Darlington Jewish Community

Darlington, County Durham




Press Reports relating to the Darlington Jewish Community
Part 4 — 1962-2015

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Jewish Chronicle
, 19 January 1962, page 14

Elected: F. Rachkind, President, V. Wilkes, Treasurer, H. Finn, Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1962, page 7

A son, Daniel Ian, was born 26 January, at Greenbank Maternity Hospital, Darlington, to Margit, nee Levy, and Clive Morris of 384 Coniscliffe, Darlington.
[Birth. Daniel I. Morris March 1962 Darlington 1a 346. Mother Levy]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1962, page 14

Elected, Jewish Ladies’ Guild. Mrs J. Sanick, President, Mrs V Wilkes, Treasurer, Mrs J. Baum, Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1962, page 13

The Jewish Ladies’ Guild, which was founded 21 years ago, celebrated with a dinner at the Victoria Grill, Darlington. A cheque for £50 was sent to Youth Aliyah.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1962, page 15

The 17 Darlington members of the Newcastle Israel Brodie B’nai B’rith entertained the Newcastle members at a bridge social at the Synagogue Hall, Darlington

Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1962, page 16

A reception arranged by the B’nai B’rith was held at Darlington for members of the small communities: Stockton, West Hartlepool, Bishop Auckland, Barnard Castle and Darlington.
After the reception, the men visited the Darlington synagogue where a service was conducted by Dr Lionel Kopelowitz.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1962, page 16

Last week Miss Ronah Greene married Samuel Lewis of London, in Darlington, first Jewish wedding for 15  years. The bride is a club leader at the Oxford & St George’s Girls’ Club and V. Wilkes, Treasurer, H. Finn, Secretary. Groom is musician with the Drury Lane Orchestra.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 January 1963, page 19

Elected: F. Rachkind, President, V. Wilkes, Treasurer, H. Finn, Secretary

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1963 page 19

New B’nai B’rith Lodge, Bernard Hyam Lodge, inaugurated at the Imperial Hotel, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1963 page 38

Elected. Darlington, B’nai B’rith. H. Smith, President, N. Hyams, Vice-President, J. Bilden, Treasurer, J. Baum, Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1964 page 2

Death of Harold Finn on 10 January. Husband of Rose, father of Martin and David. 7 Thornbury Rise, Darlington.
[Death. Harold Finn March 1964 aged 46 Darlington 1a 216]

Jewish Chronicle,, 24 January 1964, page 42

Obituary of Harold Finn, Hon Sec of Darlington Hebrew Congregation. Originally a Londoner, has lived in Darlington for many years. A pillar of the community.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 January 1965, page 12

MBE to Henry Smith, Managing Director of Alligator Leather Goods Co., Bishop Auckland. Refugee from Nazi Germany. Founder-President of Darlington B’nai B’rith Lodge.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 February 1965, page 24. Young Israel.

Lorna Jackson 93 Abbey Road, Darlington, aged 15.
[Birth. Lorna Jackson June 1950 Darlington 1a  330. Mother Sykes]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 March 1965, page 11
Army. Long Service and Good Conduct Medal awarded to Leta Routledge, Recruiting Sergeant for Darlington. Regular soldier for 25 years. Also Territorial Efficiency Medal.
Father is 83-year old G. E. Routledge, a former Hon Sec of the Darlington congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1965, page 34

B’nai B’rith Youth organization is to expand. One expansion project is Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 November 1965, page 10

Engagement. Louis Lionel Barnett, only son of Mr and Mrs Ernest Barnett, 32  Manor Road, Darlington, to Jean Elizabeth Ashton Goodwin, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Martin Goodwin of 494  Coniscliffe Road, Darlington.
[No marriage found]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 January, 1966, page 12

Silver wedding. Emil and Gerda Artman (nee Sander) of Hendon NW4, were married in the Darlington Synagogue on 23 January 1941.
[Marriage. Emil Artmann(sic) March 1941 Richmond(sic) 9d 1478//Gerta(sic) Sander]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 February 1966, page 16

Social evening by Darlington B’nai B’rith at the communal hall, Middlesbrough. Over £60 raised for B’nai B’rith charity fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1966, page 20

Obituary. David Wilkes aged 78. Trustee of Darlington Hebrew Congregation. For many years was Treasurer.
[Death. David Wilkes September 1966 aged 76 Darlington 1a 212]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1966, page 18

Elected. Darlington B’nai B’rith. President J. Bilden, Vice-President G. Stoppleman, Treasurer D. Abrahams, Secretary H. Smith.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1967, page 23

Will. David Wilkes, house furnisher, and trustee of Darlington Hebrew Congregation, who died last September, left £31,593, net £30,759. Duty £3,301.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1967, page 33

Rev A. Freedman of Darlington officiated at a consecration service at the North-East Memorial Home for Aged Jews in Sunderland. A bed in memory of Abraham Richardson and memorial lights in memory of Mrs Jane Bilsky, David Wilkes and George Edward Routledge all of Darlington were consecrated.

Darlington’s new synagogue in Bloomfield Road was consecrated by Dr Israel Brodie, former Chief Rabbi. The opening ceremony was performed by Fred Rachkind, President, in the presence of the Mayor and Mayoress of Darlington, Mr Edward Fletcher, the local MP, and representatives of other congregations in the north-east. A plaque in memory of David Wilkes, after whom the communal hall is named, was unveiled by his widow.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1967, page 22

The Darlington branch of Youth Aliyah held a dinner-dance at the St George Hotel, Teesside Airport, and raised £800. Attended by Mayor and Mayoress and local MP, Edward Fletcher.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1968, page 2

The marriage has taken place between Ivor Martin, elder son of Mrs Rose Finn and the late Harold Finn, 7 Thornbury Rise, Darlington, and Valerie, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs T. Lister of Stockton, at the Sinai Synagogue, Leeds, on 24 December.
[Marriage. Ivor M. Finn December 1967 Leeds 2c 756//Valerie Lister]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1968, page 27

First function of the Darlington Younger JNF Commission was a cocktail party held in the new synagogue. Raised £25 towards the group’s project in Israel.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1968, page 24

Elected. Ladies’ Guild. Mrs  N.  Hyams President, Mrs F. Rachkind Treasurer, Mrs J. Sanick Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 March 1968, page 4

In Memoriam. Louisa Valentine 25 March 1967. 1 Carmel Road, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1968, page 17

Meeting of Jewish Memorial Council. Harold Levy reported on the Central Council for Jewish Religious Education. Since last survey in 1959 a number of classes in small communities had disappeared or dwindled to one or two pupils – in Aberdeen, Chester, Darlington, Derby, Llanelli, Merthyr, Preston, South Shields, Stockton, West Hartlepool, Worcester, and York.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 July 1968, page 18

Jewish Ladies’ Guild held a dance in the new communal hall and a coffee morning and a bring-and-buy sale which together raised £75 for the JNF.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1969, page 1

Death of Samuel Norman (Nortman) on 14 February, formerly of Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1969, page 3

Death on 23 March of Anita Heymann(sic). Husband Heinz, son Robert. 56 Loraine Crescent, Darlington
[Death. Anna(sic) Heyman(sic) Darlington March 1969 aged 50 1a 317]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1969, page 5

Darlington Hebrew Congregation requires a Reader and Shochet to officiate at their recently built synagogue. Modern house provided. Secretary J. Bilden, 6 Thornbury Rise, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1969, page 3

Death of Maurice Musgrave on 8 October in hospital. Aged 78. Husband of Celia, father of Flora. 15 Hillside Road, Darlington.
[Death. Maurice Musgrave December 1969 1a 521. Born 12 June 1891]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1969, page 10

Engagement. Stuart Simon, elder son of Benjamin and the late Phyllis Van Praag of London and Hazel Lilian, elder daughter of John and Flora Sanick of 5 Loraine Crescent of Darlington.
[Marriage. Hazel L. Sanick March 1970 Darlington//Stuart S. Van Praag].

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1970, page 10

Engagement. Anthony David, younger son of Rose Finn of Darlington and the late Harold Finn, and Diana, only daughter of Dr and Mrs Paul Bachmann and Mrs Greta Goldlich of Wembley Park
[Marriage. Anthony D. Finn March 1971 Hendon 5c 417//Diana R. Bachmann]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 July 1970, page 20, Junior Chronicle

Hearty welcome to Hazel Beswick 7 Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1970, page 10

Daughter (Gisette) born 23 August to Hazel nee Sanick and Stuart Van Praag of Darlington
[Birth. Gisette Michelle Van Praag September 1970 Dalington 1a 841. Mother Sanick]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1970 page 28

Residents of Sunderland’s Joel Intract Memorial Home attended a reception by the Darlington B’nai B’rith at the Agnes Spencer Hall, Middlesbrough. Tea was provided by the Darlington Ladies’ Committee with assistance of the Middlesbrough Synagogue Ladies’ Guild. Followed by a show of Israeli films.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 January 1971, page 32

Pearl Wedding. Edward and Gerda (nee Sander) Artmann of Hendon NW4 were married at Darlington Synagogue on 23 January 1941.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February, 1971 page 30

Death of Yank Rosen, brother of only sister Jeanette Rachkind of Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 April 1971, page 28

Birth to Valerie nee Lister and Martin Finn, a daughter Jane Rebecca on 3 April. 3 Conyers Close, Darlington.
[Birth. Jane Rebecca Finn June 1971 Darlington 1a 751. Mother Lister]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 April 1971, page 39

Will. Mrs Else Ruth Schmidt of Darlington who died last February left £17,811, net £17,718, duty £330.
[Death. Else Ruth Schmidt March 1871 Darlington 1a 635. Born 4 March 1891]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 May 1971, page 9

‘Darlington golden wedding’
The Darlington Hebrew Congregation, the Ladies’ Guild, and the Bernard Hyams B’nai B’rith Lodge societies jointly held a reception to Mr and Mrs Fred Rachkind on their golden wedding.
He is aged 83, a member of the Darlington Hebrew Congregation for over 60 years and president of the synagogue for 17 years. A founder-member of both the Newcastle and Darlington B’nai B’rith.
Mrs Rachkind has served as President of the Ladies’ Guild several times and is a founder-member of the Youth Aliyah Committee for which she has been responsible for collecting large sums of money.

Jewish Chronicle,, 9 July 1971, page 18

Silver wedding. Lew and Celia (nee Ruckin) Shuster of 11 Chester Grove, Mowden Park, Darlington, were married at Wembley Park Hall on 14  July 1946.

Jewish Chronicle,, 10 September 1971, page 35

Death, on 4 September, suddenly on Majorca, of Victor Wilkes, husband of Mildred. 95 Nevill Road, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1972, page 34

Darlington Hebrew Congregation require a minister. Also to act as teacher. Small congregation, 35 families. Application to Hon Sec, Mr J. Bilden, 6 Thornbury Rise, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1972, page 22

Death of Nat Hyams on 20 July. Wife Louise, son Mivhael. Brothers Ben (USA), Max (Manchester), sisters Gertie (Kletz), Annie (Biermann), and Miriam (Rubinstein). 32 Teesdale Avenue, Darlington.
[Death. Nathan Hyams September 1972 Darlington 1a 509. Born 29 June 1911]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1972, page 22

Engagement. Michael, only son of Celia and David Jacobs of Fulham, and Denise, only daughter of Betty and Leonard Bilton of 1 Thornbury Rise, Darlington.
[Marriage. Michael Jacobs March 1973 Brent 5a 711//Denise E. Bilton]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1972, page 36

Death (in Bournemouth) of Louis Crammer, mourned by brother Sol, Willesden and Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1973, page 22

Daughter, Hilary Amanda, born 4 May, to Jennifer nee Bilden, and Jeffrey Cawson of 17 Grangeside, Blackwell, Darlington, a sister for Gerald.
[Birth.Hilary Amanda Cawson June 1973 Darlington 1a 593. Mother Bilden]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1973, page 40

Rev Wilfred Wolfson appointed minister to Darlington Hebrew Congregation which has been without spiritual leadership since 1969. He is aged 67, born Odessa, and arrived at an early age with family at Tredegar. Has been minister at various places including Canada. Darlington Hebrew Congregation has nucleus of 30 families.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 August 1973, page 25

Death of Jeanette Rachkind, nee Rosen, formerly of Darlington, on 14  August in her 78th year at Sunderland. Wife of Fred and mother of Harry and Madeleine (Wine).
[Death, Jeanette Rachkind September 1973 Sunderland 1a 2014. Born 12 August 1895]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1973, page 43

New Year Greetings. Louise Hyams and Michael, 32 Teesdale Avenue, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1973, page 22

Mr Jack Baum installed as President of the Bernard Hyams B’nai B’rith Lodge at Darlington. Rev Wilfred Wolfson was installed as Vice-President and Lodge chaplain

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1974, page 40

Elected. Darlington Ladies’ Guild. Mrs C. Finn, President, Mrs M. Smith, Treasurer, Mrs M. Bilden, Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1974, page 10

The tiny Darlington Jewish community celebrated Israel’s Independence Day with a service of prayer and thanksgiving conducted by Rev W. Wolfson in which every member participated in the lighting of birthday candles.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1974, page 13

Nearly 200 non-Jewish children were welcomed to the Darlington synagogue by the minister Rev W. Wolfson who gave them a talk on Jewish customs and traditions.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 June 1974, page 10

A Soviet Jewish family has been adopted by the Darlington Jewish community whose members have undertaken to correspond with the family.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 June 1974, page 18

A five-branched candelabra(sic) has been presented to the Darlington Hebrew Congregation by Mrs Mildred Wilkes in memory of her husband Victor.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1974, page 31

Memorial stone for Jeanette Rachkind will be consecrated at Darlington Jewish cemetery on 7 July.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September, 1974, page 62, New Year Greetings.

Mr and Mrs Politzer, 80 Carmel Road, Darlington

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1975, page 25

Memorial stone for Fred Rachkind will be consecrated at Darlington cemetery, Carmel Road, Darlington, on 3 August’
[Death. Fred Rachkind September 1974 Sunderland 2 1655. Born 14 October 1887).

Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1975 page 35

‘Spiritual Leader for Darlington’
We are seeking a leader from 1 January 1976. A small active community. A fine compact shul. Within the shul complex is a new modern spacious bungalow.
The position would suit
1. an older person with ample free time
2. a younger person who wishes to pursue an extra-curricular career but is permanently available to carry out Shabbat services, Festivals, etc.
Write to J. Baum, President, 10 Neville Road, Darlington

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1975, page 9

Rev Wilfred Wolfson, minister at Darlington, has been appointed minister of the Cathedral Road Synagogue, Cardiff. Aged 69. Was senior minister at Plymouth for 16 years from 1928. Also in Canada from 1950 and in South Africa. To Darlington in 1973.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1976, page 9

‘First rabbi in Darlington’
Appointment of a Glasgow man as first-ever rabbi in Darlington. He is Rabbi Alby Copeland..

Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1977, page 20

Birth of son on 15 June to Valerie and Peter Freitag, The Nook, 237 Parkside, Darlington.
[Birth. Matthew Peter M. June 1977 Darlington 1 774. Mother Dove]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 July 1977, page 23

Death on 10 July of Max Hyams, brother of Ben (USA), sisters in Darlington Gertie (Kletz),Ann (Biermann), Miriam (Rubenstein).

Jewish Chronicle, 10 February 1978, page 16

Letter from Rabbi A. Copeland, 19 Bloomfield Road, Darlington, indicating incompatibility of Orthodox and Reform.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1978, page 29

Death at 5 Maude Street at Darlington, Solomon Abrahams, husband of Leatrice, on 27 February 1978.
[Death. Solomon Abrahams March 1978 Darlington 1 1097. Born 24 October 1902]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1978, page 10

inaugural meeting at Newcastle to form a North-East group of the League of Jewish Women. Women from Darlington attended.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1978, page 12

Coffee and sherry morning for the Joel Intract Home for Aged Jews in Sunderland raised record sum of £1,050. Among guests of honour were Mr and Mrs H. M. Wolfe of Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 August 1978, page 1

Meeting in Manchester, mainly attacking Reform. Rabbi A. Copeland of Darlington said Reform did not conform to halachah.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1978, page 15

Obituary of Rabbi A. Freedman born Leeds. Among communities he served was Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1979, page 22

Death. Yanty Fishburn at Middlesbrough. Sister of (inter alia) Anne Barnett, Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1979, page 40

Death. Herbert Martin Wolfe. on 9 March. 335 Conniscliffe Road, Darlington. Wife Ruth, sons David and Michael.
[Death. Herbert Martin Wolfe March 1979 Richmond 2 2625. Born 31 December 1913]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1979, page 40

Death of Jack Baum on 15 March. Wife Phyllis, son David. 10  Neville Road, Darlington.
[Death. Jack Israel Baum March 1979 Darlington 1 1157. Born 1 November 1914]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1979, page 39
Obituary of Herbert M. Wolfe. President of Darlington Jewish community. Aged 65. Born Berlin, refugee from Nazism. Interned, then in British Army. He and brother Wolfe and friends opened chemical factory in Darlington in 1947. Active in Liberal Party and on National Executive. President of Darlington Liberal Party. Arranged in 1975 the exhibition in Darlington of 150th anniversary of Stockton and Darlington railway.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1979, page 39

Obituary of Jack Baum. Died last week aged 64, write J. P. Cawson, Treasurer of Darlington Jewish congregation. Filled numerous positions: secretary of Bernard Hyams Lodge of B’nai B’rith and served two terms as President. On Committee of Children and Youth Aliyah. Four yearsago elected President of congregation. Also community welfare officer visiting sick and lonely.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 March 1979, page 24

Birth. To Jennifer and Jeffrey Cawson of Jasmine Houise, 3 Linden Avenue, Darlington, on 27 March, ahter, Angela Charlotte, sister for Gerald and Hilary.
[Birth. Angela Charlotte Cawson March 1979 Darlington1 837. Mother Bilden]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 August 1979, page 9

Profile of Rev Israel Cohen of Bournemouth. His first post was at Darlington where he was minister/chazzan and Jewish chaplain to the Forces at Catterick Camp.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1979, page 10

Vacancy at Pollokshields Hebrew Congregation is being filled by Rabbi Alby Copeland of Darlington. To take up position in April.
[Note. Several letters from Rabbi A. Copeland not extracted as not dealing with Darlington.]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1980, page 21

Memorial stone in memory of Henry Smith MBE will be consecrated at West Cemetery, Darlington, on 7 September.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 January 1981, page 25

Death. Rosetta Wilkes, widow of late David Wilkes and mother of late Victor Wilkes. Died 15 January in Darlington.
[Death. Rosetta Wilkes March 1981 Darlington 1  985. Born 2  December 1895]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 May 1981, page 6

Judge Myrella Cohen QC was guest of honour at a luncheon to mark Israel’s Independence Day held by the Darlington Jewish Ladies’ Guild. It was the first ever such event ever organised by the local community and was attended by over 60 guests.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1981, page 10

Will of Mrs Rosetta Wilkes. £148,925, net £148,531.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 June 1982, page 1

Birthday Honours List. Dr Louis Joseph Rosin, medical practitioner Darlington, MBE.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1982, page 34

Mr David Biermann of the Darlington Hebrew Congregation has been elected member of the music in education committee of the Incorporated Society of Musicians. He is head of music at the Peterlee Howlett Comprehensive School.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1983, page 11

Darlington Jewish community were hosts to some 35 guests from Newcastle and Middlesbrough Congregations. Welcomed by Jack Bildon, President of Darlington community. Councillor Teresa Russell presented a plate to the Darlington community.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1983, page 10

Will of Heinz Heymann of Darlington who died last December left £110,256, net £108,607.
[Death. Heinz Heymann December 1982 Darlington 1 965. Born 22 August 1916]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1983, page 14

Engagement. Yvette, daughter of Sidney and Kitty Finn of Edgware, to Paul, younger son of Leonard and Betty Bilton (nee Owide) of Darlington.
[Marriage. Yvette S. Finn June 1984 Hendon 13 546 //Paul S. Bilton]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1984, page 13

Special bar mitzvah of Gerald Cawson, the first for ten years in Darlington. The town’s synagogue was considered too small to hold 200 guests so the Wellington Suite Ballroom at the King’s Head Hotel was turned into a shul for the day. The entire Darlington community of some 40 families were invited and many others came from out of town. Rabbi Moshe Baddie of Newcastle United Hebrew Congregation officiated.
Gerald travels to Newcastle every Sunday for Hebrew classes. His father Jeffrey is Treasurer of the congregation and his grandfather Jack Bilden is President.
Two sisters Hilary aged 10 and Angela aged 5.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1984, page 14

Death. Reggie Herman, I Carmel Road North, Darlington, on 15 August.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1984, page 29

Death. Suddenly on 31 August at her son’s house, 17 Thornbury Rise, Darlington, Rose Finn, wife of late Harold Finn. Mother of Martin and David.
[Death. Rosa Finn September 1984 Darlington 1 806. Born 18 June 1910]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 Apri 1985, page 23

Memorial stone for Reggie Herman will be consecrated at the cemetery, Carmel Road South, Darlington, on 5 May.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1985, page 38

Obituary of Jack Bilden. Born London, to Darlington in 1946. Secretary of congregation and President for 9 years. Secretary to local B’nai B’rith Lodge and its President for two terms. President of Rotary Club for Bishop Auckland a director of the South West Durham Engineeering Training Association. Also charitable causes, Jewish and non-Jewish.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1985, page 19

Memorial stone for Rosa Finn will be consecrated at West Cemetery, Carmel Road North, Darlington, on 21 July.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1986, page 21

Memorial stone for Jack Bilden will be consecrated at West Cemetery on 30 March.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1987, page 13

Death. Dr F. R. Biermann of 1 Elton Road, Darlington. Husband of Anne and father of David and Julius. Died 10 December.
[Death. Fritz Rudolph Biermann December 1987 Darlington 1 876. Born 20 September 1903]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1988, page 1

‘Back from the dead’
18 months ago the Darlington Jewish community was dying. ‘But an injection of life from Newcastle’s Reform rabbi, William Wolff, has prompted the community’s leaders to plan ahead with confidence.’ The rabbi’s involvement showed the predominantly female community that a Reform-type service would allow the women to contribute more. The difference is startling. They could barely scrape a minyan for the High Holydays but there were over 30 at the Seder held at the home of the President, Martin Finn. A Shabbat morning service and Kiddush is held monthly at the synagogue and Friday evening services are sometimes arranged. New members are being attracted. Two of the Finns’ 3 daughters (Rebecca 17 and Naomi 15) are members of the Jewish Youth Orchestra and there is hope that the youngest, 11-year old Ruth, will be Darlington’s first bat mitzvah.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1988, page 10

A choral Chanukah service was held by the small Darlington Hebrew Congregation at the Bloomfield Road synagogue, followed by a fund-raising social which raised £110.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1989, page 15

There are 47 Reform congregants in Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 August 1989, page 9

‘Darlington first’
Darlington’s small but growing community celebrated its first bat mitzvah , of 12-year old Ruth Finn, daughter of the President. The synagogue had suffered fire damage, from a blaze in the kitchen of the caretaker’s next door, but was repaired in time. The service was conducted by Rabbi William Wolff of Newcastle Reform Synagogue. 30 members of Newcastle community attended (since she attends cheder there) swelling the congregation to 90.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1989, page 4

Advert. The Reform Synagogues of Great Britain High Holy-day Service Darlington Hebrew Congregation. Enquiries M. Finn.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1990, page 29

Memorial stone for Anne Barnett (formerly of Darlington) will be consecrated at Glendufhill Cemetery, Glasgow, on 9 September.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1900, page 24

Engagement. Julie Freitag, elder daughter of Valerie and Peter Freitag, Parkside, Darlington, to Andrew, eldest son of William and Judith Goldsworthy.
[Marriage. Julie Freitag June 1992 Darlington 1 756//Christopher A. Goldsworthy]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1990, page 30
Darlington community numbers 47

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1990, page 8

Darlington community welcomed two rabbis (Moshe Yehuday of Newcastle and William Wolff of Milton Keynes) at the golden wedding celebration of Frieda and David Abrahams. One presentation was for trees in the couple’s name in Galilee.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 February 1993, page 32

Golden wedding, The Rev Erich Cahn and Olga Jackson of Melbourne, Australia, were married in Darlington on 17 February 1943.
[Marriage. Erich Cahn March 1943 Darlington 10a 73//Olga Jackson]

Jewish Chronicle, December 1993 page 15

Obituary of Louis Bharier, died aged 87. Active member of Middlesbrough congregation most of his life and Watford later on. A member and chairman of Darlington B’nai B’rith Lodge.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1994, page 17.

Death. Gertrude Kletz of Darlington aged 91.
[Death. Gertrude Kletz March 1994 Darlington 4361A 159 0194. Born 29 October 1902]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 August 1994, page 13

David Bierman(sic), formerly of Darlington, now living in Germany where his father was born, elected to College of Preceptors.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1994, page 18

Darlington Hebrew Congregation raised £210 for Jewish Child’s Day and other charities at a party at which David Jacobs, director of the synagogue partnership of the Reform Synagogues of Great Britain, was guest of honour.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 June 1996, page 26

Wedding of Naomi Finn and Dr Stephen Grant was first in the tiny (40 families) Darlington Hebrew Congregation for 14 years. The couple met when playing in the Imperial College Symphony Orchestra and both played in the Jewish Youth Orchestra. Naomi (biochemist) comes from Darlington where her father Martin is President and registrar for weddings.
[Shoshana N. Finn June 1996 Darlington 436 0889 030//Stephen M. Grant]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1996, page 48

Death. Esther Weiss on 11 October. Sisters Shirley and Doris (Darlington).
[Death Esther Weiss December 1996 Darlington 4561B B54E 071. Born 5 June 1927]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1997, page 34

Death of Mildred Wilkes (late of Darlington) wife of the late Victor. Died 6  January. Sister Hetty and niece Jennifer, Manchester.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1997, page 55

Memorial stone for Esther Weiss will be consecrated at West Cemetery, Darlington, on 28 September.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 February 1998, page 52

Death of Frieda Abrahams, aged 80, of 52 Neville Road, died in hospital in Darlington on 31 January. Wife of David, mother of Rosalyn and late Lawrence. Funeral was on 4 February at West Cemetery, Darlington.
[Death. Frieda Abrahams March 1998 4361A A56E 180. Born 30 June 1917]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 June 1998, page 34

Memorial stone for Anne Biermann (nee Hyams), sister of Miriam, mother of David, will be consecrated at Carmel Road Jewish Cemetery, Darlington, on 7 June.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 July 1998, page 33

Engagement. Melissa Ross of Edgware, and Daniel Shaw, son of Naomi and Trevor Shaw of Darlington.
[No marriage found]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1998, page 20

Middlesbrough synagogue to close. Some members went to Darlington for High Holyday services and are expected to become members, swelling congregation to about 50 people.

Jewish Chronicle, April 1999, page 55

Memorial stone for Frieda Abrahams nee Wolfe, wife of David, will be consecrated at West Cemetery, Carmel Road, Darlington, on 2 May

Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 2000, page 33

Article on synagogue fees. In Reform Movement some small affiliated congregations, like Swindon and Darlington, pay nothing.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 2000, page 50

Marjorie Abrahams, late of Darlington, on 20 November, in hospital in London. Sister of David and Sheila. Funeral at West Cemetery, Darlington, on 24 November. Aged 86.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 2005 page 33

Death of David Fritz Abrahams, Neville Road, Darlington, on 2 October, aged 96. Husband of late Frieda.
[Death. David Fritz Abrahams December 2005 Darlington 4361A A73E 37. Born 14 April 1909 (Darlington)]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 2006, page 28

Death of Hazel Sanick, 3 September 1947 – 27 February 2006, formerly from Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 2006

Sunderland is closing. One there were 12 Jewish communities in North-east England. Now only Newcastle and Gateshead are functioning.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 2006, page 33

Letter from Martin Finn, Hon Sec of Darlington Hebrew Congregation, to correct impression in report of 24 March. Darlington congregation still exists, now associated with the Reform Movement. They have a synagogue and have monthly services.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 2007, page 28

President of the Representative Council of North-east Jewry spoke of the diminishing population of the Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Darlington and Newcastle communities.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 2007, page 43

Former Leeds teacher Naomi Shaw gained permission of Darlington Borough Council to erect a succah in the city. She is a member of Newcastle United Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 2007, page 18

Obituary. Hannah Winegarten. Born Darlington 19 February 1917. Died London 17 August 2007. Father was Solomon Cohen. President of Sunderland Beth Hamedrash, and founder of Gateshead Yeshiva.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 2008. page 63

Profile of Seymour Borlant, champion golfer, a semi-retired retailer of soft furnishings in Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 2012. page C12

First bar mitzvah at Darlington since the community moved into a new building five years ago and first for community for eight years. Aaron McAllister of Yarm-based Colin and Penina MacAllister. Rabbi Barbara Borts was his teacher and community’s part-time rabbi. Aaron attends cheder in Newcastle.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 2012 page C3

Darlington Reform Synagogue cancelled its Kol Nidre service because of heavy storms. There were diversions and road closures and trains not operating.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 2014, page C15

Darlington Hebrew Community held a Shabbat Kiddush for several new members. As the synagogue has signed up to the Human Rights Shabbat initiative, Rabbi Barbara Borts led a study session on Jewish sources linked to this theme. A Methodist minister and several of his lay readers were in attendance.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 August 2014, page 49

Darlington Hebrew Congregation are proud to congratulate its rabbi, Rabbi Dr Barbara Borts on her Ph.D. (Durham).

Jewish Chronicle, 31 July 2015, page 11

‘Reforming zeal pays dividends’
‘A switch from Orthodox to Reform and a chairperson with new ideas has brought fresh life to a dying north-eastern community.’
Darlington Hebrew Congregation has been 67-year old Bess Robertson’s closest community since 1974 but she has shied away from involvement because husband Jimmy was not Jewish (he has since converted). However, following decision to switch to Reform she became increasingly engaged, taking over chairmanship 3 years ago. Under her leadership numbers have increased from 10 to 48. She wrote to people who had not been seen for years and this brought in 8 new members and a few more joined after Newcastle violinist David Biermann gave a concert in the shul, Mr Biermann among them. The monthly Shabbat services, Friday night meals and social events now attract a core of 2  dozen people. Rabbi Borts leads services and adult education and a fortnightly cheder which serves the community’s 7 children. It is extending its smallish building. It had downgraded after selling its old building.

Formatted by David Shulman

Press Reports relating to the Community, Part 1 — 1773-1919

Press Reports relating to the Community, Part 2 — 1920-1939

Press Reports relating to the Community, Part 3 — 1940-1961

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Page created: 19 July 2017
Latest revision or update: 20 July 2017



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