the former

Llanelli Jewish Community

Carmarthenshire, South Wales




Press Reports relating to the Llanelli Jewish Community
Part 3, 1937 - 1959

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

(Note: The spelling of "Llanelly" and "Llanelli" are reproduced here as in the original source. The changeover from Llanelly to Llanelli took place in the 1960s. The Jewish Chronicle began the "Llanelli" spelling in 1966 but continued a number of extracts with the "Llanelly" spelling after that date.)

Jewish Chronicle, 22 January 1937 page 48

At annual meeting of the congregation the balance sheet showed an increase. Elected: S. Miron, President; H. Cohen, Treasurer; O. J. Benjamin, Secretary; I. Landy, O. J. Benjamin, J. S. Kurshion, J. Aarons, and J. Levi, Committee. Education Committee: O. J. Benjamin, Chairman; P. Sharff, J. Aarons, M. Rubenstein, and A. Weinstein. J. L. Berman, Auditor.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1937 page 68

Annual Meeting of the Jewish Ladies’ Benevolent Society. Elected: Mesdames S. Miron, President; M. Green, Treasurer; Miss R. Shipman, Hon Sec; Mesdames H. Cohen, M. Rubenstein, R. Abenson, I. Landy, S. Paster, H. Kershon, R. Benjamin, I. Weinstein, and the Misses E. Davies and S. Benjamin, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 October 1937 page 9

Engagement. Abraham, son of Mr and Mrs I. Weinstein, 25 Greenfield Villas, to Anna, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Barnett Sugarman of Brighton.
[Marriage. Abraham Weinstein March 1939 Brighton 2b 433//Annie Sugarman]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1937 page 1

Death on 17 October in London of Sophie Litovitch, relict of the late Rev I. Litovitch, Mourned by, inter alia, daughter Annie, Mrs Rubenstein, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1938 page 15

Miss Hetty Benjamin has been awarded the Dr Joseph Parry National Musical Scholarship for 3 years at Cardiff University.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1938 page 48

Young Israel Ref to Miriam Landy, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1938 page 48

Young Israel Ref to Louis Arran
[in 4 February 1938 p. 52 address is 101 Station Road, Llanelly].

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1938 page 36

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: S. Miron, President; H. Cohen, Treasurer; O. J. Benjamin, Hon Sec; E. Levi, J. Aaron, and I. Weinstein, Committee. J. L. Berman re-elected Auditor,

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1938 page 52

Young Israel Ref to Ralph Cass, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1938 page 48

Young Israel Ref to Pamela Cohen. Llanelly

Jewish Chronicle, 11 March 1938 page 29

Mrs. Rubinstein has presented the synagogue with a Kiddush cup in remembrance of her parents the late Rev and Mrs Litovitch of Port Talbot.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1938 page 6

Wanted. Young Austrian or German girl able to cook and do light housework. Comfortable home. Small family. Mrs Green, 3 Mina Street, Llanelly.

London Gazette, 28 July 1939 page 5207

To be 2Lt in 8 battalion, Foresters. 16 July 1939. Wilfrid Lyonel Miron [born Llanelly]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1939 page 1
Death on 19 June, Tiba Benjamin, wife of Lewis Benjamin, 4  College Square, Llanelly.
[Death. Tiba Benjamin June 1939 aged 58 Llanelly 11a 1142]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1939 page 2

Death as result of accident in Cardiff, David Schwartz aged 46 and Zoe Schwartz aged 18, inter alia brother-in-law and niece of Mr  and Mrs  Myer Green, Llanelly, and Mr and Mrs Harry Cohen, Llanelly and friends of Rose Shipman and Esta Davies, Llanelly’

Marriage to be solemnized on 5 November at Hove Synagogue of Rev Isaac Cohen BA son of Mr and Mrs S. Cohen of Llanelly to Fanny, daughter of Mr and Mrs Weisfogel of London and Hove.
[Fanny H. Weisfogel December 1939 Hove 2b 1260//Isaac Cohen]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1940 page 18

Annual election of officers and Committee of thw congregation. Satisfactory Balance Sheet presented by Treasurer, Mr J. Berman. Elected: S. Miron, President; E. Levi. Treasurer and Secretary,

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1940 page 1

Death on 1 February at 3 Mina Street, Annie Selina Cohen, aged 78, wife of the late Cohen of Cardiff. Mother of, inter alia, Sarah Green and Harry Cohen of Llanelly.
[Death. Annie Cohen March 1940 aghed 78 Llanelly 11a 2471]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 March 1940 page 32

Letter from soldier extolling hospitality of Llanelly Jews to soldiers. Says there are 28-30 Jewish families.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1940 page 15

Miss Hetty Benjamin of Llanelly has gained BA with first class honours at Cardiff University College.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1940 page 14

Obituary of Solomon Lyons, Swansea, died aged 81. From one of oldest families in South Wales – firm established 1731. His mother died aged 93, was born in Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1941 page 3

Forthcoming marriage. Driver Alfred Louis Sherman RASC, Stamford Hill, London, to Esta, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Davis of Bargoed now residing at 20 Greenfield Villas, Llanelly. To be solemnized at Llanelly on 9 February. Reception at the Thoams Arms Hotel.
[Marriage. Alfred L. Sherman March 1941 Llanelly 11a 2391//Esther Davies(sic)]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 December 1941 page 13

Engagement. Moss, only son of Jacob Sherman and the late Mrs Sherman of London, E1, and Anne, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Landy, 7 Queen Victoria Road, Llanelly
[Marriage. Moss Sherman March 1942 Stepney 1c 444/Annie Landy]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 February 1942 page 3

Forthcoming marriage. Rev Hyman Davies of Ayr, Scotland, only son of Mr and Mrs C. Davies, 54 Nathan Street, Llanelly, to Bessie Wolfson, Glasgow.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1942 page 14

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: I. Landy, President; M. Rubenstein, Treasurer; Rev R. Abenson, Hon Sec; S. Landy, Education Officer ; J Berman, Auditor.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1942 page 12

Profile of Maurice Landy, Son of Mr and Mrs S. Landy of Llanelly. Has been minister at Port Talbot for six years. Now appointed Minister and Secretary to St Albans United Synagogue Membership Group.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 May 1942 page 3

Death on Wednesday 6 May, Florence, wife of late Jacob Cass of Manchester at her daughter’s residence 101 Station Road, Llanelly. (Daughter Fanny Aronovitch.)
[Death. Florence Cass June 1942 aged 72 Llanelly 11a 1188]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1942 page 9

Engagement. Abraham Berman BA of Hendon NW4, youngest son of Mr and Mrs Berman, 50 Trinity Road, Llanelly, to Sophie only daughter of Rev H. and Mrs Goldman of Ormskirk, formerly Liverpool.
[Marriage. Abraham Berman March 1943 Liverpool S. 8b 327//Sarah S. Goldman]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 April 1943 page 11

Hyman Israel, only son of Rev S. and Mrs Feldman of London W6, grandson of Mr I. Solomon of Llanelly, scholar of Aria College, Winchester, will read Sidra at Shepherd’s Bush Synagogue on 10 April.
[Birth. Hyman I. I. Feldman June 1930 Llanelly 11a 1725. Mother Solomon]


Jewish Chronicle, 18 June 1943 page 11

At an afternoon tea given by Mrs Green, 3 Mina Street, Miss Irene Joseph of London addressed a large gathering. Contributions for 500 trees were promised.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1943 page 9

A daughter, Diana Carol, was born on 14 July at the Glenelli Nursing Home, Goring Road, Llanelly, to Maria nee Myer, wife of Stanley Reed (RAF) of 50 Queen Victoria Road, Llanelly.
[Birth. Diana C. Reed September 1943 Llanelly 11a 1454. Mother Myer]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1944 page 16

Rev M. Landy appointed temporary Minister to Hendon, now at St Alban’s.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1944 page 14

Rev Harry Landy appointed Minister, Secretary and Headmaster to Becontree Associate Synagogue. Has been Minister to Biggleswade congregation for last 18 months. A brother Rev M. Landy just appointed to Hendon.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1944 page 9

Rev R Abelson, Llanelly, appointed chaplain to RAF.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1944 page 11

Engagement. Isaac H. Benjamin of Langland Bay, Swansea, eldest son of late Mr and Mrs Lewis Benjamin of Llanelly, to Phyllis, only daughter of Mr and Mrs S, Glass of Leeds.
[Marriage. Isaac H. Benjamin December 1944 Leeds 9b 835//Phyllis Glass]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1945 page 9.

Engagement. Hyman (HMF) son of Mr and Mrs Isaac Landy, 74 New Road, Llanelly, to Renee, twin daughter of Mr and Mrs Julius Abelson of Salford.
[Hyman M. Landy June 1945 Salford 8d 1296//Renee Abelson]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1945 page 3

Death of Rev Isaac Solomon on Shevat 8 at Old Castle Road. Mourned by,inter alia, daughters Mrs R. Feldman (Shepherd’s Bush), and Mrs  .  wift (Brixton).
[Death. Isaac Solomon March 1945 aged 62. Llanelly 11a 1334]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1945 page 11

Obituary of Rev Isaac Solomon, aged 62. Minister of Llanelly for 20 years. Survived by son and two daughters.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 April 1945 page 9

Engagement. Pfc Stanley Goldstein of New Jersey, USA, to Betty, only daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Coleman of 150a Station Road, Llanelly
[Marriage. Stanley Goldstein December 1945 Llanelly 11a 2711//Bessie Cohen (Kalmanovitz)]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 April 1945 page 16

Young Israel Ref to Alan M. Cohen [on 31 May 1946 p. 20 full name given as Alan Max Cohen]

London Gazette, 28 June 1945 page 3374

To be OBE. Wilfred(sic) Lyonel Miron Major (Temporary) Infantry (Llanelly).

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1945 page 4

New Year Greetings Mr and Mrs Hyman Landy and daughters, 103 Station Road, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1945 page 2

Birth, On October 4 to Lilo(?) nee Stern, wife of Mr A. Waxman, a daughter, Faith, 39 Maesyrhaf Road, Llanelly.
[Birth. Faith Waxman December 1945 Llanelly 11a 1379. Mother Stern]
[Marriage. Alfred Waxman September 1944 Leeds 9b 887//Lieselotte Stern]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1945 page 13

Meeting of clergy in the synagogue which sent message to the Prime Minister asking that steps be taken to alleviate the situation in Europe by permitting the immigration of 100,000 into Palestine. Special prayers for the Jews of Europe were offered in Llanelly churches and chapels.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1945 page 11
Engagement. Albert, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Saul Cass of 7 Cowell Street, Llanelly, to Joyce, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs David Geller of St Alban’s.
[Marriage. Albert Cass September 1946 Hackney 5c 1861//Joyce Geller]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 February 1946 page 3
Death on 26 January of Albert Cohen aged 19, oldest son of Mr and Mrs S. Cohen of N16 late of Llanelly.
[Death. Albert Cohen March 1946 aged 20 Barnet 3a 1381]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 February 1946 page 13

At meeting of the community it was decided to form a Zionist Society. Elected: Rev  A.  Waxman, President; Mrs S. Green, Vice-President; Mr H. Land Treasurer; Mrs E. Sherman and Mrs A. Landy, Hon Secs. A dance has been held by the Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1946 page 11

Engagement. Oscar Benjamin Ll.B., youngest son of the late Mr and Mrs Lewis Benjamin of 19 Greenfield Villas, Llanelly, to Bertha, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Morris Cohen of Cardiff, late of Ammanford.
[Marriage.Oscar J. Benjamin September 1946 Cardiff 8b 556//Bertha Cohen]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1946 page 12

Mrs S. Green’s motherly attention to many hundreds of GIs in Llanelly is acknowledged in a recent article in the New York Yiddish daily The Forward.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 August 1946 page 17

Birth of daughter Gillian Ruth on 6 August at the Glenelli Nursing Home, Llanelly, to Renee nee Abelson, wife of Hyman Landy, 3 Denham Avenue, Llanelly.
[Birth. Gillian R. Landy September 1946 Llanelly 8a 401. Mother Abelson]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1946 page 17

New Year Greetings Mr and Mrs Hyman Landy and daughters, 103 Station Road, Llanelly

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1946 page 5

Memorial stone for Isaac Weinstein late of Llanelly will be consecrated at Eastbourne Cemetery on 10 November.
[Death. Isaac Weinstein December 1945 aged 72 Eastbourne 2b 160]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1947 page 7

Engagement. Jack Coleman, elder son of Mr and Mrs Z.(sic) Coleman of 150a Station Road, Llanelly, to Doris, only daughter of Mr and Mrs R. Santhouse of Leeds.
[Marriage. Jack Coleman September 1948 Heywood 10c 183//Doris Santhouse]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1947 page 15

Swansea Young Zionists to be revived. At a meeting there were prospective members from Neath, Port Talbot and Llanelly. Acting Hon Sec David Glynne, 74 Station Road,

Jewish Chronicle, 15 August 1947 page 7.

Engagement. Harry, only son of Mrs B. Jaffa and the late Max Jaffa of 3  Victoria Terrace, Newbridge, Mon, to Edith, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs S. Cohen, 74 New Dock Road, Llanelly
[Edith Cohen December 1947 Cardiff 8b 544//Herman M. Jaffa]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1947 page 17

Letter. There is move to establish a communal monthly bulletin to cater for those in Llanelly, Neath, Port Talbot and Swansea.

London Gazette, 13 February 1948 page 1048

Certificate of naturalisation. Bernat Hecht, known as Bernard Hecht, Roumania, Draper, 15 Alban Road, Llanelly. On 8 January 1948.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1948 page 12

Rev E. Morris of Swansea officiated at the unveiling of a memorial tablet to Mrs Harris(sic) Rubenstein, a founder of the Llanelly synagogue. ‘Religious services and other communal functions were held in her house before the erection of the synagogue.’

Jewish Chronicle, 3 December 1948 page 4

Llanelly Hebrew Congregation requires Shochet, Reader, Teacher and Baal Koreh. Salary £520 p.a. Apply I. Landy, 74 New Road, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 1948 page 15

On occasion of his silver wedding Mr M. Rubenstein was presented with a silver cigarette box by the President of the congregation, I. Landy, for his services as Treasurer. Presentation made at a social in the house of Mrs S. Fishman, Bryndulais Avenue, Llanelly.
[Marriage. Morris M. R. Rubenstein March 1923 Swansea 11a 1631//Florence Litovitch]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1949 page 14

Elected at annual meeting of the Ladies’ Benevolent Society: Mrs M.  Green, President; Mrs S. Paster, Treasurer; and Mrs D. Rubenstein, Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1949 page 15

First annual garden party at Penarth Home for Aged Jews [Cardiff]. Stalls were organised by Newport, Pontypridd, Merthyr and Llanelly committees.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1949 page 18 Young Israel.
Michael Howard, 15 Llanelly Road, Llanelly, aged 8 wants correspondents in Europe or Dominions.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1950 page 7

Engagement. David, eldest son of Mr  and Mrs I. Glynn, 74 Station Road, Llanelly, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mrshel Benjamin and the late Mr E. Benjamin of 168 The Drive, Ilford, Essex.
[No marriage found]

London Gazette, 3 October 1950 page 4914

Territorial Efficiency Decoration to Major (Hon LtCol) W. L. Miron MBE.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 December 1950 page 15

Chanukah party held for children of the Hebrew Classes was followed by a social evening organised by the Llanelly Jewish Ladies’ Guild at which £75 was raised for Jewish Child’s Day. Silver Kiddush cup was presented to Llanelly synagogue by Mrs R. Britz of Swansea in memory of her daughter Sarah.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1951 page 19

Young Israel. References to Adele and Alan Fishman, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 April 1951 page 7
Engagement. Julian, only son of Mrs G. Davies and the late Mr H. Davies of 6 New Zealand Street, Llanelly, to Nelly Marie, elder daughter of Mrs S. Kindler and the late Mr C. Kindler of Golders Green,
[Marriage. Nelly M. Kindler September 1952 Westminster 5a 1000//Herbert J. Davies]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1951 page 7
Engagement. Moss Simons of NY, USA, elder son of Mr and Mrs E. Simons of Edgware to Edna, only child of Mr and Mrs Charles Kay of London E5 and Llanelly.
[Marriage. Edna H. Kay June 1951 Hackney 5c 1204//Moss Simons]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1951 page 14

Cheque for £50 has been sent to the Jewish Women’s Week Fund by the Llanelly Jewish Ladies; Guild.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 August 1951 page 19

Young Israel Reference to bar mitzvah of Alan Max Cohen.
[Birth. Alan M. Cohen September 1938 Llanelly 11a 1368. Mother Nadler]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1951 page 2.

Death of Freda Walzer, London N16. Daughter of Mrs Fishman. Mourned by inter alia brother Sidney [Fishman], Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1951 page 6

Obituary of Mrs B. Cohen, Beattie Cohen, at age 43 Secretary of Llanelly Ladies’ Guild. Husband Harry Cohen Treasurer of congregation.
[Death. Beatrice Cohen December 1951 aged 43 Llanelly 8a 306]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 February 1952 page 16

Lt Col Wilfrid L. Miron OBE to has been appointed Deputy Chairman of the East Midlands Division of the National Coal Board. Son of Mr and Mrs S. Miron of Nottingham, foremerly of Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 May 1952 page 15

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: Hyman Landy (Wynarth?), President; Hyman Landy (Denham Avenue), Treasurer; Sidney H. Davies, Hon Sec; H. Cohen, representative at Board of Deputies; H. Cohen, S. Broad, J. Arron, E. Levi, M. Rubenstein, S. Howard, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1952 page 7
Engagement. Walter, son of the late Dr and Mrs S. Wagner and nephew of Mr and Mrs Myer Green, 3 Mina Street, Llanelly, to Sheila Louise, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Sidney Michaels, London NW11.
[Marriage. Walter Wagner June 1953 Hendon 5e 1057//Sheila L. Michaels]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 1953 page 6

‘Octogenarian’. One of the two founders of the Llanelly Hebrew Congregation, Mr. Harris(sic) Rubenstein, who celebrated his 80th birthday last week, was Treasurer of that body for 25 years from 1900. Shortly after settling in Swansea he became a member of the Swansea Hebrew Committee Management Committee. In celebrating his birthday, when called to the reading of the Law at Swansea, he offered a guinea for each year of his life. He came to Britain about 70 years ago and his family was responsible for bringing to Llanelly two other families, named Palto and Landy, who have been prominent in local communal work ever since. His family first went to Llanelly through a mistake. His uncle, with his family, were on a boat going to America from Hamburg. After three weeks at sea – the ship was off course – during which the passengers were reduced to eating one piece of bread and the vessel made port at Swansea’.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1953 page 18

Wedding in Llanelly last week, the first in Llanelly synagogue for 12 years. Parents of bride Mr and Mrs Lewis Price of Llanelly, and of groom, Mr and Mrs Monty Cohen of Cardiff, ie Betty Price and Marcus Cohen.
[Marriage. Beatrice Price September 1953 Llanelly 8a 707//Marcus Cohen]

Probate 1953

Rachel Palto of 93 Station Road, Llanelli. Wife of Samuel Palto. Died 14 December 1953 at Llanelly Hospital. Administration to Samuel Palto, retired draper. Effects £1,410.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1954 page 6

Ronald Cass, musical director of show at the New Lindsay Theatre was born 29 years ago in Llanelly, studied music and economics at University of Wales. Has been Lecturer in Economics at University College Swansea and other places.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 February 1954 page 2

Death on 22 February at 5 Murray Street of S. Kirstein, husband of Margot and father of Irene and Judith.
[Death. Siegmund F. Kirstein March 1954 aged 65 Llanelly 8a 396]

Probate 1954.

Siegmund Friedrich Kirstein of 5 Murray Street, Llanelly, died 22 February 1954. Probate to Margot Kirstein, widow. Effects £100.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 April 1954 page 7

Birth. Twin daughters, Barbara and Susan on 30 March at Glasfryn Maternity Home, to Leah Rosenblatt, wife of Hyman Landy of ‘Wynarth’, 11 Gower View, Llanelly’
[Birth. Barbara Landy June 1954 Llanelly 8a 337}
[Birth.Susan Landy June 1954 Llanelly 8a 337 }

Jewish Chronicle, 9 July 1954 page 3

Llanelly Hebrew Congregation invites applications for position of reader, shochet and teacher. Salary £700 p.a. House available. Apply H. Landy, 3 Denham Avenue.
[repeated 23.7.1954 p.3]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 July 1954 page 7

Bar Mitzvah. Michael, only son of Mr and Mrs Bernard Howard of ‘Heywood’, Tyrfan Avenue, Llanelly, will read Sidra and Haftarah at Llanelly Synagogue on 17 July.
[Birth. Michael Hecht September 1941 W. Glamorgan 11a 1839. Mother Kurshion]


Jewish Chronicle, 20 August 1954 page 2

Bar Mitzvah. Velwyn, youngest son of Mr and Mrs Archie Cohen of Manchester and grandson of the late Mr and Mrs Moshe Paster of Llanelly will read Sidra and Haftarah at Manchester on 28 August.
[Birth. Velwyn Cohen September 1941 Llanelly 11a 2155]


Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1954

New Year Greetings page XI
Mr and Mrs E. Landy and sons, 7 Denham Avenue, Llanelly.
Mr and Mrs Hyman Landy, Gower View, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1954

New Year Greetings page XII
Rev D. and Mrs Josovic, to Plymouth and Llanelly congregations.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 October 1954 page 2

Daughter, Barbara, born 25 September in the Glasfyn Maternity Home to Leila nee Mocton wife of Reuben Cohen 166 New Road, Llanelly. A sister for Wendy Sarah.
[Birth. Barbara Cohen December 1954 Llanelly 8a 291. Mother Mockton(sic)]
[Birth. Wendy S. Cohen December 1953 8a 326. Mother Mocton]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1954 page 7

Engagement. Michael Berman ACA, elder son of Mr and Mrs Harry Berman of 50 Trinity Road, Llanelly, to Esther, younger daughter of Mrs S. Schwarz and the late Mr Barnett Schwarz of Clapton E5.
[Marriage. Michael Berman March 1945 Hackney 5c 1695//Esther Schwartz(sic)]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 1954 page 2

Death on December 8 at Cardiff of Mr Samuel Cohen aged 82 late of 74 New Dock Road, Llanelly. Wife Rose, children (inter alia) Myer and Reuben (Llanelly) and Rabbi Isaac Cohen (Edinburgh).
[Death. Samuel Cohen December 1954 aged 82 Cardiff 8b 163]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1955 page 7

Engagement. Ronald Cass BA, second son of Mr and Mrs Saul Cass of 7 Cowell Street, Llanelly, to Valerie, younger daughter of Dr Cecil Carton, and the late Mrs Carton, Streatham, SW16.
[Marriage. Ronald Cass June 1955 Paddington 5d 487//Valerie D. Carton]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1955 page 25

‘The Rabbis of Llanelly’, by Michael Freedland.
When the Chief Rabbi visits Llanelly on April 27 he will find in this steel town of 40,000 a Jewish community of 100, a synagogue, a Ladies’ Guild, a Ladies’ Benevolent Society, and a Mizrachi group. Llanelly, in the days when it had about 50 families produced a dozen rabbis and ministers. The story begins about 50 years ago with Isaac Solomon who settled and became minister to the handful of Jews. He was also chazan, teacher and shochet. He also had small grocer’s shop attached to his house. He could speak Welsh. Among the people he taught in the Hebrew Classes include Rabbi Isaac Cohen of Edinburgh, Rabbi Myer Berman of Wembley, Rabbi M. Landy of Cricklewood, and his cousin Harry [Landy], now chairman of the Mizrachi organisation of Great Britain and Ireland. Also Rev A. Rose of Ealing, Rev H. D. Ritvo of Luton, and Rev M. Bloom, Assistant Miniister of the Brighton Synagogue. One pupil was Captain A. Berman, clerk to Manchester Board of Guardians, Solomon’s son Harry, now spiritual head of a community in California. There are E. S. Conway, Principal of the Jewish Orphanage and J. H. Finn, Headmaster of the Stamford Hill Talmud Torah. All three of Solomon’s daughters married rabbis. Phoebe married Rabbi Morris Swift who became Dayan of the Beth Din, then to South Africa then to USA. Sophie married Rev R. Feldman, minister of Shepherd’s Bush. Chanah married Rabbi S. Chalamish in Israel.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1955 page 25

Letter from H. Silverstone, Birmingham. Writer was Past President of Llanelly Hebrew Congregation of over 40 years ago and one of the founders of the synagogue. The article on rabbis is only part of the achievement of the community. The professions are well represented. There is one PhD, one doctor of medicine, one barrister, a solicitor and one who became a high official in the Midlands

Jewish Chronicle, 8 April 1955 page 17

Letter from Hyman Landy, ‘Hymlea’, 11 Gower View, Llanelly. Honour is due to the late Mrs Ethel Berman, the first to send her son to yeshivah. The late father of Mr B. Bloom of the London Board of Shechita assisted the Rev Mr Jacover who conducted a shiur in the synagogue for many years. Other men from Llanelly are Rev I. Paster of the Manchester Board of Shechita, Rev H. Davies of Hull, and Mr M. Fine, an Assistant Teacher of Hebrew at Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 April 1955 page 17

Letter from Raymond Pollard, London, N2. Writer was born in Llanelly and his father was first or at any rate among the earlier Presidents. He corrects Silverstone’s statistics. Says there were two medical practitioners and seven solicitors.
[NOTE. He was born Reuben Policovsky 1908. In the 1911 Census his father was Hiser Policovsky. But no sign of the father as a President.]
[COMMENT from Webmaster - H. Pobcovsky(sic) was listed as President in Jewish Year Books 1911 through 1913]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1955 page 19

Reconsecration of Llanelly synagogue by the Chief Rabbi.
Service officiated by Rev A. Btysz(sic) of Swansea. Attended by the Roman Catholic Mayor, Alderman J. Zammit, the Vicar of Llanelly, Canon Islwyn Davies and members of other denominations. Rabbi Rogonitsky and Rev A. Zucker of Cardiff participated in the service. At a tea speakers included Monty Landy, chairman of the Friends of Magen David Adom (originally Llanelly). Rabbi Isaac Cohen, Edinburgh, (originally Llanelly), Hyman Landy, Treasurer, his cousin, also Hyman Landy, Mr S. Davies from Swansea, Mr Ennis Landy, Mr Bernard Howard, Mr M. Fine, Rev A. Zucker from Cardiff and Canon Davies.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1955 page 19

‘Origins of Llanelly Community’.
Mr Harris(sic) Rubenstein, who was Treasurer at Llanelly for 25 years and thereafter for 12 years a member of the Swansea Management Committee and who last week celebrated his 82nd birthday, has described the origins of the community.
In 1880 Mr Rubenstein’s mother’s brother decided to emigrate to the USA. The ship drifted for 3 weeks before tying up in Swansea. Only a few of the 600 on board stayed in the area, including the Barnetts who settled in Llanelly. A year later a brother of Mr Rubenstein and a friend, Isaac Benjamin, joined them and in 1881 Mr Harris(sic) Rubenstein and the remainder of his family settled in Llanelly. Mr Rubenstein’s father moved to Swansea and set up a wallpaper business, still in the family. By now there were a half dozen families in Llanelly, and they went to Swansea for festivals.
Llanelly resolved to set up own minyan and in 1897 Mr Rubenstein and his brother and the three brothers Benjamin originated Holy Day services at the present-day Albion Hotel and Sabbath services were held in the parlour of Mr Rubenstein’s house.
In 1900 the congregation was formerly established with Isaac Benjamin as President and Harris(sic) Rubenstein as Treasurer. A Mr Lipman was the first paid official but after him came Isaac Solomon and the synagogue was opened in 1909.
[NOTES. No signs of Barnett or Lipman. The JC 22 August 1902 says that forthcoming services will be first in the town, and that the first president mentioned was Wolf Lyons and Treasurer I. Benjamin.]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1955
New Year Greetings page XI
Mr and Mrs E. Landy, 56 New Road, Llanelly.
Mr and Mrs Hyman Landy, ‘Hym-Lea’, Gower View, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1956 page 11

Jews’ College Centenary Building and Endowment Fund was launched in South Wales. The 25 families which constitute the Llanelly congregation contributed £1,500 out of their £2,000 target.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 August 1956 page 2

Death. Issie, younger son of the late Mr and Mrs Cass of Manchester, died 11 August. 101 Station Road, Llanelly.
[Death. Israel Cass September 1965 aged 57 Birmingham 9c 50]

Jewish Chronicle, 31 August 1956

New Year Greetings page XVII
Harry Cohen, 20 Greenfield Villas, Llanelly
Wally Howard, 41 Denham Avenue, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 June 1957 page 2

Death. Harry Cohen, mourned by only daughter Pamela, son-in-law Simon, and granddaughter Nadine.
[Death. Harry Cohen June 1957 aged 55 Llanelly 8a 324]
[Marriage. Pamela L. Cohen December 1954 Hendon 5e 960//Shimon Majaro]
[Birth. Nadine B. Majaro June 1956 Willesden 5f 330. Mother Cohen]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 June 1957 page 29

Obituary of Harry Cohen. Has been President and Treasurer and assisted in all charitable groups.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 July 1957 page 17

At annual meeting of congregation tributes paid to Harry Cohen, past President and Treasurer and member of Board of Deputies. Elected: E. Landy, President; H. Cass, Treasurer; D. Glynne, Secretary; S. Broad, Registrar; and E. Levi, representative at Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1957

New Year Greetings page XVI
Wally Howard, 41 Denham Road, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 December 1957 page 27

Obituary. Mrs Sarah Landy, aged 77. Very pious and kind. Her house always open to the poor and needy and was a well-known meeting place for rabbis and laymen. She encouraged shiurim to be held in her home and was associated with many charitable causes including yeshivot and orphanages. One of her sons is Rabbi M. Landy of Cricklewood.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 April 1958 page 25

Young Jewish composer making name for herself is Hetty Benjamin, known as ‘Twinkle’. Teaches music in a London grammar school. Born in Llanelly.
[See above, 7 January 1938 page 15 and 28 July 1940 page 15.]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 June 1958 page 7

Engagement. Wally, younger son of the late Mr and Mrs Weitzber (Hecht), 43 D enham Avenue, Llanelly, to Mildred, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Hyam, Stamford Hill.
[No marriage found]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 June 1958 page 19.

Meeting of congregation. Re-elected: E. Landy, President; H. Cass, Treasurer; L. D. Glynne, Hon Sec; E. Levi, representative at Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 June 1958 page 26

Young Israel. Peter Saunders, Carmarthen, has Hebrew lessons twice a week at Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1958 page 26

After a social event at home of Mr and Mrs Eli Levi, where £10 was raised, a further £15 was raised for the Child Resettlement Fund following a similar event at home of Mr and Mrs Ennis Landy.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1958 page 7

Engagement. Michael, younger son of Mr and Mrs Israel Glynne, of 86 Queen Victoria Road, Llanelly, to Barbara, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs David Gard, of London, NW10..
[Marriage. Michael Glynne (Glinternick) June 1960 Willesden 5f 620//Barbara Gard]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 November 1958 page 21

New Chief Rabbi of Ireland is Rabbi Dr Isaac Cohen of Edinburgh for past 10 years. Born in Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 December 1958 page 14

The Child Resettlement Fund will benefit by £30 as a result of a social at the home of Mr and Mrs Hyman Landy, Feinfoel Road, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1959 page 7

A son, Neville, was born on 31 December 1958 at Glasfryn Nursing Home, Llanelly, to June nee Rubenstein wife of Henry Cass, 7 Cowell Street, Llanelly.
[Birth. Neville Cass March 1959 Llanelly 8a 322. Mother Rubenstein.]

Probate 1959.

Harries Rubenstein of 16 and 18 Pembury Road, Westcliff-on-Sea. Died 28 April 1959 at the General Hospital Rochford, Essex. Effects £5354 25s 10d.

Jewish Chronicle,

19 December 1959 page 27

Television review. Pianist Joy Davidov of Llanelly appeared in Croeso, a programme of music from Wales.

Part 1, 1872-1918

Part 2, 1919-1936

Part 4, 1960-2009

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