aberaman congregation at the residence of the Treasurer, Mr B. Hann in Aberaman, 'it was resolved to buy premises for or to build a synagogue. A sum of £40 had been collected for the purpose'.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 May 1902, page 26

‘At a meeting of the Aberdare and Aberaman Zionist Society, Mr. M. Jacobs in the chair, Messrs. M. Jacobs, B. Harris, H. Shimilove, and Rev. S. Bloch, Hon. Sec. were elected on the Committee for the ensuing year’.


Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1902, page 22

The house at 19a Seymour Street which for nearly 15 years the local Hebrew congregation has held divine service has been acquired by Messrs M. Jacobs and B. Kann (sic sc Hann) for the congregation. ‘At a general meeting held last Sunday at the above-mentioned address, the members of both local congregations united, all differences being satisfactorily settled, and the community hope shortly to rebuild the place and convert it into a proper synagogue’.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1902, page 30

Naturalisations in June

Max Fine 18b Whitcombe St, Aberdare


Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1902, page 1

Death of Leah Rosenbaum at The Willows, Blaina, on 16 September. Mother of (inter alia) Mrs Morris Jacobs, Aberdare.


Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1903, page 1

Mossey, son of Mr & Mrs S. L. Goldstone 84 Cardiff Rd, Aberaman, Aberdare, will read portion of Law at Aberdare synagogue on 4 April.


Jewish Chronicle, 10 April 1903, page 1

Albert, 4th son of Mr &  Mrs Morris Jacobs, 14 Cardiff St, Aberdare will read portion of Law at the Aberdare synagogue..


Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 1903, page 28

Annual meeting of the Aberdare Zionist Society on Sunday. Morris Jacobs, President, in the chair. S. L. Goldstone, M. Jacobs, and Rev S. Bloch elected President, Treasurer, and Hon Secretary respectively. Messrs B. Harris, S. Barnett, L. Jacobs, and A. Morris to be Committee.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 September 1903, page 28

Zionist meeting, Mr S.L. Golstein (sic) in chair. Rev S. Bloch tendered his resignation as Hon Secretary as he is leaving Aberdare. Leslie Jacobs unanimously elected in his place.


Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1903, page 3


‘WANTED, at once, SHOCHET, Teacher, and reader, wages £65 per annum. Apply President, M. Jacobs, 14 Cardiff-street, Aberdare. Expenses only to successful candidates’.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1904, page 1

On 1st April, at Cardiff-street, Aberdare, death of Hannah beloved mother of Morris Jacobs of 14 Cardiff Street, and of Sol and William Jacobs, Johannesburg) in her 78th year.

[Hannah Jacobs June 1904 aged 78 Merthyr T. 11a 359


Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1904, page 30

General meeting of the Aberdare and Aberaman Zionist Society last Sunday. Messrs A Morris and

S. B. Dymond elected delegates to the meeting of the South Wales and Monmouthshire District Committee meeting.


Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1904, page 1

Marriage on 22 May at the Great Synagogue, Bluma, 2nd daughter of Mr & Mrs Marks Levy of Stroud to Rev Isaac Ostroff of Abderdare.


Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1904, page 1


Fanny of Manhester, youngest daughter of Mrs and the late Asriel Jonathan to A. Morris of Aberdare, elder son of Mr & Mrs Isaac Jodudio(sic) of Sloboda, Kovno.

[Marriage: September 1904 Fanny Jonathan and Abe Morris Jodidio (sic) Prestwich 8d 775]


Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1904, page 30

General meeting of the Aberdare and Aberaman Zionist Society, Mr M. Jacobs in the chair. Rev M. Kaye of Cardiff delivered lecture on Zionism. Mr L. Bloch also spoke. Rev I. Ostroff and his choir sang Hatikvah.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1904, page 38

At meeting of the Merthyr and District Literary and Social Society on 1st inst., Rev G. Hinchliff of Aberdare read a paper entitled ‘Gems from Goldsmith’.


Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1905, page 36

General meeting of the congregation. Mr M. Jacobs and Mr S.L. Goldstone re-elected President and Treasurer respectively. Balance sheet was adopted. ‘The year has been prosperous notwithstanding the heavy expenses incurred the previous year’. Mr Henry Cohen elected Hon Secretary. Rev I. Ostroff was complimented on his successful teaching of the children.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1905, page 24

Mr J. Fine has presented a mantle and a cover for the reading desk to the synagogue.


Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1905, page 28

Festival services were conducted by Rev I Ostroff. Mr M. Jacobs (President of congregation) was Chatan Torah. Mr S.L. Goldstone (Treasurer of congregation) was Chatan Beresit. Mr Jacobs gave reception to congregation on Sunday.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1905, page 36

‘On Sunday, under the auspices of the Aberdare and District Jewish Literary and Social Society, a meeting was held at the Synagogue Chambers, when Mr. H. Cohen, Cwmaman, presided. A paper, entitled ‘The Causes of Anti-Semitism’ was read by Mr. R. Silverman, after which the members took part in a discussion’.


Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1905, page 30

Last Sunday, Chanucah service was conducted by Rev I. Ostroff who was assisted in the choral portions by the children of his class. The children were presented with sweetmeats &c. Mr Ostroff delivered a lecture on the ‘History of the Feast of Chanucah’ under the auspices of the Aberdare and District Literary and Debating Society. Mr S.L. Goldstone presided.


Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1906, page 33

Last week members of the Aberdare and District Jewish Literary and Social Society held their first social evening at the Liberal Club Chambers which had been lent for the occasion. A musical programme was ‘gone through’, under the presidency of Mr M Fine of Penrhiwceiber. A dance followed. On Sunday under the auspices of the Society a paper entitled ‘The Life of Disraeli’ was read by Mr Fine, the President. Mr H. Cohen occupied the chair. Sweetmeats given to children at the recent Chanucah were the gift of Mr Goldstone (Treasurer of the congregation) and Mrs Goldstone.


Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1906, page 45

Lecture last week under, auspices of the Aberdare and District Jewish Literary and Social Society, on 'Ger Tsedek' "of Russian tradition', by Miss Rose Harris. Afterwards there was an impromptu debate on the subject  'Should the Governments of different countries appeal to their peoples whether they should declare war on one another or not?' Affirmative was carried.


Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1906, page 34

Annual meeting of the congregation. Elected: S.L. Goldstone, President; Max Silverman, Treasurer. On Sunday the Aberdare and District Jewish Literary and Social Society held a debate on 'Can riches be acquired honestly?' Negative was carried.


Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1906, page 30

Under auspices if the Aberdare and District Jewish Literary and Social Society a paper on 'Home Influence as a Preservative of Judaism' was read by Louis .S. Harris of Tredegar. On Sunday papers were read on topical subjects.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1906, page 33

Last Sunday debate on the subject 'Is the Jewish religion declining?' Negatived.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1906, page34

Under auspices of the Aberdare and District Jewish Literary and Social Society a social evening was held at the Liberal Club Chambers. On Sunday Mordecai Fine, the President, read a paper on 'The Universal Influence of the Psalms'.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1906, page 33

The Secretary, R. Silverman, gave a paper on 'Which is the Noblest Virtue - Repentance, Prayer or Charity?' Vote in favour of charity.


Jewish Chronicle, 30 March 1906, page 36

Under auspices of the Society dance held at the Constitutional Hall. On Sunday a meeting was held at the Synagogue Chambers to reorganise the local Zionist society. Elected: President S.L. Goldstone; Chairman Mr M. Fine (Penrwceiber); Treasurer Mr N. Hann (Aberaman); Hon Sec Rev I. Ostroff.


Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1906, page 34

Meeting of Council of Union of Jewish Literary Societies. Application for membership from Aberdare and District Jewish Literary and Social Society. Society was established in December and has held 19 meetings. Society elected a constituent of the Union.


Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1906, page 1

Fiancee. On 11 September Ethel Alice, eldest daughter of Mrs A. Stephenson and the late Arthur Stephenson, Hope and Anchor Hotel,  Newport, to Hiram Almavio youngest son of the late John Melville and Mrs D. Rees, Diamond Jubilee House, Aberdare.


Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1906, page 38

Chatan Torah Rev I. Ostroff. Chatan Bereshit Mr Finn


Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1906, page 2

Bar mitzvah of Morris Levy, son of Mr & Mrs Marks Levy of Stroud. The service was conducted by Rev I. Ostroff of Aberdare, brother-in-law of the Bar Mitzvah.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1906, page 34

Literary and Social Society meeting. Paper read by Reuben Silverman, Hon Sec, on 'The Truth about Jewish Courtship and Matrimony'.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1906, page 36

Literary and Social Society held their first social evening at the Liberal Club Chambers, where 'music and dancing were enjoyed'.

On Sunday a paper was read by Miss R. Hann on 'The Wandering Jew'.


Jewish Chronicle, 30 November 1906, page 35

A paper was given by Mr Sam Hyman on 'What is Friendship?'


Jewish Chronicle, 14 December 1906, page 37

Literary and Social Society. Paper read by Moss Goldstone on 'A Tour through Palestine'. At a meeting it was decided to hold a ball on January 23rd. Elected: President Miss S. Fine; Treasurer Mr H. Cohen; Joint Hon Secs Miss R. Silverman and M. Fine.

'A Jewish Benevolent Society has been formed in connection with the Society'.


Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1906, page 34

Last week Society had a social evening in celebration of Chanucah. On Sunday there was a 'heated debate' on  'Zionism versus Territorialism'.

Mordecai Fine of Penrhiwceiber spoke for Zionism, Mr Henry Cohen of Cwmaman spoke for Territorialism. Voting in favour of Zionism 11 to 9.


Jewish Chronicle, 28 December 1906, page 29

Miss S. Fine read paper on 'The Jew in Military Life'.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1907, page 29

Mr B. Louis Harris of Tredegar read a paper on 'The Solace of Books'. Mr Harris subsequently presented to the Society a copy of The Twentieth Century Encyclopaedia. Last Sunday there was a debate on 'Are Music Halls detrimental to the welfare of young people?'

At the congregation Annual General Meeting the following were elected: President S.L. Goldstone; Treasurer and Secretary Max Silverman.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 January 1907, page31

Under the auspices of the Aberdare and Aberaman Zionist Society Mr N.S. Burstein lectured on 'The Utility of a Zionist Society'. Later he read a paper to the Literary and Social Society on 'The Life of Rabbi Akiba'.


Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1907, page 29

At the Literary and Social Society Miss S. Silverman read a paper on 'Judaism in the Service of Humanity'.


Jewish Chronicle, 1 February 1907, page 33

Last week the Literary and Social Society held its second annual ball at the Constitutional Hall.  Mr R. Cohen read a paper on 'Should women have the same rights as men?


Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1907, page 1

Engagement. Betty only daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Shank (sic sc Shane), 35 Bailey Street, Brynmawr, to Mr Henry Cohen, Cwmaman, Aberdare.

[Marriage Betty Shane September 1907 Crickhowell 11b 161.  Henry Cohen].


Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1907, page 31

Debate on 'Poetry versus Music'.


Jewish Chronicle, 29 March 1907, page 33

Annual meeting of the Literary and Social Society.  Elected President H. Cohen; Chairman R. Silverman; Vice-President M. Kohn; Treasurer Miss S. Fine; Secretaries Mr M. Fine and Miss Bloch.


Jewish Chronicle, 5 April 1907, page 26

Death of Mrs Toba Silverman, wife of Mr Max Silverman after a long illness last Friday (29 March). Deceased was born in Skood in Kovno. Came to Aberdare 21 years ago. Funeral on Monday at Cefn (sc Merthyr Tydfil).

[Toba Silverman March 1907 aged 51 Merthyr T. 11a 533]


Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1907, page 31

Rev I. Ostroff of Aberdare has been elected minister of the Aberdeen congregation.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1907, page 26

The Aberdare and District Jewish Literary and Social Society has been re-established.


Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1908, page 31

General meeting of congregation. Elected: President, J. Fine; Treasurer and Secretary L. Bloch; Committee S. Z. Robins, Max Silverman, D. Fine and H. Shimelove.


Jewish Chronicle, 26 March 1909, page 41

Members of the congregation have presented to the synagogue silver ornaments for the Sepher Torah and a silver Kiddush cup.


Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1909, page 32

'The Aberdare Leader has recently published a book of cartoons entitled "The Pictorial History of the Aberdare Valley for 1908." It is the work of Mr. Reuben Silverman, who has drawn a series of thirty two pictures illustrative of local events and topics. The book has been well received inasmuch as it is the only one on existence outside Cardiff and Swansea, in the whole of Wales. It has also received the support of the municipality'.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 February 1910, page 1

Betrothal. Annie second daughter of Mr & Mrs A. Roseman of Manchester to Albert Fine youngest son of Mr & Mrs Jacob Fine, 18b Whitcomb Street, Aberdare.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 September 1910, page 19

Members of the Judaeans, the 'East End nursery of the Jewish athletes and the Dan Mendozas of to-day, will be interested that one of their erstwhile shining lights, Mr. Arthur Norton, has forsaken the area of sport for the post of manager of the New Empire Theatre, Aberdare'. He holds the Graeco-Roman championship of the world.


Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1910, page 12

On Sunday, at a meeting convened by Mr R. Silverman at Synagogue Chambers, it was decided to re-establish the Aberdare and District Jewish Literary and Social Society. A large number of ladies and gentlemen from Aberdare, Aberaman, Mountain Ash, Penrhiwceiber, and Abercarn enrolled as members. Decided to procure a suitable hall in town for meetings.

Elected: Chairman Henry Cohen; Vice-Chairman Miss Rose Hann of Aberaman; Treasurer Maurice Levett; Hon Sec R. Silverman; Assistant Sec Max Lewis. Decided to open with a dance.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 November 1910, page 14

On last two Sundays meetings have been held in connection with the Literary and Social Society. Impromptu debates on questions of the day were held. Next Sunday, debate on 'Is the Jewish Religion declining?'


Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1910,  page 16

Meeting of the Society held at Pugsley's Temperance Hotel. Impromptu debates on topical questions. 'In View of the Dissolution of Parliament, would we Jews benefit by a Conservative or Liberal Government?'  'Who enjoy the best in life - the rich or the poor?' 'Is too much education dangerous?'  'Is there such a thing in existence as Jewish anti-Semitism?' 'Are men truer to each other than women?'


Jewish Chronicle, 2 December 1910, page 15

Under auspices of the Society a paper  was read by M. Fine of Cardiff on 'Anglo-Judaism, Past and Present'. Miss Hann presided. The following took part in the discussion: I. Jacklyn (Abercarn), R. SIlverman, M. Freedman (Penrhiwceiber), H. Newman, M. Cohen, B.E. Hann, M. Levett, Levenson (Penrhiwceiber), E. Bloch, Miss S. Silverman, and Miss J. Harris.

There was a vote of condolence to the family of the late Count Tolstoy as mark of esteem and respect held by Jews for his efforts to ameliorate their condition in Russia.

Meeting of the congregation. Elected: President S.L. (sic) Robins; Treasurer D. Fine; Secretary M. Goldstone jnr.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1910, page 15

The Literary Society met at Pugsley's Temperance Hotel and had a Mock Trial and a Breach of Promise case. The Hon Sec 'has arranged an attractive programme of weekly events during the forthcoming winter months. The Society is in a flourishing condition'.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1910, page 12

Last Sunday a paper on 'War versus Arbitration' was read by S. Louis Harris of Tredegar. Reference to vote of thanks moved by Miss Leah Cohen of Glasgow.


Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 1910, page 13

Paper read on 'Some Disadvantages of Civilisation'.


Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 1910, page 1.

Betrothal. On 11 December , Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr Max SIlverman, 11 Griffith Street, Aberdare, to Hyman Gavlen of Swansea.


Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1911, page 15

Meeting of the Literary and Social Society at Pugsley's Hotel. Mr W.R. Levinson BA of Louth, Lincs, opened a debate on 'What would I do were I the Chancellor of the Exchequer?'


Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1911, page 13

Meeting at Pugsley's Temperance Hotel. Paper read by Rev Herbert J. Sandheim of Swansea - 'The Position of Women in Israel'.


Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1911, page 14

Paper read by A Hyams MA of Neport, Mon. on 'Provincial Jewry in earlier Centuries'.


Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1911, page 14

Paper entitled 'The Kosher method and its Advantages' by Mr Mendelsohn of Aberaman.


Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1911, page 13

On Wednesday week the 6th annual ball of the Aberdare and District Jewish Literary and Social Society held at the Memorial Hall. Large gathering from all parts of South Wales.

Last Sunday there were impromptu debates on 'Is Theatre-going Moral or Immoral?' and 'Is novel-reading beneficial?'


Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1911, page 13

Rev I Aarons of Merthyr gave a lecture on 'Jewish wit and humour'.


Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1911, page 14

The Society held a meeting at its new HQ, the Three Generals Hotel. The balance-sheet of the ball was adopted. An excellent surplus was recorded.


Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1911, page 14

At the Literary and Social Society Mr G.H. Evans of Carnarvon gave a talk on 'The Hope of Israel' - 'dealing largely with the Eastern Question'


Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1911, page 14

At meeting of the Society at the Three Generals Hotel, Mr N.S. Burstein of Cardiff read paper on 'Capital Punishment versus Humanity'.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1911, page 16

Meeting of the Literary and Social Society  'To consider the feasibility of forming a Zionist Society in connection with the Literary Society'. An amendment in opposition was carried almost unanimously .  'This adverse decision in no way affected the formation of a Zionist Society in Aberdare, as a general meeting to that effect is shortly to be convened'.


Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1911, page 20

Society held impromptu debates - 'Should Hebrew as a Language, be taught to Children?' and 'Should Jews Aspire to Occupy Prominent Positions in the Face of Strong Anti-Semitism?'


Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 1911, page 18

Agreed that weekly meetings of the Society should cease and that monthly meetings be held in the summer.


Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1911, page 13

The Rev Dayan and Mrs Hyamson arrived in Aberdare yesterday week. In the afternoon he delivered a sermon  and in the evening examined the pupils of the classes.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 June 1911, page 15

The annual outing of the Literary & Social Society was to Pont-Neath-Vaughan. A large number were present including visitors from Cardiff, Newport, Neath, Aberaman, Merthyr, Llanhilleth, 'and other places'.


Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1911, page 2


WANTED, Shochet, Chazan and Teacher; wages £52 per annum; rent  free; expenses paid if approved of.

Apply to M. GOLDSTONE, Hon. Sec. Aberaman, Aberdare'.


Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1911, page 12

Letter from Rev H. Jerevitch of Cardiff.

South Wales has 25 congregations but only three ministers. 'By all means let us have Rabbis. We need them. But to keep a Rabbi on a starvation wage is an unpardonable crime'.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1911, page 266

Meeting at Miles Commercial Hotel. Paper by R. Silverman, Hon Sec. on 'The Jew in Finance'.


Jewish Chronicle, 8 December 1911, page 31

Debate. 'Should Bachelors be Taxed?'


Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1912, page 32

Meeting of Literary Society. Impromptu debates. 1. 'Are Trade Unions Beneficial to Progress?' 2.  'Are Books always Revealing?' 3. 'Was Shylock a Good or Bad Man?' 4 .'Are Votes for Women Beneficial to Humanity?'  5. 'Who are the Most Faithful - Men or Women?'


Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1912, page 27

Paper by Abe Levenson of Penrhiwceiber on 'Disraeli's Devotion to Judaism'.


Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1912, page

The annual ball of the Literary and Social Society was held on Wednesday week at the Memorial Hall. Despite the function taking place on the eve of the coal strike the ball was a social and financial success. Nearly 170 people attended from all parts of the country. One of the MCs was Jenkin Howell, a Christian friend.


Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1912, page 2

Two adverts, by the North London Grocery Relief Fund and the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum, both acknowledging donations by the Aberdare and District Jewish Literary and Social Society '(now defunct)'. The former for one guineaa and the latter for two guineas.


Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1913, page 23

6th annual ball of the Aberdare and Aberaman Hebrew Congregation was held on Wednesday week. Proceeds to be devoted towards liquidating the debt on the Aberdare synagogue. Over 180 people attended including from surrounding towns and villages. 'As the congregation is very small in number, and as funds are still required for the purpose of liquidating the mortgage on the synagogue, the committee will be glad to receive donations. Mr. Henry Cohen, 17, Lewis Street, Aberaman, Aberdare, is the treasurer'.


Jewish Chronicle, 31 October 1913, page 47

Chatan Torah: Albert Fine (Senghenydd); Chatan Bereshit: M. Levitt


Jewish Chronicle, 20 March 1914, page 34

S.L. Goldstone elected President. M. Silverman, Treasurer. M. Goldstone, Hon Sec.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 1914, page 2

Betrothal. Sarah second daughter of Mr & Mrs A. Harrisberg, Bristol, to Reuben, eldest son of Mr Max Silverman and late Mrs Silverman of 11 Griffith Street, Aberdare

[Jewish Chronicle 20 August 1915 page 2. Marriage on 3rd August at Bristol of Sarah Harrisberg and Reuben Silverman

Hannah S. Harrisberg September 1915 Bristol 6a 623. Reuben Silverman]


Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1914, page 15

Rev I. Domnitz (Aberdare) elected as Chazan to the Stockton congregation.

[Had been at Bridgend in 1911: Jewish Chronicale 20 May 1911, page 14]


Jewish Chronicle, 5 February 1915, page 24

Elected. President and Treasurer, M. Levitt; Secretary H. Cohen; Committee J. Fine, L. Bloch, S.L. Goldstone, and S.Z. Robins.


Jewish Chronicle, 26 February 1915, page 25

Special meeting of congregation. Rev S. Freedberg of Great Yarmouth elected as Chazan, Teacher and Shochet.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 December 1915, page 15

Letter re Fund for the Relief of the Jewish Victims in the War in Russia. Provides list of contributing communities. including Aberdare (and also Penrhiwceiber & Mountain Ash)


Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1916, page 28

Annual meeting of the congregation. Elected: President, David Fine; Treasurer, N. Newman; Hon Sec, R. Silverman; Auditors, H. Cohen and Z. Badash.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1916, page 1

Bar mitzvah of Naphtali Curitz eldest son of Mr & Mrs Louis Curitz of Mountain Ash. At Aberdare synagogue, on 5 Augiust.


Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1917, page 1

Betrothal. Ray 4th daughter of Mr & Mrs M. Foner of 9 Carlton Terrace, Swansea, to Zavil Badash of  'Hill Side'. Trevor-street, Aberdare, eldest son of Mr & Mrs A. Badash of Grodno.

[Jewish Chronicle 27 June 1919 page 1. Marriage on 29 June at the West End Talmud Torah & Bikkur Holim Synagogue. 14 Minette Street, Charing Cross Road, of Ray Foner to Zavil Badash, eldest son of Mr A. and late Mrs A. Badash of Grodno

Zarie (sic) Badash June 1919 St Martin 1a 1538. Rachel (Ray) Foner]


Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1918, page 14

Chatan Torah H. Cohen. Chatan Bereshit M. Levitt


Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1919, page 2



WANTED, SHOCHET and Teacher; Salary £2 per week; with free residence; - Apply, H. Cohen 17, Lewis-street, Aberavon (sic), Aberdare'.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 May 1919, page 20

Inaugural meeting of the Aberdare & District Zionist Society held at the Synagogue Chambers. Elected: President, J. Phillips; Treasurer, Victor Freed (Mountain Ash); Joint Hon Secs, R. Silverman and E. Bloch. 'A good number of members were enrolled'.


Jewish Chronicle, 1 August 1919, page 1

Death on 17 July at Lewis Street, Aberdare, of  Sarah Etta Hann, wife of Benjamin Hann, mourned by sons, daughter, daughters-in-law, and brothers William and Jacob Fine.


Jewish Chronicle, 8 August 1919, page 2



WANTED a Shochet and Teacher for the above Congregation. Salary £1 a week and house. - Apply H. Cohen, 17, Lewis-street, Aberdare'


Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1919, page 29

At meeting at the Synagogue Chambers it was decided to re-establish the Aberdare & District Jewish Literary and Social Society. Elected: Chairman, R. Silverman; Vice-Chairman Mr Phillips, Joint Hon Secs Morris Andrews and Solomon Silverman. Mr S. Turtledove, a member of the congregation, gave an address, 'Abstinence from a Jewish Standpoint'.

On Sunday Mr Henry Cohen (Chatan Torah) and Mrs Cohen entertained the congregation at their residence.

'The present constitution of the Executive and the loyal support of the congregation augurs well for the future of the community'.


Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1919, page 37

Meeting on Sunday under auspices of the Literary Society, at the Synagogue Chambers. Large attendance, including a number of visitors from  outlying districts. A series of impromptu debates was held including a symposium, 'How to make the synagogue more attractive to the younger members of the community'. Meetings will be held weekly.


Jewish Chronicle, 19 December 1919, page 42

Meeting of the Literary Society at the Liberal Club Institute. Songs were sung by Miss Sophie Shimilove.

On another evening there was a series of impromptu debates, including 'Have we Jews worked sufficiently for the World?'. 'Is Education a Curse or a Blessing?', 'Is Competition vitally necessary to the Progress of Civilisation?'. 'Is War ever Justifiable' ['Etc.']


Link to Press reports for Years 1920 to 1968

Aberdare Jewish Community & Congregation home page

List of all JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Jewish Communities & Congregations in Wales home page

Page created: 20 December 2010
Reformatted: 4 November 2011
Page most recently amended: 4 August 2016

Formatted by David M. R. Shulman


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