the former

Llanelli Jewish Community

Carmarthenshire, South Wales





Press Reports relating to the Llanelli Jewish Community
Part 2, 1919 - 1936

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

(Note: The spelling of "Llanelly" and "Llanelli" are reproduced here as in the original source. The changeover from Llanelly to Llanelli took place in the 1960s. The Jewish Chronicle began the "Llanelli" spelling in 1966 but continued a number of extracts with the "Llanelly" spelling after that date.)

London Gazette, 20 February 1919 page 2545

To be hon chaplain to Forces 4th Class. E. M. Levy.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1919 page 1

Birth on 3 March at 19 Greenfield Villa to Rose and Morris Benjamin a daughter.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1919 page 1

Death. On 27 February at 3 John Street, Hetty, wife of Isaac Benjamin, aged 50. Mourned by, inter alia, sister Phoebe Tuback and Rose Benjamin, both Llanelly.
[Death. Hettie Benjamin March 1919 aged 50 Llanelly 11a 1654]

Llanelly Star, 12 April 1919 page 1

Passover. will commence 14 inst and terminate on 22. The use of matzo ‘is one of the many and not the least of the signs of Jewish spiritual solidarity and national faithfulness to their unique and sacred traditions. On Tuesday the Rev M.J. Feldman the recently elected minister of the local Hebrew community will preach in the Synagogue.

London Gazette, 13 May 1919, page 6038

Award of Military Medal. R/13130 L/Cpl Gabriel Miron, 4 battalion KRRC.
[He was a Swansea resident but according to the West Wales War Memorial Project, Carmarthenshire, WW1 Heroes, he went to Old Castle School in Llanelly. https://www.wwwmp.co.uk/west-wales-gallantry-awards/carmarthenshire-ww1-heroes/.]

Llanelly Star 7 June 1919 page 4

‘The Feast of Weeks’ Note on Pentecost. ‘The Rev M. J. Feldman, minister of the local Hebrew congregation, preached at the Synagogue, Queen Victoria Road, on Wednesday’

Llanelly Star, 28 June 1919 page 1

‘Polish Pogrom’ The 26th inst was kept by the Jews of UK as day of mourning, prayer and solemn protest on account of horrible pogrom in Poland. ‘The local Hebrew congregation too held a special service in the evening which was attended by practically all the members and their familes.’ Addressed by Rev M. J. Feldman.. ‘A substantial sum was also realized for the relief of the Polish Jews.’

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1919 page 32

‘Poland: the Day of Mourning and Protest’ Llanelly. Special services were held in morning and evening. Rev M.J.Feldman gave address. £15 collected for Polish Relief Fund in addition to £20 recently collected. Every member pledged to contribute weekly to the Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1919

New Year Greetings
page XVI Mr and Mrs H.Rubenstein Ty-isaf Villa, Llanelly.

Llanelly Star, 19 July 1919 page 6

Tomorrow(sic) 19th is Peace Day throughout the Empire. The local Hebrew community will hold special thanksgiving service. Rev J. Solomon will deliver an address.

Llanelly Star, 4 October 1919 page 4

‘Day of Atonement’ ‘ … an occasion to spititual cleansing and regeneration, to the exclusion of all worldly distractions.’

Llanelly Star, 18 October 1919 page 2

Domestic Servants. Wanted. A good General Servant. Apply Rubenstein 32 Stepney Street, Llanelly. [Repeated more than once]

Llanelly Star, 13 September 1919 page 4

Central Welsh Board. Higher Certificate successes.
Senior Certificate, Isaac Benjamin. [Son of Lewis].
Supplementary Certificate, Joseph Silverstone.
Junior Certificate, Jacob Rubenstein. [Son of Harries].

Jewish Chronicle, 12 March 1920 page 14

General meeting of the Barnett Goldberg Lodge of the Grand Order of Israel. 20 new members were initiated.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1920 page 1

Betrothal. Ray, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs A Palto 33 Station Road, Llanelly, to Saul eldest son of Mr and Mrs J.Cass, Manchester.
[Marriage.Rachel Palto September 1920 Llanelly 11a 3163//Solomon Cass]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 July 1920 page 2

Death on 19 July at 3 John Street of Phoebe Tuback, sister of Rose Benjamin, aunt of Sophie and Hettie Benjamin.
[Death. Phoebe Tuback. September 1920 aged 49 Llanelly 11a 1006]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1920

New Year Greetings
page XVI Mr and Mrs H. Rubenstein, Ty-isaf Villa, Llanelly

Probate 1920

Samuel Israel Abramovitch Neft, 10 Park Crescent, Llanelly. Died 18 December 1920. Administration to Taube Neft, widow. Effects £115.
[Death. Israel Neft December 1920 aged 69 Llanelly 11a 1190]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1921 page 19

‘War Memorial’. Representatives of Swansea, Llanelly and Aberavon communities met to discuss religious education in South Wales and general position of communities in South Wales. Agreed to set up committee for the South Wales congregations.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1921 page 26

At a Bris at residence of Mr B. Cohen, New Dock Road, Mr N. Milstein collected £4 10s for the Talmud Torah.
[?Birth. Reuben Cohen June 1921 Llanelly 11a 2702. Mother Kofman]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 July 1921

Rabbi Schechter, Manchester, preached in synagogue on Saturday and on Sunday visited Hebrew Classes which are under supervision of Rev I. Solomon and Mr J. Cohn. Greatly pleased with high standards achieved.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1921

New Year Greetings page XVIII
Mr and Mrs H. Rubenstein, Ty-isaf Villa, Llanelly
Mr and Mrs P. Scharff and daughters, 30 Station Road
Mr and Mrs H. Silverstone 36 Murray Street

Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 1921 page 4
Federation of Ukrainian Jews. Fund.
Llanelly Hebrew Congregation. Per B. Jarcover. Bennett, £1.1.0; B. Jarcover, £1.0.3; H. Wyman, 10s; Collection Rev I. Solomon, 10s 6d; B. Matz  10s. Donations under 10s: W. Solomons, I. Landy, L. Ritvo, A. Palto, H. Shapiro, M. Rose, J. Berman, Rev A. Rose, S. Cohen, I. Weinstein, N. Schlachter, P. Sharff, A. Bloom, L. Benjamin, S. Palto. Amounting to £3.1.9.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1922 page 14

Death within two days of Mr and Mrs Abraham Palto. A week previously death of orphaned grandchild. They were among the founders of the synagogue and were devoted supporters of it and institutions. Notice in JC from Rev M.H.Small MA.
[Death. Abraham Palto March 1922 aged 74 Llanelly 11a 1750]
[Death. Rebecca Palto March 1922 aged 64 Llanelly 11a 1750]

Probate 1922.

Abraham Palto of 33 Station Road, Llanelly. Died 3 January 1922. Administration to Reuben Palto, Draper. Effects £839.67.
Rebecca Palto of 33 Station Road, Llanelly. Died 5 January 1922. Administration to Reuben Palto Draper. Effects £95. 20

Jewish Chronicle, January 1922

Wanted. Hebrew Teacher. Must have good knowledge of Hebrew and English. Salary to commence at £3 per week. Apply I. Landy, 31 James Street, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1922 Young Israel page 1

Welcome to Arnold Silverstone, 36 Murray Street.
[Birth. Arnold Silverstone December 1911 Llanelly 11a 2367. Mother Ellis]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 February 1922 page 36

Hebrew Education Committee held annual meeting at the Park Crescent Schoolrooms. Mr B. Jorcover(sic) presided. Good reports on the 50 pupils. Elected: Mr B. Jorcover, Chairman; I. Landy, Treasurer; H. Rubenstein, A. Bloom, C. Cohen, L. Bath(?), I. Weinstein, H. Wyman and S. Shapiro, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 April 1922 page 15.

Will. Michael Philp Woolf, 19 Richmond Road, Bedford Park, Chiswick, who died at Llanelly Hospoital on 10 November 1921
[Death. Michael P. Woolf December 1921 aged 67 Llanelly 11a 1092]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1922 page 36

Verdict of manslaughter returned by coroner’s jury against Solomon Cohen, Station Road, Llanelly, driver of a car which killed 4-year old boy who was crossing the road when the car (according to a witness) ‘whizzed’ by.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1922 page 29

Solomon Cohen charged at Llanelly with manslaughter of 5-year(sic) old boy. Committed for trial.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1922 page 23

Ukrainian Relief Fund. Collected at Brith Milah at home of Mr I Landy £1 2s.
[Birth. Abraham Landy September 1922 Llanelly 11a 2221. Mother Palto]


Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1922

New Year Greetings
page XX Mr and Mrs Myer Green, 8 Mina Street ibid,
page ? Mr and Mrs P. Shorff(sic), 89 Station Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1923 page 2

Marriage on 17 January at Prince of Wales Road Synagogue, Swansea, of Florence, daughter of Rev and Mrs I. Litovitch of Swansea to Morris Rubenstein of Llanelly, son of Mr and Mrs Kalman Rubenstein of Lithuania.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1923 page 3

In Memoriam Hettie Benjamin, died 17 February 1919, sisters Rose and Sarah, niece Sophie, brothers and brothers-in-law.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1923 page 3

Llanelly Hebrew Congregation. Wanted. Chazan, Shochet, Bal Korah, and Teacher. £3 per week and perquisites. Apply to H. Rubenstein, Stepney Street, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 March 1923 page 1.

Bar Mitzvah. Sidney, youngest son of Mr and Mrs Harris(sic) Rubenstein of Ty-isaf Villa, will read Portion of Law and Haftorah at the synagogue Queen Victoria Road on 31 March.

Probate 1923

Reuben Palto. 2 Park Crescent, Llanelly. Died at Caeffeir Nursing Home, Thomas Street, Llanelly. Administration to his widow Rebecca Palto. Effects £1,256.18.6.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1923 page 3

Hebrew Teacher wanted. Chumash, Tenach, Rashi. In English essential. Salary to commence £3 per week. Apply H. Rubenstein, 32 Stepney Street, Llanelly.


Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1923 page 2

Marriage of Selina, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Harris(sic) Rubenstein, of Ty-isaf, Llanelly, and Goodall, 5th son of Mr and Mrs M. Lna Rubenstein
[June 1923 Swansea 11a 2046//Goodall Levy]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1923

New Year Greetings
page XXII Mr. and Mrs H. Rubenstein. Ty-isaf Villa, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1923 page 12

‘Preachers for the week’. At Llanelly Rev. H. Swift (and subsequently).

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1924 page 26

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: H. Rubenstein, President; S. Miron, Treasurer and Secretary; Hyman(sic) Rubenstein and H. Silverstone, Auditors; M. Benjamin and S. Miron, additional Trustees; L. Benjamin, M. Green, P. Sharff and N. Cohen, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1924 page 31

English Zionist Federation. ‘In South Wales canvassing and collecting for the Keren Hayesod is being carried out by the local Zionist workers at Cardiff, Swansea, Merthyr and Llanelly where, as a result of a recent visit by Mr. Segal, a considerable number of subscribers have been enrolled.’

Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1924 page 3

The tombstone in memory of Reuben Palto, 2 Park Crescent, Llanelly, will be consecrated at Swansea cemetery on May 4th.


Jewish Chronicle, 19 May 1924 page 23

At the Pidyon Haben of the son of Rev H. and Mrs Swift the sum of £15 was collected towards the fund for building the new ark. A silver gift was presented to the infant by the congregation. A shiur on Pirke Abot is conducted by Rev Swift at the synagogue every Sabbath one hour before the conclusion.

London Gazette, 29 August 1924 page 6550

Deed Poll dated 30 May 1924. Bernard Pollard, 50 Loraine Road, Islington, a naturalized British subject, abandoned the name of Boris Policovsky. Enrolled in the Supreme Court 26 August 1924.
[In Llanelly 1911] [JC 16.3.1928 p. 10. Engagement of Dr B. Pollard MRCS LRCP Flt Lt RAF Medical Service, eldest son of Mr and Mrs H. Pollard 50 Loraine Road. See below 19.10.1962 p. 31]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1924

New Year Greetings
page XXV Mr and Mrs H. Silverstone, 36 Murray Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 October 1924 page 26

A tablet in memory of the two sons of Mr Henry Cohen of Albert Street who lost their lives in the war was unveiled in the synagogue recently. Rev H  Swift delivered an address.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1925 page 2

Engagement. Minnie, youngest daughter of Mr  and Mrs  P.  Sharff, 20  Station Road, Llanelly to Isarel (Issy) 2nd son of Mr  and Mrs  G.  Glinternick of Manchester.
[Marriage. Israel Glinternich September 1925 Mile End 1c 683//Minnie Sharff]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 June 1925 page 2

Marriage. On 2 June at the synagogue Llanelly by the father of the bride, Dinah, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs B. Jarcover of Llanelly, to Judah, elder son of Mr and Mrs Szozenslive, of London.
[Marriage. Dinah Jarcover June 1925 Llanelly 11a 2311//Arthur J. Szozenslive] Dentists’Register 1925 Raphael Neft, Stepney Street, Llanelly. LDS RCS Eng 1911

Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1926

Bar Mitzvah. Wilfred Lionel, only son of Mr and Mrs Solomon Miron, will read Haphtorah at the synagogue, Queen Victoria Road, on 23 January.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1926 Young Israel page 8.

Competition Results. Seniors. Commended Monty Landy, Llanelly.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 June 1926 page 12

Obituary of Morris Benjamin, at early age of 49 at 19 Greenfield Villas. A founder of the Llanelly synagogue and was Treasurer and President for many years. Member of the Council and a Trustee until his death.
[Death. Moses B. Jeffries. June 1926 aged 47(sic) Llanelly 11a 1114]
Will 1926 Morris Benjamin Jeffries otherwise Benjamin Morris of 19 Greenfield Villas, Llanelly. Died 4 June 1926.
Probate to Rose Benjamin Jeffries, widow, Hyman Leon Benjamin Jeffries, secretary, and Isaac Hyman Benjamin, solicitor.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1926 page 2

Death on 24 October at 3 John Street, Llanelly, Isaac (Bob) Benjamin, husband of late Hettie and father of only son Hyman, uncle of Sophie and Hetty Benjamin. Missed by only brother Lewis, sister-in-law Rose and brother-in-law Joseph.

Jewish Chronicle,

5 November 1926 page 11
Obituary of Mr I. Benjamin. He was chiefly instrumental in founding the synagogue. President and Trustee for many years.
[Death Isaac B. Jeffries December 1926 aged 59 Llanelly 11a 1071]
Will, 1926 Isaac Benjamin Jeffries otherwise Isaac Benjamin of 3 John Street, Llanelly, died 24 October 1926. Administration to Hyman Leon Benjamin, wallpaper dealer and glass merchant.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1927 page 1

Engagement. Raphael, youngest son of 65 Chicksand St, London E, to Sophie, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs I. Solomon of Llanelly.
[see below 24 August 1928 page 14]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1927 page 21

Letter from Phoebe Solomon of 9 Old Castle Road, Llanelly. Against Reform.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1927 Young Israel page 8.

Isaac Cohen, 74 New Dock Road, Llanelly, would like to correspond with cousins aged 13-15.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1927 page 14

Preachers of the week, Llanelly, Rev.  B.  Rabinowitz(sic). [and subsequently]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 November 1927 page 25

Jewish National Fund. Mr Max Epstein is visiting South Wales and has been to several towns including Llanelly in order to strengthen JNF activities. Reports are favourable.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1927 page 36

Elected at meeting of congregation. M. Green, President; W. Barnett, Treasurer; L.H. Benjamin, Hon Sec; M. Lewis and H. Cohen, Auditors; C. Isaacs, G. Lewis, L. Benjamin, M. Lewis, P. Scharff, J. Corn, I. Solomon, N. Cohen, M. Lipman, and S. Cass, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1928 Young Israel page 2

New member. Morris Weinstein, 24 Murray Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1928 page 44

At the Initiation Ceremony of Lodge No. 41 of the Loyal Order of Moose, at Llanelly, Bro. S. Miron was appointed Vice Dictator (sic).

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1928 page 2

Tombstone of Morris Benjamin will be consecrated at Swansea cemetery on Sunday next.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1928 page 14

Yeshivah Etc Chaim. One of the students, Raphael Feldman, was married last week to Sophia Solomon of Llanelly.
[Marriage. Raphael Feldman September 1928 Stepney 1c 707//Sophy L. Solomon]

Probate 1928

Raphael Neft of 149 Cheltenham Road, Bristol, died 3 November 1928. Administration to Gwenllian Grey Neft, widow. Effects £1436 4s.
[Death. Raphael Neft December 1928 aged 48 Bristol 6d 52]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1928 page 40

Annual elections. Elected: J. Conn, President; G. Levy, Chairman; S. Cass. Treasurer; G. J. Benjamin, Sec; H. Landy and M. Lews, Hon Auditors; J. Arran, I. H. Benjamin, L. Benjamin, S. Landy, M. Lewis, S. Paster, and M. Rubenstein, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle,

23 November 1928 page 27

Mrs S. Horowitz on tour for JNF has visited and held meetings in Swansea, Llanelly and Merthyr.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 December 1928 page 10

Jewish War Memorial. Director of Jewish Education reported on many visits including to Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1929 page 16

A Sepher Torah presented by Mr and Mrs Meyer Green was consecrated last week. Sermon by Rev. B. Rabbinowitz. Reception followed. Over £50 raised for synagogue funds. Swansea Jewish Dramatic Society performed two sketches and Misses Cissie Gable and Iris Foner gave exhibition of ballet dancing.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1929 Young Israel page 7.

Competition Results. Seniors, first prize, Monty Landy, 31 James Street


Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1929 page 15

Bridegrooms of the Law. I. Weinstein and S. Cohen

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1929 page 16

Annual election held at 3 Misa Street. Mr C. Isaacs in chair. Elected, P. Scharff, President; M. Lipman, Treasurer; K. Lipman, Hon Sec; I. Solomon, J. Berman, L. Benjamin, L. Ritvo, I. Landy, M. Green, I. Weinstein, B. Jacover and A. Bloom, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 December 1929 page 8

Engagement of Dr Marcus Gershon, only son of Mr and Mrs S. Lucas of Edinburgh, and Myra, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Silverstone of ‘South Hill’, Old Road, Llanelly.
[Marriage. Marcus G. Lucas June 1931 Birmingham S. 8d 689//Cissie M. Silverstone]

London Gazette, 27 December 1929 page 8477

Deed Poll dated 10 August 1929. Reuben Raymond Pollard abandoned the name of Reuben Policovsky.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 April 1930 Young Israel, page 36.

Ref to Hilda Landy of Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1930 page 14
Farewell tea to Mrs Rabinowitz(sic) wife of the minister who is leaving to live in Birmingham. Held at residence of Mrs Miron, President of the Ladies’ Benevolent Society. A silver sweet dish was presented to her.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 June 1930 page 27

Rev. B. Rabinowitz(sic), for last 4 years minister of the Llanelly Hebrew congregation, is leaving to take up similar position with Central Synagogue, Birmingham. Presentation made to him on behalf of synagogue. A speaker referred to the progress of the children under his tuition.


Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1930 page 33

Mr R. Rabbinowitz has accepted call to act as Second Reader and Secretary of the Central Synagogue, Birmingham.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1930 page 1

Bar Mitzvah. Tudor, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs C. Isaacs, Bryn-glas, Llanelly, will read portion of the Law at the synagogue on July 26.
[Birth. Tudor Isaacs September 1917 Llanelly 11a 2036. Mother Delevit]


Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1930 page 31

Young Israel Preeva Golding, 22 Margam Place, would like to write to cousin aged 14-16 preferably in South Africa.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1930 page 32

Young Israel Letter from Nathaniel Williams, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 November 1930 page 33

Mrs B. Lewis, formerly Hon Sec of the Ladies’ Benevolent Society, gave a farewell tea. Mrs S. Miron, President, gave a present of a wristlet watch.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 December 1930 page 25

Young Israel New member Harry Landy, 7 Queen Victoria Road.
[Birth. Harry Landy December 1918 Llanelly 11a 2081. Mother Palto]
[Father Samuel, mother Sarah]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1931 page 7

Samuel Landy of Llanelly has grievance against the local County Court Bailiff who, when Landy was at prayer in the synagogue, entered the place of worship and served on him a judgement summons.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1931 page 35

Young Israel Reuben Cohen Llanelly thanked for parcel of silver paper.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1931 page 31

Annual meeting. Elected: S. Miron, President and Treasurer. H. Landy, Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1932 page 29

Annual meeting of Jewish Ladies’ Benevolent Society. Elected: M. Miron, President; H. Benjamin, Vice- President; C. Isaacs, Treasurer; R. Cohen, Hon Sec; M. Green, I. Landy, H. Cohen, I. Glyn, Levinson, S. Williams, M. Rubenstein, and S. Pastor(sic), Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1932 page 27

Rufus Isidore Lewis of London late of Llanelly has passed Final Exam of the Law Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1932 page 1

Engagement. Irene, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Shipman of Merthyr, and Kenneth, son of Mr and Mrs Lipman of Cardiff, late of Llanelly.
[Marriage. Kennith(sic) Lipman March 1934 Merthyr T. 11a 1129//Irene Shipman]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1932 page 2

Llanelly Hebrew Congregation. Wanted. Chazan, Shochet, and Teacher. £4 10s per week. Apply to S. Miron, President.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1932 page 17

Hull Old Hebrew Congregation. Elected, Rev J. Levinson of Llanelly as Second Reader, Shochet, Mohel, and Baal Koreh.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1932 page 50

Meeting decided to form a Jewish Literary and Social Society. Elected, E. Cohen, President; Mrs Ruth Cohen, Vice-President; Rev. R. Abenson, Hon Sec and Treasurer; Misses S. Isaacs and S. Benjamin, and Messrs H. Landy, J. Berman, M. Landy, and Jack Kurshion, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1932 page 35

Bazaar held at the Drill Hall in aid of local hospital. Jewish Ladies’ Benevolent Society worked hard making goods for their stall at which they raised a substantial amount. Stall-holders were Mesdames Miron, Green, Isaacs, Ruth Cohen and H. Weinstein and Misses F. Weinstein, L. Pastor(sic), and E. Cohen.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1932 page 31

Under auspices of Jewish Lit and Soc Society Mr W. L. Miron gave a paper on ‘The Cinema’. The Society has arranged a series of lectures, debates and ‘socials’ for the winter session.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 December 1932 page 7

Engagement. Martin Conway MPS of Manchester, son of Mr and Mrs Charles Cohen, 112 Station Road, Llanelly, to Dolly Franks of Manchester.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1933 page 29

Annual meeting. Elected S.  Miron, President; Harry Landy, Treasurer; J. Kershion, Secretary; H. Cohen, Auditor; S. Cass, H. Cohen, I. Weinstein, M. Rubenstein, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle,

24 February 1933 page 31

Annual meeting of the Jewish Ladies’ Benevolent Society. Satisfactory Balance Sheet. Elected: Mesdames S. Miron, President; R. Benjamin, Vice-President; C. Isaacs, Hon Treasurer; S. Cohen, Hon Sec; S. Green, I. Landy, Pastor(sic), Singer, I. Weinstein, Kershon, H. Cohen, and B. Rubenstein, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1933 page 1

Engagement. Florrie, daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Marks, Manchester, to Isaac, only son of Mr and Mrs S. Paster(sic). 1 Upper Ann Street, Llanelly.
[Marriage. Florrie Marks December 1934 Manchester N. 8d 1287//Isaac Paster]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1933 page 1

Engagement. Dinah Klyne of Manchester to Rev Robert Abenson, 29 Inkerman Street, Llanelly, eldest son of Mr and Mrs J. Abenson, Liverpool.
[Marriage. Ruben Abenson June 1935 Llanelly 2579//Bella Bandes(sic)]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1933 page 30

Annual meeting of the Jewish Literary and Social Society To apply to affiliate to the Association of Young Zionist Societies. Elected: Rev R. Abenson, Hon President; Ephraim S. Cohen, Chairman; W. Miron, Vice-Chairman; Miss L. Paster, Hon Sec; J. Kershion, Treasurer; Misses F. Weinstein and F. Britz and Messrs H. Landy, J. Berman and M. Landy, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1933 page 32

Farewell party given by Mrs Green on Occasion of departure from Llanelly of Mrs G. Isaacs and Mrs R. Cohen. On behalf of the Jewish Ladies’ Benevolent Society Mrs Miron presented tokens of esteem.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 November 1933 page 35

Harry Landy has been unanimously elected Hon Sec of the Llanelly and District Chamber of Trade.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 December 1933 page 31

General meeting of the Hebrew Education Board. Mr C. Cohen elected Chairman. Elected on Committee: Messrs J. Arran, S. Cass, S. Cohen, I. Landy, S. Palto, M. Rubenstein.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1934 page 18

Wilfred Lyonel Miron obtained 2nd class Honours at recent examination of the Law Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1934 page 36

Annual meeting of the Jewish Ladies’ Benevolent Society. Elected: Mesdames M. Miron, President; S. Green, Treasurer; Miss L. Paster, Hon Sec; Mesdames J. Weinstein, R. Benjamin, Singer, Kershion, Paster, M. Rubenstein, I. Landy, and H. Cohen and Miss R. Benjamin, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 April 1934 page 34

Annual meeting of congregation. S. Miron in chair. Harry Landy, Treasurer, submitted report. Committee consists of Messrs J.  Arran, I Weinstein, L. Benjamin, M. Rubenstein, S. Levy and H. Cohen. Messrs S. Miron, I. Landy, S. Landy, P. Sharff and S. Palto were appointed to the Hebrew Education Board. H. Cohen re-elected Auditor.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1934 page 1

Central British Funds for German Jewry (2nd Appeal) 9th list Llanelly first list.
I. Landy  £5 5s; Mrs R. Benjamin, £3 3s;, £1 11s 6d, S.  Cass;£1 1s each: L. Benjamin, M. Green, ?{illegible}, Palto, M. Rubenstein, J. Kershon, Hyman Pastor(sic), S. Pastor(sic), P. Sharff.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1934 page 2

Silver wedding. On 10 August 1909 at Grimsby, Sol Miron (Swansea) to Minnie Pearl Lyons. Inkerman Road, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1934 page 30

Presentation by Mr S. Miron to Mr L. Ritvo who is leaving for London. Has been associated with community for many years and has occupied several honorary activities. The President, S. Miron, and wife celebrate silver wedding. Gifts from congregation and Jewish Ladies’ Benevolent Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 August 1934 page 1

Marriage. Martin Conway MPS, 112 Station Road, Llanelly, to Rita Rosenberg, Manchester, took place at Stepney Green Orthodox Synagogue, London.
[Marriage. Martin Conway September 1934 Dover 2a 3966//Annie Rosenberg] [sic]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1934 page 35

Inaugural meeting of the Jewish Literary and Social Society was held at the Albion Theatre for a concert by prominent local artistes.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1935 page 39

Isaac Landy, a Trustee of the congregation, was presented with a Westminster chime clock in recognition of his silver wedding and his invaluable services to the community. Mrs Landy, President of the Jewish Holy Vestments Society, was presented with a silver sweet tray in recognition of her services to the Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 March 1935 page 58

Young Israel. Ref to Charlie Arran, Llanelly.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1935 page 1

Engagement. Lena, daughter of Mr and Mrs S. Paster, 1 Upper Anne Street, Llanelly, to Nat, son of Mr and Mrs Press, Manchester.
[Marriage. Leah Paster September 1936 Manchester N. 8d 1718//Nathan Press]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1935 page 29

Annual meeting of the Jewish Ladies’ Benevolent Society. Elected: Mesdames Miron, President; R. Benjamin, Vice-President; Green, Treasurer; Miss L. Paster, Hon Sec; Mesdames I.  Weinstein, S. Paster, Kushion, I. Landy, M. Rubenstein, H. Cohen, and Miss S. Benjamin, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1935 page 8

Engagement. Harry Landy ACRA, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Isaac Landy, 74 New Road, Llanelly, to Gertrude, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter N. Williams, London N4.
[Marriage. Harry Landy September 1935 Hackney 1b 1355//Gertrude Williams]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1936 page 38

Annual meeting of the Holy Vestment Society. Mrs I. Landy presided. Treasurer R. Benjamin resigned. Elected: Mesdames I. Landy, President; H. Landy, Treasurer; Weinstein, Benjamin, Kushion, Rubenstein, and S. Landy, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1936 page 20

Profile of Rev Isaac Cohen appointed to Harrow Hebrew Congregation. Born Llanelly 1914.
[Salmon I. Cohen September 1914 Llanelly 2672. Mother Coffman]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1936 page 14

Profile of Rabbi Morris Swift, elected to Brixton Synagogue. Wife was 2nd daughter of Mr I. Solomon who was for 25 years Minister to Llanelly Hebrew Congregation.
[Marriage. Morris Swift March 1931 Stepney 1c 382//Phoebe G. Solomon]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 April 1936 page 49

A party in aid of congregational funds was held at the residence of Mr and Mrs M. Green, 3 Mina Street, Llanelly. Guest of honour was Albert Sandler, the celebrated violinist.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 April 1936 page 35

Annual meeting of the Jewish Ladies’ Benevolent Society. Elected: Mesdames Miron, President; Benjamin, Vice-President; Green, Treasurer; Miss L. Paster, Hon Sec; Mesdames I. Landy, Weinstein, Bandes, B. Paster, Kershion, S. Paster, Rubenstein, S. Cohen, H. Cohen and Miss Benjamin, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1936 page 42

Presentations to Edward S. Conway by the congregation and the Jewish Ladies’ Benevolent Society for communal sevices over 10 years in view of his departure for Liverpool for a scholastic appointment.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 July 1936 page 43

Annual meeting of congregation. Balance sheet presented by Acting Treasurer, J. Kershion. President S. Miron said that for the first time in its history the synagogue was free from debt, having paid off the mortgage. Elected: S. Miron, President; H. Cohen, Treasurer; O. J. Benjamin, Hon Sec; Mrs R. Benjamin and Messrs O .J. Benjamin, E. Levi and S. Cass, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1936 page 48 |

At recent annual meeting of the congregation Mr. J. Kershion was elected a member of the Committee and Mr S. Cass Hon Auditor.

Part 1, 1872-1918

Part 3, 1937-1959

Part 4, 1960-2009

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