| ||||
Compiled by Harold Pollins Information within square brackets is from the
compiler Jewish Chronicle, 5 November 1920, page 2
Thanks for condolences Mr and Mrs Max Jokelson, 67 Parkgate, Darlington. Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1920, page 2 Fund for the Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia: Appeal for Poland and Eastern Europe
Darlington per B. Kletz £2.10.6. Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1920, ‘Young Israel’ page 2
New member Beryl Kletz 38 Swinburne Road. Jewish Chronicle, 31 December 1920, page 2
Mr and Mrs Markovitch and family of London, Bournemouth, Glasgow and
Darlington thank Mr and Mrs Jackson of Leeds for
hospitality in Leeds for the marriage of
Reuben Markovitch and Sarah Jackson. Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1921, page 3 Ukrainian Relief for Victims of Pogrom Darlington Hebrew Congregation. Collected by Messrs Richardson and Wilkes.
From A. Richardson, D. Wilkesm S. Raphael, B. Kletz, L. Hush, M.
Jokelson, S. Abrahams, W. Kletz, F. Rachkind, M.
Raphal, N. Cohen, H. Raphael, I.Cohen, A.
D. Raphael, Barnett, N. Wilson, I. Callier, C.
Newman. Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1921, page 2 Marriage. On 16 August Millicent, younger daughter of Mr and late Mrs B. Fish of Leeds to Maxwell, son of the Mr and late Mrs A. Raphael of Darlington. Solemnized at Harrogate.
[Marriage. Max Rapahael September 1921 Leeds 9b
1164//Millie Fish] Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1921, page 33
At Redcar, through the courtesy of Mr and Mrs Wilson of Darlington who
provided accommodation, and Mrs A. Levy of
Middlesbrough, who lent her Sepher Torah,
Saturday morning services were held for the visitors. Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1921, page 1
Farvish, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs Solomon Cohen of Sunderland, and
grandson of Isaac Richardson of Darlington, will
read Maftir on November 12 at the Beth
Hamedrash. Jewish Chronicle, 18 November 1921, page 30
Annual meeting of the congregation. Elected: President A. Richardson,
Treasurer S. Raphael, Hon Sec B. Kletz,
Committee – L. Hush, S. Abrahams, M.
Jokelson, and F. Rachkind. In response to appeal by Rev
B. Hyams on behalf of the Ukrainian Relief Fund.
£20.4.6. collected and handed to the
Ukrainian Committee. Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1921. page 30
A Jewish Literary and Debating Society has been formed. President L.
Hush, Vice-president M. Jokelson, Treasurer S.
Abrahams, Hon sec W. Kletz. Committee –
Mrs W. Kletz, Mrs S. Raphael, Mrs B. Kletz, S.
Abrahams. Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1921, page 41
Last week Mr Solomon Abrahams read a paper on Judaism to the Jewish
Literary and Debating Society. Later there was a
debate on ‘Platonic Friendships’. Mrs F.
Rachkind presided. Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1922, page 33
The Jewish Literary and Debating Society gave a Chanukah treat to the
children. The Ladies Committee supplied
refreshments. Rev B. Hyams conducted a
service. Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1922, page 29
Rabbi J. Epstein BA of Middlesbrough lectured to the Literary Society
on ‘Literary Societies in the Talmud’. Jewish Chronicle, 10 February 1922, page 26 Jewish War Memorial. Newcastle and District (Area Committee). Report of meeting. Present included Messrs Richardson and Kletz, Darlington.
Resolved. That it be desirable to form a Central Committee for purpose
of co-ordinating and supervising Jewish
education in the North-Eastern area. Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1922, page 32 Rabbi J. Kyanski of Newcastle lectured to members of the Literary Society on ‘Jewish savants of Provence in the 13th and 14th centuries’. Rev B. Hyams proposed vote of thanks. Mr Samuel Abrahams read a paper on ‘A Survey of Jewry'.
Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1922, page 41
Rev E. Drukker of Newcastle read paper on Maimonides to the Literary Society. Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1922, page 1 Birth of a son on 17 July at ‘Howness Gill’, West Crescent Darlington, to Mr and Mrs David Wilkes nee Rosetta Cohen of Newcastle.
[Birth. Victor E. Wilkes September 1922 Darlington 10a 38 Mother
Cohen] Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1922 page 1 On 23 October son born to Mr and Mrs W. Kletz (nee Frances Amschewitz) 27 Windsor Terrace, Darlington.
[Birth. Trevor A. Kletz December 1922 Darlington
10a 31] Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1922, page 1
Engagement. Gwendle, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Solomon Cohen of
Sunderland, formerly of Darlington, to Menachem
B. Rothenberg, eldest son of the Chief
Rabbi of Antwerp. Jewish Chronicle, 17 November 1922, page 44 Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Eastern Europe
Miss Q. Wilson, Darlington, £1.2.6. Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1922, page 28
Annual meeting of congregation. President S. Raphael, Treasurer F.
Rachkind, Hon Sec B. Kletz, and a Committee. B.
Kletz elected life-member of the
Committee. Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1922, page 33 Inquest at Sunderland on Israel Cailler of Darlington who committed suicide by eating bread on which rat poison had been spread. Brother-in-law said he had business worries and had been depressed.
[Death. Israel Cailler December 1922 aged 25
Sunderland 10a 543] Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1923, page 2 Engagement. Eva, eldest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Raphael, Victoria Road, Darlington, to Charles, eldest son of Mr and Mrs L. Caller, Linden Terrace, Newcastle.
[Marriage. Charles Caller March 1924 Darlington
10a 53//Eva Raphael] Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1923, page 13
At conference convened by the Central Committee for Jewish Education,
stated that a teacher visits Darlington 4 times
a week and York 3 times. Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1924, page 10 ‘The Kiddies’ [fund] Victor’s second birthday 10.0.
[Birth. Victor E. Wilkes September 1922
Darlington 10a 38 ] Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1925, page 36
As result of a girls’ quarrel about a boy Elizabeth Rourke, 20, was
remanded at Darlington on charge of attempting
to murder Annie Hyams. Jewish Chronicle, 11 June 1926, page 2 Death. On 1 June at 38 Swinburne Road, Bertha, wife to Bernard Kletz and mother of Beryl and Teviot.
[Death, Bertha Kletz June 1926 aged 47
Darlington 10a 38] Jewish Chronicle, 8 April 1927, page 1
Bar mitzvah. Teviot, only son of Mr and the late Mrs Bernard Kletz, 38
Swinburne Road, will read portion of the Law at
Darlington synagogue on 16 April. Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1927 page 2
Tombstone in memory of Beryl Kletz will be consecrated on 19 June at
West Cemetery. Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1927 page 10 ‘The Kiddies and the Holiday’ fund
B. Kletz Darlington £2.12.6. Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1927, page 48
Last week Rabbi J. Kyanski, Newcastle, examined the children attending
Darlington Hebrew Classes. In an address he
expressed pleasure in finding children so
forward in their work and impressed by their
keenness. Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1928, page 2 Marriage will take place on March 4 at Ealing and Acton Synagogue of Maurice, eldest son of Mr and Mrs N. Wigdor (Cohen) of Norwood House, North Lodge Terrace, Darlington, to Yetta, daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Kanal of Ealing.
[Marriage. Yetta Kanal March 1928 Brentford 3a
297//Maurice A. Wigdor (Cohen)] Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1928 page 10 Jewish War Memorial. Central Committee for Jewish Education
Application for renewal of grant for Classes at Darlington. (No
statement as to outcome.) Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1928 New Year Greetings page xxiii
Mr and Mrs E. Sliufko, 21 Pierremont Crescent. Jewish Chronicle, 14 December 1927, page 2
Death on 30 November in Manchester of Fanny Goodman, mother. Inter
alia, of Lazzy-Ellis, Darlington. Jewish Chronicle, 28 December 1928, page 24 At a dinner held to celebrate the marriage of Lili Raphael, daughter of the president of the congregation [Samuel Raphael], to Dr R. Lipman, a Kiddush cup was presented to the bride by Mr S. Abrahams on behalf of the congregation.
[Marriage. Reuben Lipman December 1928
Darlington 10a 85//Lily Raphael] Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1929 Chief Rabbi’s Passover Relief Appeal. To provide matzot for famine sufferers in Russia and Bessarabia.
Mr E. Sliufko £1.1.0. Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1929, page 2
Death of Julius Hyams, Southampton, uncle of Rev B. Hyams, Victoria Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1929, page 39 New Year Greetings
Mr and Mrs S. Raphael and daughters, Ivy House, 12 Corporation Road Jewish Chronicle, 6 December 1929, page 26
Two silk mantles for Sefer Torahs presented by Mr E. Sliufko. Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1930, page 47 Young Israel.
New member Netta Raphael, Ivy House, 12 Corporation Road Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1930, page 2 Death on 21 March at 21 Pierremont Crescent, Ellius Sliufko Husband of Kate.
[Death. Ellius Sliufko March 1930 aged 63
Darlington 10a 54] Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1930, page 18
Obituary of Ellius Sliufko. Treasurer of the congregation. Native of
Poland. Emigrated 45 years ago. Had been
president for many years and also held
honorary office at Middlesbrough and Stockton. Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1930, page vii Jewish Communities of the British Isles. Populations as per Jewish Year Book.
Darlington 82 [?blurred] Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1930, p. 36
New member of Young Israel. Harry Rachkind, 42 Park Lane, Darlington. Jewish Chronicle, 8 August 1930, page 21
Darlington. Stanley R. Musgrave, son of Mr M. Musgrave, president of
the congregation, has been awarded a junior
scholarship. Placed first in the town out
of 215 by competition for the scholarship. Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1930, page 32 Young Israel.
The ‘Young Israel’ cot at the London Jewish Hospital Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1930, page 40
Annual meeting of the congregation. President M. Musgrave, Treasurer
H. Abrahams, Committee: A. Abrahams, S. Abrahams
jnr, S. Raphael, F. Rachkind, H. Raphael.
Gifts to synagogue: pair of silver bells Mr and
Mrs M. Musgrave, mantle Mrs Rosen (Hull),
hangings for synagogue Mrs F. Rachkind,
oak stand and fittings H. Abrahams. Jewish Chronicle, 13 February 1931, page 30
First public dance of the Jewish community was held last week in the
Queen’s Hall, in aid of the extension building
of the synagogue in Victoria Road.
Organised by Harry Rachkind and S. H. Sherman[sic]
assisted by Mesdames G. Hyams, S. Greenberg, A.
Hyams and P. Raphael. Over 200 people
were present including the Mayor and Mayoress and
Councillor B. Jackson. Mr M. M. Musgrave,
president of the congregation, thanked
the Mayor and Mayoress for their attendance. The
Mayor congratulated the congregation on
acquiring their own synagogue and paid
tribute to his old friend and fellow citizen the late Mr
Sliufko. Mesdames B. Jackson and Harry Raphael
(hostesses) presented prizes for the
dance competition and Mrs G. Alderson was responsible
for the successful cabaret. Among donors of
prizes were Messrs B. Kletz, Newman, S.
Raphael, H. Raphael, Shurman[sic], Musgrave,
Rachkind, H. Abrahams, and Councillor Jackson. Jewish Chronicle, 6 March 1931, page 32
Annual meeting of congregation. Thanks for gifts: Mrs C. Rosen (Hull)
mantle for Sepher Torah, Mr H. Abrahams table
for classrooms, Rev B. and Mrs Hyams
megillah and silver Magen David. Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1931, page 10 ‘For the Kiddies’
‘J.R.H.’ Darlington in memory of my brother 2.6. Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1931, New Year Greetings page xxii
Mr and Mrs S. Raphael and daughters, Ivy House, Corporation Road. Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1931, page 25 At a meeting at the synagogue chambers, 9 Victoria Road, the following were elected to organise the 2nd annual dance in aid of the Building Fund.
Councillor H. Jackson President, Messrs S. Abrahams Chairman, H.
Raphael Treasurer, S. H. Shurman and C.
Routledge joint Secretaries, Mesdames
Hyams, -Raphael, P. Raphael, B. Kletz, A. Hyams, F. Musgrave,
and a Committee: Messrs B. Kletz, M. Musgrave,
B. Collins, and S. Abrahams. Jewish Chronicle, 13 November 1931, pages 23-24
(page 23)
(page 24)
The following were elected: President and Warden Mr Samuel Abrahams,
Treasurer M. Abrahams, Secretary B. Kletz, and a
Committee. Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1931, page 8
Forthcoming: Wednesday 25 November, Darlington Hebrew Congregation, Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 1931, page 30
On Thursday last week Mr Herbert M. Adler MA, Director of Jewish
education, examined the children and expressed
satisfaction at the improvement in the
general work of the children. Jewish Chronicle, 4 December 1931, page 14
Review of autobiography of J. T. Trebitsch Lincoln who was MP for
Darlington in 1910. Jewish Chronicle, 11 December 1931, page 30
Second annual dance. Over 250 guests including the Mayor and Deputy
Mayoress, Mr C. Peat MP, and two Councillors. Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1931, page 8 ‘The Week’s Pulpit’ Darlington, Victoria Road, Rev M.Isaacs
‘How can we train our next generation in a sense of our duty.’ Jewish Chronicle, 22 January 1932, page 1 Death on 15 January at ‘Ferndale’, Maude Street, Samuel Abrahams, husband of Rally, mourned by wife, son, sister, brothers etc.
[Death. Samuel Abrahams March 1932 aged 58
Darlington 10a 17] Jewish Chronicle, 18 March 1932, page 32
Middlesbrough. Meeting held to form a B’nai Brith Lodge for
Middlesbrough and district. Delegates from West
Hartlepool and Darlington were present.
Agreed to form a local branch. Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1932, page 30
At a meeting of the congregation presided over by Mr H. Abrahams a
silver Kiddush cup and a canteen of cutlery were
presented to Rev B. Hyams on his
retirement from the ministry. Mr B. Kelt made the
presentation and spoke of the good feeling that
existed between the members and Mr Hyams
on his 18 years service to the congregation. Rev
M. Isaacs spoke of Mr Hyams’s ability and
kindness shown to him on taking up his duties in Darlington. Jewish Chronicle, 20 April 1932, page 28 Young Israel
Reference to Stanley Musgrave Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1932, New Year Greetings page xxiv
Mr and Mrs S. Raphael and daughters. Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1932, page 2 Tombstone setting at West Cemetery of the late Samuel Abrahams
Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1932, page 36 Elected at annual meeting. President Samuel Raphael, Treasurer H. Abrahams, Secretary B. Kletz.
Committee: Samson Abrahams, A. Richardson, F. Rachkind, H. Raphael,
and Symon Abrahams. Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 1933, page 1 Death on 27 March at Burnley. Gwenny Cohen, mourned by brother, sister-in-law, nieces Lili, Queenie and Netta [Raphael, daughters of Abraham]. Samson Raphael of Darlington.
[Death. Gwenny Cohen March 1933 aged 35 Barnsley
8e 328] Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1933, page 27
A gold watch has been presented by the members of the congregation, on
his resignation, to Mr Bernard Kletz for his
services as Hon Sec and Registrar for
Marriages for 21 years. Jewish Chronicle, 21 April 1933, page 27
List of meetings of protest against persecution of German Jews
includes one by Darlington Hebrew Congregation. Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1933, page 22 Central Committee for Jewish Education
Sums allocated to various Classes include Darlington. Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1933, page 1 Death on 31 July at the Darlington War Memorial Hospital of Rachel (nee Fritz), wife of Hyman Abrahams, 31 Westlands Road.
[Death. Rachel Abrahams September 1933 aged 53
Darlington 10a 14] Jewish Chronicle, 9 September 1933, page 8 Engagement. Rev Simon[sic] I. Susman of Darlington, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs F. Susman, Liverpool, to Sarah, eldest daughter of Mrs Swift and the late Mr D. Swift of Liverpool.
[Marriage. Samuel[sic] I. Susman December 1933
Liverpool 8b 483//Sarah Swift] Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1933 New Year Greetings page xix
Mr and Mrs B. Hyams and family 91 Victoria Road Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1933, New Year Greetings page xx
Mr and Mrs S. Raphael and daughters send good wishes to daughter,
son-in-law and grandchildren Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1933, page 60
Mr and Mrs S. Rubinstein of Hull have presented the Darlington
congregation a Scroll of the Law and a clock in
memory of their son-in-law Mr Samuel
Abrahams of Darlington. Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1933, page 33
Simchat Torah. Bridegrooms of the Law: S. Raphael and F. Rachkind. Jewish Chronicle, 8 December 1933, page 31
Annual meeting. Balance sheet satisfactory. Elected: President A.
Richardson, Treasurer Hyman Abrahams, Hon Sec
Samson Abrahams and a Committee. Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1933, page 39
Last Sunday a Sepher Torah, presented by Mrs S. Abrahams and her son,
was consecrated in memory of Mr Samuel Abrahams,
founder and past president of the
congregation. The service was conducted by Rev J.
Friedberg of the Western Synagogue, Hull,
assisted by his choir and the local
minister, Rev S. I.Susman. Sermon was delivered by Rev M.
Isaacs of Hanley and formerly of Darlington. A
reception followed. Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1934, page 29
Mr B. A. Fersht, representative of the congregation at the Board of
Deputies, visited his constituency and addressed
the members. Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1934, page 35
Bristol. At a recent meeting the Rev S. I Susman of Darlington was
elected Shochet, Second Reader, and Teacher. Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1935, page 3
WANTED. Chazan, Shochet, Teacher and Bal Korah. £3.10 per week and
perquisites. Apply S. Abrahams, 84 Greenbank,
Darlington. Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1934, page 13 Engagement. Hyman Saul Shoham, 3nd son of Rev L. and Mrs Shoham of Stamford Hill, to Queenie daughter of Mr and Mrs S. Raphael of Ivy House, Corporation Road, Darlington and granddaughter of Mr Jacob Swift of Liverpool.
[Marriage. Hyman S. Shoham March 1935 Leeds North 9b 513//Queenie Raphael] Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1934, page 2
Died as a result of a tragic accident, at Darlington, on 22 May,
Gerald Judah, aged 32, husband of Dora Rachel
Morris of Newcastle upon Tyne. Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1934, page 48, Young Israel
Harry Rachkind, congratulations on success in scholarship exam, and Jewish Chronicle, 31 August 1934, page 30
Rev D. Garb, late of the Lennox Street Synagogue, Dublin, appointed
Minister and Teacher at the Darlington Hebrew
Congregation. Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1934, New Year Greetings page xviii
Mr and Mrs B. Hyams and family, 91 Victoria Road. Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1934, New Year Greetings page xx
Mr and Mrs S. Raphael and daughters wish daughter, son-in-law and
grandchildren good wishes for High Holydays. Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1934, page 2
Tombstone of late Rachel Abrahams will be consecrated at the West Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1934, page 36 Annual election. President A. Richardson, Treasurer H. Abrahams. Hon Sec S. Abrahams, Auditors G. Routledge and H. Musgrave, and a Committee of four.
Mr Herbert M. Adler, Director of Jewish Education, visited Darlington
on 22nd ult, and examined the children. ’His
report was considered satisfactory’. Jewish Chronicle, 8 February 1935, page 27
Mrs D. Garb and Mrs Samson Abrahams appointed official collectors for
the Jewish National Fund (blue box) in
Darlington. Jewish Chronicle, 5 April 1935, page 60
Middlesbrough. Children’s Purim Party. Children from Sunderland,
Stockton, Darlington, and South Shields were
present. Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1935, page 2
Death in Hull on 23 April of Samuel Rubinstein, father, inter alia, of
Mrs Rally Abrahams, Darlington, and Mrs Ray
Abrahams, Darlington. Jewish Chronicle, 12 July 1935, page 12 ‘ “Mentor” Memorial Fund for the Kiddies’
Mrs J. R, and Mother, Darlington, Jahrzeit gift 10s. Jewish Chronicle, 2 August 1935, page 10 ‘ “Mentor” Memorial Fund for the Kiddies’
Gertie and Anne, Darlington, 5s. [?Hyams] Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1935, New Year Greetings page xxii
Mr and Mrs B. Hyams and family, 91 Victoria Road. Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1935, New Year Greetings page xxiv
Mr and Mrs S. Raphael and daughter wish daughters, sons-in-law and Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1935, page 1 Death on 11 October of Brahna Feige, wife of Bernard Hyams, mother of Ben (USA), Gertie, Anne, Max, Miriam and Nat.
[Death. Brenda Hyams December aged 57 Darlington 10a 10] Jewish Chronicle, 1 November 1935, page 1
Harry, son of Mr and Mrs Fred Rachkind, ‘Beth Shalom’, 19 Elton Road,
Darlington, will read portion of the Law at
Darlington Synagogue on 9 November. Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1935, page 21
United Appeal for Poland
M. Bruce £1.1.0, H. Abrahams £1, Donations under £1 £7 Jewish Chronicle, 20 December 1935, page 29
Annual meeting. Treasurer presented balance sheet ‘which was
considered satisfactory’. Elected: President
and Warden A. Richardson, Treasurer H.
Abrahams, Hon Sec Samson Abrahams, Trustees
Sol Abrahams and S. Raphael, Committee: S.
Raphael, Sol Abrahams, M. Musgrave, and
G. Routledge. Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1936, page 37
Middlesbrough. Children’s fancy dress party. Children from Stockton,
Darlington and West Hartlepool were present. Jewish Chronicle, 29 May 1936, page 1 Marriage of Miss Gertrude Hyams and Mr Bernard Kletz will take place on 3 June at the synagogue. No festivities owing to recent bereavement.
[Marriage. Bernard Kletz June 1936 Darlington 10a 101//Gertrude
Hyams] Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1936, New Year Greetings page xxiv
Mr B. Hyams and family 94 Victoria Road. Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1936, page 3
United Synagogue. Hendon. Preacher this Friday evening and Sabbath,
Rev D, Garb candidate for office. 23 October 1936 page 2
Tombstone of Mrs B. Hyams will be consecrated at the West Cemetery on
25 October. Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1936, page 38 Mr Herbert M. Adler recently examined the pupils of the Classes.
Annual meeting. Elected. President M. Musgrave, Warden A. Richardson,
Treasurer, H. Abrahams, Hon Sec S. Abrahams, And
a Committee. Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1936, page 2 Silver Wedding. On 3 January 1912 at the Philpot Street Synagogue, Jennie Markovitch to Maurice
Musgrave. Present address 54 Victoria Road, Darlington. Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1936, page 32
Organised by Rev. I. Waller, Newcastle, and Rev M. Landau, South
Shields, the chazanim of various towns in the
north-east have formed an Association
whose main object is to promote the study of Hebrew
Liturgy and chazanut. The services of the
Association will be devoted to charitable
concerts. Recent election of officers included D. Garb,
Darlington, Treasurer. Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1937, page 46
Meeting of local community at home of Mrs Harry Raphael was addressed
by Mrs G. Wilkes of Newcastle. Decided that
Darlington ladies should have a stall at
the forthcoming North-East Bazaar at Newcastle. Mrs
Harry Raphael elected President, Mrs S. Raphael
Treasurer, Mrs B. Kletz secretary. Over
£7 collected towards the funds. Jewish Chronicle, 23 April 1937, page 11 Engagement. Samuel, youngest son of Mr and Mrs L. Greenberg, Glasgow, to Phyllis, youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Max Musgrave, ‘Windsor House’, Victoria Road, Darlington
[Marriage. Samuel Greenberg June 1937 Darlington 10a 73//Phyllis Raphael] Jewish Chronicle, 21 May 1937, page 30
Rev D. Garb, minister to Darlington Hebrew Congregation, has been
awarded the diploma of ALCM with silver medal. Jewish Chronicle, 3 September 1937 New Year Greetings page xxvi
Mr and Mrs S. Raphael and daughters, Ivy House Corporation Road. Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1937, page 10 Leonard, only son of Mr and Mrs A. Atelson of Neasden NW10, to Flora, only daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Musgrave, 51 Victoria Road, Darlington.
[Marriage. Leonard Atelson March 1938 London C 1c 55//Flora S. Musgrave] Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1937, page 14
Several obituaries of late Mr Barnett A. Fersht. One
by Samson Abrahams, Secretary of the
Darlington Congregation. Fersht has been their
representative at the Board of Deputies since
May 1913. On his occasional visits to
Darlington he has endeared himself to all
the members. His clear and concise resume
of the Board of Deputies’ activities. Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1938, page 17 United Appeal for Poland Synagogue Collections during the High Holydays
Darlington £10.12.0 Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1938, page 33
Recent meeting of members. Elected: President M. Musgrave, Treasurer
H. Prag, Hon Sec S. Abrahams, and a Committee.
Mr Herbert M. Adler recently visited and
examined the Hebrew and Religion Classes. Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1938, page 2 Death on 14 January of Isaac Richardson, late of Darlington, aged 85. Mourned by only son Abraham and only daughter Sarah Cohen.
[Death. Isaac Richardson March 1938 aged 85 Sunderland 10a 627] Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1938, page 39
Special meeting of congregation. Mr Hilary Magnus of London W elected
representative at Board of Deputies. Jewish Chronicle, 6 April 1938, page 2
In Memoriam of mother Rachel Raphael died 10 Nisan 5691. 29 Victoria
Road, Darlington. Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1938, page 1 Engagement. Nat, youngest son of Rev B. Hyams and the late Mrs Hyams 94 Victoria Road, to Louise, only child of Mr and Mrs Saul Levy of Middlesbrough.
[Marriage. Nathan Hyams March 1939 9d 796//Louise H. Levy] Jewish Chronicle, 17 June 1938, page 14 ‘ “Mentor” Memorial Fund for the Kiddies
‘J.R.’ Darlington, Yahrzeit gift 6s. Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1938 page 29 ‘The North-Eastern Yeshiva. Conference of Rabbis and Ministers’ Meeting to stimulate interest in the Gateshead Yeshiva, of North-eastern Rabbis and Ministers.
Among those in discussion was D. Garb, Darlington. Jewish Chronicle, 22 July 1938, page 22
Letter from Beatrice Cohen 11 Oak Dene Avenue, Darlington. Jewesses
can help stricken sisters in Austria and Germany
by offering homes. Would be a fitting
memorial to Dr Claude G. Montefiore. The writer
learned to honour him when at the Froebel
Institute, Baron’s Court. Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1938, page 1 Death of Chia Minnie, relict of Calmon Rosen of Hull, at her daughter’s residence, 19 Elton Road, Darlington. Mourned by children Abraham, Myer, Joe, Jack, Mark, Jeanette, and Harry. [Jeanette married Fred Rachkind in 1920]
[Death. Chia M. Rosen September 1938 Darlington 10a 13] Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1938, page 35
Mr Reuben Cohen, Registrar of Middlesbrough and Stockton County
Courts, appointed JP in County of Durham. A
native of Darlington, successful
solicitor with practice in Tees-side. For several years was
President of the Stockton Amateur Society, and
Past Master of the Freedom Lodge of
Freemasons. Past Grand Registrar of the Province of
Durham and served for 12 years on the Stockton
Town Council. Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1938, New Year Greetings page xxvi
Rev B. Hyams and family, 94 Victoria Road Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1938, page 2
Death in Glasgow of Barnett Marks, eldest son of the late Marks and
Flora Markovitch, brother of inter alia Jenny
(Mrs Musgrave, 51 Victoria Road,
Darlington). Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1938, page 38 At meeting of junior members of the congregation the Jewish Refugee Relief Organisation was formed.
Elected: President Rev D. Garb, Treasurer L. Routledge, Joint hon secs
E. T. Fraise and T. Kletz, and a committee. Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 1938, page 40 Mr Hilary Magnus, representative on the Board of Deputies, recently addressed the members of the congregation.
Rev D. Garb lectured the local Methodist Brotherhood on ‘Toleration in
Religion’. Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1939, page 1 Engagement. Frieda, daughter of Mr and Mrs Max Wolfe of Leeds to David Fritz, son of Mr and the late Mrs Hyman Abrahams [Rachel Fritz] 31 Westland Road, Darlington.
[Marriage. David F. Abrahams December 1940 Leeds 9b 1171//Frieda Wolfe] Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1939, page 33 £40 realised at a dance in aid of German and Polish refugees. Host and hostess Mr and Mrs Spielman. Guests of honour Mayor and Mayoress. Mr J. Goodman of Leeds was MC. Organising Committee were Rev D. Garb Chairman, Miss I Routledge Treasurer, E. T, Frais and T. Kletz, Hon Secs.
Lady Spielman addressed the congregation on ‘The Care of Refugee
Children’, Rev D. Garb appealed on behalf of
Lord Samuel’s Save The Children Fund. Mr
M. Musgrave, President of the congregation, was in
the chair. Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1939, page 2
Memorial for Isaac Richardson will be consecrated on January 18 at
Bishopwearmouth Cemetery, Sunderland. Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1939, page 13
‘The Council for German Jewry’, Ninth List of contributions. Proceeds
of a dance per Darlington Refugee Organisation
£25 Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1939, page 50
Rev D. Garb of Darlington addressed the Stockton-on-Tees Brotherhood
on ‘ The Jew in the Modern World’. Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1939, page 13
Council for German Jewry. 17th list. A. Richardson, Darlington, £5.5.0. Jewish Chronicle, 31 March 1939, page 2
In Memoriam Rachel Raphael died 2.4.1937. Daughters Mrs Caller, Mrs
Zimmerman, Mrs Greene, Sons Harry, Hyman,
Maurice. Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1939, page 1 Birth of daughter on 30 March 1939 to Mrs and Mrs Samuel Greene (Phyllis Raphael), 29 Victoria Road, Darlington.
[Birth. Ronah Greene June 1939 Darlington 10a 21.Mother Raphael] Jewish Chronicle, 21 April 1939 page 33
Mr D. Garb has received unanimous call from the members of the
Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation. Aged 29,
born Warsaw. Studied
music in Brussels
and at London College of Music he obtained ALCM. Has
been at Darlington 5 years and has frequently
addressed non-Jewish audiences and sung
at charity functions. Treasurer of NE Chazanim
Association, executive member of Darlington
Child Refugee Committee, and a keen
Zionist. Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1939, page 36
Rev and Mrs D. Garb gave farewell party to members of the Hebrew
Congregation. Mr E. Levy proposed toast,
seconded by G. Routledge. Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1939, page 30
Rev Shalom Barron elected Chazan, Shochet and Teacher to Darlington
Hebrew Congregation. Born London 1916 and has
been Minister and Reader at the
Russell Street Synagogue, Liverpool, and Teacher to the
Southport Hebrew Congregation. Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1939, page 25
Closing service of the
Russell Street Synagoguet
prior to its
amalgamation with the
Nusach Ha'ari
Congregation. Rabbi J. Unterman going to
Leicester and Rev S. Barron to Darlington. Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1939 New Year Greetings page xv
Mr & Mrs S. Raphael, and daughter … Ivy House, Corporation Road. Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1939, page 21
On Shemini Ersereth[sic] Rev S. Barron delivered a special children’s
sermon largely attended by refugee children,
afterwards entertained at a party
organised by the ladies of the Refugee Committee. Jewish Chronicle, 17 November 1939, page 20
Rev S. Barron has recently addressed the Skinnergate Adult School on
‘The History of the Jewish Race and the
Teachings of the Talmud’, and the
Darlington Corporation Youth League on ‘The Jew in the Modern
World’. He has been co-opted on the local
Mayor’s committee for refugees. Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1939, page 16 Recent annual meeting. Elected: President, S. Raphael; Treasurer, H. Prag; Hon sec, Samson Abrahams, and a Committee.
Rev S. Barron recently addressed the Cockerton Methodist Brotherhood
on ‘Some Aspects of Judaism’. Formatted by David Shulman Press Reports relating to the Community, Part 1 — 1773-1919 Press Reports relating to the Community, Part 3 — 1940-1961 Press Reports relating to the Community, Part 4 — 1962-2015 Darlington Congregation home page List of all JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins
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