the former

Sunderland Jewish Community

Sunderland, Tyne & Wear



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Officers and Staff of Sunderland's Jewish Institutions & Associations
(other than synagogues)

Unless otherwise stated, the data below has been extracted from Jewish Year Book listings, first published in 1896/7.(i)
The year book was not published during World War II and provided only very limited information on communal officers after 1956
(in most instances just details of the secretary). In many instances, the officer's first name has been obtained from other sources.

Institutions Associated with the Sunderland Hebrew Congregation

Hebrew School(iii)


1901-1902 - Joseph Levy

1902-1904 - I.J. Golding

1904-1906 - D. Jockelson

1906-1907 - Joseph Levy

1907-1908 - Simon Olswang

1908-1909 - Joseph Levy

1909-1911 - Henry Olswang

1911-1915 - B. Joseph

1915-1921 - Sol Gallewski

1921-1922 - H. Taylor

1922-1925 - Dr. A. Blakey

1925-1926 - A. Behrman

1926-1931 - Isaac Gordon

1931-1933 - Israel Jacobs

1933-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - M. Burnley

1946-1948 - Abraham Merskey


until 1919 - the Congregation's minister

1919-1920 - Rev. L.J. Muscat

1920-1923 - Rev. A. Plaskow

1924 - Rev. L. J. Muscat

1924-1927 - Rabbi Dr. A.E. Silverstone

1927-1938 - no data

1938-1951 - Rev. S.P. Toperoff

1952-1958 - C. Rosenthal


1952-1959 - Rabbi M. Turetsky


Teachers & Assistant Teachers(iv)

at least 1896-1897 - Miss Sophy Jackson (mistress)

1897-1924 - H. Rothfield

1909-1929 - Rev. L. J. Muscat(v)

1924-1932 - H. Kolson

1932-1936 - Rev. A.N. Oler

1932-1936 - Rev. A.I. Burland

Hon. Secretaries

1904-1910 - D.R. Morris

1910-1911 - S. Cohen

1911-1921 - D.R. Morris

1921-1922 - I. Muscat

1922-1924 - B. Freedman

1924-1925 - Jack Goldberg

Gemiluth Chasodim(vi)


1897-1898 - Rev. Jacob Phillips

1898-1911 - Isaac Friedman

1911-1921 - Henry Olswang

1921-1923 - I. Levy

1923-1924 - L. Clark

1924-1927 - I. Levy

1927-1934 - S. Bernstein

1934-1945 - M. Hurwitz

Hon. Collectors

1906-1911 - B. Lipton

1911-1923 - I. Rosenthal


1903-1908 - Simon Olswang

1908-1911 - Henry Olswang

1911-1917 - M. Behrman

1917-1921 - I. Levy

1917-1924 - P. Berg

1924-1929 - M. Davis

1929-1934 - Isaac Gordon

1934-1939 - M. Davis

1939-1940 - N. Taylor

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - N. Taylor(vii)

Hon. Secretaries

1903-1919 - A. Cohen

1919-1921 - S. Pearlman

1921-1923 - S. Levine

1923-1924 - H.M. Rosenthal

1924-1939 - H. Isaacs

1939-1945 - D. Bleah

Holy Vestments Society(viii)


1939 - Mrs. A. Merskey


1949-1951 - Mrs. S.P. Toperoff

1952-1954 - Mrs. M. Refson

1954-1956 - Mrs. Myrella. Cohen, LLB

Vice President

1939 - Miss. P. Wolfe


1939 - Miss. M. Jacoby

Hon Secretaries

1939 - Mrs. S.P. Toperoff

1949-1954 - Mrs. H. Olswang

1954-1956 - Mrs. M. Turetsky

Moor Street Synagogue Building Fund(xiii)


1926-1932 - Solomon Gillis


1926-1932 - Abraham Merskey

Hon. Secretaries

1926-1929 - M. Burnley

Ryhope Road Synagogue Charity Fund(xiv)


1946-1956 - Abraham Merskey


1947-1956 - I. Gordon

Hon. Secretaries

1946-1952 - Rev. S.P. Toperoff

1955-1956 - Maurice H. Minchom

Ladies Guild

For Ladies Guilds, including those associated with the Hebrew Congregation, see below.

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (i) Where a person is first listed in a Jewish Year Book as holding a particular office, it has been assumed that his or her term of office commenced in the year of publication of the relevant year book and that he or she continued in office until the commencement of office of his or her successor, unless the office became vacant. Initially the year books corresponded to the Hebrew year, and thus ran roughly from autumn of one year - the year of publication - until autumn of the next year. From 1909, year books were published according to the Gregorian year, being published generally towards the end of the year prior to the year appearing in the title of the year book. For example, if an officer is listed in Jewish Year Books 1949 through 1954, it is assumed that he or she commenced office in 1948 and continued in office until 1954. However, it should be noted that this is only an assumption and, accordingly, his or her actual years of office may differ somewhat from those shown here.

  • (ii) Reserved.

  • (iii) The data here does not extend beyond 1960, as this was the last year for which the school was listed in the Jewish Year Book. However, the school continued to operate well after that date.

  • (iv) Teaching staff was not listed beyond 1936.

  • (v) Rev. Muscat was listed as a teacher or an assistant teacher throughout this period, except in the Jewish Year Book 1925.

  • (vi) Listed in Jewish Year Books from 1896/7 through 1945/6.

  • (vii) N. Taylor was listed as treasurer of Gemiluth Chasodim in Jewish Year Books prior to the World War II cessation of publication but only in the first edition after the war (1945/6). It is unclear whether the entry for 1945/6 is correct (in which case he would presumably also served throughout the war) or whether such listing is merely the publishers repeating the latest data they had prior to the cessation of publication.

  • (viii) Listed in Jewish Year Books in 1939 and from 1950 through 1956.

  • (ix) to (xii) Reserved.

  • (xiii) Listed in Jewish Year Books from 1927 through 1933.

  • (xiv) Listed in Jewish Year Books from 1947 through 1956.

Institutions Associated with the Beth Hamedrash

Talmud Torah(xx)

Presidents & Hon. Presidents

1904-1915 - Charles Cohen

1915-1917 - M. Rick

1917-1924 - Charles Cohen

1924-1925 - Joseph Pearlman

1925-1927 - Sol Cohen

1927-1928 - H. Bloomberg

1928-1929 - Sol Cohen

1929-1932 - Joseph Pearlman

1932-1934 - H. Bloomberg

1924-1935 - Elias Cohen

1935-1939 - M. Levinson

1939-1940 - S. Cohen

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - S. Cohen(xxi)

1946-1950 - R.D. Pearlman

1950-1954 - Isaac W. Brewer

1954-1955 - Dr. A. Gillis

1955-1956 - B. Pearlman


1904-1906 - W. Rieck

1906-1912 - M. Rick

1912-1915 - M. Clark

1915-1917 - M. Rick

1917-1924 - no data

1924-1925 - Lionel Gillis

1925-1927 - J.A. Levine

1927-1931 - M. Clark

1931-1934 - S. Wicks

1934-1936 - Elias Rabbinowitz

1936-1939 - Dr. J. Gillis

1939-1954 - no data

1954-1955 - I. Levene

1955-1956 - W. Book

Hon. Secretaries

1904-1906 - S. Yankelovitz

1906-1912 - Joseph Pearlman

1912-1915 - R. Bloomberg

1915-1929 - J. GillisH. Levinson

1929-1932 - M. Pearlman

1932-1934 - M. Robinson

1934-1935 - Cllr. J. Cohen

1935-1939 - H. Rosenthal

1939-1940 - D. Pearlman

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - D. Pearlman(xxi)

1946-1950 - J. Linskil

1950-1955 - no data

1955-1957 - J. Frankenthal

1957-1959 - B. Penn

Gemiluth Chasodim (Beth Hamedrash)(xxiii)


1924-1925 - J. Levene

1925-1926 - L. Clarke

1926-1929 - E. Cohen

1929-1935 - Philip Bergson

1935-1940 - Joseph Pearlman(xxiv)

1940-1946 - no data

1946-1948 - M. Hurwitz


1925-1926 - J.A. Levine

1926-1929 - M. Clark

1929-1939 - J.A. Levine

1939-1946 - no data

1946-1952 - N. Taylor

Hon Secretaries

1926-1929 - M.A. Cohen

1929-1937 - M. Pearlman

1937-1939 - S. Cohen

1939-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - S. Cohen(xxi)

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (xx) Listed in Jewish Year Books from 1904/5 through 1959.

  • (xxi) These officers (S. Cohen and D. Pearlman) were listed as holding the relevant offices in Jewish Year Books prior the World War cessation of publication, but only in the first edition following the war (1945/6). It is unclear whether the entry for 1945/6 is correct (in which case they would presumably also have served throughout the war) or whether such listing is merely the publishers repeating the latest data they had from prior to the cessation of publication.

  • (xxii) Reserved.

  • (xxiii) Listed in Jewish Year Books from 1925 through 1959.

  • (xxiv) J. Pearlman was also listed as president of this society in the Jewish Year Book 1945/6, which is an error (unless referring to a different J. Pearlman) as Joseph Pearlman died in 1943.

Other Educational Institutions

Sunderland Yeshiva

(for data, click on the above link)

Sunderland Kolel

(Kolel Institute of Higher Rabbinic Studies)

(for data click on the above link)

Menorah School


from at least 1962 to c.1975  - Mrs. G. Shochet 

from c.1975 - Mrs. Winter

Officers in 1962(xxvi)

Chairman - Charles Gillis

Treasurer - Maurice H. Minchon

Secretary - H.H. Pearlman 

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (xxv) Menorah School was listed in Jewish Year Books from 1963 through 1983. Mrs. Shochett was listed as headmistress until the 1975 edition and Mrs. Winter thereafter.

  • (xxvi) The Jewish Communities of North-East England by Lewis Olsover (1980), p.287.

Religious Institutions

Chevra Kadisha, Hachnasat Orachim and Chevra Tehillim Societies

(just Chevra Kadisha from 1950)

Hon President

1921-1923 - Bernard Jacoby


at least 1896-1913 - Aaron Jackson

1913-1921 - Bernard Jacoby

1921-1924 - I. Levy

1924-1925 - Phillip Bergson

1925-1936 - B. Joseph

1935-1936 - S. Bernstein

1936-1939 - Isaac Gordon

1939-1956 - Stan Goldberg(xxxi)

1956-1979 - no data

1979-1983 - B. Pearlman

1983-1988 - Maurice H. Minchom

1988-1999 - Gerald Grantham

1979-1983 - Dr. Harold Davis


1903-1911 - Isaac Friedman

1911-1913 - Bernard Jacoby

1913-1921 - I. Levy

1921-1922 - Maurice Jacoby

1922-1923 - Phillip Bergson

1923-1924 - G. Levy

1924-1925 - M. Davis

1925-1927 - Phillip Bergson

1927-1933 - E. Mincovitch

1933-1939 - P.M. Joseph

1939-1952 - no data

1952-1956 - Ralph Grantham(xxxii)

Secretaries & Hon. Secretaries

at least 1896-1911 - Bernard Jacoby

1911-1913 - Rev. L.J. Muscat

1913-1919 - D. Rubinstein

1919-1921 - Maurice Jacoby

1921-1924 - Stan Goldberg

1924-1933 - J. Pearlman

1933-1939 - I. Gillis

1939-1940 - N. Taylor

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - N. Taylor(xxxiii)

1946-1952 - Ralph Grantham(xxxii)

1952-1954 - Sol Cohen

1954-1958 - Maurice H. Minchom 

Board of Shechita

(United Shechita Board from 1966)


1938-1940 - Isaac Gordon

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - Isaac Gordon(xxxiii)

1946-1956 - M.A. Cohen


1938-1940 - Joseph Pearlman(xxxiv)

1940-1946 - no data

1946-1953 - Jacob Clark

1953-1956 - Dr. Benny Gordon

Hon. Secretaries

1938-1940 - M. Pearlman

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - M. Pearlman(xxxiii)

1946-1966 - Isaac W. Brewer

1966-1972 - I.J. Charlton

1972-1988 - N.M. Guttentag

1988-2000 - Theo Jackson

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (xxx) Reserved.

  • (xxxi) As Stan Goldberg was listed in Jewish Year Books as president both prior to (1939 and 1940 editions) and following World War II (1945/6 through 1956 editions), it is assumed that he continued to serve in such capacity throughout World War II. He may also have continued beyond 1956, but such data was not provided by the Jewish Year Book.

  • (xxxii) Previously known as Ralph Goldberg until 1941.

  • (xxiii) These officers (N. Taylor, I. Gordon and M. Pearlman) were listed as holding the relevant offices in Jewish Year Books prior to the World War cessation of publication, but only in the first edition following the war (1945/6). It is unclear whether the entry for 1945/6 is correct (in which case they would presumably also have served throughout the war) or whether such listing is merely the publishers repeating the latest data they had from prior to the cessation of publication.

  • (xxiv) This is believed to refer to Joseph Pearlman, who died in 1943. However, J. Pearlman was also listed as treasurer of the Board in the Jewish Year Book 1945/6, which is clearly an error unless referring to a different J. Pearlman.

Welfare Organisations

Sunderland Hebrew Board of Guardians

(formerly Sunderland Hebrew Benevolent Society until about 1880s)


1869 -at least 1874 - A.N. Richardson(xl)

at least 1896-1910 - Newman Richardson

1910-1921 - B. Joseph

1921-1924 - Hyman Berg

1924-1948 - Maurice Jacoby(xli)


1948-1951 - Maurice Jacoby

1951-1956 - M. Bloom



by 1874 - Jacob Gallewski(xlii)

at least 1896-1902 - Bernard Jacoby

1902-1908 - Simon Olswang

1908-1910 - S. Golding

1910-1921 - Hyman Berg

1921-1924 - Maurice Jacoby

1924-1926 - David Gillis

1926-1934 - Solomon Cohen

1934-1935 - Julius Cohen

1935-1937 - Harry Berg

1937-1940 - Julius Cohen

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - Julius Cohen(xliii)

1946-1948 - no data

1948-1951 - Maurice Jacoby

1951-1956 - J. Shwarn

Secretaries & Hon. Secretaries

by 1874 - Henry Samuel(xlii)

at least 1896-1902 - Joseph Levy

1902-1912 - D. Abrahams

1912-1914 - Rev. L.J. Muscat

1914-1915 - D. Rubenstein

1915-1924 - Rev. L.J. Muscat

1924-1927 - A. King

1927-1931 - Nathan Muscat

1931-1934 - M. Olswang

1934-1937 - no data

1937-1940 - Isaac W. Brewer

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - Isaac W. Brewer(xliii)

1946-1952 - Rev. S.P. Toperoff

1952-1958 - I. Levine

1958-1968 - Cyril Mincovitch

1968-1974 - B. Taylor

1974-1984 - J.D. Cohen

1984-1991 - Peter Olswang

1991-1995 - Meyer Pearlman

1995-1999 - Dr. Bernard I. Chazan

Investigating Officer

1928-1929 - Rev. L.J. Muscat

1931-1937 - Rev. A.N. Oler

1937-1938 - Rev. S.P. Toperoff

Committee Members in 1874(xlii)

G. Asher, E. Fryde, Isaac Goldman, Louis Goldman, Joseph Kaufman, Rev. I.A. Levy, Samuel Rosenthal, Jacob Schott, Elias Wolfe, Joseph Wolfe

Sunderland Young Men's Hebrew Benevolent Society

(founded 1870)

Officers in 1874(xlii)

President - Phillip Gallewski;   Treasurer - Aaron Aaronson;   Hon. Secretary - Morris Roth

Committee Members in 1874(xlii)

G. Asher, Meyer Cohen, Henry Friend, Henry GoldmanSimon Henschel

Sunderland Ladies Benevolent & Palestine Welfare Society

(Sunderland Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Society until about 1925)

(formerly Sunderland Hebrew Maternity Society)


at least 1896-1901 - Mrs. J. Wolfe

1904-1919 - Mrs. B. Jacoby

1919-1924 - Mrs. D. Olswang

1924-1935 - Mrs. A. Blakey

1935-1949 - Mrs. Annie Rawlinson(xliv)

1949-1956 - Mrs. A. Blakey


at least 1896-1915 - Mrs. J. Gallewski

1915-1919 - Mrs. D. Olswang

1919-1924 - Mrs. R. Hurwitz

1924-1934 - Mrs. Gusack

1934-1939 - Mrs. I. Cohen

Lady Visitors

1926-1927 - Mrs. A. Blakey

1926-1932 - Mrs. I. Magrill

1927-1935 - Mrs. C. Brewer

Hon. Secretaries

at least 1896-1913 - Mrs. Elias Wolfe

1913-1914 - Mrs. Joseph Levy

1914-1924 - Mrs. I. Behrman

1924-1925 - Mrs. I. Magrill

1926-1927 - Miss Patricia Herman

1927-1935 - no data

1935-1937 - Miss F. Jacobs

1937-1954 - Mrs. M. Joseph(xliv)

1954-1959 - Mrs. H. Berg

Hon. Collectors

1926-1927 - Miss J. Gillow, Miss M. Gillow, Miss E. Gusack, Miss G. Isdal, Miss L. Isdal, Miss M.D. Joseph, Miss A. MagrilMiss R. Pearlman

1927-1929 - Miss E. Gusack, Miss M.D. Joseph, Miss A. Magril, Miss R. PearlmanMiss M. Topal

1929-1935 - Miss A. MagrilMiss M. Topal

Orphan Aid Society


1912-1919 - Rabbi Dr. Salis Daiches

1919-1921 - C. Minski

1921-1923 - Rev. A. Plaskow


1924-1934 - A. Louis


1912-1922 - B. Joseph

1922-1934 - D. Cohen

Hon. Secretaries

1912-1915 - Mrs. I. Berhman

1915-1924 - Miss F. Joseph

1924-1931 - Miss M.D. Joseph

Hon. Collectors

1922-1924 - Mrs. D. CohenMrs. M. Herman

1924-1925 - Mrs. D. Cohen, Mrs. M. Herman, Miss D. BehrmanMiss Cohen

1925-1927 - Miss May Louis, Mrs. M. Herman, Miss D. BehrmanMiss Cohen

1927-1931 - Miss May Louis, Miss D. BehrmanMiss Cohen

Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women

Hon. President

1922-1924 - Israel Jacobs


1922-1950 - Julius Behrman(xlv)

Vice President

1912-1922 - Mrs. D.A. Olswang


1922-1924 - Mrs. I. Berhman

1924-1952 - Louis Magrill(xlv)

Hon. Secretaries

1922-1924 - Rev. A. Plaskow

1924-1928 - Mrs. R. Brewer

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (xl) Society was formed in 1869 under his presidency (A. Levy's History of the Sunderland Jewish Community, p.81), Mr. A.N. Richardson was still listed as president in Jewish Directory of 1874 by Asher I. Myers.

  • (xli) As M. Jacoby was listed as president of the Board in Jewish Year Books both prior to the World War II cessation of publication, as well as in several editions following the war, and was subsequently listed as chairman, it is assumed that he also serve as president throughout World War II.

  • (xlii) Listed in Jewish Directory of 1874 by Asher I. Myers.

  • (xliii) These officers (J. Cohen and I. Brewer) were listed in Jewish Year Books as holding the relevant offices at the Board of Guardians prior to the World War II cessation of publication, but only in the first edition following the war (1945/6). It is unclear whether the entry for 1945/6 is correct (in which case they would presumably also have served throughout the war) or whether such listing is merely the publishers repeating the latest data they had from prior to the cessation of publication.

  • (xliv) As these ladies, Mrs. A. Rawlinson (née Bergson) and Mrs. M. Joseph, were listed, respectively as president and hon. secretary of the society, in Jewish Year Books both prior to the World War II cessation of publication, as well as in several editions following the war, it is assumed that they also serve in such offices throughout World War II. 

  • (xlv) As J. Behrman and L. Magrill were listed, respectively, as president and treasurer of the Association in Jewish Year Books both prior to the World War II cessation of publication, as well as in several editions following the war, it is assumed that they also served in the same office throughout World War II.

Literary Associations

Jewish Social & Literary Club


1903-1907 - Lionel Wolfe

1907-1908 - Samuel Gallewski

1908-1911 - M. Cohen

1911-1912 - H. Goldman

1912-1914 - Maurice Jacoby

1914-1916 - Julius Behrman

1916-1919 - Lionel Wolfe

1919-1932 - David Cohen

1932-1934 - I. Gordon

1934-1936 - I. Share

Vice Presidents

1925-1927 - Rabbi Dr. A.E. Silverstone & Rev. L.J. Muscat

1927-1928 - Rev. L.J. Muscat

1928-1929 - Rev. L.J. Muscat & Maurice Jacoby

1929-1936 - Maurice Jacoby

Hon. President

1925-1936 - Lionel Wolfe


1903-1904 - Samuel Gallewski

1904-1906 - Joe Jackson

1906-1907 - Henry Olswang

1907-1908 - M. Cohen

1908-1911 - N. Jacoby

1911-1919 - Henry Olswang

1919-1925 - M. Cohen

1925-1927 - L. Share

1927-1932 - P. Bloom

1932-1934 - S. Bernstein

1934-1936 - M. Hurwitz

Hon. Secretaries

1903-1905 - Henry Olswang

1905-1906 - H. Berger

1906-1907 - C. Minski

1907-1908 - J. CohenL. Gallewski

1908-1909 - L. GallewskiS. Steinberg

1909-1911 - D.R. Morris

1911-1913 - no data

1913-1919 - Louis Jacobs

1919-1922 - D.R. Morris

1922-1924 - L. Share

1924-1928 - S. Slater 

1928-1929 - H. Rosenthal

1929-1933 - D. Levine

1933-1936 - Wilfred Goldberg

Jewish Literary Circle(l)

(Jewish Literary & Debating Society until c.1920, then Jewish Literary Society until c.1926)

Officers & Committee Members at launch in 1911(li)

President - I.G Golding;   Treasurer - Sol Novinski;   Hon. Secretary - S. Levison

Committee - M. Abrahams, P. Brewer, D. Rubenstein, Miss Annie Bergson, Miss M. Behrman & Miss P. Brewer


1913-1915 - I.G. Golding

1915-1919 - Rabbi Dr. Salis Daiches

Vice Presidents

1913-1914 - Israel CohenH. Levins

1914-1915 - Rabbi Dr. Salis Daiches

1915-1919 - I.G. GoldingIsreal Cohen


1914-1915 - Sol Novinski

Hon Secretaries

1913-1914 - E. Rosenstein

1914-1915 - E. Brewer

1915-1919 - E. RosenR. Bloomberg

Officers following reorganisation in about 1920


1926-1931 - Sol Novinski

1931-1934 - Simon Light

1934-1935 - Sol Novinski

1936 - Israel Jacobs(lii)


Vice Presidents

1921-1926 - Rev. L.J. Muscat

1926-1927 - Nathan MuscatM. Share, BA

1927-1931 - Hyman MuscatSimon Light

1931-1934 - Hyman Muscat, Miss L. RittenbergMiss D. Behrman

1934-1935 - Mrs L. Goldblatt, Miss D. BehrmanIsaac W. Brewer


Vice Chairmen

1936 - Isaac W. Brewer, Cyril GillisL. Graham(lii)



1925-1928 - Miss M.D. Joseph

1928-1931 - Miss D. Behrman

1931-1934 - I. Behrman

1934-1935 - S. Cohen

1935-1938 - Miss M. Pearlman, BComm

1938-1939 - I. Gillis



1921-1925 - A. Behrman

1926-1936 - none listed

1937-1940 - Simon Light

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - A.A. Gordon

1946-1947 - I. Levine

1947-1948 - A.A. Gordon

1948-1949 - Maurice Raymond

1949-1950 - I.J. Charlton

1950-1951 - A.A. Gordon

1951-1952 - Charles Slater

1952-1954 - no data

1954-1955 - G. Abrahams

Hon. Presidents

1921-1923 - Rev. A. Plaskow

1925-1927 - Rabbi Dr. A.E. Silverstone

1927-1929 - Rev. L.J. Muscat

1931-1939 - I. Jacobs


Hon. Vice Presidents

1927-1928 - Rev. L.J. Muscat, Nathan Muscat, BAM. Share, BA

1928-1931 - Nathan Muscat BA, M. Share, BAMiss B. Cohen

1931-1934 - Rev. A.N. Oler, Nathan Muscat BASol Novinski

1934-1935 - Rev. A.N. Oler, Nathan Muscat BASimon Light


Hon Secretaries

1921-1925 - Miss S. Cohen

1925-1927 - Miss Bessie Cohen

1927-1928 - Miss Bessie CohenMiss Dorrie Pearlman

1928-1931 - Miss Dorrie Pearlman

1931-1936 - Miss TopazMiss A. Magrill

1936-1937 - Miss Rita Olswang(liii) Miss Fay Cohen

1937-1939 - Miss Rita Olswang(liii) Miss T. Shochet

1939-1940 - Lionel GillisMiss T. Shochet

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - Miss R. Cohen

1946-1947 - Miss Joan Davis

1947-1948 - Miss B. Schwan

1948-1949 - Myer Robinson

1949-1951 - Miss J. GillisMiss Levey

1951-1952 - Miss J. GillisMiss S. Clark

1952-1954 - Miss S. Clark

1954-1955 - Miss J. Cohen

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (l) Listed in Jewish Year Books as Jewish Literary & Debating Society from 1914 to 1919, Jewish Literary Society from 1922 to 1926 and Jewish Literary Circle from 1927 to 1955.

  • (li) The Jewish Communities of North-East England by Lewis Olsover ("Olsover") (1980), p.282. Levy refers to the new society as the Literary Circle, although this name did not appear in Jewish Year Books until 1927

  • (lii) Olsover, p.283, in list of officers in Jubilee Year 1936.

  • (lii) listed as Miss Rita Olsberg in Olsover, p.283.

  • (liv) to (lix) Reserved.

Retirement Homes and Refugee Hostel

Joel Intract Home letterhead
Letterhead of the Joel Intract Memorial Home, June 1958
Courtesy Aubrey Selig

The North East Joel Intract Memorial Home of Rest for Aged Jews(lx)


1946-1968 - Maurice Jacoby(lxi)

1968-1979 - Harold Olswang(lxii)

1980-? - Isaac W. Brewer(lxiii)

Vice President

1946-at least 1958 - A.N. Birk(lxiv)

in and about 1962 - Mark Taylor(lxv)

?-1980 - Isaac W. Brewer(lxiii)

Joint Treasurers

1946-1955 - M. CohenM. Taylor

1955-at least 1958 - David AbrahamDavid Carr(lxvi)

Initial Hon. Vice Presidents

from 1946 - Mr. JosephSol Intract(lxvii)

Secretaries & Administrators(lxx)

1946-1951 - A. Richman

1951-1972 - Harry Mendel

1972-1976 - Miss V. Maynard

1976-1979 - Mrs. A.M. Chambers

1979-1986 - Miss N. Johnson

1986-1994 - Ms. R.Z. Lewis



1946-1947 - Madame Seiber(lxxi)

1947-1970 - Miss Rita Marks(lxxii)

1970-1979 - Mrs. R.H. Pitt(lxxiii)

1979-at least 1980 - Mrs. L. Peysner(lxxiv)

Sunderland Children's Hostel

(Refugee Committee)


1939-1946 - Julius Behrman(lxxv)

Vice Chairman & Treasurer

1946 - Rev. S.P. Toperoff


1939-1946 - M. DavisD. Levine(lxxv)

1946 - Miss R. Gillow

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (lx) The Home was listed in Jewish Year Books from 1947 through 1997. Apart from the name of the secretary and (from 1977) the matron, there were no listing of officers from 1957 onwards.

  • (lxi) The Jewish Communities of North-East England by Lewis Olsover ("Olsover") (1980), pp.291/3. On Mr. Jacoby's retirement in March 1968, he was elected Hon. Life President.

  • (lxii) Olsover, pp.293.

  • (lxiii) Olsover, pp.293.

  • (lxiv) Mr. Birk, from Newcastle, was elected as the initial vice president - Olsover, pp.291. The Jewish Year Books did not list the vice presidents.

  • (lxv) Mr. Taylor was vice president at the time of the 1962 extension of the building - Olsover, pp.293.

  • (lxvi) Listed in Jewish Year Book 1956. From 1957, it ceased providing details of such officers.

  • (lxvii) Olsover, pp.291.

  • (lxviii) and (lxix) Reserved.

  • (lxx) Listed in Jewish Year Books. The office was known as administrator from 1986.

  • (lxxi) Olsover, p.292. Madam Seiber was formerly matron of the Newcastle Jewish Hostel at Windermere, which had been used for evacuee children during World War II. She resigned from the Home after six months as she found the work too onerous.

  • (lxxii) Olsover, p.292 refers to Miss Marks holding office for 23 years following Madam Seiber's resignation. She had previously been Madam Seiber's assistant.

  • (lxxiii) Olsover, p.292. Mrs. Pitt resigned in September 1979 and returned to her native Denmark.

  • (lxxiv) Olsover, p.292. Mrs. Peysner was from Hull and was still matron at the time of publication of Olsover's book.

  • (lxxv) As these officers (J. Behrman, M. Davis and D. Levine) were listed in Jewish Year Books as holding the relevant offices both prior to the World War II cessation of publication and following the war (1945/6), it is assumed that they also held office throughout the war.

Friendly Societies, etc.

Sunderland Hebrew Benefit Society


by 1874 -  Elias Wolfe(lxxx)

1896-1897 - Solomon Gallewski

1897-1911 - Isaac Friedman

1911-1924 - Isaac Levy

1924-1929 - S. Bernstein


by 1874 -  Joseph Wolfe (lxxx)

Vice Presidents

by 1874 - Joseph Gallewski(lxxx)

1901-1904 - D. Abrahams

1904-1906 - D.R. Morris

1906-1908 - A. Cohen

1908-1909 - C. Minski

1909-1924 - Sol Gallewski

1924-1929 - A. Louis

Hon. Secretaries

by 1874 - Henry Friend (lxxx)

1896-1898 - Henry Joseph

1898-1906 - A. Cohen

1906-1908 - D. Abrahams

1908-1914 - A. Cohen

1914-1916 - E. Pearlman

1916-1929 - H. Joseph

Committee Members in 1874(lxxx)

M. Freedman, Isaac Goldman, Louis Goldman, Joseph Kaufman, A.N. RichardsonJacob Schott

Hebrew Order of Druids


1906-1908 - Isaac Friedman

1908-1911 - D.R. Morris

1911-1924 - P.S. Gillis

Vice Presidents

1906-1908 - D.R. Morris

1908-1911 - V. Minski


1906-1915 - A. Cohen

1915-1924 - E. Pearlman

R. Secretaries

1906-1911 - S. Steinberg

1911-1924 - Jack Goldberg

Order of Ancient Maccabæans

Mount Pisgah Beacon No 16


1919-1921 - Charles Brewer

1921-1924 - I. Gordon

1924-1925 - Jack Cohen

1925-1927 - Samuel Cohen

1927-1928 - I. Gordon

1928-1929 - Samuel Cohen

1929-1931 - G. Burnley

1931-1932 - S. Kelly

1932-1935 - Jack Cohen

1935-1938 - J. Brewer


1925-1927 - I. Gordon

1929-1935 - Louis Magrill

1935-1938 - A. Benjamin

Vice or Deputy Commanders

1924-1925 - Julius Cohen

1925-1926 - E.S. Pearlman

1929-1931 - H. Freeman

1931-1932 - Jack Cohen

1932-1934 - H. Rosenstein

1934-1935 - Isaac W. Brewer

1935-1937 - M. Stone

1937-1938 - S. Stone


1913-1918 - E.I. Pearlman

1918-1921 - J. Gordon

1921-1924 - S. Pearlman

1924-1935 - Jack Goldberg

1925-1938 - Stan Goldberg

Grand Order of Israel

Samuel Daiches Lodge


1924-1925 - Hyman Berg


1925-1926 - S. Bernstein

1926-1929 - Isaac Gordon

1929-1932 - M. Isaacs

1932-1934 - H. Isaacs


1925-1929 - H. Isaacs

1929-1934 - J. Clark


1924-1926 - N. Shockett

1926-1929 - E. Mincovitch

1929-1932 - H. Isaacs

1932-1934 - M. Clark

Hon. Secretaries

1924-1925 - Jack Goldberg

1925-1934 - S. Pearlman

Order Shield of David


1924-1925 - A. Cohen

1925-1926 - Jack Goldberg

1926-1928 - M. Marks

1928-1931 - P. Bloom

Vice Presidents

1925-1926 - M. Marks

1926-1927 - Adolph Cohen

1927-1931 - L. Gallewski


1924-1925 - M. Marks

1925-1931 - B. Ernstone

Hon. Secretaries

1924-1925 - Jack Goldberg

1925-1926 - S. Freedman

1926-1931 - Jack Goldberg

Sunderland Council of Jewish Friendly Societies


1924-1933 - Isaac Gordon


1924-1933 - S. Kelly

Hon. Secretaries

1924-1933 - R. Bloomberg

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (lxxx) Listed in Jewish Directory of 1874 by Asher I. Myers.

  • (lxxxi) to (lxxxix) Reserved.

Women's Associations

Sunderland Jewish Women's Guild(xc)

Founded 1908


1908-1914 - Mrs. J. Levy

1914-1921 - B. Joseph

Hon. Secretaries

1908-1914 - J. LevyMrs J. Behrman

1914-1921 - Mrs I. Behrman


1908-1914 - B. Joseph

1914-1921 - Mrs. A. Jacobs

Sunderland Jewish Ladies Guild(xci)

(for distributing clothing)


1909-1911 - Mrs. M. Herman

1911-1921 - Mrs. R. Hurwitz

Hon. Secretary

1909-1921 - Miss A. Rosenthal


1908-1911 - Mrs. A. Fryde

1911-1914 - Mrs. Joe Levy

1914-1921 - Mrs. M. Herman

Royal Infirmary (Jewish Ladies Guild)(xcii)


1926-1939 - Mrs. I. Jacobs

1939-1945 - Mrs. H. Joseph

Vice President

1926-1929 - Mrs. D. Olswang

Hon. Collector

1926-1931 - Mrs. H. Joseph

Sunderland League of Jewish Women(xciii)


1947-1948 - Mrs. S.P. Topperoff

Vice Chairman & Treasurer

1947-1948 - Mrs. R. Share

Hon. Secretary

1947-1948 - Mrs. L. Collins

Ladies Guild(xciv)

Ryhope Road Synagogue


1938-1947 - Mrs. A. Merskey(xcv)

1948-1951 - Mrs. S.P. Toperoff

1951-1956 - Mrs. L. Collins

Vice President

1939-1940 - Miss P. Wolfe


1938-1940 - Miss M. Jacoby

1948-1951 - Mrs. L. Collins

Hon. Secretaries

1938-1948 - Mrs. S.P. Toperoff(xcvi)

1948-1949 - Miss. J. Merskey

1949-1956 - Mrs. Rawson

Sunderland Guild of Jewish Women(xcvii)

(1995 incorporated into Hebrew Board of Guardians)


1955-1956 - Miss P. Wolfe


1955-1956 - Mrs. L. Collins


1955-1956 - Mrs. I. Brewer

Hon. Secretaries

1955-1959 - Mrs. H. BergMrs. R. Collins

1959-1979 - no data

1979-1984 - Mrs. C. Joseph

1984-1992 - Mrs. J. Behrman

1992-1995 - Mrs. E. Olswang

Jewish Women's War Service Committee(xcviii)


1945-1946 - Mrs. S.P. Toperoff

Hon. Secretary

1945-1946 - I. Isaacs

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (xc) Listed in Jewish Year Books 1909 through 1921, referred to as established in 1908.

  • (xci) Listed in Jewish Year Books 1910 through 1921, with objects "for distributing clothing".

  • (xcii) Listed in Jewish Year Books 1926 through 1940 and in 1945/6.

  • (xciii) Listed solely in Jewish Year Book 1948.

  • (xciv) Listed, under the Sunderland Hebrew Congregation, in Jewish Year Books 1938 and 1939 and from 1945/6 through 1956.

  • (xcv) As Mrs. Merskey was listed in Jewish Year Books as president both prior to (1939 and 1940 editions) and in two editions following World War II (1945/6 and 1947 editions), it is assumed that she served in such capacity throughout World War II.

  • (xcvi) As Mrs. Toperoff was listed in Jewish Year Books as hon. secretary both prior to (1939 and 1940 editions) and following World War II (1945/6, 1947 and 1948 editions), it is assumed that she served in such capacity throughout World War II.

  • (xcvii) Listed in Jewish Year Books 1956 through 1959 and 1980 through 1995.

  • (xcviii) Listed solely in Jewish Year Book 1945/6.

Youth and Sporting Associations

Sunderland Judæans(cx)


1936-1946 - S. Gillis(cxi)


1936-1937 - S. Burnley

1937-1940 - M. Mednick


1937-1946 - S. Burnley(cxi)

Hon. Secretaries

1936-1937 - Ralph Goldberg(cxii)M. Cohen

1937-1940 - Cyril Mincovitch

1945-1946 - R. Olswang

Judæan Sports Club(cxiii)

(affiliated to British Maccabi)


1938-1940 - S. Burnley


1938-1940 - Ralph Goldberg(cxii)

Hon. Secretary

1949-1950s - L. Linskil(cxiv)

Sunderland Jewish Club(cxv)

Delegate Committee 1955(cxv)

Joint Chairmen - G. AbrahamsA. Landau

Hon. Secretary - Charles H. Slater

Joint Hon. Secretaries

1956-1957 - Miss T. BergMiss B. Sacks

1957-1959 - Miss A. BergMiss V. Sacks

Junior Zionist and Literary Society


1919-1921 - I. Linskill

Vice President

1919-1921 - Mrs. I. Cohen

Joint Hon. Secretaries

1919-1921 - J. TopazMrs J. Berhman

Young Zionists


1936-1937 - A. Gillis

1937-1938 - L. Levine


1936-1938 - Miss C. Gillis

Hon. Secretary

1936-1938 - Miss B. Rosin

Junior Jewish National Fund Commission


1934-1935 - Miss Sally Cohen

Joint Hon. Secretaries

1934-1938 - Miss. Minnie PearlmanMiss Freda Clark

Young Mizrachi Society


1934-1937 - Simon Light

Vice Chairman

1935-1937 - Isaac W. Brewer


1934-1937 - Charles Gillis

Hon. Secretary

1934-1937 - B.A. Cohen

Boy Scouts and Girl Guides

Boy Scouts - Scoutmaster

1938-1940 - A. Goldblatt

Girl Guilds - Captain

1945-1946 - Miss R. Olswang

Sunderland Jewish Badminton Club(cxvi)


1955-1956 - Harold Olswang


1955-1956 - Rafi Stuart


1955-1956 - Miss Josie Gillis

Hon. Secretary

1956-1959 - Miss Josie Gillis

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (cx) Listed in Jewish Year Books from 1937 through 1940 and in 1945/6.

  • (cxi) S. Gillis and S. Burnley were listed as president and chairman, respectively, of the Judæans in Jewish Year Books prior the World War II cessation of publication but only in the first edition after the war (1945/6). It is unclear whether the entry for 1945/6 is correct (in which case they would presumably have also served throughout the war) or whether such listing is merely the publishers repeating the latest data they had prior to the cessation of publication.

  • (cxii) From 1941 known as Ralph Grantham.

  • (cxiii) Listed in Jewish Year Books from 1939 and 1940 and from 1950 through 1959, although the 1956 edition stated that the Sunderland Jewish Club incorporated the Judæan Sports club.

  • (cxiv) Listed in Jewish Year Books until at least 1953 and possibly later.

  • (cxv) The Sunderland Jewish Club was listed in Jewish Year Books from 1956 through 1959, the 1956 edition providing the composition of the Delegate Committee, stated that it was a new society in process of formation, being an amalgamation of the Sunderland Jewish Literary Circle and the Sunderland Judæan Sports Club, although the latter (see above) continued to be listed separately in Jewish Year Books (as an affiliate of Maccabi) until 1959.

  • (cxvi) From 1957 Jewish Year Books only provided the name of the secretary.

Zionist and Other Israel Organisations

(For Youth Zionist organisations, see under Youth & Sporting Organisations above)

Zionist Association(cxxx)

Hon. Presidents

1921-1923 - Rev. A. Plaskow

1924-1925 - Rev. L.J. Muscat

1925-1927 - Rabbi Dr. A.E. Silverstone

1928-1929 - Rev. L.J. Muscat


1913-1917 - I. Golding

1917-1919 - Rabbi Dr. Salis Daiches

1919-1921 - Rev. L.J. Muscat

1921-1934 - no data

1934-1938 - I. Jacobs

Vice Presidents

1913-1919 - Isaac Cohen

1919-1921 - I. Levy

1921-1923 - Rev. L.J. Muscat

1926-1927 - Isaac Cohen

1927-1929 - Isaac CohenRev. L.J. Muscat

1929-1934 - Isaac Cohen

1934-1935 - A.I. Tow


1935-1938 - Isaac Cohen


1913-1919 - Isaac Cohen

1919-1921 - I. Levy

1924-1925 - A. Sneiderman

1925-1935 - E. Cohen

1935-1938 - P. Cohen

Hon. Secretaries

1913-1919 - D. Rubinstein

1919-1921 - Miss Magrill

1921-1923 - S. Cohen

1923-1931 - J. Davis

1931-1934 - B.A. Cohen

1934-1935 - Miss Sadie Gillis

1935-1937 - M. Cohen

1937-1938 - A. Gillis

Joint Zionist Council


1954-1956 - Charles Gillis


1954-1956 - Hymie Book

Hon. Secretaries

1954-1961 - Maurice H. Minchom

1961-1995 - Charles Teacher

Jewish National Fund (JNF) Commission

(Sunderland Branch)


1919-1925 - Israel Jacobs

1925-1926 - Rabbi Dr. A.E. Silverstone

1929 - Rev. L.J. Muscat

1932-1938 - S. Kelly


1919-1924 - __ Cohen

1924-1935 - I. Levy

1935-1938 - D. Davis

Hon. Secretary

1919-1924 - I. Gordon &- Mrs. J. Behrman

1924-1926 - A. Tow

1926-1938 - D. Davis

Keren Hayesod


1925-1927 - Rabbi Dr. A.E. Silverstone

1929 - Rev. L.J. Muscat

1932-1938 - A. Tow


1924-1925 - A. Tow

1925-1938 - E. Cohen

Hon. Secretaries

1924-1925 - A. Tow

1925-1926 - S. KellySebag Cohen

1926-1932 - A. TowSebag Cohen

1932-1938 - Sebag Cohen

Mizrachi Society

Hon. Secretaries

1945-1946 - Mrs. M. Joseph

1946-1952 - H. Cohen 

Friends of Anti-Tuberculosis League of Israel

Hon. Secretaries

1952-1956 - Dr. Benny Gordon

1956-1959 - Mrs. Vickie Gillis 

Israel Medical Aid Society

Hon. Secretary

1963-1994 - Elias Pearlson, LDS


Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (cxxx) Listed in Jewish Year Books only from 1914 through 1938, although established somewhat earlier.

  • (cxxxi) Jewish Year Books ceased providing the names of presidents and treasurers after 1956.

Miscellaneous Institutions

Association of Jewish Ex-Service Men and Women (AJEX)

Hon. Secretaries

1948-1950 - T. Buck

1951-1952 - I. Davis 

Judæan Section of St John Ambulance Brigade

Hon. President

1938-1954 - Rev. S.P. Toperoff

Vice President

1938-1954 - S. Gillis


1945-1954 - S. Burnley, A.O.L. OlswangRalph Grantham(cxl)

Public Relations Committee


1948-1955 - Simon Light(cxli)


1948-1950 - M. Cohen

1952-1956 - Maj. Mordaunt Cohen, RA (T.A.)(cxli)

Hon. Secretaries

1948-1950 - A. Gordon

1950-1959 - C. Goldman

Trade Advisory Council


1947-1948 - M. Burnley

1948-1956 - A. Brewer(cxxxx)

Hon. Secretaries

1945-1947 - M Burnley

1947-1950 - J.D. Levine

1950-1959 - C. Goldman

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (cxl) Known as Ralph Goldberg until 1941.

  • (cxli) Jewish Year Books ceased providing the names of chairmen and treasurers after 1956.

Sunderland Jewish Community home page

Sunderland Hebrew Congregation

Sunderland Beth Hamedresh

Jewish Communities of England home page

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LateLatest revision or update: 16 February 2022

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